Resolution-PC 90-1A ~ ~ ~ ^ ..e ~ :~--;~ r~ :~.: .~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . , .~~~' (~Y?I~ ._ • ~%Ga~ RLS(~L~JxIO~I. N0~ P4.&~Q _Q1 :. RESQI~UITON QF TEIG „Np][L•`IM CITY PT.ANNING C~MMISSTON 1'I•!AT P~TITIOt1 FnR RE~CLASS7.~~IGA7TON N0. 89-~gp_3p Bg GFI~NTGD WFiERGAS.. thQ Ar-aheim Ci.ty }'lanniny Commission did r.er.eive a veiified pekition r:or Reclassificakian f.or cc~rtain real proper.ty s~tuZt:ad in Ctle Ci~y ot• Anaheim: PARCEL 1 OF F~ARCE~. MAP NC. 86-234, TN T.FiE CI'?'Y OF ~~NAIiBTM, COU21'iY QF OItANGE, STArE OL' CALIFORNIA, AS SFIOWN UN A MAP t~ ILEll IN B~)nK 2] 6, PAGFS 1 1~,NA 2 OF PARCEI, MAPS, I~I THL OP'FICE OF THE COUNTX RFCOl2AI:k OF SATD COIlNTY. hrIEREAS, th~ City at, the Civic C~nCer ?n the Ci~ ~lanning Commissio•n did hold a f public he3riny y o Anahe.im on Decembor 4, iggg notir.e ot s~id public hearing having boan duly iven aC 1:30 p.m., accordance with L•he prov.isioiis g oi the Arahaim as required Munici al C d by law and .in to hear ~nd coz~siiier evidence for an;3 against p o e, said Chaptor 18.03, and ro investigate and make fir-din s a d pr~posc~d re classiFication therewith: and Docember ?.p. 19139 g n and J racommend~ticns in eonnection anuary 3. 1490: and WFiERGAS, said Conunission, after due inspecL-'on, invPSt-ig~tian and s~udy ma~e by itselL- and in .its hehalE, a;id aft~r due considecation of a~1 evidence and rep.~rts offere~: ~t said }acai•i.ng, do~:s find 3nd determine tt~e ~oZ:low.ing iact:s: 1• That thc: p~~~i~.~~,ilel proposes recla.sxfication of suL•jc~~t prop~rty trcrn the ML~ (Industrial, LimitFd) to the CL (Commercial, LimitPd) zone. 1. That although the Anaheim General Plan de;signates subject pYOperty for Ganeral Industr.ial laiid iises, I1c~~~mber d, 198~, the Flannin:~ Com-n.i;;sion recommen~ed approval ~f: Gc~ner.al Plan Amendm,Qnh. No. 278 which, i.f apF,raved b;r the City Council, ~oill redesignatQ sub:ject propsrty and the surrounciing aroa,, south of Ball Road and ea:,t ~f the Ora~q~ c^re~way fr~m General Industr.ial to Gener~~l Com,nercial. 3. That; tnc proF>osed rQC.lassifir.ati~n of subjoct property is necessary ,;nd/or ctesirable for t;hF or.derly and propf~r developrnent oC the community. 4. Thak the propose,~d recla,sific;ation ot subject property doos prop~rly relate f~ the zones anct their permi~ted uses 1ac~J.ly ~sCabl.ished in c1osQ proximity t:o subject pr~p~r~y ~t;d ~u the zone:, and their ~Qrmitted uscss generally establist,ed h_hroughouh Cl~e cornmunit,y, 1215r -1 FC 94••01 7 ~',I 5. Th~.t no one indicat~d thoic prHSAx~c~ aL• said public l~eariizg in opp~s.ition; ancl rh~~t u~~ cnrre:,pondonce wa, r~coi.ved in opposzL.ion to subject p~tition, ('~AI.II'QRNIA_ L:NVTFOt]MEN~Aj~_._.S2jL~ITX_ A„~T FINDIN~: ~h~xt the Anaheim Cir_y P1ann:.ng Commission has reviewc~d the proposal to reclassify subject properry C:~ l-.he CL (Commc~rcial, :Limited) Zonn on a an arceqular'.y shapoa parcel of land c~nsi.stinr~ oE approximately 2.3 acrQS having a Lrontage of• appruximatel}r 207 f:eeG on the sou~heasterly side ot Sanderson AvQnuo having a rnax imum deptY. of ~pproximaL-ely 8C3 Poet baing locat.ed approxi:nutely 340 teet south of the centerline of Auto Center Drive and further. descrihed as 1320 S~uth San~ler.son Avenue (Coldwel'1. Bankor Resid~ntial Services Tra.ining Fa~:i.lity); and r.lues hereby approve tl:e Negativa Declaration upon f.inding r.~~ar. it haa cons.idared tti~ :~egE1t1VP. I~eclaratian toge~h~r with any comments receivQd ciar..i.ng tt~o public r~view process an@ further finding an the basis of the initi~.' study and any cornments received that tyare is no su~stantial evidence thaz tia~ ~:roject: will hava a significant ef.fect on the environment. NOW, 'TIIERI:FORE, IIF. IT RL•'SOLVE:D tliaL the Anaha.im City Ylanning ~orrunission c?oes hereby gr.ant subjecr. PeL-ition ior R~~cl,~ssification and, hy so duiYig, tha.. T.it1U .l8-Zoni.ng af t:1~e~ Anaheim Mlnicipal C~de be amended to axclurle ttie above-de_•cribed prope~r~:y Pram the t~tL~ ( TndusL-rial, Limited) z~~ne an~] to incorporate said dasrribed property into ~he CL (Commerc~r~l, C,imitad) ZonQ upo~i the fo'LlowitlcJ conditions wliich arc he~•Qby found to ;ue ~ necessary prerequisite to tha pruposed use of• subjQCt ~roperty in urder to pre~erve the satety and ~en~:ai ~v~lf:are o:f Lhc Ci.tizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. * That the pcop~~3a1 :shall c~mply with al]. signing requiremeiits of the CL "Commerci~.l, Limited" 2~.r~e un].ess a varia~ice allowxng :;ign waivers is appr~ved by tYie CiCy Coua~ril, ~lazining Commissi~n nr Zonina A.tlministrator. 2. +~ That the 1~~4~1 ownc~r(s) oi subjcct property shall exectite and record an unsubordinat~d cover~an~ i» a forn~ approved hy the City A~torney's Offic~e whe~ein such owner(s) agrQe not to co,ztr;st the formaCion of any assessmci~t !l.istrict(.s) which may horeaf.tei• be fni-med pur3uant to tl~e provi:~.ior.s ot Dev~llopment Agr~em~~nt No. 83-~1 betwe~n tY,e City of Anahoim and :An~-heim 5ta~ii~.im Associates, which d.istrict(s) coul~ includ3 such legal prnp~~rt~ owiier's property. 3. That the legal uwner of. sub}~~~ pr.operty shall limit the use and occup~~nc.y of the prc>perey (other t.han t2:r~ e:c.isting use as .~pprovei. under Con~iiL•.ional ilse Permit ho. 2732) tu ttie fallowir.g permitted commercial reLail uses: . Ant.iquv 5hops, , Applianca st:or~s: such ~s sorvice, , Bakeries, . Dook stores, . Busin~ss or tr~~cie sch~o].s or . Clathing oc• al>~~arel stores, . Cunfectionacy ~>r candy stores . Delicatessons, racliu anc~ TV, wit;h or w.i~nout repair r.r,xininq ~,ent~~rs, -?.- PC 90-01 ~;;,o:_,, . DepartmQnt or var.io~y, stor,es, . Drug stor.es or pharmaci.es, . 1~urniture st~or~s, . Haraware, . Hc~alth spas and fitri~s:; Ct3T1tQY5 (.if ].ess thnn 4,000 3q.ft. ix~ gr~>su flnor area), . Hobb~ shops, , Intorior decora~nrs, . Jewc~lers, . Laund:^y and dry cleani.ng establishments, . Market~ or g:ocezy s~oras (oxcluding conv~n.ier~ce markeL•s, as definod by ~he Zoni.na ''ode) , . PhcLograptxic supplio~,, . Rontal servicos: such as Y~~~usehole~, siC~GL'AO(rl~ offica, e~uipment and costumes, , Repr~c~uction serv.i.ces: znclix~ling but not lir~itad to, blue printing, drafCinc~, job printing and micrcfilming, . Restaur.ants (enclosed only), . Retail sv.pply stores: including but noL• limited to vehicle acc~ssori.es and parts (excluding installaL•ian axid repair), . Secretar.ial and answoring ^e.vices, . Shoe ateres: sales ar~d repair, . Sporting yoods, , T.obacconists, . '~oys, . Xardage, and . S~.-ch other uses ~~s are ~~ec.ified i.n Section 18.44.050 "Conditior.al Uses and StructurQS" in the CL "Commorcial, Limitcsd" Znne and as may be approved in c~nnection with 3 coaditional ~xse permit pr~cessed .in accu.rciance with Chapter 1A.03 "'Loning Pruce~ures - ,\menciments, Conditional U~e Permits and Variances". Tho l~gal property owner sha.ll record an unsubordinatod c~venant against the property so-restricting tho ~ccupancy of sut~ject prop~r~y. Said covenant shall be suL~mi~ted t~o tY~s Zoninq Divisi.on fnr tramsmittzl to khe City Attorney's Oftir.e ~or revie~a and approval prior tz z•ecordatzon. Froof of recordation shall th3n be ~ubmxtted ho the Zoning Division. Said u~isubor~3inat~d cov~nant sha1J. includ~ an agreement to infarm, in writing, the renter. of each cartunorci.al space of subject limitat.ion. 4. N Ttiat completio:i nf theS~ reclassific2h.ion proceedings is conting:rnt u.pon appraval oE General F~lan Amendmen~ No. 278 by the ~ity Council. 5. That prior to the introductzon of. an ordinance rQr,ot,ing 3ubjocL propzrty, Condit::on rtos. ~~hrough 4, ~sbove-mQntioned, shall be completed. T.he provisions or zights granted hy this resolution shall become null and void by action of the Pianni.ng Comrnissian unles3 said conclitions ara complieci wikt- within ona (1) 1Par from ;.he datP of this resolu~i.on or such ttirther time us the P].anning L'~mmission may qraiit. ~:.~ !~ •-3- PC 9~-01 ~ T I ~ ~.~~ G. * ThaL• a~proval of th.is applic~i,ion constitutes ;~ppcoval of t~he proposed roquest an].y to the extent thnt it complies rrat2~ the A.rinhAim Municipal Zoning Cod~ and nny othor applicable Czty, State and FQdoral regulations. Approval. dnes ti~t include any action or fin~dinys as t~ compliance or ~pprov~l of ttie roquosL• reyardiiig any othE~r a~pli~able ardi:iance, regula~ion or roquirement. Conclitions mar):e~d with an astorisk (~) ar.e required by est~blished i.aws, r.odes, rQgulhtior-s ancl agreemei~ts anci are noL suuject to negot:tatian. B~ IT FURTHER RFSOI~'VED that the Ai.-aheim City Planning Comm3~sion dnes liereby tinc: anc~ detezmine that sdoption. qf this Fesol~xtion is e~~pressly predicated upun applicant's compliance wii:h Qach arid all o£ the condih,ions hereinaY~ove sot forth. Sliould any sur,h c~ndi~ions, or any part thereof, be decl~rP~ inval.i.d ur unenforcec~blQ by the fznal judgment of any court of. competent jurisdiction, th~n thSs Resolution, atid any approval;t hez•ein contained, 5h~11 be deemed nu11 and void. THF. FOREGCING R~SOLUtIt)~s was ac~optQd at the Plannirig Commission mQeting of January ~, 1990. ~ / . ,~ f ~.._. ,~' i / ~.` ,~ ~ ~~,t~j,,~/, ~` ~ ~-==~-~-_:~ .,~_~~~' ~~C--- C~1AIf2hil~N, ANAI-TEI1~ CZTY P;.,ANNTNC COMMTSSTON ATT~ST: ~~ i~ ~' , ~ i / - ~~ ~ _.._~,-_.L:~.;: ' ' -,..~~_~__:..~__~~=..1..;.,.,. ACTTNG S~CRETARY, AiiAhEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIpP! STATE OF CALIF'0.::+~~. ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s~. CITY QF ANAFIgIM ) I, Janet L. Jenser-, Act.in7 ~ecxetary oF ths Anahaim City Pl.ann~ng Commission, du hereb,~ C!;rt.i1~'y t}iak the f'oregoinq i•esolutian was pas3ed gnd adopted at a meeting of ihP pnaheim City Planning Commission held on Januar.y 3, 199Q, by tre tollowing voke of. tho members thereot: AYES: CUhL'`lISSIONERS: BOYAST(1N, fiOUAS, FGLDHAUS, HI:'RH;iT, MC BURNE~', MESSE NO~;S: COMMISSIOPi~R5: HELLYER ABSEPrx; COKnSISSIONERS: N4NG ~~1 IN WITNESS WHEREUC, I have hereunto set my h.an~t th~s ~~'1'_~_,~~,:~: d1y ~ ~~- '" ~ ,,' ; t:s~.~.~%~ 19 9 0 . , ~ ~~ 4- / i.. - ~~'~s'lo ~ i~Tu,~'L~~ .. . .. SECRCTARY AHEIb~ CITY pLANI1ING COPM~tISSION ~~ PC 90-01