Resolution-PC 90-123~r:I!41,~ , . ~~S~U~2N. N_4.L ~.?.9~~.~. A R~SOLUT'tON OF TFIH; ANAH~IM CITY PLANNTNG COMMISSTON ADOP'.fTNG AND [2ECOMM~ND.ING TO THC CTTY (btINCIL l~U0PT20N OF GENEkAL F~LIW A.MENDMEI~IT N0. 30fi-1 AND -2 :,AND USE EL~MENT WHLREAS, the City Council of tt~o C.~ty of An~heim dfd auoph, the Aiiahoim Gonoral Plan by Rosolut.icn No. 69-644, showiny t:he qenerKl dascriptioci and oxtent oP Fossfble future davolopment ~ithin thA cityJ and WHEI2EAS, t2ie Planninc,~ Cortunission d.~re~ted staff to initiate a GenQC•al Pl~iz NnencLnent redosignaLirig Study Area 1£rem t}ie existinq bfeditun bensity Ra;~iden~.ia1 ddsignatiuri to Low donsity Rasidontial; and redesignating Study Aroa 2 from the es;isting M~ciium 1)ens3.ty Residantial dosignakion tio Low-Medium Dansity Rosidnntialj and Study Areas 1 an@ 3 are descri?~ed as L'ol lows : ]~~EA 1. APPKOXIMhTI:LY 9.6 ACFES CONSIS7.`ING QF THE FOLLOWZNG AREAS: - T:iOSE PARCELS LOCA'tE;D U2I TIiE WEST SIDS UF' VALLEY STREET, DGGINNING APPRO:CIMATELY 16U .FEET SOlJTH Or THE CEZiTERLIN.°, OF CROIZE AVENUE AND EXTENDING SOiJTH TO MTNERVA AVENUE. •- THOSE PARCELS LACATED ON THE NORTH AND SOUTH STDES OF MIN~RVA AVF.ttU~, HEGINNING AT THE ALLEX AT THE WESTERN TCRMINUS OF SAZD STRECT AND EXT~NDING F:AST APPROXIMI~TELY 1,250 FEET. - TfiOSE PARCEi,S LOC.ATEA ON TtiE WEST SIDE OF AGATE STREET, UEGZNNING APPkOX7M11TELY 150 FEET SOUTH OF THE CF.NTERLTNE OF IIE1,C02J AVEi7IJE AND ~XTEl1UING SdUTE: ZO IIAI.L ROAU. A_rS~'s± ~, AYPF20XIMJITET.Y 16 ACE2ES CONSrSTING OF ~HE FOLL(IWING AR~AS: - THOSt pROPERTIES LOCI~TED UtT 'THE :10RTH SID~ OF JUNO AV~NUE At1D ~1UN0 FLAf:F., IIF.GINNING AT TKE ALLEY AT TNE WESTCRN TF.RMINUS AC JUtdO AV~NUE AND EXTENDIKG ~AST TO THE EAS~ERLY TERMIt1U5 0~' JIINO PI.ACE. - THAT 11REA LOCATED ON THE N06TH SIDE OF BALL ROAD, EtAVItdG A FROlJTA~E qF APF~ROXIMATELY 969 F'EE1' ON THE lJORTN SIDB Of E3ALL ROAD AND EXTLNDIHG NORTH APi'i20XIMAT~GY 1, 270 ~BET AND BEING I,OCATf:D APPROiCIM11TFLY 195 FEET EAST OF TEiE CENTERLZNB OF BROOKFiURST STitEBT, 1449r •-1- PC94-123 ~ i~~.~ WHGREAS, Yhe CaL•y Ylanning Commissior. did hold a public hc~arinq at tho Civic C~ntor in the City of Anahc~irn on May 21, 1990 ~f 1:30 p.m., notica of said ~,ublir. h~nr3r.g having been duly ~iveit as requirr3;I by law and in accordn:ic~a with ~h~ provisi.ons o~ th~ Ax~ahoim Muni.ipal Coda, Ch~ptor 1E1.03, to hear and consider eviaQnct~ for and ayainst sa.id proZ~osed Genernl Plan Am~ndmont ~-ncl to invest.igat~ and malca finilings ~rid rQCOmmanctar.ions in connecti~u tharowitl~; and WIiER~A5, s~id Cornmission, afk•~r 1uo aonsidc~ralion, inspection, .invEStigation and s~udy madQ by itse~lf, and after duo e:onsidaration of all ovidenr,e and reporr affere~l ~t ~aid hearing, DUrS HEREE3Y FIND: 1. T2iat evidenc~ nre~antod substantiates the noed for an amandmenl- to ~hQ Atiahaim General Plaii and Ctiat Exhibir, A AmEnded, doleting proF~rt3es £ront?.rg on 8roukliurst, be adoptc~d redosigi,~ting Study Are~ 1 for Low Den3ity Residentia.l raL•hur ~3ian Medium D~ns.ity RQSidentia'1 ~nd Skudv Araa 2 for Low-btecli~;m Uensity Resiclenti.al rather tl-~an Medicm U~nsity Regido•itial. 2. That the proposed amendment is consistent with thQ oxisLing l~rid 1I9B CZQri^a1~165. ~F~I.IFORNIA ENVIRQt~NTI~~._Q~InLITY.~T.~NDIN~: That the Anahoim ~ity Planninr Commission nas revi~wad the proposal to amend tY~e L~snd ilse Element o:E the Genoral Plan to chan~~o ttie currEnk land uaQ dQSignation of Medium llensity Residential designatiori to Low Density Re~idential Eor Study Aroa 1 which consists of approximateiy 9,6 a~:res consisting oE tho following areas: ~Izoso parcels located on the wc~st sido of Va~leg~ Stroet, begicining approximately 16~ feot saut}i of L•he centerline oE Crone Ave:~ue and ~xtanding sou~h to Minerva Avenuet thusQ parcele located an tre no~th aud south sides of M.inerv~ Avenue, beginniny ~t the alle~ at the xest~:rri terminus af .,3id stroet and ext;ondiny easY. approximately 1,250 foot; thnso parcels located on the west side o~ A~ate Street, boginninq approximatel;~ 150 feel south of the cQnterline of Beacon Avenue ~nd axtendinq south to IIall Road; and to changR thc~ de~ignat:on of MQdium Density RQSidenti~l desi~natiori t:o Low-Medium Densi.ty Rertidential for Sti~dy Ai•ea 2 w2iich consist~ of approximately 16 ~~cre~ consisCing af r_he following areas: thaso properties loc.al•~d on the north side oC Juno AvRnue a~~id Juno Place, bQqinning at the alley al-. the wUStern terminus ot Juno Avenue and extending east L•o L•he e,zstF~rly terminus af Juno Place; th3t area located on the n~rCh sfde of Ha11 koad, hav.inq a fr~~nhaqe of approximatelv 469 frset on the north side of Bali Road ai:d Faxtond:ng north approximately 1,270 feat Hnd bQing located approximatQ2y 195 feor, easL ct thc conterlino of Brpokhurst Strceetf anA doc-s, therefore, approve tt~e Nec~ative Declaration on the hasis thaC it has considered the proposed t7~g~tfve Declaration toqethor with any commKr.ts recdived during the publfc rovierr procoas znci further finding on the basis of the IniCial Stuciy and ony comments receivod rhAt there .{u no substantial ~v.ic3Qnce tt~zt the ~rojecc will have a signiEicant effact on tlio environm~rnt and doe3, therefore, approve the Negative Declaratioa ~~=-- PC90-123 ~,. wt~~' ~l y NOW, THGREF'ORE, I3~; IT RESOLVGD, that puz•suant to tho above fintlings, tho Anaheim City Planning Commissian doea hereby aclopt anc3 recommond to the City Council oL Che Citx of Anaheim adoption of Ganer.al Plan Amc~ndment No. 306-]. ~nd ~-2 Land Use Elomont, Exhibit A, to roc~osignate Stutty Aroa 1 Prom thQ Medium bonsit;y Ra:+ident.i~] designation ~o tho Low uonsi~y Ros~d9ntial ~iosignation anQ Study Area 2 Crom kh~ M~dium llonsity Ftesidential desiqnation to the Low-Med3um Density Resiclontf~l dosignai:3on. TFIE FOREGOING kGSOL,UTION was adopted at the P.lanning Commission mr~eCing of May 21, 1990. ~ ~~~~ ~~- TEMPORARX CHAI ^, ~ ~ ~ ANI~iEIM CITY PG „ .QTNG COMMISSION ~TT~ST; ~;i ____.- . . ~ Q ,(r,,~~ _ !~,~/i`_c.~-•- `F---_.~_. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CI~Y YLANNING COh4dISSION SZ'AT5 OF CALIF'~RNIA } COUNTX OF ORANGE ) ~s, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) T, EdiL•h lL. Hlrris, 5~cretary of the Anaheim Caty Planning Comnissfoii, do horeby :~rtify that thQ foregoing resolution was passed and ~doptQd at a meeting of t:ie Anaheim City Planning Commiss.ion he.ld on May 21, 1990, hy the following vote of the membars thereof.; AYES: COhIIdISSLO~JERS: $OUAS, :iELLYER, EEI,DHAUS, MC BURNEY M~SSF NOESs COt~fISSIONGRS: NONC , ABSENT: C~)MMISSION~:RS: FiOYUSTUN, HF.RHST f~ f~ ~ IN WTTNESS WFiF.RGOF, I have hc~reunto seL my hand tt~is ~/ ~~ ~!L~- o •.. :~:.: ' -.--- ~ 19 4 C. -. y / ' l r/ ~ ~ i ~~ f ) _~ ~ / C . ' !1. --- ~__„~_ j , ~ . _ .. ,~~_•;: ~...c~ S~CRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PY.ANNIN~ CO2~lISSION ~~3- PC90-123