Resolution-PC 90-145.~... .',~ ,_ . .;.±a ~.~%:SQ_LU1~QN NQ.._Y~.~2.-~4~ A R'r;SOLUTION 01' 1'fIE ANAHEIM CITY P[,I~NNING COMMIS~ION ADOPTING AND Ftk:COMMENUING TO TFIB CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION 0~' , G~PIEE2AL PLAlI I~MEp7~MCN'C N0. 309 PERTAINING TO THE T.AND USE ELEMEN7' ,M WH~REAu, the: Ctty Council of tt~e CiCy of Anah~im c3id adopt l•he Anah~i.m Generr~), plan hy R~ ,olution NQ. 69-ti44, shor~iny the yeneral description and oxtent of posszble future dovelapmenh, wit}iin the r.ity; and WFIEREAS, the Planning Co,nmissl.on directed staff to initiato a General Plan ?~nendmant rodesign~~tiiicJ the E~udy Are~ L•'r.Am the Medii~m Donsi.h.y Resi.dentia]. a~id General Cortunercial designatians to thQ Low-MQdium D~ns.it;y ResidQntial designation for properL•y consisting of approximately II.5 acres l~~catecl on the southeast coriiex~ of Cypress S~rQet and East Street and further describad ds 222 North East St;rsat; thereof WHEREAS, C}ie City Planni.nq Commission cli~ hold u gublic hear.ing at tli~e Ci ~ic Centar in Che City of Ana2~eim on June 4, 1990 at 1:30 p.tti., notice oF said public hearing haying been duly givail as roquired by la~~ and in accordanco with the provisions of the Anaheim Munic.ipal Co3e, Chapter 18.U3, t:o hear and consider evidence f.;~: and against said prop~ser~ Gerleral Plan lunondmEr.t and to investigate ancl make findings and :ecommondatiqns in connection there~aith; and 4JFIERFAS, said Commission, attor due consideration, inspectio:z, investiq~tioi- and study mado by i~self, and after duo considera:.ion ~f all e~~idenca and rPport oCfered at said hearing, DOES FlEFERY FIND: 1, That evider~c~ presonted substantfateg the noed .Eor an ~menclmenC Co the Anaheim General Pian and tha~ Ex?~ibit 1~ be adopted rede~ignat.inq su~jQr.t ~r~a fo: Gow-Medium Aene:ity Residential lm,~d uses, rather than Meciium Df,nslty Residential. 2. That the proposed amc~ndment is consistont witki t;he axisti~nq laad use densitie3. ~~LIF4R?~1~..~'L?ViK~,~JME~JTH~__~rL~LTTY 11~T .F7NQ~,~J~s That rhe Anaheim City l~lann..ng Commission has reviewed the proposal to amend the Lanci L'sQ E1@(0~ '• Of' tha Gen8ral Plan to change tt~e currQnt lanci use designation of Medium Dt,.sity Resic7ential to Loti~-M~dium Density Residential for approximate.ly 8.5 acres luca~:cd c,n the :s~utheast cornQr of Cypres.~ 5treet and Ga~t Street and furtlier de:,r,ribacl as 222 tt~rth Easr. Streek; and does thQr~~ore approvA thQ NRqative~ Declarat•ion on the basis that it has considerQd r.he propo3~d Negativ~ Aec?aration koqeth~~r with any comme-:ts raceived duriny ttio public review procass ancl further findinq on tha ba~is of thct Initial Skudy and any coaunoats rocoived that Che:e ~s no substantlal cv~.dence that the project H.tll have a significant offe~t on th~~ environroen~ ,.,... 1473r _1_ PC9r-145 ~ , '~~ ~ ;~' NUW, THCREI'USE:, BE IT RESOI~uF:D, th~t pursut~nt to the above f'indings, tha Anaheim City P:lanning Commission doos herebp c~dopt anu recommend to the Cit:y Council a;E the City o:E Ari~tieim adoption of General k~lan Amendment t7o, 30y-Land Use Flemant, G~:hibit ~., L•o rodesiqna~e tho Stucly Arot~ from Madiun Density Rasi<iential t~ Law-Modium Donsity Residontia7. lnnd usas. THr FORCC~ATNG RG~O~UTIUN was adopL•ed at the Planning Commi3sion meeL•ing of ~TUnc~ ~, 1990. , ~~~ ~~L~ yQ ~,~(..d-'°- _ _._._._.~____~..,____._ . ACTING CHAIRMAN ANAHE:IM CITY PGANNING COb1hfISSYON i ATTEST: . _- ~~1~~'~''-~6t_ ~ ._.__._~ SECRE:TARX, ANA!iEIi~t CITY F'LF.NNTNG CAMMTSSION STATE OI' CkI.IFORtJIA ) COUNTY OF ORAN~C ) ss. C'iTY OE ANAHEIM ) I, Gdith L. Hara-i.s, Secretary of the Anaheim City Y2anning Commission, do }~ereby certi.fy that the foregoi.ng resolution was passed and adopted at a mee~inq of the Ar.ahc~im City Planning Conunis3ion held ~:i June 4, 1990, by tlie follvwing vote of the mc~mbers t•hereof: AXES: GOt~fMISSIONE~tu: SOUA5, FE[.QHAUS, MC AU:zNEY, MESSE *IOES: r.pPa~;iSSiONCRS: NONE 1LF3SENTs Cl?MMISSIONERS: c~OYDSTUTT, HELLYER, HEEBST IN WITNESS WHEF:EOF, I have hprPUnto set my b,and thin o~~iwK, dal ot _~D~~, 1990. ~, • ___.._._~~~~-- ~ ~ ' . ~ _ ~-. ?_ SECRETARY, ANWIEIM CITY PLANNING COMM7.SSI4N _Z_ PC9A-195 . .,~"'~