Resolution-PC 90-107~ ~3F ~2G_LL3~..~~~..9St.=~Q~. A Rk~5U1,UTI0N OC TtiE ]~TAHEIM CI'1'Y f'LANNING CUMMISSION 'PHAT PETITxODT FUR CONDITTONAL [lSE PERMIT N0. 3268 BE DENIED WHEREA5, the AnahUim City Planninq Commisaion did receive a vQrifiod Pokition for Conditiona:l Use Pcrmi.t fur cartain real proparl;y situated in the City of Anahai.m, County of Or~nge, State o.E California, described as: TFiE WEST 188.'ll FEET OF THE NORTH 18~ .00 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUAR1'ET2 AF THE NORTHWEST QUlIRTcR OF SuCTION 3, TOWNSHIP 4 50UTH, RPNGE 10 WEST, IN 1HF RANCHO SAN JU11N CAJON D~ SANTA .~2JA, PARTLY IN TIiS CITY OF ,ANAS3EIM, PA22TLY iN THG CITY OF FUT,LERTCN, AL,L Itv" TH~ ~:OUNTY OF ORAtiG~, STA1~ O1~ ~~LIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECURDED IZi BQUK 51 PAGE 10 QF' MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, xN THE OFFICE OF THE COUN2Y RECOP.D~.R OF SAZB COUIv"TY. WHEREA5, the CiCy Planning Commi~sion dicl hold a public hearing at the ~i.vic Center in the City of Anaheim on May 7, 1940 at 1:30 p.m., notice uf said ~ublic hearinq having been d!lly given tss required by law and in accordanccs aith the provisiona of the Anahaim Muafcipal Code, Chaptar 18.03, to hear anci consider evic~~nee for and aqain3't ~ai~t proposed conditionnl use per.mit anci to ir.vQStiqate and make findings ancl ydcommendations in connection therewith; and WFIEREAS, said Commission, aft~r due inspec~,ion, investiqation and study made by i.t~Plf and in its beha~.f, and after due considsraCion of a1i evi~ience and ropurts offeced at said h~arinq, does finri and determine the folluwing factsa 1. That the propo~~d use is proparly one for which a c~nditi~nal use pormit is authorize3 by Code ~ections 18.~5~112 and to pt~rm.it twa billboards wi.th waiver of: ~ E~~3SZN ~$:S)~~.1~. - ~3t3.~Lnum d i s~ 1 av_~~g~~~.~,.1:.1 ~P.~~~ (~Q_~g, ft, per face permittod; ~_~g,. f~~ p~uposed) for one blllboard). 2. ~hat the proposed uso is hereby danied on the basis that the proposed loca~ion i~ a very smal.l (less than one half acre) fur such a n~un.4er and 3ize af b:llborsrd~. 3. That the proposed waivor i~ hereby danied on tho basis khat the propo~ed dSsplay area of tho billboard is Y24~ larqer t2~ar~ pexmitted by Code. 4. That r_hg propose~l w~ll adversely affect the adjoininq land ust~s and the growth anc: developmont of. the area in ahfch it is proposed to be locatod. 1421r -1- t'C90-1(17 r' °~"' 5. That th~ :;ize and shape of ~lxe site propcsed for the us~~ is not a~oquato to allow khc~ fiill dQVelopment of tha prc~posod use in a mannor n,at detrimontal to the partic:~il.ar Area nor to t2:e pe~co, health, ~afet;y and goneral wsiLara c,f the Citir~n~ ~f the cir.y oE Anahe:im. o. T1~aL• the grantinq of. the Cnnditiona7. L1se Permit wil:l be detrimental to the p~=.3ce, hc~alth, safety and gQnera.l welrare oE ~he Citi~~e~ns of. thQ City of Anaheim. 7. '~Y~az the rraffic yenerated by tho prop~sed use will :impc~se an undue burdon upon tihv stroets and higtiways flesigned and iinproved to cax~ry the traf.fic in tho area. 8. T:hat three ( 3) pQrso~ls indicated ~heir prese~nce at s.~id public hParing in opposi.tion; and that, six (6) lettor wero receivod in opposi.tion to subject reZuest. ~l~T~IF; 1S._.RNIA~EiNI.~2f~~i3T.Q.L_~.~AL'I'~Y..~~.~NI~;~N~% Th~-t khe Anst~~f.m City Planning Cammiss3on lia:s reviewed the~ proposal ta permit two billboarcls with waiver ~L m~,ximucn d:is~,~lav aL•ea o.f billboard on a rectAnquJ.a.rly-ahap~td parcel of land consi~ting of approximately 0.43 acce Zocatefl at the sou~:hea:3t corner of O.sanyeth~rpe Avenue a:id Lemon Street having appcoximato frontag~3s of 140 fegt on th~ south side of Orangethorpe Avenue and 135 feet on the ea~st si3e of Lemon Strec~t and fuxthor descri.bed as 30 East Orar-gethorge Aveuu~af and does l:ereby deny thc Negative beclaration upon findinq that it h,~s considered the Negative Declaration together with any comment~ receiv~ed durinq the public rQView prucess and £ur.ther finding on tht~ basis o.f the initial study anci any comments received th~t thQre is substantial Qviderzce that the project will have a siguificant effect on tho environment. NqW, THEREFORE, BE IT RGSOLVFD khat the Anaheim City Planniug Comnission does hereby deny subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, on the ba3is of t2is aforom~n~ionad :indinys. Z'HE FOR~GQING RESOLiJTION was adopted Ht the Planning Commiss.on meel:ing of May 7, ).990. -, ,., . , , ~-i C_ l , ,,~' = :.~-~- ~~ (: ~..-~_~'~,,; ~HAIRWOMAN PRO TEMPORE, ~ ANAHEIM CITY T?LANTiCNG COMhtISSION ATTEST• ~' ,_ ~i~/ '' ~/:'_~_-.~.. ~~, ~ ' -- s ~esx~,~x r~~ ~Ter~o~~~~ u' _.. ..-'~IAHEIM CITY PCANtiZNG (:01~MIaSION i _2_ PC90-I07 ~ ,'~ ~ STATE OF CAI,IFORNIA ) COUPITX aF ORANGE ) s s. CxxX OF AYTl-HEIM ) I, ,Janet L. Je~sen, Sacretary Pra T9mpore of the Anaheim City Planning Gommission, do hareby certify that the f.oregoing resolution was passed ancY adopted nt a meotiny of the Ar~aheim City P7.ana3nq Commissiou held on May 7, 3990, by the follo~,ing vofi.p of the members thereof: A`IES: CObII~1ISSI0N~RS: KOURS, BOYDSTUN, FELDX~AIIS, :?ELLl'ER, MC BURNEY, ME5SY~; NOES: COMMIwSIONEFc~: NONE ABSENT: C~MMISSIONERS: HERBST ~ "~ .~ IN WITNESS WHERGOI', I have hereunto sdt my hand tY:is _,;;,-~_~~ day of ._ ~'~f , 1~ ~_.- , 1990. , ~~ j '' .~~ '~~~'-~,i~" ~ ,i~~..,,t J .~~~t~. .~~.~~~ 'I. RETA.~tY PFO TRMPO ~ = "•'~-NAHEIA4 CITY PI;ANK~NG COMN.ISSION -3- P~90-Z07