Resolution-PC 90-1094~ ti; ,; RE~OLUTIQN NO" PC~Q_I09 A RESOLUTIOIi Ok TH~ ANAF;EIM CITY PT,.~NNING COMMxSSION THAT PETITION k'OR C.ONDITTONl•~L USF. PERMxT N0. 3273 BF GRAN`rE;D WHERE~'~S, the I~naheim City f~lanning Commission dici receivQ a verif:i~d Fetition for Conditional Use Pormit tor certain real property sit:uated in the City of Anaheim, County af. Orange, State of Calii~rnia, r1~-3cribed as: POF2TIQN OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTEIt OF THE NOR`THEAST QTIARTE~ OP' SECTIQN' :17, TOWN'SHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 1(? WE$T„ IN THE RANCFIO ~.OS COYOTES, AS SH7WN ON A MAp RECOSD~;A IN BOOK 51, PAGE 1.0 flF MISCELLANE~~US MAPS, RECORDS OF Of:ANr,E ~pU~y~ CALZFOF~Ni.A, DESCRIBE~ AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNTNG AT THE INTERSGCTIOtI JF TH~ CENTER LT~TE OF BROADWAI' WITFi THE SQ(1T.YERLX PRQLONGATION UF; TriE EAST LINE OF LOTS 19 TO Z2 I,ICLUSIVE OF TRACT N0. 1562, AS SHOWN pN MAP RFCQRDED IH BOQR 128, PAGES 93 ANI) 44 OF MISCELT..A.DIEOUS MI~PS, FtECORDS AF ORANvE COUNTX, CAL'IFOR).1IA, TlIEi~CE NOF:TH 0° 00' ~8" WEST AI,p1dG SATD S~UTHERLY ~'ROL0:IGATION ANT~ .AL4NG ~ ~lID EAST LINE 347.66 FEET 7'0 THE SOUTIi L~IN~ OF LC1T5 lA TO 17 INCL'USIVE OF ZRACT N0. 3562; THEr'fCE 80UTH 89° 3].' OQ" EAST ALONG $AID SOUTH LI23E 155.01! FEET: TH~Iv*CE 30iJTH 0° QO' ~8" F;AST PARI~I,LEL WTTH ;;AIJ FAST LINE 90 e 71 FEET; TH~NCE SOUTI~ 45° ?.6' 28" ::EST 23,79 rE~T; THE'rTCE NORTH 89° 33' 32" FIEST 7.0~4 P'EET; 'L'HENCE SOUTH 0° Od' Ol" FAS7' 6.99 FEET; T.HENCE SOTJTH 45° 2ti' 28" WEST 73.57 F~ET; mFiBNCE NORTFI 89` 33 32" WEST PAFALLEL WITH SA..D CENTrR L%NE 23.59 .EET; THENC~ SOUTFi 0° 00' 4~" ~AST Pi.2ALLEL WITH SAID EAST LINE ~_81.00 FEET TO SAID CFNTER LTNE: 7.'HENC~ NpRTH 89° 33' 32" WI;ST ALOt~G SATV CF'iTER LINE 55.06 FEE'I' TO THE :'OINT OI' BEGINNIPiG. WHEREAS, the City Plnnnizig Co;nmissiou did hold s public h~arinq at t:he Civic Cenr~r in the City of Anahei,m on May 7, 1990 at 1:30 p,m., notice of said publi~ hearinq having been du].y given as required hy law and in accordanc~ with the prov~isions oL the Anahaim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cozisider evidencH for and aqairisC Said pruposed conditional use permit and ~0 3.nvestiqate and make findings and re~corrJnendations in COriAAC~lOIl tYzerewzth; and WliFREAS, sa.id Cammission, aftor due study rnade by itself and in its behalf~ and eviden~e and reports oftered at said hearing, fo.i.lowing facts : 1423r _1_ insF,9et.ion, tavestigation and aF.ter due conq3dc~ratiori o;~ all floes fincl and determine the ?C90-109 ^r 1. That the propos~d u5~ is proparly one tor w1~~.ch a conditional us~ permiC is authoria~sd by Coc'.a Secti.u:i to permit a Girl Sco~it Traininq CenL•er with wt-ivvrs oE thc~ fol.lowitag; ( t-) ~~C.f~.~ i.~.~ 4.4~_9_.5Q L4.Z.~4 ,1.~ rS~`~,St$S1 ?~c1 ~~..~~~4.,5.~0~4 ' ~.~.A.~~~.4~0l~.R~4.~.,~~13g snacos , (~~ r~Qi~~rQa1 ~.~ existinq) ~$) ,?4'~~~r4..~$.~_~_,~.QS22_+~Q~4~. .. ~]1~LS~rIl~.~Si~ YdTC~ sett~ack. (-~.~ ff94s requirad for 12-1/2 E~ot high b•ui.iding; ~Q foet propoaQd) 2. That rhe propasal is to ra-build the Girl Sco~~t facilit~ which was destroyed by fire. 3. That the r~quostec~ waiver (A) ~s heroby qranted on the basls that th~ parking waiv~r w.ill not cause an ,ncre~ase in trxFfic conqeation in tho immediate vicini~y nac adversely rsffect any ~djoining land usoa an~i qrentin~ of the pa:King waiver ur.der khe cunditioas imposed, if any, will uot be detrimentaz to the p~ace, h~alth, safe,Ly and qeneral e.eliaca of the ciLi:.ens of thu (:ity of Anaha,n,. ~;. T:~at Lhe requdsted waivor (E1) is herby granted. 5. That ther~ arc~ special circt:matances applicable to the property such a:; size, shape, topograp2:y, location a~nd surroundings Which do not apply to other id~ntica.lly z~ned p:operty in tlie same vicinityt ar.d that strick applicat.ion nf the~ Zoning Code aeprives the property of privileqes onjoyed by or.her proFerties in the identical zone and classificatiun in the vic.fnity. Iand 11394 and thR groMthPand~ Qev~-lopment lofn thea area in hich tf t his aprc+losed to be locat•ed. P 7. ThaL• the siye and si~apr~ of the aite rroposed for the use is ad~quate to allas- the fu]1 devolopmenL of ;.he prop~sod use in a manner not detximer.tal to the partAcular area nor to the ,yeaca, liealth, a~fety and genctral welfare oE the Citizen;: of the Cit~ of Anahalm. R• That tho grantin~ of the Conditional UaQ Permit under the co.:ditions imposed, if auy, will not be detrimental tr.o the peace, hRalth, safety aad qonoral wRlfaro ot Lhe Citizens of. -he City o~ Auaheim. 9. xhat the traffic ger,eratod by the propos~d uae wi71 not impARo an undue burden upon the streot~ and highway,s @esigne8 and improved to carry the traEfic ~n the area. 10. That no one iudica`ed tt~oir pc~vsence at said pvblic hearinq in oppcisitionj ana that no correspondence was recaived in opposttion to the ~v;;ect petition. ~~S~B~i.~1,..~~'lYj,$Q~MENTAL ~Q~~,~~~ ~~ ~~~ = rha P1 anni nq Director or his authorizaA rqpresentative has determined that tho pruposeA project fall~ Nir,hin tha definition of Categorical Eaomptions, C2ass 7, 3s deff~ed in the 5taee EXtt Guidelfnea and .in, therefor~, aateyori.cally rxenpt Erom the requiremmnt r.o prepare an EIR. -2- ~ PC90-109 ~ NOW, THERI:FORE, ~E IT RESOLVED thaC the Anahoim Cihy Planniny Commission doos her.eby grant subjact Petition for Conditional. Uee Permit, tipon the fol'lowing conditions which are hciroby founc? to be a aecos~ary prerequisit~ to the pr~pos~d use oE L•hn subjact proper~y in arder ko presarve t.ho safety an~ qone~al welfare of thce Citize,is o~ t2ie City of A.r,aheim: 1. * That strebt lighting ~a.ilitie3 alonq }3roodway shall bo ~nstalleQ as required by tti~ Utilities General M~nager in accordanc~ wiCh speciExcations on file in the Offtce oE the TJtilities General Manac~~+r; or that security in th~ forc~~ oE a bond, certificate of deposir., 1eCt,er of crEdit, or cash, izi an ramount and f.orm ~~+t.isfar.tory to the City of Anah~im, shall be nostcd wir.h t:ie City eo guarantee the satisfacrory complotion of tha above-mantionr~d improvoments. Said security sha11 ho posted WiCh ehe City oF Anaheim prior :o issuanco of a buildiag permit. The above-required improvem~nts shall be inata7.led prics: ta occupancy. 2. ~+ That svbject prQporty ~ha11 be 3erve~3 by underground uti.litios. 3. * That the lega]. ownor of subject proporty sha11 dQdicate to tha~ Ciry af Anaheim a Eive (5) feet wide easement along the north and west property linos n~ subject property for pub~ic ut3lity purposes. 9, +~ Thar. ~rior to ~.s~uance o£ a bu}.lding permit, thc~ ~ppropriat~ tiraffic signal assesainer.t feo shall be paid to thn City of A.na:~eim in an amount as est~:~lished by City C'cuncil resolution. 5, k That a fee for strHet troe purposes shall be paid to the Cfty of Anahein based on tho langth of stroet frontuge along Bruadway and in an amount as est•ablishecl by City Council •r.asolu~ion. 6, * Ttiat plans shall be sw-mitted to the Cit7 Traffic Engineer fEor his roview and approval showinq cocformance •++itk~ Eng.ineerinq Standard Plan Nos. 936 aad 602 pertaining r.o park.inq stan3ards. Subjact property shall thc~reupon be doveloped and snaiutaiued in c~~~i~ormunce with said plans. 7, That the driveway on Broadway ~hal] be reconstructed to accommndate fifte9n (15) f~ot radiu~ curb rel:urns in confornanca with Enginderin3 Statidard No. 13?. Existing broken or cracked dc:veways shall be removed and replac~d as required by L•he City Engi.i~r~r. g. 'fhat th~ water backflow ~y~t~m 3ha11 bo eithec (a) lacated bo:.ov-ground in a vault acceptable to the Water Enginooring Aivision or (b) lncated ah•avn-qrounci, be}:ind tt~e front setback and full.~ acreened Nfth maintained landscapinq. g. +- T1int Crash strrage areas shall be provided and maintai.ned in a 1ocaCion acceptahle to the Stre~st Maint~nance and Sanitation Divioi.ou and i:~ ~ accosdaace with ~pproved plans on file with ~aid Division. Such information shall bo s~ecifically shoNn on the pl.ana submitted tor bufldiaq permits. _3_ PC90-109 10. * That: prior to comrnencement of stcuctur~tl ~rrunin~3, on-s.~te gire hydrants shall be installed anci c.hargec,~ a3 i•equi1•od and appcovetl by L•he City Fir~ Departm~nt. An all-weather road shall be provided to tha hydrant at all timeo, as rRq~iired by the Fire Departmoat . 11. * That firE sprinklars shall b~ in~tulled as requirad by tho Flre Department. 12, * Tha': a:ll air condi.tioninq facilities and other roof and ground mountud ~q~xipment shall be proporly nhialded from viow and the sound buffered fr.orn adjaconh residentaal properCies. Such lnformation sh~tl be sp~cifical.ly shown on khe _~lans submitteci for. building permits. 13. * That a six (6; foot high masonry block wall shall bc~ maintnined along thQ nor.th and west property linost provided, however, that the City '~raffic ~ngineer sha:l have tha AuLtiority t~ roduce the height oE tho wall ~o protect visual linos-of-sight where pedestrian/vahicular circulation intersect. Said block wall sha'11 be planCed and maintained w~th clinginq viaes ko eliminate graffiti oppor~unifies. 14. That aay proposed pa.~king araa lighting fixtursa adjacen~ Co any residential property sht~11 be down-lighted with a maximum heigtit oF twelve (1.2) f.est~ Said lightinc~ fixtures shr.ll be directed nway from adj~cont residential property 13n9~ to pr.ut~ct the resxdsntial iateqrity of tlie area and shall be shown on the plans nubmitted ior building permit~. 15. That prior isau~ncd oF a buildfng permit, th~ l~qal owner(s) af aubj~ect proporty sl~all eYecuto and z•ecord an unsubordinated covenaut in a~orm aQgroved by the City At~orney's Office wherein such oxner(ts) agree nat t~ contest rhe formation of au assessm~nt d~stx~ict(s) which may hereafter be formed, for the purpose of finan~:ing the under~roundfng of utilitfea which, district(s; caixld include such logal pro~er*yo uwnor's property. 16. Thak the proposal shall compiy rri~h all signiug requiremente of ~he RS-A-4~,000 "Rasldeatial/AgriculGural" Zon~ and aa further restriated in Condition ~in. 17, belo~+, unlosa a variance allorrinq eiqn wnivara ia c+pproved by ~he City Cuuncil, Planninq Commine.fon ar 2oninq Admini~tratox. 17. That any froostandinq sign on sub jec:t ~roperty shall be a manument t:~+pe noC oxceed~fnq four (4) taet in height aa~ shall be subject to tbe revierr and appru~bl o~ the City Traffic Engineer to verify adequate linea -of-~al.ght. 18. +~ That the ou-atte landscaping and irriqa~ion sy9tem ahall he refurbishod and maintained in compliance with City standards. '9' PC90»109 ~9. Tliat tho lan~scape plan~er ~djaeent t~ Broadway shall be plaxit~d in a mannar which scraens the parking frorn Drosdway to thQ qrdatest extent po~sib~e. 2D. xhat the owner of subject ~roperty sha11 suY>mit a leCter raquesting termination of Conditional Use Fe:mir, No. 350 (establishing a Girl Scout hAadquarters and trai.ning center; to the 2nning lliv.ision. 21. That subject property shall be devAloped sutistantially in acaordance with plans and SP~C1f1CIIt,lOri3 submitted to the City of Ana.heim by th~ petitioner and which plans are on Fi1e with the Plannia5 Depa~tment m~rked Exhi~it Nas. 1 and 2. 22. That prior to issuance of a bkildiny permit or witt~in a paricsd of one (i) year from tho ~.late of L•his rasolut:ion, whic:hever occurs fir~t, Condxtian Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 14, 15 and 20, 8bove -meutioned, sYzall be cumpliea with. Extenaians fur further tima to ~omplet~ sai.d condir_io:,s may be yraated in accordance with St~ction 10.Q3.090 of the Anahe.im Municipa'1 ~odo. 23. That prior to fin~l buildinq and zoning inspections, Condition Nos. 1, 2, '1, 8, 11, l~, 18, I9 and 21, a~ovn-mentioned, shall be aomplied rritti. 24. * That approval of thi;, application constitutes s~pprovaJ. of tlie propo~c~d request only to tho ~xtent that it compli~s with tY~e 1-.nahoim Munic3pal 2oning Codc~ an,d any othex rspplicable Ci_y, State and P~deral regulations. Ap~ro~~a1 does not inr.lud~, any act-ion or ~fndinqa as to complian~e or anproval of the rRC~uest re~garding any other app:aicable ordinance, ragulati.on cr requirement. Conditions marka~ witk~ an asterisk (tiy are zaquired by os'tc+hlish~d la~s, cades, rogulations ana aqreements and are not sub~~ect to negotiation. BE IT rURxHER RESOLVED that L•he Anaheim City Planning Commisgion cloes hereby f}.nd a,nd determine that adoption of this Resolution ie ezpressly pred.icated upon applicant's co~npli.ance with each ana all of tue condi~ions hereinabovn set for.th. Should ~sny auch cs;ndi.tions, or any part theroof, bo declared invalid or uuenfor.ceab.te by the fina]. juclamont of any court o~ com~et9nt jurisd3.ctiiou, tli~u thie Re:solution, and any approva~~ herein containdd, shzll be deemod null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTTON was adcpted at the,Planniut~.Commission meetiaq of May 7, 1990. ~i ~ . ~ ~ j ~ . ', ~ ,~: .,1 _..._-E- - „~~ ±; "~:" ~ .. . ----r-. ~--- "---~--~..,~ ~ CHAIRMAN, AIrAH$YM CITY k~LANltIN1G COtrBdTSSION AT'rEST: ,, % ~ f' _ i `- "r.~_: 'i:~.''.?.:~d.L. - __.-._ ~ , SBCRETARY P[~d ~~~tPORE " i ANAEIEIM CITY~I~LAPJNING COt~Il~SIpN -5•- PC9G-109 ~ , ,., 1! ' STATE OF CAL'IFORNIA ) COUNTX OF ORA-vGE ) ss. CITY OF ANA1iEIM ) I, Janat L, Jeusen, Secretary Pro Tempoi~e nf the Anaheim City Planniny Commission, do hereby cRrtify t.hat the farogoing r~solut3on ~vas passQd and adopted at a moQting of the '.naheim City Planning Commisgioa held on May 7, 1990, b,y the fullowing vote oF tha momb~rs th9reof.: AYES: COA4lISSIQN~RS: BOYDSTUN, BOUAS, FELbHAUS, HEI,LYI;R, FI£RLST, ?{C BURNE'Y, M~SSE NOES: COh(MT.SSIONERS: NONI: ABSF.NT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ~= _~ I2~ WITNES5 WHEFtI:OF, I have here~xnto set my hand this .~;>>•,,;~,,,~ c9ay of%._-• ,_,~/.°..;EL~-_`.... 1590. ' ~ ~~ r.; ~ , , .-, ~ ~,~=-., ~ _ l: /llr"/1 J.7~ ...c• '~ .(,C~'~.• ~~~~'~L J _ . 5F~CRETARY PR~ TEM~ORF!~ ~~AHEIM CITY PLANHT2~G COMMISSTQN ~! -~- PC90-109