Resolution-PC 90-144~ ~'~ ~ ~Yi ItESOLli1'~ON N0, PC90_149 ~ A R~SULUTION UF T~IG ANAHFIM CITY PLAIQNING CUMMISST.ON TFIAT PF.TITTON FpR R~CLASSIFICATION NQ. 89-90-5$ BE G~tANTED, AS MODI FIED WFiE~2EA~, thp Analieim City Planning Cammission c7.id initiate Recla:sificatioxi procePdi.n~s for ePrtain real ~roperty situa~od in thp Ci~y of Anah~im, County a[ ~range, State of Cali.for~ia, dQSCribeci as follows: AREA 1-- APPROXIhfATE~Y 7 ACR~S CONSISTTNG OF 1Ii0SE PARCET.S ~,OCATFD ON THE EAST AND WEST SIllI~S OF LOAkA STR~ET BE:GiNNING AT THE SOUTH~RN CITY LIMITS 1#ND EXTENDTNG NORTH At'PROXTMATELX 660 F'EET• AI.SO INCLUDING TFiOST; PARCCLS LOCATED ON THS NORTH AND SOUT.H uIDES QF WILMOT LANE. ~XCEPTING 'PHE YARCEL I~OCATED ON TH~ NORTHWEST (;ORN~R OF WII,MGT LAIIF. AND i,OARA STIl~ET. S.ic:r;,'-, 2 - ~PPRQXIMA'.~F~LY 9. ti ACRE5 CUNSISTING OF THAT PARCEI~ LGCATEll ON THE EAST SIDL OF Li7CLID STREET, HAVING A FRON'PAGE OF APP.ROXIMATELY 330 I'EET, HAVING A MAXIMUM DGPTY. 0~' APPROXIMAT~LY 603 FEdT AND 13~TNC- LQCA'~LD APPROXTMA7'~LY 190 FF.ET SOl'JTH OF :L'Fik: CENTGRLINE OF CINDY LANk' . WHFREAS~ the City Planning Comm~ssion did hold a public hearinq at LhE+ C.ivic CAnt~r in the City of Anaheim on June ~, 19~0 at 1:30 p.m. , notice ai said publxc hearing having been duly gi.ven as required by law ~nd in acr,ordance with the provisions o.f the AnaY-eim Municipal Coc~e, Chapter 1E3.03, ~o hear and consider evidenc~ Eor and against said propospd reclassificati~ii an~ to investigate and m31cs findings and recommenda~ions in connectian therHwith; and WH~RE~S, said Conunisszor~, after due i.nspection, investigation and study made by it5e1E and iri its beha].f, and after due consi.8eration of all evidence and reports oFtered at said liearing, does Pind and de termine tho ioll~winq factti: 1. That th~ petitiiorier proposPS .r.eclassification of subject propertp :frum ~he kM-i200 (Resiaezikial, Mu].tiple-Family) Zone to the RM-2400 !Resider,L•ia1, Multipl~-Family) or a less intense zone. 2. That the P].snning Commission determined at the public hearing that these propert~.ies should be cec.lassi£:ied to the RM-300U (Residential, Multiple-Fami2y) ~one rarher rha~z tio the RM-2400 (Residontial, Multiple-Camily) ?one. 3. That the Anaheim General Flan deyignates subject p r~perty for medium densi.ty resiclential land uses (ArFa 1) and low density rQsident.ial uses (Area 2) but 1:ha~ a general p).an amendment (N~~. 308) was recommended for appruval by the Planninq Commission to change said res3.dential desiynations to LQw Mecliu-n (Areas 1 and 2). 4. 'rha~ tYie p.roposed reclassification o= sub~ect properhy is necessary and/or desirable ~or the orderly and proper. development of the community. 14'12 r _1_ PC90-144 ~ C~ ~. . ~ .!,~~}~~l „~ 5, That the proposed reclassi£•ication ox subjea~ property does proporiy re1 ate to the zones anc~ thair ~ermitted uses loca3.ly esrabl.ished in closa ~~ro:cimity to subjsct prop~rty and tu cha zones and i:heir permil:ted ~zse~s qenerally established throughout the community. 6, That one per~uzi indir.atad Yiis presence at said ~ublic hearing in oppoaition; 3nd tha~ no cor.responderice was receiveG in oppositior. to subject pet:ition. ALIFQRNIA ENVIR~NMLNTAL~iJALITY I~~T FINDING: ~hat ~he Ananeim City Planning Commission 2ias reviPwed the proi~osal ~o reclassify pru~~erty .^.M-120Q (Residential, Mult3ple••Family) 7.one to the RM-2400 (Residential, Mu].tiple-Family) or a less interxse zone on property whicn consists of Area 1; app roximately 7 acres c:onsisi:ing of thosP paraels located on the east an6 west S1(~@3 of Loara Stroot beginning at the soui.h~rn City limits and ext°ndxng no rth approxima~^ly 660 feet, also in~'ludzng tYiose parc~ls lacated on the nor.th and south. ,~ides of Wilmot Lane, excepting the parcel loaated or. the north~vest corner of S9ilmot L'arae and Loaz•a ;'St•r~et; and Area ~: approximately ~.u acres consisting of that parcel loca*_ea on the rest side o£ Euclid Straet, huvin~ ;:. fronzage ~f approximately 330 feet, havin.g t~ maximum depth of app roximataly 608 feet and being locar_ed approximztely :.90 feet sou~h of the cAntsr~.ine of Cindy Lane; and does hereby appra~~e the Negative Declar.ation upo:: Einding thaL it; has considered the Neqative D~clarai:ion tugether e~ith any co~ruuc:nts received during• the public revlew process and furY.lier fi:iding on the l~asis af the initial study and any camments received that thore is no subs~antiaJ. evide.r.ce that the projPCt will have a si.gnificant effect un th~ envixonment. NOW, THER~,EORE, B~ IT RESQLV~;D th~at the Anaheim Cit,y ~lanninq Commission cloes hereby grant subject Peti~,ion for Reclassxficati.on, as mod.ifiod, ~.nd, by so doing, ;,hat Title 18-7,oziing af the Anar~eim Municipal Cadd be an:anded to oxcludo the a:bove-dQSCrib~d propvrties f.rem the RM-1200 (l2esiden~i~s1, Multiple •I'amily) Zone and to incorpor~tP said descxibed properties i nto the RM-3~00 (Resid~ntial, MulY.ip:.e-Farnily) Z~ne upon the fo:llowing condit.ion which is nereby found to be a necossary prere~uisite to the proposeci use o£ subject properties in order ko preservc~ th~ safety and gonera7. welfare o£ th~ Citi~ons of th~3 City of Ananeim: 1. That inL-roduction of an orclinance rezoning subjt~ct proportias i~ contingent upon. City C~~uncil approval of Ger_eral Plan Amendmer,~- Pio. 308, naw pending. 11B IT FURxHFR ~tE~ULVED t;hat the Anaheirn City Pianning Cornmission doas hereby fznd and determine tliat adopt~on ot this Resalutzon is expressly predic;ated unon applicant'y compli~nce witY~ each and al1 of the r.onditions hereinabove s~t forL-h. Should any such conditions, or any ~art tY-ereof, b~ declared in,valid or unenforceable by the final jiidgment of any court ~£ c~mpeten.t• jurisdict•ion, then this Resolution, ai-d any approvals herein c~ntainec'., sha11 ~e doemed nu11 and vuid. -2 - PC90-144 ~ ;,~t~ ~~ 1'HE F'OREGOING RE50LUTION w7~ ~cloptocl at• tuc f~lanning Commission meeting of JunQ 4, 1990. ~ J /~ Q~l_.~ ~...~~~3~G•Ph _~~1~~~E°`.___.._. _7_.._ ACT.iNG CFIAII2MI~N ANI~HCIM CIrY PLANN~NG COMMI55ION ~ :, :.:[ ; ,, ATT~ST: , , ~~~f3/ __~.~ ~~~-Sr_.ir.'-_.__.~._ SECkF'lARY, 1~NAl1~IM CITY PLA2INING COt~4NISSIQN STATE OE CT.L: F URi:::: ) COUNTY OF bRANGE ) ss. CITY OI' ANAHEIDS ) I, ~dilli L. Harcis, S~ci•~t:ry uf ttie Anah~im City Planning Comrt~iso3on, clo hereby certi.fy that r_he foreqoing r~solution was passed and adopt~d at a meotinq of tho Az~a}i~im C3ty Planninr~ C~mmissi~n held on June 4, 1990, by the following vot~ of tha membor.~ the:eof.: AYES: COA4dZSSIONFRS: BOUAS, FET..DIiAU5, HELLYER, MC H(JRNL•:Y, MESS~ NUGSt COMMIS5IONERS: NONE ABSENT: C~MMISSIONERS: DOYD5TUN, fiERI3ST .r ,` ~~~__.__ / __ .~.~_..' SE~RCTARY, 1~NAHEIM CITY PLAl7I~IPIG COMMT55I0lT !. I WITNESS WHBRF.UF, I have hereun~b set my hanci tk~is _ ~ day of -- ~ - -----~ 199Q. -3- P~90-;.44