Resolution-PC 90-148~~~ t ~~~+\ ~~~~ . RES~LUTTON~~PC~(}--14$ A RFSOLUTION UF THk~ ANAHLIM CITY PLANN~.NG COi~f:[SSIOtd TI•iAT Pk:TTTTOPT rOF2 VARIANCF N0. ~0~2 F3E G:2AN:iEU~ IN PART WH~REAS, L'n~ Anaheim City Planninq Commission. did receiv~ a verigzecl I~etition for Var.aan~e for certain rea]. propcrty situated 5.n the C?ty af Anaheim, C~unty oP Ornnge, State of California described as: THA.~ PORTTON OF TfiE EAS'T 1$.35 ACR~S OF THF NORTHWESI` QUART.~.R OF TFIE SOUTHWEST QUA.RTE~2 U~' SECT70N 18, TC~WNSFiIP 4 SOUTFi, FA.PIGE 1Q WEST, IN THF RANCH(1 LOS COX~TES, IN' TFIE CTTX OF ANAFIEIM, COTJDTTY OF' ORANGE, STA'TE OF CALII'OkNTA, AS SAID SECZION IS SFIpFiN ON A MAP RI:CORDEll IN ~C)OK 51, PAGE ~.U OF ~fI5CELLAD7E0US MAPS, I23 TFiF OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDk~R UF SATU COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS rOLLOWS: BEGINNITIG AT A E'OINT ON THE NORTFITsI2L1' LINE 0~ TFIE SATD E,AST 18.3a ACRES 151.00 F~ET WESTERLY Ok TIiE NORTHS,ASTERLY COR~7ER Z'FiERFQF; THENCE WESTERLY 90.OU E'EET ALONG Sx1ID NURTHk~RLY LIN~,; THEPICF SOUTH~RLY 7.45.30 F~;ET ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH TH~ LASTSRT~Y T.INE OF ~AID EAS'L I.8.35 ACRES, TO 1'FiE NORTHERLY LINE OF THF~ SOUTHGFLY 15.00 ACRES OF SAID EASTERLY 18.35 ACRES; TH~NCE EASTF.RLY 90.00 F~F.T ALONC SAID 2~ORTFIERLY LINF. OF Tl?E SOUTFi~RLY 15. UO ACE2ES TO A POIN'I' 151.00 FFET WEST~RLY, MEASURED PARALLEL WiTH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SA?D ~.8.35 ACRi:S, FROhf THE SAID EASTERLY LSN~~ OF THE EAST 1(3.35 ACRES; THENCE NORTHERLY 244.7~ E~'FET ALONG A T,INE PARALLEL WITkI SAID EASTERLY L,IrIE TO THE ~OJh'T OF BEGLrINTP1G. THAT PGnTION OF THE FAST 18.3~i ACRES OE' THE NORTKhEST QU'ARTER OF THE SOUTHW~.ST QUARTF.R ~P S~C:TION 18, TOS^lNSHIP 4 50UTH, RANGB 10 WEST, IN TH~ RANCEiO I~OS CAYOT~S, IN TH:. CIT'1 OF ALiAHEIM COUNTY Q£~ ORANGF, STAT~ OF CALIFORIIIA, AS SAID SECTION TS S~iOW~T UN A MAQ RBCORDED IN BOOIC 53, 9AGE 10 OF MISC:dLLANE0U5 MAPa, IN THE OFFICF OF TH~ COUNTY RECORDEk OP ~AIll COUNTY, DESCRIRED AS FQLLOWS: BEGINNIPiG AT A POINT ?.0,00 FLFT SUUTE?ERLY GI' TfIE NC~RTHERLY LIN~ OF S~ID EASTBRLY 1+3.35 ACRES AND 370.54 FEFT WESTERLY OF THE EASTLRLY LIPiE OI' SAIA EAS'.CERLY 18.35 ACitES; THENCE WESTERLY 1a.00 P'EET ALGNG A LINE PARALL~L WITH THE NURTHERLY LTNE OF SAID 1II.3~, ACR~S; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAIP NORTHEKLY L~iNE OF SAID SOU'I'H 15 AI:RES, 141.00 FEET; THFNCE NORTH~RLY P.\RALLEL T.0 THE WESTERLY LIN~ OF SAID 18.:35 ACRE " 246.30 FEET '.PO THE NQRTHERLY LINF, aF SAID 18.35 ACRES; TH~NCE WEStERLY ALONG TH~ SAZD NOnTH~RL~ LY:f~', 141. QO FE~T TA THL POTNT OF BEGI~INING. PAR~,LLE.L 'rJITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF S.1ID 18.35 ACCcES; THENC~ SOUTHERLY 29.C FE~T ALOIdG A L'!NE YARALLEL WITIi TFi~ EASTEI2LY L'!NE OF 7'.-i~ 1i3.35 ACRES. 1488r -1- NC9~-lA8 ~ ^ .; { i i:{~ s ~.G ~ ~ `1 TFIENCr i.ASTEPLY' 7.8.0 F~E~ ALONG A L7.NE 1~ARAI.,LLL WI'CH SAill NORTHEI2L`l T,I';~E Ok' SAID 18.35, THENC~, I~T~I2THERLY 29.0 FEFT PARALLEL WITIi TIi~ EASTERT..Y LI11~ O1 SAID 10,35 ACRES 1'0 IHL POI2dT BEGINN'LNG. rHAT FORTION OF :PHE EAST 18.35 ACRES UF TIiE NORT~TWE;ST QUARTER OF THE SUi1THW~S'T QUARTER OF S~CTFON Z8, TOWNS~iIP 4 SOUTH, RANG~ 10 WL'ST, S. H. f3. & ht., MOR~ PARTICiTLAF~LY DESCRTBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGTNNTNG AT THE NORTHW~ST CORNER OF SAID EASTERT.,Y 18.35 ACRES OF THE NOTtTHWEST QUARTER pF THE SOUTHWEST ~U~RTER UF SECTTON 18; THENCE SQL'THERLY ALONG THE WESTrRLX LINE OF SAID 10.35 ACRES, 246.30 FEET TO THE N'v'4THLRLY LIIVE OF THE SOUTFI 15 A(;Fi.S OF SAID EAST J.8.35 AC~2E;.~, THC NORTHERLX LTNE OF SAID SOl7TH 15 ACRES .BE;IN~~ PARALLE'L ?:0 THE NORTHEhLY LTNE OF SAID 1F3.35 ACRES; THEDiCE EAST.FRL:Z ALONG SAIU tlORTHERLY LIN~ OF SAID SOUTH 15 ACRk:S, 141.00 FEET; TFTENCL' NARTH~FLY PARALLET., TO THE W~STERLY LINE Oi Si~TD 18.35 ACRES, 246.~0 FEET TO THF NORTHERLY LINE UF SAID 18.35 ACRES; THENCE F1GST~RLX ALONG THF SAID NORTfIEftLY LINE, 141.07 FEET TO THE POI.IT CF II~GIiQNING. THAT P.2TION OF TH~ F;AST 18.35 ACRES ;,r' PHE NOT~XW~S'P QLTARTrR OI' THE 50UTIiG7EST S1tTAR~~R OI' SECTYON 13, 7'OWNSAIP ~} SOUTH, RANGE 10 WFST, S. B. B. & M.~ MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRI~L;D AS rOLGOW5: B~GIIINING AT 'PH~ NOItTHh'}s£,T CORt~EK OF SAID ~ASTERL~Y 1a.35 ACRES OF TIi~; DTORTHWEST QLiARTER OF TIiE SOUTFI'r~I~ST QfIARTER OF SECTION 18; THrNCE SOUTHFRLY ALONG THE WESTGRLY LTNE OF SAYD 18.35 ACRES, 246.30 1'EE;T TQ THE NORTH~RLY LINE OF THE SOUTH ~5 ~CRES QI' SATp EAST 18.35 ACRES, THE NOE:THERLY LIN~ OF SAIA SpUTH J.5 SOUTH BEITi~ PAR~•ILLEL TO TIiE NORTH~:R~,Y LIN~ OF SAIB 18.35 ACRES; THENCE EASTERLY A.LONG SAID NORTHERLX LINE OF SAID SUUTH 15 ACRES, 141.Q0 FF.ET; THENCE NORTHEItLX PARALLEL T.0 THE WESTERLY LTNE OF SA£D I8.?5 ACRES, 246.30 F'EET TO TH~ NORT~ERLY LINE OF SAID 1$.35 ACRFS; THEN~E i^1ESTERLX ALONG THE BAID NO~iTFiERLY LINE, 141.00 F~ET '~'0 TAE POTNT OF B::GINNING. B~G'LNNING nT A POINT 20.00 F.~ET S~JUTH~RLY UF THE NORTHERLY LINE ~F THE EASTERLY 18.3~ 11CRES OL' TFiE NORTFIWESTERLY QUAR'PER QF THE SOU7.'HWE,•;TERLY QiJAR2ER SECTION lA, TOWNShIP 4 SOU:rFT, RAN~E 10 WEST, S. F3. B. & M., AND 37Q.59 FEGT WESTERLY nF TFiE c^ASTER.L'Y LINE OF SAID EASTERT~SC 18.35 ACRES; rHENCE WESTERLY AL027G A LTP1E PARALLEL T~ THE NORTHERL~t LINB flF SAID 18.35 ACRES, 1fi.00 FEET; TFiFNCE SOCTTFiERLY ALONG A LINE PAFtALLEL TC~ 'i'HE EAST~RL~Y LTNE OF 'THE 1a.35 ACRE~, 29.0 . . , . ' , . . . ~. .. . .. ~~.!\:Y~ ~ F~:ETt Tfi~:NCE EAST~:RLY ALUNG A LINF PARALLEL TO THE SAID tdOR'TEiERLY I.INE OP SA:[b .18,35 ACRES, 18.0 FEETp 7'HENCE NOR:I'E~ERI,Y F~ARALLFL TO TFiE EAST[.RLY LINE QF OF SATD 18.35 ACP.ES, 29.0 FEET TO TEiE.' Pt~TNT OF F3EGT.NNINC+. :CFiE EAST 85 FF.~T OF _NE WEST 2'!.G E'EET OF THE ~GI.,LOWIN~ DBSCRIHED PARCEL; AT.L~ OF' THE EAST 18.35 ACE:E;5 OF' Ti;B NO~iTHWCST QUARTER QE TFIE SOU7'HWEST uUARTER OF SBCTTON 18, IP7 10WNSHIP A SOUTH, R1~NGE 10 :JEST, SAN gEItNARDINn f3ASE AND MERIDIAN, IN TfIE COUNTY OE' ~Kl~N~E, STATE OF CALIFORtJIA; THAT PORTION 0!? Tfi~ ~AST 18.35 ACRGS OE' THE NORTHW~$T O~•1AfiTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUAt:TER OF SECTION 1$, IN TOWNSHIP 4 SQ~,;TEI, RANGE 1Q 4iEST, S. B. 8. & M. SAN IIERNARDINU BASE ANb MGFtTDIAN, CITY OF A2JAY.E:TM, DBSCRLRED AS FvLLOWS; AECINNItJG AT A. POJNT 22r; FE~T EAST UF~ THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF 511ID 18.35 ACRES, i,TiD RUNNING TNrl1CE SUUTH P.'~RALLEI, WITH TFiE WFST LIPJE OF SAIU Y8.35 ACRES rQ THE NORTH I,INE OF THE SOIJTH 15 D.CRF,S OF TH~; EAST .18.35 ACItES OF SAID NORTHWEST QiIARTER OF THE SOUT:iWEST QUARTER OE' SAL1) SE!'TION 18 s TF~EPiCE SAST ALONG THE NORTI: I.IN~ OF THE SAID 50UTH 15 ACRGS TO rHE SOUTHWL•'STERLY CORYEE2 OF THE OF LAND COtJVEYED TO CIiAR;.E5 S. CQX A~JA WIFE, RECORDEA J'1~Ptt-ARY 23, 1957, !N BOOK 3778, PAGE 450, nFFIC.'IAL RECORDS, IN TEIE OF~'FICE OE THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID ORANGE COUhTY; THENCE NORTFiERLY 71LONG THE WE~TEl2L1' LINE OF SAID GAND GONVEYF.D TO CHARLES S. COX 1~ND WIE'E, 2'~~.30 FEET TO TIiF. NOI2TFIERLY LIPJE pF SAID BAST 18.35 ACRES; TF;E2vCE WESTER[~Y ALONG SAID NOR'fHERLX L3NE TO TF1F. POINT OE U£GINNING. BBGINNI2JG AT A POtli1' 20,00 F'CCT SG-~TFiERLY Of' THE NORTHERLY LINE OF TEIF EASTERLY 1$.35 I~C^ES Ue THE NORTHW~:STERL,X QUARTER OF THE SUL'TFIWESTERLY QUART~l2 OF TrIF. SECTiOK 1g, IN TOWN5HIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 W~ST, SAtJ BERNARD~hO BASE A27D MGP.IDIAN, CIT7 OE' At7AHEIM, AND .i70.54 FEET WESTERLY OF TE1E EASTER~,Y LItiB pF SAID FASTBRLY 1p.35 ACRF.S; THENCE WLSTEElLY AI~ONG A I.IN~ PARALL~I, TO TIiE ElORTFIERLY. GINE OF SAID 11I.35 ACR~S, 10.00 FLET; rH~NCE SpUTFIERt.Y. ALUNG A LILiE PARALLEL TO Tt1E EASTF:RLY LIl7E OF TNE 1b.35 ACRCS, 29,00 FEETS TEIENCE EASTERLY ALONG A LT2~E k~ARALLEL TO TFiE SAYD NORTt~ERLY LIN~ OF SAID lil.35 ACRES, 1~.0 ~EET; TEfEtJCE ;fORTHERLY PARALLEL TO TNE EASTEP.LY LIlIE GF SItID 1II.35 ACRES, 29.0 FEET TO THE POIt~T OF' B~GI2JNIHC. THF: tJQRTE~EP.LY LI17E OF 'CFiE E~STFRZ.Y 18,~5 ACRE5 BEIl1G TKg CEP:TEtt LI2JE OF pFtA17;E AVEt;-IF:. -3- PC90-148 ~ ~~~ WI~ER~AS, the City Pl~nning Commissi~n did hold a public hearing ~t ttia Civic (:entar. in the l'fty of Anah~iro on ?1pri1 23, 1990~ at 1:30 p,m., noticc~ oE saici public hearing having boen cluly given as rdquired by law and in ~ccordanco witih the provisions ot tha Anaheim Municipal Code, Chanter 18.03, to hear anci consider evidanea t~r anii ag~inst 4did proposecl var.i~n~o and to inveatigate ana make findings an~9 rc~commonc~flt.ions in r.nnnection th~r6witht and that said pt-blic hoaring was conhznued Co tt~e Jung 18, 199U, k].anning Commission meehingi and WHGREAS, said Commission, after duo inspection, im estiya~iori ar~~~ ~Cudy made by iCself rynd in its bo}ialf, and aElQr due aansideration ot all evidence and roports ofLered aL sazd hearing, does find and doterrnine the fol].owi.ng fact::: 1. 'rhat the patit.fu~-e.r proposes w~ivers of ttie tollowing to construct a 2-story, 1.7-unit resi.di~nti.al condominium complex: (A) ~~;~~~QN~_12~_Q(~~4~L4~.411. Miniinum PSick.ing~~~S4._.~n~~nc1Qri~.• ~n~1 I$,~1. Qofi, c~12 (A) SE~TIQN_18~~1,,Of:1~072 - Perm~~~d_ resi l~n~~~~~~~u~~• (RM-3U00 zaned conctcminium uniGs required to bQ ~~.~.~!'~.4~_~r ~emi _~~~~.~gS1_; 17 d~tac~ dwellinqs proposed) (~) ~~TIQN__~L31~9~~s~_52 - E~S,rkinc~s~S~.Q~~r.€9.k.~r~m€~~. 2. Tbat. L•hQ abovc~-mentiuned waiver (P) ls hereby gcanted an tho basis th~t: there ara ;:peci.ai circumstanco~ appl:ic~ble to the praparty siich as size, shapQ, ~_opugraphy, location and surroundings which do n~t; „pply to other identically zoned proparty ir~ the same vicinityt and tnat strict arplication of tt~e 'Loning Cude cleprives tt~e proper.ty of privi:leges enjoyed by uther propertics in the fden~ical zone and classificatien in th~s vi:•inity. 3. That the above-montxoned waivers (A) and (C1 are ht~roby dei~ied on the basis t}~at they wero deleted in c~nnection with tne submittal of revised F1ans which also roduced L•tie number of units from lU to 17. 4. ~hat there ,~r.•e exceptional or ex~raordinary circ~unSt33lCA3 or condirions applicable to the prop~rty involvQd or to the intendQd use of tho property that do not apply qenerally to the property or c2ass of use fn the same vicinity and zone. 5. That the roquested var.iance, ~ss granted, is neceasary far the pres~rvati~n and enjoym~nt of a subst~intial pr~perly right possessad by other property iii the~ saR~e vicinity an~ zor.~~, and deuied to ttie pro~srky :n question. b. That khe rec~uested variance, as grantQd, will not b~ material7.y det~imont;al to tihe p~blic welfarP or injurirus r,o the pr~Ferty oc improvements in such vicinity a.~d zonc~ in wh.tch the pr~peKr.y i.$ located. -4' PC90-148 7. '.Ch1r. 24 peoplc~ 3ndlcated L•heir pz•essnco at said public h~arinc~ in oppo:~iti~n; ~rid that no corrospondence w~s receive,d ~t- oppoaition to 3ubject peti.tion. SI~.~~:S2~3N.~~ ~r1Y~4.~~~1~~.~?~t~--QSI~LTTX _~s;.~_~NDIN~: ThaC the Anaheim City P].:~ni-ing f;oinm.is: i.ou has rQV.iewed the proposal to i•er.lassify subject ~,rapFrLy from tho R5-A-93,000 (Rosi~ientiml/Agriculkural) Zon~ to tho FM-3000 (fte: ide~tial, Multiple-F;:unily) ~7r a loss intense zone wi~1~ kaivers of. min3mum parkir.q space dimQrisions, perrniLtQd res.identi~l structur~s and parY.ing ar.cess requir~u;ent to constr~xr.t a 2-st.ory, 17-unit (Qreviously 18 unitj aomplex on z~ rec~~x~gul~~rly-shaped ~arcol of land consisting oE approximat~ely 2.03 acres located at Lhe southoa,t corner af. Orange AvQnue anci V91are Str~ot, having approxa.mate fr~ntages af 412 feet orl l:he south side of Orange Avenuc~ and 214 feet o~n th3 east si.de of Vela•ro 5trF~~t and furth~r.• describod ~s 2518, 252U, 2532 an~3 254U We:st Orango Avanue; and does Y-ereb,y approve thR Negr3tivQ Lec;laration upon fiiidi.ng that it has cons.id~red t2in Nec~at3ve Declaration toqoth~r with any comments rece~v~~l ciu:•ing tht~ pub'i.c review process and turth~r find.i ng or~ the b~,sis of tho init.ial ~L•udy and any commsnts received that there is :io substantial ~~~5.dence that the project wi.ll havo a ~iynifi,:ant effect on the environmen~. NOW, TH~.RLkUftL, yE IT f:ESOLVEU that the A.naheim C:ky I'lanning C~irun~ssion doss herebx grant subjecC F~etition for Variarace, in ~art, upon thQ fol.7.owinq conditions which are herehy t~und to k~e a necessary prerequisite to tYie pioposed use of ttie sub;ect property in order to pre~erva the safety and general w~lfare of the Citiz~~ns cf the City of Anaheim: 1. * That a trac:~ mao ta r~~cord the divis3cn of subjoct property :~:~all be submittea to anii a~proved by l•he City of Anahei.m and then be racorded in the 0£ficU of the Oranr,~ County Rc~cordQx. 2. * Thar. sidewalks, curbs, gutters ar~d paviriq sha11 bP .~.ns~alled a~ong Orange Avenuc as requirad by r_he City ~.ngineer and in accordance with stanc3ard plans and specifications on file in tt:e Otfice of the City ~:ngineer. 3. ~ Th~t atl private stre~ts shall bo dQVeloped in accordanr.e with the Engiuec~ring 5tandard Detail No. 122 for p:ivate str~ets, includizic~ in~tallatiun oE stro~~ name signs. Plans for the ~rivate atreot lighting, as requirod by tho sr.andarcl de::ail, s}iall be submittod to the Bufiding Divis.io:~ Eor approval and shall be includecl with th~ building plans prior to the issu.ance of builcling pe~mits. (Priv~te streets ara those which providQ primary access and/qr c.irculatior. within the project.) 4. * That the grnainq an~] dr.a.inagc of ,ubject property sh~ll canform t~ Crzpter 17.0~~ "Gradinq, F.xc~vations, Fi11s nnd Water Coursea" of lho Anaheim Municipal Codc. -5- PC90-14a ~~'i.i~.~ ~. * 7':l~t p.r.ior to is~uanc~ of ~ builcling permit, i:hQ ~pproprinL•e LrafFic signa7. asst~ssm~nt foe shall be paid ~o r_]zt~ City ot AnaYa~im in an arnount as os~~blish~a by City Council resoluti.on, G. * Th~h gates s.ha11 nat be 3~~~tallc~d ar,ross any driveway or pr.ivate street in a m~nnor wtiiqYi may t~dvors~ly affect vohicular traff.ic in thc~ adjacQnt public st-raet. Insl:allation ot• any gatds shall conform to F;.ngineeriny Stand~.d Plan No. 402 xnd sha11 bQ subject to th~ review and apparoval of r.r~e City TraEf.ic Enginc~Pr prior to assuance of a 1~uilding pc~rmit. 7. * That prior to commenc6ment of structural framing, ~n-site fire hydrants sha.ll be installed and ~harged as r~+quired a~1d ap~roved by the City Fire Departanent. An all-woather road sh~ll be pr.ovi.ded to the hydrant aL- al1 times as roquired by tho I'3rQ Departmant. a. fi That fire spzinklers shal). b~ installed as requi•rcd by tha F'ire Depar~ment. 9. * ThaY, prior to issuance of a bui.lr,~ing parmit, the appropriate feos due f.cr primary and secondary water mains, and fire prutaction sorvico shall be paid ~o tiiQ Water EnyinF3~rinq Divisio:i i.n accordance w3.th Rules 15A and 20 of the Watex (Jtil.ity kate~, Rules ar.d Regulations. 10. That e;cisting utility oasemonts sliall be abandoned as required by the W~ter F,ngiricorinq Division. 1'l, Ehat a private water system ~,~i~h se~~rate water service for fire protection and domestzc war.er shall be provided. The water back£low equipment and any other large water system equipment shall be located either. ( a) bc~lcw ground in ~ vault acceptable r.o i:he Water EiigineQrinq Givision or (b) nuove-ground b~hind the fronh setback and fully screened fr.om view from any public strQet. 12. * That trash storage ~reas aha11 be provi,ded and maintained in u l~cation acceptable ko the StrQet idaintenance and Sanitation Division and in aec~:danc~ witi- appr~ve~ plans on f:ile with said Division. Such informat~on st~all Qa spQcific:ally ,}~ewn on the plrsr.s submitted for b~iildinc~ permits. Provisions may b~ made for Un~.t Nos. 1 through 8 to p.lace rQ~us~ barrels on the private sL•rQet on l•rash ~ollection da~•. 13. * That a tee for street lighting purposes zh~ll be paid to the Czty of Ana}ieim based on the ~ei~gCh oL- stroat frontago along Ve2~re Streer_ in ~n amount ao ~,stab2ished by City Cc,uncil resuluL•ion. 14. * That- stre~t lighting facilitie~ a:long ~ra»q~ Avenue shall be installad as revuixed by thE Utilities Gener.al Manager in accorciance w.ikh speciti.cat:lons an fite in the Office oE t•ho Utilitios Gener.al Manaqerj or that ser.urity iu Che ~arm o[ a bond, certificute ~f depasit, letker '6° PC90••~9E ~~~' ~ ~; , .., - . . , .~ . ,. .. . . - ~ ~. . . .. .. . . . ~ _~~ p.~~. , of credit, or. cas~i, in an amounC ar~d farm satisfacL•ory to the City of Anaheim, shal'1 be posted with the City to guaranteo the s~tisfactory completiax~ o~ the above-montibnQd improvements. Said security shz-11 be post~d wfCh L-}ie City ot Anah~aim pr.ior to issu~nce of a building pormit. Tho above-requir.~d irr~provemQnts shall ba installed prior to accupancy. 15. * That subjQCt property s2:a1'1 be sFrvod by un~lorqround utilities. 16. * Zhati t~ feP for streot troo p~zrpcsos sha11 bo paid L•o t}iu CiL•y of Anahein- based an the lengths of. straet frontage along Orange Avonue and Vel~re StreeY. in an amounl• as escablished by Cit.y C~unc?]. resolution. 17. That a11 existing driveways on Oran~~i Avenue ancl Ve~are Street shall be removed and r~plar.acl with standard c~.zrb, guttar, sidowalk and ].andscaping. 18. That the e~cisting watQr.• wQll on subject prpporty shaJ.l be abandoned to the satistacY.i~n of tho Flater Fngineerinr, Division. 19. That pzior ta any occupancy, ~emporary sr.ree'.. na.me sign~ ~or any nQw arivate street shall bP installed if permaner.-~ street riame siqns have not ber.n installed. 20. * That roll -up garage dcior. s shall bQ shown ~n plans submitte.: ~or building permi~s. ~aid 3oors shal~ be installed and mainta~ined as 3h~wn. Tho parkin~ spaces in tandem to Lhe garaya sha11 have minimum dimensions of sixteen (16) Leet wide and twent} feet (2Q) long with ~he spocific driveway configurations bc~iny reviewed and spQroved by the Planning Depactmont aiid City Tratfic Engi~ieer. 27..+~ That any lockable pedestrian and/or vehicular access gal:es shall be e~.;uipped wiCh "knox box" dovices as r~:quired by Che City Fire Department. 22.+~ That all air. C~nditiUrsing L•acilit~ies and other roof and ground mount~d equi~mant shail be properly shiel.ded fron view and the sound buffered from adja.cent residential proneztius. Sucl; ir~formation s}iall be specifica.lly shown ori t}ie plans submitled for builclii~g permits. 23. Th2t all plwnbi.ng or othQr s.imilar pipes and L•ixtures iocated on. tY:e extori~r. of the btiilding shali b~~ fully screanecl by arct~5.tectural de~~iees ancl/or appro~riate building matc~rial.s; ~ncl, further, that such information shall be specifically ~•h~wn on the plans submittecl for Uuil~iiny permits. 24. Tha~ clothes washer and ciry,er h~ukups sliall be incorporated into each condamS.niwn dwelling u:~it and shall be speci£ically shown on tho plans submitted for building permits. 25.* That the on-sito landscapicig and irrigation sy~t~m ahall be rnaintainod in compl+.ance wit}- CiLy standard~. _~_ PC9U-14(i ~~~a+ ~'.if~ . , ~:tC.~:;~ .. ?.5.* ~'hat ~his VariancA :is granted subject ~o rhe adoption uf a zoning ~rclinance in connoction w.ith. Rer,la~3ificat;ion No. 89-9A-49, now pending, 27, * That the 1oga1 ownor at subjecC propert,y shall irrevocably of£er ~~ ded~.c.ate ~o khe City of An~he.ini a:trip ~~ lantl thirty two (32) feot in width from Che centerline ot tYi~ sl•reet along Orange Avenua :Eor sL•reet widdning purposes. :a. Ttiat subjQCt properl•.~~ shall be developed substant.ially in acr.ordance w~th pldr,s and spacifications submir.,t.ed ta the City uf Anah~im by the p~titionpr and which pl~ns are on 1Q with the P1ann.ing Uepar~ment roarlcad Rc~vision No, i ot Exhibit tt, t. through 5; provided, howeve.r, tha't rhe fcurtl, (4th) bedroom sha11 climinated from Plan B and that k2ie loft areas sha11 not be used as bedrooms. 2g. Zhat i~i connoction with recorcling the tract map to ;,ubdivide subject property ir,to residenti3l coridomina.ums (Condition No. ~., herein), the Conditions, CovQnants and Restricti~ns which will be recordea in connectior~ with said tract map shall include the restr3ctxon that the uso of al]. garages shall he f.or tY,e parking ~f vehicles and sha11 not bo a storag~ room Eor miscellaneous items or convorted ta ).iving space. 3U. That prior to zssuance of a build3ng parrnit or wathin a g~riod of one ~1) year fxom the date of this resolution, whichc~vt~r oacurs first, Condition Tlos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 7,3, 24, 26, 27 and a9, above-mentioned, sha11 be comrlied with. E:ct~nsions ~or fur~her time to complete said condition: may be granted 5.n acc~~rdance with Sec~.ion 1~.03.090 of the Anahcaim Municipal Code. 31. That prior to ~in~J. buildinq ~nd zoning inspecttons, Condition Nos. 2, :~, 8, 11, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21 and 28, abov~-menCionc~d, ~hall bo complxed with. 32.* That approval of L•his applicaL•iori corisLitutos approva.l o~ the ~roposecl request only to tbe Qxtent t}iat it compliQS wiCh the ~,naheim Municip~~ 2oi~ing Code ar~d any other applic~bl~ City. ~tate .~nd Federal regulations. Approval does not includQ any action or fi.ndings as to compliance or approval ~f ths requost regarding any othsr appliaable ord.ii:arir,e, regulaL•ion or rer~uirernent. Conditi.ons mark.3ii with an 3sterisk {~) ~rc require~9 Ly establ::she9 laws, codes, regulations and agreements and are noc subject r.o negotiation. B~ Tx' FURTFIER RESOLVED that th~ AnahQim Gity Planning Commission do~s here~+y find and determino that adoption of thas Resolutfon is expressly predicstecl upon appii~ant's compliaace with each aiid all of the condi.tions hereinabove sAt f.ortti. Shou2d any such conclitions, or ~ny part thereof, be d~clared invalic3 or unenforceab7.e by ttie final judgment of any court of competenr. jurisdiction, then lhis Rrso7.ution, and any appzovals her~in contair.ed, shall be deemed null and vt~id. -~- rCgo-~.a8 ~`.Y.i't1 TH~ FOREGCING RF.SOLUTION wEi~ adoptod at tho Planning Commiasion meoting of June 10, 1990. ,`R : ~ . ~ ~. , , - p~ i ,c.~-G, J `' : ~ , ~%1 ,1.- " ~' ____,_T_._..-_ ~ :,._c~.~"-L.:..-r~-----'^_....~. . CHAIRMF~1~1, ANAi~EIM CI1'Y PLANNING COMMISSTON A'PTEST: ~ ~~~~~~ _~~~~~'- -- SEC~tETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PL,ANNING COMMtSSTQN STATE Or' CALTFORNIA COUNTY 0~ ORANGC ) ss. C:[TY OF AN7+HEIM ) I, Edith L. :?arris, Secretary of ~kie Anaheim Cit.y Planning Cammissi~n~ do h~roby a~hei~ ~heam Ctity~Planning Commiss.ionl held ons ~unea 8, a1990,~cb1 the meeting o~ fo:llawing vote of the members ther.eoF: A'YES: COMMISSIQN~KS: MCYB[1RNFY,~.~tESSE FELD"tiAUS, HERBST, NOES: CO?'(MIw5TONET2S: HELLXER ABSENT: CONII~SZSSIONEP.S: NONE hand thia _~O' ~ ~ia;r W` ~ T WITNESS WHERF.OF, I liave here~xiito set my of _ _-~, 1990. _ G ', ) • i G~v-~G SECRE'tAR~, 1~1AHLIM CITY PLANNl'NG COIV4r1ISSIUN -9- r... ,~;,}; i'.~: . ~ PC90-148 ~ , ,. )d4l:::1 . ~ . . . - ,~.> ~~~'~