Resolution-PC 90-105R_~S?~L'~.~.SZN KSr~_ ~'4~.SL-~ A RESOLUTION 0~' TH~ ANAHE'[M CITY pLANNING COMtrSISSIOt~ THAT ~'ETITIQN FOR R~CLASSIFiCATIGN N0. 89-90-51 f3E GRANTED, AS MODIFtED WHEREAS, tho An:iheim Cfty ~lanning Commissin~ cjid initi~te Reclassificat~.on praceedings for ce:tai.n real praperty situated in the City o~ AnahAim, (:ounty ~f Oranq~, State of Califarnia, descrxbed aa fol.lo~s: Ak2EA 1-APPROXIMATELY ?.4 ACRES CONSIST:NG OF THOSi. f'ROFERTIES FRONTING ON TIiE WF:ST STDE OF M~GNOLIA AVENLIE 13EGINPIING APPkOXIbtATELY 325 F'EET ATORTH ~F TH~ rEttTERLINE OF L2NCOLt7 AVE~7LTE AtiD E7~'lENAING NORTFT APPROXIMA7.'ELY 1,65Q FEE'r. AF2EA 2-APPF203CIMA~ELY 1.5 ACItE~ CONSISTING OF THUSE PROPBRTIG5 LOCATFn ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF YALE AVEN(JE SEGINNING AT THI: EASTERLY TERhSINUS OF 5AlD STREET AND EXTENDItT(i WEST APPROXZMATELY 665 FEET TU TFiL' .°iGUT~T"RN CALIFOF2NIA EUISON EASEMr,N`P. w1iEREAS, ~h9 City Plann.ing Commission did ho~d n pub:lxc he~riug ak the Civic Center in tho City of An2heim un April 9, 1990 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having baen duly given as required by law and in accorda.nce with khe provisions of the Anaheim Mun~cipa]. Coda~ Cl~apter 18,Q3, to hear and consider ovidenr.o for and againsL- said propos~d reclassitication and to ~nvest.igatQ aud mako iinding~ and recommendations :n connection thprewitli; that said public hearing ~+:as continued to khe May 7, ~99L~ Planning Commission meetings and WHERGAS, said Commis~ian, after duA insp4ction, investigation ar~d stuc~y made by itsf~lf an3 i.n itis behalf, and after ciue consideration of al]. evidence 3nd Lepor.ts offered at said hear.ing, does fin3 and dstermino the following facts: l. That lhe Planni.ng Comm.is~ion proposes reclassificat~on of s~ibject progerCies from the RM-1200 (R~sidential, Mu)tip1F,-Family) ZonP to the RM-2400 (Residential, Multiple•-F~mily) or a less intc~nsR znne. 2. Tk:at the Planning CommissiUn dOG9-':niraed ut the public hearing that these properties shou'ld be reclF,~e~ified ~o the RM-3000 (Res?.depr.ia~, Mu1Cip].e~Family) Z~ne rat•her than h.o Y.he RM-2400 (Residential, Multiple-Family) 2oue. 3. Tha~ the Anah~im Go~neral Plan desiquatea subject nroperty for LoW-Medium Deusity Resiflential lanc2 uses. 4. That the proposed r~classificaL•ion of subject propQrty ts nQcessary and/or 3es~.rable for the orderly and propar iievelopmen~ of. the commi~ni ty . 1419r -1- PC90-105 5, 'Chat Lhe prop~sh3 reclassific.ution of aubject proporty do~s groperly relate to Che zonos ~nd their perm~~ted uso~ locally established in clcse groximit,y ~o subject prop~r~y and t,o t:~e zorzes and their permitted uses qenerally eshablistied throughout the community, 6, TY:~t on~ person indi~:a4:ed his prdsence a~ the April 9, ~990., ptLS.lic hearing ir~ opposit.ion, and on~ (1} p~xson indicated his pro~encc~ in favcr and presantQd a p~tition wi~h 13 s.ignatura3 of people in favor; az~d public hearing eQp~~ .indicaked their presence in Qp~psitiou a~ khe Max 7, 1990, S.~IFORNIA, E:N'V,~RQNM~,NxA.L Q~ALITY ACT ~'.3.~~=N__~: That the Anaheim City Flannirig Commiasion has reviewed the propusal to reclassify subjQC~ property from the RM-~201~ (Rosidential, Multiple-Family) Zone to the RM-3000 (Residential, t~ultiple-Farnily) ZonQ on property wh3eh consfsts of Aroa 1, approximately 24 acres consiscing of. those nroperties fronting qn khQ west side cE Mac~nolia Avenue beginttiug approximately 325 ~eet uorth of the cQnterline ~f Linc~ln AvPn~ue and ~xt~nding nor~h approsimately ~,650 feot, and Area 2, approximately 1.5 acros conaistinq of thoae ~ropc~rties locRted on the south side of Xale Avenu~ beginnittg at t.he easter].1 terminus of 3aid street and exteziding wes~ approximately 6G5 feet to the Southern Caii£ornAa Edison Eas~ment; and cloes heroby appxove the lNegati•ve ~ec.laration upon f.indinq t-ha~ it Yias consider~ad the Nsyative Declara~ion togethor with any comments •received during thc~ public r.evidw pracess and further findinq on ttie hasis cf tlie znir_ial sL-udy and any com,nents rece~ved ttlat there is nn substanta.al e~,idence that t2ie projQCC. will h~ve a significant effoct on the envirr~nrnF~nk. NOF7, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVGLI thah the Anaheim City planning Co~:vnisszon c:oes herehy qrant subject Petition for Reclassifi.cation, ag modified, anc1, bY so daxng~ ~hat Title 1,~~-Zoninq cf th~r Anaheim Municip3l Code be ame:id~d tu exclude the abo~ve-described propertx from the RM-12r1~ (~tesident-i~~I., Mult~ple-Family) 'Lene and to incot~aor~te said de4cribsd propercy into the RM-3000 ;rt~s;.aential, MLltiple_gt~mily) Zoue upon th~ fqllowing condir_ioa which is lze:~eby found to be a nacessary prereqtiisite to tha pro~;,god use of su.b7act property f.n ordor to praservo the safety and ~enera] welFare of thR Citizens ot the City o:E Anaheim: 1• ~ha~ introcluc*.±on o~' an ordinanca rezrning subject propexty shall be contixigent ugon City Counci.l a~proval of GHneral P1~n Amendmant ZYO. 25`~-1 and 2, n.~w pending. HE xT FURTI€ER RESOI.VED that the A.nahein, City planninq C~rrunission does hereby find aad detarmine that a3option of. this Re~so:ution is Hxpresz~l~+ predicated upon applicant's complian~e v.ith dach and a'.l of tho oondicio»s herainnbove s~at fort:h. Should any sucn cnndit.ions, or au 3eclaxed invalid or uneu:~rceable by the final ud x pa=t theroof, be competeut :jur.isdSction, then ttzi3 Ronolutian, and an t a f '~`~y court ~f contained, shall be deemed nul.l Tud vaic~. Y Pprovals horei» ^z kC90-105 ,.:, .. . w~~~ ~ - ,.,,. , THE F~REGOIN'G R~SOLUTION was adopted t the planninq Commissian m~eting of Mey 7, 1990. _,~ t ' ~~ ~ Dv+ nt~.___-........._.._..._.,.---.. CHAIRMAN ,AN~i IM ~CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTE5T: ~ r... "~~7~~.Z.~~~~ ~1~~ \~ -%1 ~., -~.~~,,,,1 ` ___ ~_ ~ 4 /~~'~..,/ c: SECRETl-Fty, ANl-HgtM CITY PLANNING COMMxSSTCN STATE OF CALTFORNIA j COTJt7TY OF ORANGE ) ss, CI'TY OF AATAHETM ) I, k:dith L. I~arris, Secrcatary uf the l..nahoim City Plan~iug Commissi.on, do harevy cortify that thc~ x'or~go.ing r.esoluti~A wds pass~d and adopted at a meeting of t.ho Ananeim City Planniag Commi~siou h~ld ou May 7, 1990, by L•ha foliawing vote of l:hc~ membe.rs therenf; AYES: COMMISSIONF,RS: BpYD5TUN, SOU115, FF,LDI~AUS, HELLYER, HERBST MC BURNEY, MESSE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NpNE ABSENT; (;pl~A~rSSIqNERS: NONE ` ;N WITNESS FFHEREOF', I haye horeunto set my hattd this ,~%~~~ day of ____ ,~f,c.,~ , 1990. -~~_ -.,_____-____~cl.~.'~-~~ :~J ~ , ---~ ~<.1.L: ~,~--.. SECRETAItY, AN11,E?ExM CTT'Y PL11~R7ING COh4lI5SION ;~ ~~' PC90-105