Resolution-PC 90-125,:< , ,; ~?'~'~ A~ak~ RE~S"OGU,~'XOTI N' 1~ PC.~Q,-1.25 I~; F'.,~ A RESOLUTION OF TFiE; ANAI~LIM CI'.fY PLANNING CUMMISSION AI?OUTING AND RGCOI~II;NDING TO ~HE CITY. C:UUNCIL ]tllOPTION OF ~ENERAL PLAN Ah1ENllMENT N0. 307 - LAND USE ELEMEI3T „' ; WIiEFEwS, the Ci.ty Counr.i.1 of ~he CiL•y of Anaheim did adogt the Anaheim GQneral Plan by Resolution No. 69-ti4~, stipwing the genor~l desc.ription and oxtent o~ possible future deve].opment wittiin thr cxty; and WHEREAS, the P,ann:ing Commission direci:ed staff to initiate a General P1an Amendmertt redesignating Lhe tlae Stucly Aren frorn tr.e exisCing Low Density P,asidential desic~naL•ion to the Low-bfodium Density Residential designation for the Study Area con;;isting of approxa.mataly 2,7p a~res ].ocated an che east side oP Eiiclid Stre~~t approximately 130 feet, south uf the centerlirzo of WakefieJl Avenue and further described as 1920 South ~uclid Street. WHEREAS, the City Planniuc,~ Conunission did hold a public hearing at ttie Civic Cercar irl the rzty ~~ Anaheirn orx May 21, 199p at 1:30 p,m., noti~e o.E said puY;lic Iaearing having been duly givei: as r.equi.rQd by law and in accordancR wi~h tbe provisiori~ of the Anaheim Muni.cipal C~de, Chapter 18,U3, to hear a:zd coiisider evi.denc~ fcrr and aga.inst said proposed General Plaii Amendment and to investigate and makE3 findings and recammendations in connection therewi.th; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due consid~ratinn~ iiispection, in~~e~tigation and study mad~ by itself, and after due consider.ation of all Rvidence and report oL•£i~red at said hearing, DUES HEREBY I'IND: 1. That evidence presentFC3 substanliates the need for an amendment t:o t:~e Anaheim General Plan and thaC Exhibic. A r:~ ~.doptod r.edeszgnating subject area for Low-N,edium Dansity Res.iclential land uses, xather than Low Density Residant:i~31. Z. That t:he proposed amonament would promoti future land usa con~patibilxty with s~.irrounding sinylQ_f.amily rQ;,idences. ~:L F RNI~FNVTR NMENI~AL Q(1,~LITy A~T ~yNDINC~: rhaC the Anahoim City P'lanninq Commiss.ion has reviewed the proposal to amenc3 the Larid Use Element of the General Plan to chaiige the current land use designation of Low Density Residential h.o t}ie Low-Medium Derisity RQSidential £or approximately 2.78 ~cres located on ttie east side of Euclid SL-rect t~p~roaimately 130 feer south of the centarline of Wakefiold Avenu~ and furthor descri:,,c1 ~s 1920 South Euclid Skreets and doss theroCor~: approve the Nc~gativc~ Doclaration on Che ba~is that it has r.onsiderecl the proposQd Negative Declaration toctether w3th aizy comments rQCeiv~rcl r.lur~iz~g the public reviow prucess and Fixrth~r findinq on tk~e basis af the Ini~ial Study and any comments receivod tliat ~here i3 no substantial evidenr,e that Lhe projert will havQ a si.gnifican~ eff'ect oii the environment 1446r -i- PC90 •-125 n ~1~ , ~~ ; , , ;~:,,,,, ,.>,,~ ~:,~ , :~;? NOW, THEREFORE, HE IL^ RFSOLVEb, Ch,~~ pursuan~ to th~ ~bove findirigs, the anahefm City P1ann.ing Commisszaii dues nQrQby ac~opt ~nd recomrnancl ~o tho City Cauncil ~f '~he City of. Anaheim adoption of GenQral plan Nnen~lment No. 307~Land UsQ Elemont, Exhib:iL A, tn rodesignate the Study Area from t.he Low Densa.ty Re+sidenrial deaiqnata.on to the Low-Medium Density Residential dosacJnation. TKE FOREGOING FESOLUTIOPI was adoptc~d at thc~ Plann3ng Commission ~ meet3ng of May 21, 19y0. ~~~aZ'~""'v ~ l ,v.CTI*IG CHAIRMI~N ~ ^ ~ ANAHEIM CIZY PLAN ING COMMISSION ~ ATTESZ': ~ ;~ -----~~~' =. :~1 ~ _~:~~,~.~. _ sccR~T~r~:, r.rlAx~rM i ~ , C TY PLANNING COMhfISSION STATE f~F CAL,I~URNIA ) COUNTY QF ORANGE } S5. CITY. OF ANAHEIM ) I, ~dith L. Harris, SecxaL-ary o: ~he Anaheim Ciky Planning Commissiori, do hareby certif,y tliat the forogoiny resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim C3.ty Z~lanning Commission held on Dfay 21, 1990, b~ Lhe ~ollowing vote o.f the members L•hzreof: AYFS: COMMI^aSTONERS: HOUAS, Fi~LLYER, FELDHAUS, MC BURIIEY, MESS~: NOES: COMMISSION~RS: NUN~ ABSELIT; C.OMMTSSIONERS. BOYnSTUN, Ii~RElST IN WITNESS WHERF~F, I have hereunto sat my 2iand this ,f `D~~ da of ~, .,_~. 1990. Y ~=- ~ --` , .~~ ~` -~ .. _<.~ SECRCTARY, ANAHEIM CITy pLANNTNG CAMMISSION ^! -z- nc4o-iz5