Resolution-PC 90-120~ ~f~~Q C~~JT T S?.N__ NS~?.4_ PS~2..4__~,2 ~ ~ A RFSOLIITION OF T}iE ANAHE:IM l';ITY Pi.ANNING COhSbiTuSION '.IEIAT PETITIUN FOR COND'ITIONI~L USF PI;RMIT N0. 3280 BF G.Rr~2~1T~D WF3Et2TuAS, tho An~heim City Planning Comrnissiqn ciic7 raceivc~ a verifiod PetiL•ion for Conditional Usca Perm.it for cert~+in real gropertv situatod in the Cil:y of. An~heim, County at Orange, Stat9 ot California, doscribefl as: PARCEL 1: THk. 50UTIi 9:~ . 00 FEET ON Tk~iE NORTH 193 . 00 i'LE~ OF 'TFIF. FAST. ONE-HAT~F pF TFIF EAST ONE-HAL[' OF TFZS SOUTHEAST ~UARTER Ok' THE SOUTEiE;AST QYJARTCIt OC SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGF lI 4vI;ST, IN TH~ RANCFi~ LOS COYOTFS, AS SFiOYiN QN A MAP RF.CORDED TN BOOK 51, I'AGE 11 QF MISCELLANEUIIS MAk=S, :2ECORUS Ok' ORANGE COUN1'X, CALTFORNIA. EXCEPTIPIG TfiEREFROM 7'H~ EAST ~10. UO I'T3ET THEREUF, AS CONVEXED T~ THE STT.TE OF CALTFORNIA IIY DE~D R~;CURDI:D MI~RCFI 5, 1951, IN BOOK 2153, PAGE 250 OF OFFICIAL RECORnS UF SAID ORANGE C~UNTY. AL54 EXCEPTiNC TFIEKEFROM THE SOUTH 10.00 FEET Oi~ 1'I3E 4~E5~ 27 . UO r F.E'.P UF THE t70F2TH 193 . 00 FEG'T' OF TH~ EAST ~JNE-HALF OC THE SAS'1' ONE-EIALI' OP 'TFiE SOUTH~AST QUARTER .~F 'rHE SOUT..:EAST QUARTEc~ UF SAID SECTI021 19. PAR(:EL 2: THE EAST 8.00 FFET 0[' TFi~: SOiJTH 93.OQ FEET Ob' THF NORTFi 193.OQ FCEi OF THE wEST ONE-HALI' ~JF THE EAST ONE--HALE' OF THE SO(JTHEleST QUARTER OF TFiE SAU'1HEAST QUARTER fiF SECTION 14, TOV1NSHiI' 4 SOUTH, RANGE 11 WRST, IN T.FiF kANCHV LOS CUYOTES, AS SHOWN ON A MAP REC:ORDED IN DOOK 51, PAGE 11 OF MISCELLI~NBOUS MAPS, RECURD~ OC ~RANGB COUIITY., CALIFORNTA. 'AHF,REAS, lhn C.ity Planninq Corrunission dicl holci a pixi~lic hearing a~ the i:iv.ic Cent•er in the City r,f Anatieim or- May 21, 199Q at 1:30 p.m., notice of said publi.c heai•inq having been duly given as requirRCl by law and in accordance with the provisions of tha Anahoim Municipal Coae, ChapCer 18.03, tc liear and consicler eviderice for and against said proposed condxtional vsQ permit and to i.nvest.iqate ancl make fin@.inqs ~nd rec.ommendatians fn connection therewith; and WHEREAS, ~aid Comrn.ission, a=l:sr due insg~ction, investigation and study made by il-self and in i.l•s b::half, anci after duo eonsiderz~ti~n oE all evidence and reper~s of£ered a~ said hearing, doc~s f3nd and dotormirze the t"ollowing facts: 1. That Che proposed use is proper].y orca tor whfct, a condiL-ior.t~l use permit is authorized by Anaheim tdunicipal Code SQCtion to C~~r.rni.t a 14-room acldition +.:o an exi~ting 42-r~orn mc:~i with waiver of the to].lowinq und~r atithority of i.ociQ Section 1[3.06.080: ~FS~k~.Q~?~__1~~~~9~.9_~4.~~.~_ - ~inim~m__t'-~fi~L~r St~.~?~~Y~ng_.d~~!~~~• ~n~ ~~~~_~.4~,.9.5A (~Q requirad: 4~ proposed) 1~390r -1- PC90-170 ,r ~ L ~ ''' 2. That tk~e x~ec;uostetl wai~rQC• is hereby qranted on the basis that tlie parking waiv~r wi17. no~. causo an incxaasa in traEfic c~ngestion in the i.mmedi~te vicinir,y nor adversoly ~ttect any a~ijoi.ning land uses and ~ranting of tho parking waivor undex tkio concli~.ions imposed, if any, will not be detrimc~ntal ~~o the poacc~, he~~tir.t~, safoty and gQx~oral welfaro of the citi.zens of the City of Anaho.im. 3. ThaC tha ~rupnsed ~xse w.ill riot adversely aff.ect Cho a~jofn:ing land uses and L•he grnwCh and davelopmNnt of th~s area in which it is propa~ed L•u be located. 4. That: tha size and chapa oF tl:e site pro~oat~~. for the usP is adeguate to a11aw t23e fu11 cievr~lopment of t2:c~ pr~po~ed usa in a mann~r not detrimental to l•.hQ particiilar area nor to the peace, health, safoL•y a~nd g~nex•al w~lfflre of the Citizens of the City uf Ar.aheim. 5. That tho granting ot tho Conditional UsQ Permit under. the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the paace, health, saf.ety snd general welfare of the Citizans of ihe City of Ar.aheim, 6. That tkie tcaf Eic ger.eraC.ed by th~ propused use wi)..: not impose an undtxe burdon upon trie stre~ts and highways designed and imp~ u•~ect to carry tlie hraffic in the area. 7. That 2 petsons indicated their pr~sence at said public hearing in opposili~u; and that nu corrQSpondence was recQived iri opposition to the subjc~ct petition. ~AL~F'Q~tNTA_ ENVIRQNMCNLAL _ OUAT,ITX _~+,~T_ F t~ JDIN~; Tho Planning D.irnctor or his auChori.zed repzespntaY,ive has determined that tha proposed projeiY, falls witl~in ttie definition of. Categorical Exemptions, C1ass 1, as defined in the Stai•e EIR Guidali.:es and is, therefoce, categorically ~xempt from the requirement L~ preparQ an EIR. NOW, THEREFORE, BE ;a Re,SOLVE~ that the Anaheim City Planninq C.:mmission does hereby grai~t subjert Petition for Conditional Uso P~rmit, upon L•h~~ following condit.ions whic:; are herebl tound to ba a necessa~y prerequisite to the proposQd u~e of, thc~ subject pr~perty in order to pzeserve the safety anrl general welfare of the Cikizens of the CitX oP Anaheim: 1. * Th~t prior to issuanco af a building permiL•, thc~ aopropriate traffic siqr.al assassmQnt fee shall be peid tc the City of. Anaheim in an 2imount as Qstablislieii by City Council resoluti.on. 2. '~ That plans shall be submittQd to the Cil•y Tra~fir. Engineer f'or his review aad approva: u}iowing confor-n~nce with ~nqineerinr, Sttsndard Plan Nos. 436 and 6~2 gertaininq to park3.ng :~tandarcl:s. Subjoct property shall th~rsupon be iievelopad and maintained i.n conforman~e w3.th 3aid plans. -2- PC9U••120 ~a~oao~aww~~~ 3. That thc dr.iveway on Hearh IIoul~v,ard sht~ll be reconstructed to Accommodate fifteon (:L5) faot r,adius ~~uxb re~urns 3n con£orma:~ce wiCh Engineering S~zn~3Trd No. 137. F~cxstiiig k~rokon or crflcked driveway~ shall be reraovod and replaced us rac;uirec'. by the City Encraneer. ~. 4. ~ That subject propQrty sha11 bQ serv~d by iinderground u~.il.it.ies. 5. * Tt-at a fee for. street tcee pur~,oses slxa] 1 ba paid to the ~,ity o.E Arialioim b~sed on thF~ length nf stxeet frosxtago along Beach Iioulev~,rd in an zrnounZ a;:, established by C.ity Counc:il resolution. 6• That the w,~ter moter system sha11 be upgraded to th~ satisf.a~~Iaxi of the Water Engin.eering Division. ~. * T}iat trash storage areas sha1.1 be grovidofi ~nd maintiained in locatior~s acatiptable to the StroQt tdaintQnance and Sanitation pivision and in accorciance with approvod ~lans on file with sa,id Divia3.on. Such information shall be specifically shown on the plar.: submittad for. buildix~y permits. 6. * That prior to commoncement of structural Praming, on-•sito fzre hydrants shall bP ins~alled anci ctiargod as requirsd and anprovod by L•he (;ity Fire DepartmenL. 9. +~ Th~t a fi.ro alarm wyste-n shall ba installad to the satisfaction of the Fire Dapartment. 10. * That a tr.•~ (2) hour area separation wall shall be installed bQt~ween the ~xisting Uuildinc~ an8 the new coristructian, to the satisfaction of th~ Fire DQrartment. 11. That pri~r to issuance ~f a building permit, Che 1ega1 owner(s) af. subjo:;t prop~rty 3ha11 exerute ana reaord an unsuboruinated covenant in a form appravc~d by tlie City l~t+~orney's Office wherein such ownor(s) aqree not to cont~st thc~ form;~tion of any assessme:~t districtts) which ~nay hereafter be Eormerl .for tho purposc~ of financing the underground;ng of utilit-ips, and whi.ch dis~rict(s) r.o~.ild include ~uch. legal property ow.ner's property. 12. +~ Th~t a11 air condi~ioning facilities and othcr raof atid ground m~unttid ~qu5.pmen~ sha11 t~:.~ px•operly ;;hielded from vi~~r and the sound buftered from adj~cent c~~idQntial propertie~. Such iiiformation sha~.l be sp4r.ific~.lly s' u o:i tho plans submitterl for buililing pQrmits. 13. That all plumb:n;~ or okher ~imilar pipes and fixtur.es located on khe exteri.cx uE the building sh~ll be fu11y scresned by ~zchilectural dovices and/or appropriate buildi~ng materials; and, further, such .in:orniation shall be s,~ecificall,y alz4wn orz the p:lans 3ubmittod for buil.ding permits. -3- PC9~-120 ~r„ •" . 14. * That• a sis (6) f`o~l high masonry black wall shall be maintained along the west propc~rty 1inQ. Said k~lock wall ~hall be planted and m~intainad with clingi.rig vinES to oliminate graf.Ci;.i opportunitias. 15. That any ~rogosecl parkinc~ arAa lighting fixt~ure~ adjacQnt ta any rdsidenr.ial properGy sha11 b9 down-lic~hted with a maximum hoiqht of twelve (].2) ~eQt. Said lighcir-g Eixtures sha71 ba directed away from adjacent resiclt~ntiaJ. pruperty litias ta protQCt tho residentiul integrity oE the urea and shall be ~hown. on the ~l~ns submitte~ Car building permits. 16. That the proposal shall r.,omply with all signing ~oquirement3 of the CG "Commarcial, Lzmited" Zone unless a vari~nco allowing sign waivers is approved bx t2~e City~ Council, Planning Comma.ssion or Zoning Aclminis~rator; and excent as otharwisa r~stricY.ed bx Condition N~. 17, below. 17, T,hat any pra~used fr~estanding sigr~ ori sub~act p:operty shall be a monument type not axcReding four (4) feet in heighr ar~d shall be subject ro the review and approval of thQ City Traffi.c Engineer to verify adequate ].i.nc~s-ot-si.yht. 1.8. * That the on-si.te larids..aping and izrigation system shall be refurbished and maintafn~d .in compliance ~vith City sL•anaards; and Iurther, that a si~c (6) L•o seven (7) foot wicta landscaped area shall be provided along the wost property line and pl~ntec7 with minimwn twenty E~.ar (24) inch box trees plant~cl on maximum ten (10) foot centors, as approved by the P1ann:ing DepartmenL-. Such inforrnati~n shn11 be clearly shown on the plans submitted for buzlding pc~rmits. 19. ~hat subjoct property shal.l b4 devQloped sub~tantially in accordance a+ith plans and speuiFications subraitted to the Cit,y of Anahc~im by the petitioner ar3d which plans ar~ on L•ilv with the Ylanning Department marked Ehhibit Nos. 1 through 3; pr.ovi.dod, however, there shal~ be no windows facing wes~ towards the single-iamily residential r~einhborhood and tha.t 2dc3itional landscaping shall be installed, as specifi~d in Condition Na. 1ii, abova. 20. That priar t:q issuance of a building permit or ~ritihin a period oP orie~ (1) yaar from thQ date of this resolutian, wtxi::haver occurs first, Conclition Nos. 1, 2, 5, 7, 11, 12, ~3, 15, and 18, ab~ve-ment.ioned, sha11 be complier~ with. Ex~~~nsians for further. time to comploto ~aid cohditi~ns may be qrUntod in accordance wi~h Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Munic.ipal Co~.le. 2:1. That prior to finn.l building and zoni.ng in;,pections, Co:idition No~t. 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 7.4~ 17, 18 and 19, above-montianed, snall be comp].ied with. 22. * That approval af th.is application constitutes appr~val of tho proposed request only t~ the exteu~ that it complies ~vith the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, Sta~e and Fedc~ral regulstions. Appr~val does noti include an.y action or findings as to compliance or approval of the rec{uest regardina any okher applicable ordinanc~, regulation or requirement. Conditions marked witih an 3sterit~k (*) are requirAd by established laws, codes, rQgulations and agrQements and aro not subject to nagotiation. -4- PC90-120 •, ' y ~ _ ,~,~~~~~; f~"~ ' ''i%~ B~ IT r^'i)RZ'HEI2 RESOL'~VEA that rh~ Anah~im City~ Planning Commfssian does herohy f3nd ~nr~ c~~termine that adap~io:a of. this Reso7.ution i~ exprossly prodicated upon applicant's compliance with e;-cn and all of the candi.tzon~ her.einabove sot forth. Should any such canditions, or an declared .in~~aJ.iQ or unenforceable by tYle Eina1 ud y part thereof•, be com~etent jurisdictxon, then this Rr~so].uL•io:i, and ~~nt a f ~nY court of contt~ined, sk~all be dHemed nul], ~,nd vo3.d. ~' PPrQVa~.s herRin ' ZHE E'O~t~GpIr7G RFSOLUmTOPt was adopted at the Plannir~g Commiswion mootinq ~•.' of May 21, 1990. ~~~ `~ ,e.~- ACTTNG CNAIR r^ '-`~' ~~~~I2/ CITY LANNING COMMISSION ATT~ST: ~ / l~, ~ J,. SECFETAft , ANAHE`:[M C~ ~~i L.~ _-r'-.M". PLANNING COMh:ISS:[ON STATI; ~F CALIFORNTA ) COTJNTY OF ORANGE ) ~S, CZTY 4F ANAHETM ) Y, F.ditl~ L. Harris, Sacx•etar~ of the Anahaim City Nlanning ~~~.~ssion, do hereby certify that the forQg~ing rc~solution was pas~o:I and adopted at a mee~ting oF the Anaheir~ City Plrsnninc~ Commiss.ion hold on Ma,y 21, 199p, by tY,e tollowing votc~ :if the membt~rs thereof; AYES: COD4fISSIONERS: DOUAS, F'EI.DFiAt?S, IiEI~LYBR, MC F3URNEY', M~SSP; NOES: CODSMISSICNEIiS: NUNE ABSENT: COMMISSIONF,RS: AOYDSTUN, HERSST ,- TN WTTNESS WFIL;R~OF, I have heraunto ~et my h~.nd thas i ~t~ of : i _ ~,(, .~__. 1990. -~ day ~ ~ ~~ -~---- i; ~~; , ~ _~~ , _~`~'' ~-~-~.`,~--~~- ~ ~ SLC;RGTARY, ANAHBTM CITY PLRNi~iING Cp~MMI~IOIJ -5- PC90-120