Resolution-PC 90-112x~._S~~LTION NQ..e p~~.Q=X.~. A RESOLUTION OF' THE ANT~F;~IM GITY PLANNTNG COh4dISSIUN JIDQPTING AND RECOMM£NDING TO THE CITY COUNCTL ~DOPTION AF GENERAL PLAN' AME;NDMENT N0. 304 - LhN~ US~ FLEMEt~T'T WHEREAS, khe City Council of thQ City of Anaheim did adopt the Anahc~im Ganeral Plan by Rcsolution No. 69-644, showing the gc~ne,ral descr.ipt.inn and c~xtent of possible futu•re devel.oprnont w.i.thin the ciky; rnd WHEREAS~ the Planning Commissicn dirQCted staf~ t~o znitzata a General Plan l~mex~dment redesignating tho tha Stud.y Area from thr~ existing Medium nensiCy Resi~ential degignakion to the Low-Medium Uen~sity Residontial designation £or the Stuciy Area consisting of approximately 3.88 acres, on Y.he south sicle of Ball Road apprn-~'T,tely 495 faet west oE the aentorli.ne of Western Av~nue and furthor dQSCr ~ed as 3238-3302 West B~.1]. Road. WHEt2EAS, the Cit.y Planninq Cornm3ssion did hnld a public hearing at the C:ivic Gontex .in the City of Anaheim on May 7, 199Q at 1:30 p.m., notir.e oF said public hearing having beon duly qiven as requirRd by law ~nd in accordance with tha provisions of the A~aheim Mun3.cipal CoQe, Chapter I8.03, h.o t~aa: and con~ider ovidence for z.nd against saxd ~raposed Gene~ral Plan Amendment and to invsatigat:e and m~ke findings and recommendarions in ccnnection khorewith; and WHEREAS, said. Corrun'.ssion, a£l•~r due consideration, inspection, investzgation and study macia by itself, and afteX due ~~nsideration of all evidQnce and r.eport offerod at sa:.d hearinq, DOES IiEREBY FIND: 1. That evidence presented substaotiates the nesa for ~n nmendment to tlie Anaheim General Plan and ~hat Exhibit A be adop~ed redesignatinq subjec-: area far Low-Medium Density Rosidential land usos, rather Chan Medium Density Residential. 2, rhat tho proposed amendn~ent w~ulrl promotg £uture :and use compaC~::xlity ~rith surr~undinq sinqle-family residences. ~~FCRNIA ~NV'I~Q~f' ~ QUALITX AC~, ~iND~,N,.,4': 7hat the 1-nahoim City Planniny Corr,missfon has reviewed the proposal tn amend ~he Land Use Element of the Goneral Plan to chanqe L•he current land tise desiguation of Madium Density Residentlal to the Low-Medium Dunsity Resideutial for approximately 3.88 n~iC~, oi: tl;b south :,idm o: L';..2 8o~d ;,pp:o~:i~t~kely 495 fF1t!Y t~-est of tho centexlias of West~rn Avdnuo and further describec~ as 3238-33U2 West 8a11 Road aud dces tharefore ap~rove the Neqative Declaratien on the basis Chat it has considered the propose3 Negative Declaration toqether with bny comment.a recc~ived during the public revier+ process and further findi.ng on the basls of the Initial Study and any comments recefved that there is no substantiral evidence that tl~e p:oject will have a significant effoct on the environment 1426r -1- PC90-112 ' ~~ ~~~ i NOW, THEREFORE, 13~ IT RG50LVFD, that pursuant to the al~ove Pindings, t}ie Anaheim City Plann.iny Commissi~n dc+es hereby adopt and recommend to ttio CiLy Council of ~he City of Anaheim adoption of Goneral Plan Amendment No. 309-Land Use Elemont, Exhibir A, ta r~desig:3~te L•ha St~udy Arec+ from Che Medium Density Residentinl dosiynation to the Low-Medium Denaity '~osidonCial designatian. THE FOREGAIZIG RESULUTION wtts ado~ted at t2}ey Pl~.~rtning ~ommission n~eeCinq of May 7, 1990. J~1 _ ~` _ ... , , ,. * ~ ~~ / . c }~ ' ~ . :ir' n~ ~' % ---- CHA~~Rr` I~N7~HET~t CITY NLANNING COMMISSIUN ATTEST: /% c~~.fS~/~~"~~'(-.' .~~,.~ K, ..c.(_;,_,~._ .~, ~_ L SECRETAItY, ANAHEIM CITY PLA2JN~NG GON4~STSSION ~~. STA'TE OF CI~T.II'ORNI:a ) COUTITY Or ORANGE ) ss. CIT'St OF ANAHEIM ) T, Eclith L. Harris, Secrotary of the Anaheim City Plaz~ning Comcnissian, do hereby certiEy that thti foregoinq rosolution vrae pasoed ar~d adopt~d at a meating of thR Anaheim City Planning Commis~ion held on May 7, 1990, by thel fol'lowing vote of th9 members there~~; NO~.S: COl~SIS~TONERS: l10DIE AASENT: COMMtSSIONERS: NON£ AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDS~UN, Fi0UA5, FIEf~LYER, HERBST, FELDHAUS MC BURNEY, MESSE IN WI~NESS WHERLUF, I have hereunto set my h~snd this a'~%+~ dal ~ f!~L^_x-.-`. 19 9 0. ~..~.SZ ~t_~~~ ~ <~~/r1 ~!-c'v~~'~'°° - SBCRETARY, A2TAHEIM CITY PLANN.tNG COIr4dISSION »"L- PC9q-112 i; ;;~; ,I ' '~4'~t . .r . y~