Resolution-PC 90-139~ RFS~1L~r34N ri4z_~.~~.~•-a~~~ WIiLREAS, F.he Anaheim City Planning Commiss:on did reqeive a verified Pel•ition f~r Concii.tiona]. U'3e Pvr.mit Eor certain real propert;y ,ituatod in the CiLy oE Anaheim, County oE Orange, State cf California, descr.ibed ass A R~;SOGUTION QF TFiJ. AvAHEIM CITY Pi~ANNiNG CUMMISSION THAT YF.'PITION FOR CONDITIONAL USF. PERMIT N~. 3287 Ei~; GRAN'`~D 9EGIN:II21G AT THE WF.5TEi2LY QiJARTER CORNCR CF SECTION 3, TUWNSHIY 4 SOUTFi, RAtJGE 10 WBST SAID YOINT Ai.SO F3~ING 'PHE C~NTERLING IN7'F.RSEC7.'ION OF EUCLID STREET, AND CRESCCNT AVL•'NU~; THENCG GOING P10R1'I~ 00° 15' S2" N1EST ALOI7G TH~ CENTERI.INE UF EUCL~Ib STREET 7.,3;i0.~S5 FEET; T.FIH:NCE NOR:~CFI 89° 47' 15" F.AST 53.00 F'EET T~ A PJIVT ON THE EAST RIG~iT OF Y1AY LIP1E OF EUCLID STREET, SAID POINr ALSO BEING TFiE POIN': JC TRUF. BEGIP7N'ING; TfiLNCE CONTINTJING tIORTH R9° 4'1' 15" EAST 133.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00° 15' 52" EAST ].51.00 i'EET; 7.'HENCF' SOUTH 89° 4'l' 15" WEST 133.00 F'EET1 THENCE NURTH 00° 15' 52" WGST 151.U0 FF.GT TO THE POINT OF TRUF: E3EGINNING. ~_. . ir i? : ii`i:_-... WFI~:RE.\S, t}le City Planning Commissian dicl ho2d a public hearir.g aL• the Civic Center in Yhe Citl of Anaheirn on J'une 4, 1990 at 1:30 p.m., rioticr~ of sziu pubiic y~~ar.ing having been duly qiven as required by law and in accordance with the ~rovisions ot the Anaheim Municipal Cocie, Chapter 18.03, C~ hear and consi~ec evid~nce for anci aqainst said prop4sed cor ]ir.io~aal use germit ~nd to investigate and make find.ing3 ~nd recomrnendt~tions in connection therewikh; and Y7HERFAS, said Cammi.,slon, aEter due inspoction, investiqation and study micle by itself and in its hehalt, and afLez due cansideration ai all evidence ar.d repor~s offered at sa.td hearing, does Eind dnd cletermine the following facts: 1, 'r.hat tho proposed u~e i.s ~,roperly one Cor wliich a conditional us~~ pr.rmit is authorized by 1-naheim Municipal Code Sr.ction :.O.~S4.050.300 to permit o 2,6c-0 sq.ft. driv~-ttirough resL•a~irant•. 2. 7'hat the proposed use wi.ll not ad~~ersely affect the adjoining land uses ar.d the yr.owth and development of the area in wtli~:h it :s praposed t~ be locato•.i. 3. T:»t the size and shape ot the ,ite proposed for the usQ is ~tcl~qur,tc- to a) 1ow the Eu] 1 devc•lopment of tltie proposed u,o in a manner not detr.imonr.nl to the k~art:cular area nor to the pe~cc3, health, sa_°ety ~1nd qencsrs~l welfare of the CiCizens of the City of l~naheim. ~ 4. That tt;Q qrant.iny ~~t che Condition~l Use Pormit unciQr the conditions imp~sed, it any, aill nuC be detrimental ko tlia peace, hQaZth, ~afe~y an~f qen~ral wrlizro of rhe Cirizen:o of the City of Anahe{m. 1467r -1- k~C9Q-139 . ,;,yr~ ~ ~ e ~. ~ 5. Ttiat ttie ~r~~f.fac g~nRrat~a by ~he pro~osed uso will not impose an unriua burfiori upon the stre~~3r_s and }iiyhways ar~signod and improved to c7rry the ~raf.fac in the area. ti. That no onn :inaic~ted their Pcosenca at said public heariny in opposir.iun; anci thzt no corr.esponct~;zica was rocoivQd in opposi~inr- to ~.ho subioct pQt;it.ion. ~AL_I_~URNIA ENVIR~PJMENTAL_QUA~,IZ~y ~ T FINDIN~: T,it~~ the Anaheim City Plannin7 Commissipr~ has rHVi~wod the proposal to pormiL• ~ 2~500 square foot driv~-through res~aurant on a rectangularly-9hagod parcol of land cons.isting of ai~praxirnately U.46 acre, havinq a frontage of a~pzoximakely 127 f~~~ on the ~as;•. side of Euclici StreQt, having a maximum de~th of approximately 13~ fee~, be.ing 1~~catod approxirnatQly 240 feet: south of the canterl.ine o£ Catalpa Driva ari~i furtYier. described as 8~U Nnrth Eurlid Slreet; and does har.eby approve tk~e Ilagative DQClaration upon finding t.hat it has c:otisidexr.d the Neqati.v~ Ueclaration togQrher with any comm~nts rece.ivod ciuring t}ia public revierr proc~ss anci tiurther finding on the basis of the iiii,~ial study a:id any cortunents recei.vc~d that ~hero is rio s~.ibs~a:~tial evidence th~,t the prcject will h~.ve a si.gnifacant effecC on the envi:onmant. tJOW, THEREL'ORE, L3I; IT F[;SULVED rha~ t:~e Anahcim CiCy ~1~nning Commission Aoes hereby qc•ant ~ubject Petition for Cor.ditiozia.l Use Permft, uPor- the following condit;iuns whic}i are herQby fou~ici to be a necossary Prer.oqui~i~~ ~o ttie ~roposed use of th~.~ subjecC propQrt~ i.n ord2r to preserve thQ safety and general weliare o£ the Citizens ~f the City of Anah~im: 1• ~ That prior to issuance of a building permit, t~~e appr~priate traffic signal assnssment fee shull he paid L•a the City ~~f Anaheim in an amount ss estublislie~9 by City Council re^,ulut;ion. 2. * ThaL pl~zns shall be submitted to the ;,~*y Traffic Enginaer for his revier: and approval showing conEorm~nce witt, Enginearing 5tanda:•d P1an Nos. 43G, 60?. and 605 pertaining to parking standards. Subjecl• pr.operty shall thereupon be developc~d and mainr_~ined in c;onformance ~,~ith said plans. 3. 4. r~ ~ ~}~aL plans submilted Eor building pormits shall show confcrmanco W.irh Enq.ineering Stc~ndard Plan No. 137 Pertaini7g to s.iyht ctista~ice vi.sibility. That ~he driv~-th~ouql~ 1an~ shall conlorm to f:ode Section 18.OC.070 "Drive-t;}~rough and ~rive~-up Lane kr.quirem~nt3". That t:hc• vehica2 ~r ~ccess ri~~hts to rel.inqui:shed to thv Cit/ oL Anahr-im, t:uclid 5trc+e~ shall b~: raleased and _z_ PC9C••139 ^ , r•; i ~w 'r ~~~'~ ~ 6. (Condit3on c1e].stoc't) 7. * That f:Iro spi~inklerg sliall b~ insta.l]ed as xQquirec~ by the City t'ire Dapnrtment. a. That an lnciopondent priyate wator syskom w.ith separate water ;~ervico for FirQ protection ancl domostlc warer sha11 k+e provi3eci. All wates backfl~~~r• equipmen4: and any other large water system oquipmeut sha.ll be loct~ted aither (t~~ b~low ground i.n a vault acceptable to the WAter Utility Aivision or (b) above groutid loc.ated beh.ind tha frunt setback and fully scrr~oned from view fr~m any public strQe't. 9. * Tha~ a fe~ for street ~.ic~liL.in~ ~urposes shall bQ paid to the City o£ Ariah~im bas~~t on the 2ength of streot trontage along Euolid Street in nn amuunt .~s establis2ie~1 by City Council resol.ution. 10. +~ Th~,t a fee for street tree r,urpcsr~s sha17. be pai.d to the Cit;~ of An~heim basecl on t1ic~ leng~h of strQ~C frontaqe along• Euclid 3treeC in an amouiit as est~b]ishcd by City Council resolutio~i. 11. * That subject preperty ~hall be serv~d by underground ut3lities. 12. That prior to issuance c~f a bu3,luing permit, the legal owner(s) of subject: proper~y shall ex~~~uto and r~rcord an unsubordinated covenar,t in a form approved by the City Attornoy's OFfice wherRi,n suc.h owner(~) agroe not to contest t:he forrnation of any assossmenk district(s) which may heroaf.tor be furmed for the purpose of £inanc:inq tr,R undc~rgrounding of utilities, and wtiich district(s) could includo such legal pro~erly owner's proporty. 7.3. * That th~ legal owner of sub}ect property sha1J. dedicate to S:hc~ City ~f AnahQim a five ( 5) foot widQ easernent along t}~c~ nort)i Propei•ty linQ oP subject pr.opQrty Eor publi.c ut~lity pur~o,es. 14. ~ Tiiat trash s~oragQ areas shall be provided ar-d :naiiitained in a loca~z~n acceptable to th~ Street. Maintcnance and Sanitalion Division and in accordance with approved plar~s an file with said Divis~.on. Such information shall b~r spec:ific~ll~~ shown on the plans aubmitted for bui~dinr~ pei•mits. 15. That in t}ie evenr. a parcel maY is record~d on subject ~roperCy, dn ur~subordinated re~r.i~rocul access and parking agreement, in a form satis~fackory to th~ Ci r,y Attorziey, sh,11 be recorded w~th tne Office of the Gr-~nqQ County Rer_~raer. A copy uf tt,e recor~tocl agreemt~nt shall thon be s~bmitted to t}ie Z;~nir~g Divi~ion. i3_. PC90-1.~9 A~~' ` "~1 f»"'~~1 16. That tk~e ~rde~r sp~akor shal]. bu equipped wi-:h ~sn oporable volumo can~rol. 17. +~ 'That a11 pi.r condir.,ioning facilitios and othor roof and gr.ound mounted equxpment sha11 be pr.opQxly shiolded £r~m view. 5uch informati~n sha11 be ~pccifically shown on tho plans submitted for k~u5.ldi:ig pormit•s. la. That all p~umbing or other simi:Lar pipes and fixtures local•ed an tho exterior of ttie building ~hal'1 be fully scr~aened by architectural devices a~i~:t/or ap~r.onriatQ building rnatarials; and, Eurther, that such inEormatio• sY~ull be specii•ica'!ly shown an tYie plans submittod fur btiilding germits. ~.9, T2tat a:ay propose" parkir,g area liglating fixtures adjacent to any residsnt•ial property ahall be down-lighted with a muximum height of twelva (7.2) Peet. Said lXgh.ting fixtures shall be directec! xway from adjacent r~sidential prap~rty .liYies to protect the rosadontial intogriry of the aroa ar.d sha11 be shown on thQ plans submitted £or 5ui:lding permits. 20, ihat L-he propoaal shall comply wiL•!i all signzng requir.e~monts u~ the CL "Commorcial, Lim.ited" Zone unless ~ variancQ ~llowing sign waivers i:, approved by tlie C.ity Council, Plannina Corr.mission or 2oninc1 Administirator, and ~xcept as other•wisc~ rast:rictea by Condition No. 2~., Ue1ow. 21. That any freQStan~lzng sign on subject proporty shail be a monument-type not exceodiY:g tour (A) feet in heiyht arici shall be subjec:r. to the review and approval nf the Ci~y Traffic EnqinaQr L-o verify ac3equato I.ines -of-sig}at; . 22. * ThaL the on-site laradscaning and irrigation systQm shall be maintained in compliance ~riCh City st~+ndards. 23. That the parking aroa adjacent ta Eucl.id Strc~et shail be ~cr~ened fsom viow in conformacic:e with Code Sec~ioii 1Q.44.064.O1U "Au~omobile Parkinq Areas". 24. That thc owner of subject property ah~~ll submit a letror zequesting ;.c~rminatxo:i of Conditional (Jse Ft;rmit N~. 505 ( to psrmit a r.-ovie theator and '1.4-story office building with waiver ~.( minimum number of parking space~) and VariancQ Mo. 171G (to permit waiver of. mar.:imum fr~e-standiny sign ar.ea zrid heigtit) tv the Zoning Division. 2j, i: st subjoc!~ property shcsll bcr dQVeloped substantially in accordanco wi*h plans anci specz~icatic>ns submitted to the City of Anaheim by tha pc~titiozAar and which plans are on file with YhP P?anning Uepartm~nt marked Exhibit tJus. 1 through 3; provideil, kiowever, that the arfvew,~ to Euclid 3treet shall be desie~ned in a mannE!r to a11ow only righr, turri exits and entr~nces as approvod by thQ CiCy TrafEie ~nyineer pri~r to issuance of a bieildinq pormit. _r~_ PC90-1's9 ^ 26. That prior to i~;~uancH of a buildiny permit oi• wi~hin a period of one (1) yoar fram ~ha ~ar.o ~f this res4lutian, wh:ichevar occurs first, Cond.ition Nos. ~. thought 5, 9, 1Q, 12, '13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 24, t~nrl 25 above-montioned, sha11 ue r.omplied with. Exta:isions for fur~her tima to anmplete said aondiL•ions may b~ granted in accordanca w3tYz S~ch,ion ].8.03.U90 of Llie Anaheim Munic;ipal Code. 27. That prior to L•inal bui.lding and :~oning inspections, Condition Nns. 7, ~, il, 16, 23 anu 25, above--mentiunod, shall bo complied witY:. 28. *'I'haY. approva:l of L•hi~ applicatior~ consL-ItuCes approval of. the ~roposo3 rQq~xest anJy to the extent t:hat it complie~ with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Coci~ ancl any othpr appl.icabl~ City, State anu Federal rogulations. Approval does nur, include anl action or findzngs tts to compliance or ,pproval. of L•ho reque;;t regarding any othor ap~licable ordinance, regulation or r~quiremc~nt. Conditions marked with an asY.oris?c (~) aro required by established l.aws, codes, regulations ~nd agreements and are not sub.ject L-o riegutiatinn. HE Ix FURTFirR RESULVED thar the Anaheim C,iLy planning Commission does hereby f.:nd and deL•erminQ that adoption of this F.e:.~,lution is expressly predicat~ld upon applicant's compliarice with each an~ al'1 of thc~ conditions hereinab: ve sc~t forth. Shatild any :,uch c:ondiL•ions, ox• any part thereof, be declared invali.d or unonforceable by the fin~1 judgmont of z-ny c~urC of cumpetent jurisdiction, then this Resol~!taon, arid any approvals herein containad, shall bp de~med null and void. TH~ FO~2EGOING RLSOLUTION' was adopted at the Planz~ing Commi.ssion meering of June 4, 1990. •', r /} ~., /~Pn.G /L~ ~~e-- ACTING CHAIRMAN (~ ~ ~~' IaNAHEIM CI:CY PLANNING COb44ISSI0N AIT~ST ` /~ - % ~ ~ ~~/V~-L~;~ SI:CFEZARY, ANAEiETM CTTY PL,~.NNII~G CQDiMISSION -5- PC90-139 ~ ~y.~,, . , . , , , , :~rd:~, STAT~ OI' CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 3s. C.LT'I UI' AN}'.I3EIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Socrett~ry oP thc An~heim City Pla:ining Commissi.un, cio l~iereb,y cer~ify L•hat l:tie £orec~oing rosolution was ~asSPd and adopted at a meQting of the Anahe.im Cih.y P].anning Com.~riission hQld ~n June 4, X990, by the following vote of• the memb~ars thereof: 1.YES: CO?~4QISSIONEkS: FiUUAS, FFLDIiAUS, HELLYER, MC FiUFtNEY, M~;SSE NOES: C~MMISSIUN.ERS: NONE ADSEN'P: COMMISS'.[ON~kS: EiOYllSTUN, HGi:IiST I WITN~SS WHEE2EOF, I havo hereunto set my hand this _ c~,~'LG~ day of _~ ,__. 199p . _ - ~ . ---- 1K~~~:~lL• .__ ~~~~~i SECR~TAR'Y, ANA.HF.IM CITY PLAtdNING COMMISSION :~ _6_ PC~0-139