Resolution-PC 90-10{~~tti'd~ RE,~QI,~I TIQN _N(~~ PC9p-1Q II'~V"~ .'l A RESOLUTIOh OF THE ANAFIEIM CI1'Y P~ANNil3'G COMMIu5I0N 7ERMINATI1dG ALL PROCEEnINGS IN CONNECTION WTTH CONUI"~IONAI~ USE PEZMIT NOS. 3fi5, 473~ 7•531, ].54$, 16~7 AND 2401 WHG~tEAS, t2~e Anaheim Cit;~ Planning Commzssion has c~ranLed th~ following ~ix conditional use pQrmite~ on a rectangularly-shaped parcel uf land consisting o£ appraximat:ely 10.55 ac;res located at the nnri:hwest corner of Crescant Avenua and Euclid Stroet, h3ving ap~roximat~ frontages uf 740 feet c.i the north ~ide of Crescant Avenue and 620 f~~et on the west si~ie af Euc'i.d Str.eet; and further describPd as 6U1 - fi97 North Euclid S~reet: :l. (:'r~Yiditional Use FermiL• 'rto. 365, to permi.t operation of a heal~h sL-udio, was granted on FeLruary 4, 7.963, under Resolutioi~ No. 52F; 2. ConditSonal Use Permit. No. 473, to establ~sh a flry clQaning st~op, was grant^d on ~ertember 1G, 1963, under Resolutiun P1o. 404; 3. Conditional I7se }?ormit rTo. 1531, to permit on-sale bec~r in a card roam, was ~rante3 or~ May 12, I975, under Re~olulion No. ~C75-97; 4, Conditioz~al Use Permit No. 154a, to Qermit on-sale beer in an exisL•zng billiard room, was granted oYi June 23, 1975, under Resolut.ion No. PC 75-,158; 5. Conditiutial Use PermiL• No. 165'7, to }~t~rmit a sguare dance hall~ was gr~nted on October 27, 1976, uncler Rc~solution No. PC 76-219; and 6~ Conditioiial ilse Perm.it No. 2^Jl, to psrmit a tavorn in thE CL zone, vras yr~nted on December 1.3, 19132, under. Reso'lutiou No. PC 82-27.8. W~iER~AS, Ho Yuan Chei~, Gexieral Qartner of Tawa Anaheim P]aza, has submitted a letter requesting terminatio.r. of Cc-ndiCional CTsc~ PPrmit ZTos. 365, 473, 1531, 1548, 1657 and 24pi to r.omply with the conditions of a~proval of Cunditional Usp Permit No. 3203, granted by the City Co~incil on November, to permit th~ division of commercz~l space with wai~ror u£ minimum number of. parking s~aces. NOW, THEI2EFORE, BE Il RESUr..V~D ~hat the Anaheim r.ic:,y Planning Commission c]oes hereby term.inate all proceedings in connECtion wi;:h ~Zesolut.Lon I3os. 626, 904, PC75-97, PC75-139, PC76-219 and PC82-228 on the basis of the Eoregoing Lindi.ngs. 1229r -1- PC90-lU ^;, 1;: s ;~ i~ . n ~' r`~ 'y ,.:r.,, mee:ing rHE FO~2~GOING It~SOLUTIOI~l ~was ac7opt,ed at the Planz~irig Commission of January 3, 1990. ~ / - .° -i•:J::~ .., _'..~ . ~.~~~/ .~/{~~ ~. . ;'.t_~L.+_ C. ,~. ' f, --... `"'.~ ' r ~ . ~ . CEiAIRWOM~N pRp TL"M, 71NAfiE~7M CI.TY PLANNING COt~II~4ISSI0N A'L'TEST; _ `~ %` -~r . AC`.CTNG 5ECRk;TARX, ;,NAHr:CM CITY PLANNING COMMTSSION ~ STAT~ OF CAL.i~ORNJA ) ~OiJNTY QF OItAN~E ) ss. CTTY OF ANAHg.LM ) Commissi I. Janet ~, .Tensen, Acting gacre*ary oF the Anaheim City Planning on, do hereby certif th aclopted y at t.he for•egoing resolution was passPd ancl at a meeting of iche Anaheim Czt Pl i 3, 199p, y ann z~g Corruniss.ian held on January by the io'llowi:zg vote of tt~e members L•hereof: AXES: ~ C02~iISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, HELLYER, FELDHAUS, BOUAS, NOES: MC BURNEY, MESS~ ~OMMISSIONERS; NO~IE ASSENT: COMMISSIUNERS: HEkBST ~ ,. _. - of;.....:-' IN WITN~SS I9IiEREOF, I h~:ive herPUnto set my hand this < ~-'~.J~'--~ i 199Q , . , . . ~~y ___._~;; ~, ..::..~ ~~_..,-, ~ , , ACTTNG S~CRETARY, ~-NAiiETt~i CI'1"Y ~PL'ANNING COMMISS~ON os -2- PC9C~-lA