Resolution-PC 90-106~.., ?3.E~.2LUTT~ ~Q~~?~r~Q-lU6 A RESqLUZ'ION OF TkiE r1NAFIEIt»f CTTY PI,ANNING COMMTSS7:ON 1'H~*T. PETITIDN FOR CONDI~IONN~ i1SE PER.~fIT N0. 3271 3E GRANIED, AS ?~ODTFIED WHE7EAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a vorifiad ~otition foz Conditioual Use Permit £or. cdrtain real prnpgrtx situated ix~ the rity of Anaheim, Coun~.y of Oranye, Statr ~f ~alifc,rnia, describod ~s: PARCEG 3 ANll PA.~2CEL 6 AS SHOWN ON MAP FILEQ TN BUOK 222, FAGES 37 TO 41 INCLUSIVE, OF PARCEL bWPS, IiN THE OFFICF OF THE COUNTY. RECORDER ~JF ORANGE CpUNTX, ~ALTFORNIA, AS CQRRCCTED AX TH1~T CRRTAIN CEI2TIFICATE OF f.'ORRECTiON RECGRDED DECEMBF.R ].5, 1989 I+~S iNS'PRUMENT N0. 84-fif30795 OF OFFICIRL ItECORAS OF SAtD ORANGF ~OUNTY. AN U2dDTVIDED TWENZ'Y-T~YF2~E ~iP ~ IV~•-TENTk5 PERCFNT (23.5~) INTEREST IN PARCEL 10, AS SFTOWN ON A MAP FIL~D IN BOOA 227„ PAGES 37 2'0 dl INCLUSIVE OF F~AFlCEL hSAPS IN THE OFFICF. O1 THG CUUNTY R~CORD~R OF ORANGE COtJN~.fY, CALTFORt~IA, AS CQRRECTED BY THAT r_ERTAiN rERTIFICATE OF CORRECTIOrl ~ECORDRD DECEhBER 15, '1989 AS INSTRL~SF.~iT N0. 09-680%95 U't' OFFICTAL RECORDS OF SATA ORAI~'G~ COTJNTY. WHEREAS, the City Piannir.g Commission did hold a public hearing at h,he Civic Center in thg City of Anahaim on wpxiJ. 23, 1990 at 1;3U p,m., notice of s~id public heariug havin.g been duly given as requireQ by law and in accordance with the provisiuns a£ L•he Ana't~eim Municipal Code, Ctiapter 1b.03, to hear and consider evidenca for ~nd against said proposed couditiona]. use pormit and to invesh;igate and make findings and recom*~c,udat.ions in conneetion therewith; that sa~d public hearing was con~inued tr: ;~he Planriing Commissiozl moetiuq of. May 7, 1990; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspect.ion, i.nvestigation~ and study made by its~alf and in its behalf, and aftor due aonsideration ~f s11 evidence and ceports offored at said heari,ng, does find and 3eCermine the f~llowing f~cts; l. That the propo~ed use is proporly one for which a co:-dition~.l uy~ pe:mit i~ authcrized by A.naheim Municipal. Code Sectian 18.~4~0~0.7.~5 to nermit a commercial retail center wit2: a ma~cimum of sov~nteen (17) l~ssabl~ units with xaivers ~~f s 14'lOr --].- PC90•-lOG „r : ~}M ~A) 5~~~--~ 1~,-~.~-~-QS~sS.~-~. - ~~?~_'.iJ11_~Qtl~ack a'lonv fr~. (~.QQ... feetc, r~~uired in the Scenic Corridor; .~~ G..2~_~S~ PrflPased) (B) ~~T?QZ?~1$~4.~.~1~2Q - P~-.rmi . fr ~3ta3b., ing si4~~ ~.$~9~..•091.,Q11 (on~ ~Q-inch hiah, 2Q~~f,~~in~le-facQ 19~Q5.091 014 ~~pping center i~ryif,~ration aign permitted ~nd 18,39 062 Q40 in the Scenic Corri~ar; o n~ :~.:.~: f 9~~? I gh . .l QQ --~~.~~._.~?~b~~~ major ten~T„~ sign proposed) ~C) ~E~TI N 1$~Q~~2~ - P~£I-L~~.~..~~ws'~1~1QT1.3• ~ ~~-~-~_~--~~_~949 (~ wall sign per indivzduaJ. biiilding unit pezmitted in the 5cenic Corridor; .1_~p ~ sigr,s pQr unit proposed) 4. 'That the rdquest~d waivers are hereby granted ~n tha basis that there are s~ecial circumstancos applicable to tYie property suah as size, shape, topoqr.aphy, locati~n and surrouniiings which do not ap~ly to otk~c~=• ~den~ically zoned property in the s~me vicinity; and that atrict application of the Zoning Code cleFrivc~s the property of privileges enjoyed by oth8r properties in ~hp identical z~ne and clasoificati~r~ in the vicanit~. 3. That thct requcsted waiver (C) is granted for a maximwn of 2 wull sig~is for each ~f L-hQ 2.najor tenants only (on~ facing Che retail center's parking area and one facing t.he E~eeway). ~i. That the proposed use will not adversely affect: the a3jni:zing land uses a.nd t2ie growth and deve.~.opmenc of the area iu which zt is proposRd to be ).ocated. 5. That tlie size and ~hape of the ~ite proposed for the use is ~dequate to allow the ful'1 doveiopment of the propose~~. use in a manner nor_ dotrimental to the particular area nor to the peaee, health, safety and gr~neral wolfare of the Citizens af the City of Ar~aheim. 6. rhat th~ Sranting of the Con~litionaY Use 1Permit under the cond.i*ions imposed, if any, wil.l not be detrinental to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of Che Citlzdns czf t:~e City o£ A.uaheim. ~. That thc~ traf~ic genorated by the pronosed use Mill not impose an undue burden updn t}ie stroc~ts and highways 3esigned and impr.oved to carry the traffic i~ the areu. 8. That na one indicated thei.c pre~•ence at sai~9 publir. hearing in apposiCion; ~nd tihat nu correspon~a::ce was roceive~ fn oppogirion to tre subject pQtiti~u. ; !.: ,, ~~ -2- PC9C-l0o . . . ~ , . . , ~ _- - :1~l:,in.lY . . . . . . . .~ ~~ 1~-~.~. ~-'~I-FQRN~ E- 1~V~RON,~L~.~?.~~.~ilAL~TY ~~T FI2,TpING: That the Anaheim C.it~+ Pl.anning C~mmission has reviewed ths proposal to permit a commarcial rei:ail centor with ~ maximum of 17 leasable unzts with waivers of minirn;vn setback along ~reeway, permitted fre~stantling sign and permitt~d wall signs o~ ar~ irregu~arly-shrri?ed parcal of land consisting of approxim~tely 3.34 acres having a franh:aqe o.f approximately 120 ie~t on the north side of Santa Ana Canyon ~toad, having a maximum d~rpth o:E approgi.mately 800 feet, be.incr locat~d approximatezy ].050 feet we~t of• the centerline of Weir Cany~-n Road and further described as A205 East Santa Ana Canyon Road; and does hereby approve the Negative Decl aratfan upon fiading that it has considered the Negative U~claration kogether with any cor.vnents received durinc~ the public review Qrocess and further, finding on the basis oP Ckie initial study and an,y comments received th~~t ~he re is no substznL-ial evidenca that the preject wi11 r•~ave a significant effact o n the nnvirunmen~. NOW, THFI2EFURE, BE IT RESOLV~D that tho Anaheim City Flat~ninq Cammission does hereby gxant subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upan the following con~itions wh.ich are hereby found to be a:~ocessary ~~rerequisite to the prupose d use of the subject property iu ord~r to preaerve t~~ safety and general w~1f are of the CiLiz~ns a~ the City of Ana.laeim: ~-. *'['hat the grhding and. arainaqe of subject proporty shull con~orm to Chapter 17,06 "Grading, ExcavaLions and Fills in Hillside Area" of the Anaheim M~ini,cipal ~o~e . 2. That !-he ~:~,ter. backflow equipmont and any other larqe p~ater syq~em equipment shall b~ installed in ui:3c~rgxouttd vau].ts, to tha satisfactipn o~ the Water Engineering Division. 3. ~ ThaC prior to issuance of a bui:lding perm:it, the appropriate majoz~ thoroughfar~ and bri3ge fee 3ha11 be paid to the City of ?.xiahei,m itt ~n amount as specified in the M~~jor Thornughfare and Bridge F'ee Progrt~m for Che FoothilllEastorn Trar.sportation Corridor, as ~sta.blish~d by City Council resolution. 4• * xhat prior tc issuance ot• a buildinq permlC, the appropriate traffic signal assessment fee s}~all be paici t4 the City of Anaheim in an amount as ostablisred by C3.r.y Counci.l re~olution. 5• * That pr.ior to 3ssuauce uE a bu.ilding permit, the appropriate tee shall be pazd to the City of Anahoim for Santa Ana Canyon Foad wideninq purposas, in an amocnt as established by C.iCy Co~.;ncil Resolution. 6. * Ti-at plans sha11 be suhmitted to the City Traffic ~nqia~er tar his roviow and approval show~ng conformanco with Engineer.inq Staadar@ Plan Nos. 43t, 602 and 605 perta3ning L•o parki~aq 3tandards. Subject praperty sha11 ~hereup~n be deve'loped and mafnt~ine.Y :In conf~rmanca with ~aic1 p'lans , -3 PC5U~1U6 7. ~ That txash stora~e uroas sl~all bo providnd and maintained in a lncation t~r,ce~tabld to the ~treet Maintenance and 5anitatian Division and in accordanco with approved plans an file with said Oivision. Such information sha11 bcs specifi.eally shown on tha planr aubrt~itted Lor building permits. A minimum o: two (2) bin enclosuroa shtlJ. be pr~~ided. a. +~ Tt~at prior to cnmmenc~m~nt of structural frarning, on-sike firo hydrants sha~1 be instal.: ad and churgod as roc~uired and approvead by tize City Eire Departr~Qnt. An a11-weath~r road shall ba provideci to the hydraat at al.l t.imes, as required by the Firs ilepartmt~nt. g. +~ 'Ck~at fzre sprinklez•s shall be insta.lled as r.gquired by the Fire D~partment. 10. That in L•l:e event a parcel map to subdivicle subject progerty :s recorded on sub~ect properL•y, an unsubUrdinate8 r.eciprocal uccesa an~9 ~arkinq ,~qroemant iu a form sat.isfactorX to the City At~orney eha~l be rocorc3ed wiL•h the OfficQ of ttic~ Oran~e County R~c~rdar.. A copy of the rvcordQd agreement shall theo b~ submittad tn the Zoninq Livision. In additicn, pr~vis.~ons shall be rn;~de in Che agreomont to gur~rantoe tha~ the eatire complns shnll bo managed and maintalned e~s oue {].) inteqral p~rcel for purposas of parking, circulation, signag«~, ~and usage t~nd archir_QCt~r»1 control. 11. That an uusubordinate~ reciprocal aceesa and parking aqreemeut, in a form sati;ifactory to the City Attorney, shall be :oCOrded rrith Che O:ffc~ of tho Oranqe County R~cord~r. A copy of thg rocvrded aqreement shall thQn ba submlr_ted to thR Zoriinq Uivision. 12. + Thar subject propo:ty ~hall be ~c~rvf~d by unJerground utiliCies. 7.3. * lhat no prep~red-food so~~vice faci:lities (restaurants) shall be permiCtod in subjecr. commercial rotafl center unless a variance ~or ~arkin~ is appro~~ed by the Cfty ~cuncil, Planninq Commissioa qr 2aninq Adminiatrat~r or unl~sa sufficient Code paYkinn i~ pcovid~ed. 14. ThaC sil nlumbing or othar similar pi~es and fixturea located on Che ~zterior of the~ buildinq shall be fully acreened by er~hitectural 3evicea ar-d/or appropriate bui.lciiaq materiala; and, further, ~uch infcrmation at~ail be spociflcally sho.rn on the plans submitted ~or building pt~rrnxts. 15. ~Ttsat no outdoar storaye sha11 be permir_ted on subject property. 16. ~- Tha~t any roc~f••mounted equipmer.t shall by sub ject to 1-naheim h~unicipal Code Section 19.$4.062.03Z. Such information shall ba apaci~ically sho~+n on the plana submitied for buil~inq Qermits. 17..A That unleas m variance is appl.iyd fqr and qranted, liqhting of aiqnaqe for subject property shall be prohibited b~twaen the hovrs of midaight an8 6s30 ~:.m. as require~ by 2on.inq Code 5ection 18.05.Q91.052 portair.inq r,o limit:~tiong on siqn Sighting. ..q.. PCA~-106 19. * That t:he on-sit•e lands~npin9 and irri~~ation ay~tem sha~l be maintainod in compliance with City qtandardy. ~9, x That, As required by Code Sochion 1~.8~.062.020 "L~ndscap•~ng" and i~ addition Co tho raquir3d setback ~nd slope lnndscap3ng, n11 parki.nq arRas and vehicular accbsswaya shall bo perm~nAntly lan~scaned with at lesst one (1) trea per t2ireo th~usand (3,000) square fe~~ of parking area and/or vehicular accQSSway evonly distr~butod thr~uqhout the parki.ng area. Tr,are shall b~+ an av~sraqe af forty efqht (4$) sq~lare feet of pla~ate: a~~a pr.~vided p~r treg. Said planter areas ahall have a minimum dimonsion of six (6) feet. Plans sixbmi.tteit for buildinq permits stxall Rhow cornp].faY~ce with C1ies~ roquiramenty. 20. That subject prop~rty ~hall be d~vel~ped suLs~antia~ly in accordance with plans and spPCificaCions 3ubcnitted to the City of Twaheim by thA pQtitionPr and which plans are on t'sle erf.tt~ the Plann~iuq Departmen~ markoc3 Revision No. 1 of Exhibit No. 1, and ExhibiC Nos. 2 through 5. Pzovi.ded. howQVer, that only the (z) majar t.en.ante ~hall be permiteed to t~ave two (2) wall signs each, one (1} f.acing the retail centt~r parkinq a:ea and (1) facing tho fr~eway. ±he appropriate Fire Station 21, That pzior t~~ issuanct~ of b~iildin~ ~ermit, No. 10 and SaCellito Palice Station fees ahall ba paid to the City of I~nahAim ia an amounC as c+stabl:~shed by City Council re~olution. 22. Thar, prior to issuance of a buildinq pecmit, ~.he sign company shall modif.y tre plantar area, to plant trailin~ landscaping and 3ncrease the heighl: of the landscaping. Z3. That the ,cear fire dcor~ shall be ~ised foc• emergei~cy pur~orses onl! and that panic hardware shall be insL-a1~ed. 24. That pri~ir to issuancs of a building pormit or ~witihin a periud of one (1) yaar from ~he dat~ oE this resolution, xhichevs~x occura first, Conuitfon Nos. l, 3 thcough 7, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21 and 22, above-mentioned, shall be ccmplied with. F.xtenaions for further eime ~o complete said conditions may be gr~nted in zccordanco with Section 1A.03.090 of the Auaheim Municipal f:ode. 25. That prior to final buildicg 3nd zoning inspectione, C~ndition Nos. 2. 9, 12, 20 and 23, above-ment;ioned, sha11 be complied with. ).G. + That approv,~l of. thia npplicatian constitukes approval of the proposed request only Co the extent that it ioc~~Qg ~fth~ thState eanclMt`ge6Qral Zoning Codo and aby oL•her ayp X regulations. Approval does not include any acti~n or Eindinqa as to co~np?iance or a~pr~val of the requeat reqarfling any other ~spplicable ordinance, cegulation or requirement. Conditions markod xith an ~steriak (~) aze xequirod by establ.shed .laMS, codes, requlaGiona ~nd agreements and ara :-o~ aubjoc~ to neqotjation. 5_ PC90-106 r '~ ~ B~ IT FUR'I'kIER RESOL~~ED that t:he A~aheim City Planliing Commissian does horeby find t~nd dt+tormine t:iz-t tidop~ion of this Ytasulution is exprensly predicatod upun applicu~zt's compl.iance with each and a11 of tho conditi~na h~rein~bave set forth. Should ~rly such conc~f~ions, or any Part thareof, he decl~-red .invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competant jurisdic~ian, then thia Resolution, and any approvals hgrein contained, shall be deomed null and vo ~„ 'rHE FOREGOING RFSOLUTTON was adopt~d at the Planninq Comm:tssion meQking of May 1, 1990. _ • __ ~ /~.. _~e _ ._._....--_..-.,....,L ~ -- `. w ~ ; ,~ r ~ 'l : r ^^:""" ~FI~`IRMAN. A-NAH~IM C'!fX PI,ANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: -.'~ Y~_`._,_ _"«__[_/i-__~~.._,'' _~.':1., i%" ~ECRETA12Y PRO TEhiPORfJ ~ ~`l 1~NAf?EIM CITY F'LANNING C0.~4dIaSICN ~~:,~c'J }.•'~.. ~/ , STAT~ OF CALI'FORNTA ) COUNTY OF ORANGF, ) yy, r,zxx or• ANAH1~Ibf } I, Janet :.. Jensen, 5QC1•etary Pro Tempore c.f the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do horeby certify that th~ foreqaing rRSOlutioM xas passed and adopCed at a meetinq of the Anaheim City Planning Commiss:ion held un biay 7, 1990, by thc~ fo]lo~ring vote o;f th~ members thereof: AYE:;; C:Oh4dISSIONERS: HOYDSTUw, BOUAS, FE;LDFL~,US, HF.LLYER, HERBST, ME55E , liQES: COhA2ISSF.ONFRS: NONE ABSENT: COA4dISSTUNERS: M~ BUItNEY IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I h~ve hereanto set. my hand this `~ rl~c. day of ~ _ I~ti~~-~, 1090. - , T- ~'` !/~~ ~• ~/,:?, L, i . _ ('~~' -= ~-~-' ~. `!~......~;J`%~...~.~~~,. SECRETARY PRO T£~iPORE ~~ ,J-`- ANAHEYM r_;~l p~,~ING COMt•fISSION -4- PC90-106