Resolution-PC 90-103~ ~N~y~r~U'j ~9r? J.?4_.__p~~?.~~~,o~ ;;;~~:~ r A. RE~SOI.UT:[ON OF THE l~NAFIEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMYSSION AAQP7'ING AND RECOMMENDING TO TEIE CIrv COUNCIG ADOPTION OF' G~NLRAT~ PL'AN .~h1ENDMGt+T iJO. 303 PERTAINING 1'0 TEiB LAND USE EL~b1ENT WfiERLAS, the City Council ot the City of Anahoim dici ad~pt tl~e Anahoim G~~neral Flan by Feselurion No. 69-694, stiowing tho general clascripti.on anci exteiit of possiulc~ futtire dovelopmc~nt withir!. the city; and WHER~,AS, the Planning Commisszon dirc~cted ntaff ta ; ~~itiato a G4ner.al l~]an 1~mQnclmetit redasignating tho Study .Area from the 1Qc~dium Dansi.ty Resictontial designation to the I.ow DQnsity Res.idontial dr~~ignation for the Study t.re~s consistiny of approximately fi.5 ncrQS c~onerally b~iinded by Cypress Street to the north, Rose StreeL to ltie oast, rhe al1Hy north of Lincoln Avenue to the south, aiid rhe al1Qy west of Vine Street to the we~t, also incliicling thosa 10 ~arcels fronting on the east side of Rose S~r.eat be~tween Cypress Street to the north and I,inc:oln Avenu~ to the soukh; thereof WHERF.AS, ttie City Planning Cornmi.ssi.nyz c3id hold a public heacir-q ut the Civic Center in t2ie Ciry of Anahei m on 1.pri1 23, 199U at 1:30 p.m., notice o£ saici public hearing having beon d~ily given as r~guired by 1aw and in :ZCCOrd~ince wit:h the provisioi~s ot the Anaheim Mur.icipal Code. Chapter 10.U3, to i~ear and cousidar Evidence for and ac,~alnst said propose~3 General Plan ~.iendmeiit and l•o investigate anc? -nake Eindinc~s and recon~mendatians in co:,necCion therewi~h; aud WHF.REAS, said ~:cmmission, atter due r.onsi.deration, inzl~nalion, invesCiya~:ion and sr_udy ,nade by iL•self, and a£kQr. due cansideration of all evidence and r.epo,:t offered al said hea:~ng, ll0~5 KEREBY FIND: 1. ~haL• evidence presenl;ed yubstantiat.e~ the need fQr ah amendment ~o thA Anaheim C;enei•al F~lan and Lhat Extiib.it A be adopted redesiqnatinq ~ sub;ect a:ea foc Lu.+ Der.sity ResidentiaL land ~is~~s, rTt.~1Cf than biediwn .~nsity Resiclential. ~. That the proposed amandment is rc~nsistent with the ex.isting l~nd use ciensitiz~s. 3. That: fiva (5) p~,~rsons in favor Uf ;;ubject rQquost were pres~nk ~t tt» p;~blic -~e~ring. ~F~C,ZFORNlti ,^•.tdVIRONMI:~TT1~L_Q(JI~LT'I'Y_I~CT_..E'INUIt?~: ThaC ~he Anahei~n City Planning Commissi.on has roview~~rl the F~rupos~sl to amend t:he Gand Use ~lement of Lhe ~~en~rr.l Plan to ch:]ngF~ thr ~urrent lar.:1 use d~signation of Mectium Dc~nsity Res.i<lentia~ to Low De•n,ity ~:.:sidenLial for cipproxfmately G.5 ar.rc~~ qQnerally baunded by Cypces; Sr.reet r-~ ;:Ye no:tti, Rose Shraet to the oasr., th.~ alle. nurth of Lincoln l~vn,nue to tli~ sout}:, and eho allcy wo:st oE Vine :;t•cart k~o the wc-s[, a:lso i.ncl.v:ting ~hoso lp p~rcr.l.; fronting ori the ea~t side uf Rose Skreet betweer~ Cypres:. StreeL r~ the norkh ancl Lincoln Avenue to tho south and doos therefore approve the Negative Unr,=~raticn on ehe basis that: it: h~s con.idQred 140~r -1- PC90-103 , ~, ~!kr'~ ad4t~i. the propoac~~1 NQgative Uorlaratian tor~ethKr with nny commenCs receivacl fiuring tho public review procass and furthor finding on the bfisis of rhe :[nitial Stud} and any comr~~~nts re~:aived thaC t2ic~ro is no substantial ~vid~nce that the p~oject will havo a signi.fi.cant effoct ~n the onvironmc~nt. NOW, THERGIORE, BE YT RESOLVLD, ttia~ pur~u.ant ~o the ahove findinqa, Che An ~he.im City Planninq Cammission d~c~ hex~eby ~+dopt an3 recommend to the CiCy Council of the Ci~y of Ar~aheirn adoption of General P~.an Amendment No. 303-Land Uso ~lement, Cxhibit A, ~o red~signatig L•he Study ArQa from Maciium Dansit1 Resiclential to Law Donsity Residentia:l land uses. TFIE I'OR~GOTNG RSSOLUTION was adoptaa at the Planni.ng Commission meeting of Apri.l 23, 149C. ~ , ~` ~~~ ~, . /"~ '' '' i'-- ~ ` ~L ` ~ ='__ ~~.....::._:~~,; ,, . (._,1._~~ C1iAIRW MAN PRO TFMPORE~- ANAHfIM C~TY PLANNING CUMMTSSION A:CTEST: ~ , ~G7~1~~~ - c ! ' .~J- ~` -------- SFCRETAKY, ANAFIFIM ClTY PLANtIING COMMIS~ION STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANG~ ? 33• CITY OF ANR1~"r;IM ) I, Edith L. Harris, 5ecre~ary of• tho Anaheim Cii:y Planninq Comrnission, do here~y uortify thaC the foregoing resolut.ion was passed and adopCed at a mc~9ting of the Anaheim City Plan•.iing Commic~sion he].d on April 23, 1990, by the~ ~ollowing vote o~ the mQmbers thereof: AXF.S: CObfMISSI02~ERS: F30YDS'iUN, BOUAS, FEGDNAUS, MC BURNEY, MFSSE NOESi COMtdI:;5I0NERS: NONB AE~5ENT: COMMIaSIOltERS: NELLYER, HERBST IN WITtiF,SS 47T{EF2F.J:' . : have hereun~o sot my hand this ,~~J day ~f . 1990. _ ~ `~ / . -_----_ ~~~~---~ .~.~~ .._ SECRETARY, AN?~EiEIM CiTY PLANNItiG COMMTSSIUN _ 2 ._ PC90-]03 ° ~~ ,., ~~: '!~ I~'. ~