Resolution-PC 90-141`•,~Jt,1;, ~F.$QLuTI02? ~0. PC90-~7, ~tie-.~ ~u ~~y -'c ll FtESOLUTTON OF THG At7AIIEIM CITY PLANNIITC COMMISST.ON THAT PETT1'ION FOR CUNDTTIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 32F38 BE GRANTE~n WHERk~AS, tho Anaheim City Planning Commiss2.on did receive a vQrafieci Petition for Conciiti.or:al Use l~ermit for cer'tain z•eal property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as: Bk:~INNING AT TH~ Y7ESTEHI'~Y QUARTER CORNER QF S~CTION 9,. TUWPiSHIP 4 50UT,Ti, RANGE 10 WEST SATD PGINT ALSQ BE:ING THE CFN'TERL,INE INTERSEC'.CION qE ~UCLi~ STREET AND CRE5CENT l~VENUE; THENCE GOING NORTTi Q~° 15' S2" WEST ALONG TFiE CENTEIt LIEN OF EI7Cf~TD STRFE~T 1, 330. ~}5 FEET, THENCE NORTTi B9° 47' 15" EAST 1fi6.00 FEET TO THE F'OINT UF TRUE B~GTNNING; THENC~ CONTTNUT2iG NOl:TH 89° 47' Y5" EAST 473.64 FFET; 7'.I~ENCE SOUTkI 00° 14' 47" EAST 143.86 I'EE'P; TIiENCE SOUTH fi9° 47' J.;'>" WFST ~126.7U FEET; THENCE SOIJTH 00° 15' 52" EA~T 63~61 FEET; TFIFNCE NpRTH 00° 45' Oy" W~ST 179.90 FEET; THENCE NORTH Od° 15' 52" W~ST 56.58 E'E~T; TH~NCE SOi1TFI f39 ° 47 ' 15" EAST :L33 . ~0 F EET; TI•IENCE NORTFi 40 ° 1.5' 52" WEST :51.OQ F~ET TO THE PGINT OF TRUE R~GINNING. NIEIEREAS, the ~~ity Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on June 4, 1~90 at 1:30 p,m., notice af sa!d public hear.inr, having been duly givan as required by law and in accnrdfmce with the provi~ions of the Anaheim Muriir,ipa'l Codr~, Chapter 18.~3, to hear and consider 2vidence Por and aqainst sa~.id proposec7 conditi.onal use perm it and to invo5tigate and make findings and recommendations in con~nF~ction thererrith~ ar_d WHER.C.AS, said Commission, afte.r due inspeckian, inv~stigai:ion and srudy made by itself ancl in its bc~half., and aft~r due consi~era ion o£ e.ll ~videncc and reports otfer~d at said hearing, does find and dc~termine the following facts: 1. That thc~ proposod use is properly ~ne for which a canditiunal use permi.t is authorized b! ~naheim Municipal Code Section 18.34.05G.Q6~ arid 1R.9b.02C to permit a 66-•unit 9•-sto~y deck-r_ype h~~~isinq a~~artrne-~t complex wiL•h waiver ~F t2ie fo7.locv.ing: (A) ~F~rI~N 18~G.09~0 - I~~q.sii_r~~le~r~.~Qr.~• (Tw~ required for mininum 200 foot 3i.stance to all ap~rkment unit; entrances; ~~ pr~»>osed) (B> ~ ri rr ~_~.~sS?~?~~L2 - R~quired_}~~?_~r.3'~~~eni~-q. (5 Foot r.ir~k± b1c,:k wall requzred a].ong n4r~ht .~~as.~n~~~~h~interior~ron~~,~lin~s; 6 foat 2iigh block wall proposed on.l~• along ~~~ ~ro~gerty lin~) 146~ r. -1- PC90-141 (C) ~E~'lIC~~_1.~:_9~..~~~1._O.1Q -- Mir-_impm.h4ti;l.tlinq._sl~..q__wi.4lth~ (.$•'~ . r4~_4 requ.irod; ~'~~~0_l: PI•opos~~ri ) ?.. T}lifh thQ roc:~iE~ste~l waivors (Ai. (f3) and (C} are :~~ uby grt~nted on Che basis that ther~ ar.•F~ s~~ec.ia.l cir,:umstanc~s applicablo to :he proporty such as eize, :;ha~~, topogra~~hy, location. anii surrounclings w:~ic~ , ..~r, apply tn ottiE~r id~~nt.i.c~ally zoned proporty in t1iQ ~amo vicinity; an'. tl aC stricC ~~ppllcation oE tho Zonirig C~d~3 doprivc~s thQ property of privil~. e:. njoyed by ~~hcr pr~~porl:i~s in the~ idQntical zonr, aud cla:;sificatiott in r.ho vic ni.ty. 3. That the proposeil use will not actversr.ly ~f:Lect the adj~ining land u,e~ and the growth and <1F:velopment o f the a:Qa in which it is prop~sad to be lo~atvd. ~3. That ~he siz~ and shapc+ of. the silo propusQd for thQ uso is a~le~;u~-ta to al.low the [u11 devclo~~ment of the propose.] use in a manner not d~~trimental to L•hR part.icular ara~a nor t~ the peace, h~alth, safe~y ~nd genezal welt~are of the Citizens of the Ci.ty oE AnahQim. 5. 1'hat t}i•~ qranting of thQ Condit.ional Use E'ermit under th~ conditions impos~ct, it' any, will r.ot be clotrim~nl•aI ~o tYie peace, henlth, safety and general. welfar~:r oi the t,il.izen5 of tht~ Cily of Anaheir.~. fi. Th~t the t:af:fic g~~n~rateu by the proposed use w?11 noC impase r,n undue burden upun rhe streets ~nd highways des'.gnecs and impr.~veci to carr} the traff.ic in the area. 7. That no one indicated their presence at sa.id public hearing in optosition; ar.d tt~~t no corres~ondsnce wa, recei/ed in opposition t~ the subj?Ct ~f!titi~~n. ~AL7~QRNIA__ FNVIR9.N,'~:ENTF.L__.~I l,i.tT~_iA~T__I'ittDINC~: 'fhat Lha Anaheim Cit}~ Nlannirig t'ommission has reviewed t:t:e propcsal to r~classify subject proper~:y f.rom rhe CL (Commercia:, LimiL•ed) ta the I2M-1100 (Residential, Multiple-Family) or a less intense zone ar.d ko permiL• a 4-story, 66 uni.t cleck--type huusinc~ apartrsent complex with waivers of rec;uired elevators, requ.f red bounclary sr_reeninq arid minirnu.n building sit;e width on an irrec~ularl~ shapnd parce2 of lai d consi.sting of approxim~~tely 1.83 acres tiavin~ a troi~tage oC apprnsimately 54 teot ~n ChQ east side of Ev.clid Streot, having a maximum de~th of approximately ~80 feet, being loca~:ed approxim~.tely 390 feet sout:h of the centerlinr_ of Catalpa llrive and further aescXibed as 820 ilorth F.uc2id S~reet; ~nd dor_s hercby approve the Neyitivo Dealaration upon finding th~at ir. has considerecl the Rie~qative Ueclaration toget:h~sr with ar.y commonts resc«~ived duc.ing the ~?ublic reviea pracc~ss and fur~hur iindinq cn tha basi3 ~L the initial stady a~~d any conmants received L•hat thore is no substantial cvidence r.hac the pruj~~ct .~i11 have a siqnificant effect; on the e:nvi ronmer.t. NOW, TF{BREF'ORE, Ei~ ZT f•:t:GOLVEJ thar. the AnahQim CiL•y planning Commi~sion cloes hareby yr:-nt s~bji~c:t P~lition fo: Cor.cliLianal Use Porrrit, upon ~ha follor+ing conditions rrh.i:.•h ~:r. heruby Eounc) tu be a necessary _~_ FC90-l~il ~ S'M1 we,v4~ prorQ~ui:~itH Lo ~h~ proposad u~c~ of t2~Q rubjc~ct pxoporLy in orde.r to presQrvo Cho ~af~ty An~. genoral walf•are ot ttic~ CiL•izens of tkie City of Anahaim: recuxdod ngr.eeing to providQ tho rentar ot each clwelling unit wiL•h w•r3tteri intormaLion obtainc~d fro~p tlic school ~~i.str.ict.(s) ~ortatn.ing to pass.ib'lm overcrowding cond.i~ions an~i k~usin~~ s~tatu:s ot lhe school(s) serving the dwalZing unit. 1. * Ttaat prior to issuance of a building germit, th~a zppropxiate tra~fic signa] as~essmezit f~~ ; tiall bo paid to Li~e City of Anmhbim in ar. am~unt as osCablish~d by Cit•.y Coiinci7, rE~soluL•ipn. 2. * That plans sha11 bu submitt~d to tho City Traffic Enc~±naer for his rav.iew anci app•roval showing cox,~oc•mancc3 with Engineering Standard Plan Nos. 436, 501, 6G2 and 6U~1 ~~erraining L-o parking standa.rds. Subjact pro~~erty shall th~reiipori re dc~vc~loped anu maintained iii confarmance with saic3 glans. 3. * ThaL both SpaCe.3 in each pair of ~andem garkinc~ sr~aces :?hall bo asszyned to the aBlliQ dwell.ing unit. 9. That plans submittoil for building permil:s shall show confarmance with f;n~ineering Statadarci Flan No. 137 pertaininy to sight di~tance visibility. 5. That guesC p~+rking sha.ll be clearly mark.ed "yuest parking only' and shall ba readily accessiblu to motorisLs Erom Euclid StrQOt and/nr the public al:ley to rhe north. 6. That the most wosterly drivewal to subject prop~rty from the adjacent proparty, ta the south (McDonald's z~staur~an~) stiall bQ modified to L•he 3atisf:action af tha Cit:y Traffic Engiiieer ro pr~vent left-t~xrns from said drivoway into Che "~ntranco" driveway f:rom Euclici Street. 'l. h That prior to commer.cement of s~r.uc~ural framinq, on-site fire hydrants :thal.l ba installAd anc? charqed as r~qu.ired by the City Fire Department. An ~.11-weaCher road .~hall be provided to the hydr~nt at a].l tirr~es, as requ.irec] by th~ Fire Department. 8. * Ths~t any lu~kable pedestri~sn and/or vehicul~r access g~tas shall bo equipped w.ith "k,nox box" c]UVic~s as requireC" the Fire Department. y. * Thnk fire sprink2ers shall be in~Y.allec~ a„ ioquired by the Fire Cek~urtmcnt. 10. * That an ~dequaCo, unobstructE~ fire trur,k turn-around aroa sha3.i be shown on the pl.~ns submitted fcr building permits, 2s roquired by and acr.entt~ble to the !'ire Derartm~nt. Said turn~araunc3 area shall be FPxmanently marke~l anc:~ maintained a3 requirec3 by t}~e E'ire DepartmQnt. -3- FC90-141 ! ~ai ~1 i'.~ ].1. 1'hrit t~ L•ir9 aJarm syst~m shall bo installod. as requized by the Fira Aepar~ment, tdanu~l alas•m pulls may b~ omittad. 17 • That a"Class I" standp.ip~ ~ha11 be inst4ll.ec3 as rec~uired by t2iR FirA Dopr~r ~mc~nt . 13. * That trash stocagu areas sha11 bo providdct arxd . aintainod in a location r~ccoptable to ttie SL•reQt Mair~tenance 1nc] S~tt.tt~tion Division and in acc;ordance with approved p.l:ins on fi:lE w;ith said Divzsion. Such intormation shall be specifically stiown nn tlie plans submitted for b~xilding permiLs. 14. * That a f•~o ~or s~rQet lighting purposos sh~ll bQ pai8 ta t1iF City of Anatie.im basod on tho 1Qngth rf' street froritage along Eucli@ Streot~ in an '•imount a:: establishe~3 l~y City Counci], resoluti~n. 15. * Z'hat a feo for strQOt tree purposes shall uo pazd to tlie Cir.y of Anaheim basod on tkie lengL'n of st:taet fc•ontage ~long Euclid Street in an amount as establis2~ed by City Council resolution, 16. * That subject property sha_ll be servad t~y underqro~:nd u~ilities, 17. That an independent privato water SysLem with soparat:e w2ter servit;o tor. fire protocCion and domestic water shall be pravided. A1]. water b~ckflow egu.ipmeiit an~ any othor large watex• system equipmant sha12 be located beh.ind t.he ~ront satbuck and shal:t be fully screened fram view from nny pubZa.c s~reQt. 18. * That prior ~u issuance ~~~ a build.ing perr~iit, ar,propriato park and raureatiou in-lieu Eees sha].1 be paid to tne City aF Anaheim Sn an amount as ~~tablished by Cit,y Couricil resoiuCion. 19. * That gaLes shall not be insta.lled across any dc•iveway er 3 tnarinor which may :~dversely affar.~ vehicular traffic in thP adjacon~:. public stroet. Installatzon ,,f ~~ny gates shal.l c~nform to Fnqineerinq Standard Y.lan No. 402 and shall te s~ubject to tho review and appr.~val of L•ho Cit}• Tratfic ~nginear prior t~ issuax~co o~ ~ builc]ing permit. 20. * That a Parcel Map to rccord th~ division of subjc~ct praperty shall bp ~ubm.itted to and approved. by th~ City of Anaheim and than bo recorded in the Gffico of ~he Orangc County Kecorder, 21. * That all air cunditioniny facilities and other roof-~nd grounif-mounted equip;nent s2~a11 be properly shielded from viQw and the sound buEfered from adjacent residential properties. Such inf~rmation shall be specif..ical.l; shown on tha plans submitted for b~iil9Sng permits. 27.. 'Chat all plurnbing ur uthor similar piF ss ana iixt~zres located oai ttie Qxterior of the bui.i.ding sha17 be Eu.lly screenod by architectuxa] '"'~ "' PC90-• 241 r~~, dt~vices and/or appropriat~ buildi.nc~ materi.als; and, furthor, ~uch information sliall bc~ specitic~lly ahown on the p].ans submittod for building permits. ?.3. +~ TYiat , rior to 1S3UFiT1CP of a building ~ormiL, s~ti~factory evid~nce sY~a11 bo submit~ad to the Huilding Division showing that the proposed prujer_L• i~ in conformance with Council Po1icX rfumber 542 "Saund Attonuation in I2esid~:iitial Projer.Cs" and wil•.h Noiso InSUlation Stanc~arda spec.ified ~n the Cali.fornia Aclm.inistrative Codo, Tit1o 25. 24. That the proposa] shall comply wxth aJ.l signing rocfuirc~ments of• the kM-?2U0 "R~sidantial, Multiple Family" Zone utiless a vazianca a'llawing s.iqn waivers is approv~d by th~ City Council, Planning Comml.ssion or Zon.ing Administrat~r. 25. * That tho oY~-s.ita landscapa.ng and i.rrigation systam shall b~ maintained in cumpliance w:th City standarcl.. 26. * That this Cociaiti~nal ilse °ermit i3 granted subject to the adoption of a zoning ordinance in conneatic~n wikh Reclassifzcation No. 89-90~60, now pending. 2"i . That~ subject property stial~ bU dc~velopr~d substantially in acco:dance witn plans and specification, submittc~d to tho City of Anaheim by thQ petitionor and *.rfiich plc~ns are on file with the Planninq Department marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 6. 2F3, That prior to i~suaneG of ~ bualdii~g permit or within a period of. one (1) year from the datc~ o£ this resolution, wbichever occur3 first, Condit.i.on Nos. 1, 2, 4, 1~, 13, 1~1, 15, 10 tihroug~i 23, and 26, ahove-mentioned, shall be anmpli^d ~vith. ~xtensions for furthar time to complQto ~aid cundit:ions may be granL-ec~ in ~ccordance wir.h Saction 18. C~3.090 of t:he Anaheim N,unicipal Codc. 29. That prior to final building an.9 zoning ir-spections, Coadition Nos. 5, 6, 0, 9, ll, 12, 16, 1? arid 27, above-rnent3oned, shail be com~lied wjtr. 30. * That approv~l of this applic~~kion constitutas approva~ oE th~ proposed request only to Lhe c,Ktent that iC complies wi~h the Anatieim Municipal Zoninq Code and an~ other applicable City, S~ate and Foaeral regc]ahions. A~proval r_~{oNS not incl~~dc any ~ction or findings as to com~liance oc apprc~val oi the request z•egarding any fl~her applicable ordinanee, rc~gulation or rec;uirQment. Conditious mazked wirh an asterisk (*) arQ requirecl by establi.slied laws, code~, reyulations and agr.semr~nts and are r,ot subjoct tn negotiation. HE :x FURTHER RESOL~lF.D th~~ tho ]lnahoim City Planning Commis3ion does hereby find and determine that ad~ption of this Resolution ia expressly preclicated upon applic~nt's complianc~ with each and al). of the conditiona -5- PC90-141 li;~(')i -'~~'T, r y "d harQinabove sot fortYi. Shou1~ any :zuCh conditioiis, or €~n~ ~art thoreof, bo declarod inval.id or unariLorceable by the ifir~al judgment of any court o~ competent jur3.sdzati.an, then this Re~solution, and an~~ approval~ hQrc~in containod, shall ba deemed null ancl voicl. TH~ FOR~GUING 12FSOLUTI~N was adopted at ~:he P7anning rommission meeting of Juno 4, 199C~. ;'~ / , ~ ~r~-x.l`-~' ~! l "'`~-~-y_-___. _ -_ . _~~~-- ACTING CHATRMAN AN,AFiEIM CI:TY PT~ANN NC, CO1~A'STSSION ATTEST: ~~~~.~_~~,~.~_____ SECRETA Y, ANAIIEZM CITY PLAt~NING CODMISS70N STATF OF CA'L'!F'ORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY' Qr ANAHI:IM ) I, 'Gdith L. Harras, Socretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby cerh.ify that the f~rayoing resoliition was passad and adopted at a meeting ot the Anaheim City Pl~nning Commission hEld on Jun~ 4, 1990, by the following vote of the mambar:; th~reo£: AYE.~',: CO2yII~1ISSI027ERS: 80UAS, FEC,AHAUS, HGLLYER, MC BURNEY, MESSE 2JOES: COMMISSI~NERS: idONE ABSFNT; COMMISSTO?IERS: aOY~STUN, HEFBST '; w ~ ~! ~Itl ~ N WITNCSS i~tER'GOF, I have hereiin~o set rny hand this ~~i*~ day oi . 1990. `~~~~_"'~, ~.~ ~ ~ ~._ SCC:2B'T.A'RY, ANAFIETM CITY PLANNING COMMISS'!ON -G - PC90•-3A1 ~ ~,~ -~~~