Resolution-PC 90-146~~ +~. +~ v.YtriY~.i~ Y N~.LSLL.~ri~h -. ~ •~ v ~ A RESOLUTION OF 1HF. ANAHETM CITY PI,ANNTNG CqMMIS5I0N TGRMINAI'IN~ ALL PROCEEUINGS IN CONNGCTION WTTH Vi.RIANCE N0. 20d8 1n ~ `; : WIiERP,AS, on hiay ].9, 19G9, Variance No. 2U80 was yranted undc~r Itesolul:ion No. PC69•-107 by the An~h~im P'larini.ng Commisslon for waivor of Permittect outd~~r 11sQ3 in ttie ML Zone ~nd enclo:,ure oE outdoor uses to permit outdoor weldinq and storage activities. WHEREAS, David V. Karney, has sul~rnitCed a lotitor request:ing torminat.inn oC Variance tdo. 7.088 b.hcau~e th~re are pla~zs pending issuanco of a htiilding permit f~r a difterc~nt use. ; NOW, THEI2EFORF:, SE IT. RESOLVGD i:hat the Anaheim ~:ity Planning Conunission does hereby terminate a11 praceedi~ags in conu~ction wit;h Vflr.ia:ice Nu. 20U8 an tne ; basis of the foregoing findfngs. THE F'OREGOING RESUI~U'fTON ~as adupted at the Plaiinir~g Commi.^,sion meeting of ,7une 4, 1990. „ ~.~-Gt,~t~.V •• ~~~' ~.~-C__' .r A~TING CHAIRhiI~N ~ ~ ~ ° F~NAHl:IM CITY PI:ANNYNG COIr4rIISSION AT:EST: --.k.2.t~`,'L.~_~ ~~~~r'l!.~2% __-_.. SECRETAR~', ANAH~IM CITY I'LANNINi; COMMIS5ION STA2E OF CALIFORNII~ ) COUIIT.Y OF ~RANGE: ) ss. CI'i'1' OJ? ANAHEIM ) I, Edi.tl: f.. Harris, So~rer_t~ry pf the AnahPam (:ity Wlanning Commis.iaon, ~u hereby c~rti.r.y that the foreyoing c•eaolution waa p~ssec~ and adoptad at a n~Qeting of thQ Anaheim Ciry Pl.anning Cununission helil on Juae 4, 1990, by Ch~ followinq vntQ of thQ m~~mbcrrs theroof.: ~ AYES: CON4dTSSIONERS: HELL,YER, E'GLDEIAUS, EiOIJAS, MC EiTJRNEY, MESSE iiOES: C464rSISSIUNERS: NONE ABSENT: COhLtifISSIONERS: IIOYU5TUt7, FIF.RBST ~; i I WITNESS WIiGREOF, Y have h~reuntu sot my hand this ~,~._ day o L----,-~a --- ----• J. 9 9 0. . ~ .~_~.---• .----~--~~~'='1`~!~.~t 1..___.._ SECRETA~ X, ANAF1EIt1 CITY PLANrIING COr1MISSIOl7 1474r -1- PC90-146 ~~"~"' -- . . ~ ..