Resolution-PC 90-150~ R~SQLUTION NO• PCc.~p _159 (~`+a~j A RLSULU'.~TpN OF TH~ ANAHEIM CITY PL,ANNING COI~fTSSION ADl1PTTNG ANP RECOMMENUING TO THE CTTY COUNCII~ ADOPTION pF GENERAL PLAN AMENnMENT Nq. 311 PERTAINING 7'0 THE LAND U'SE ELEMENT WF:EREAS, the City Couzicil of the Ciry pF Anahe3.m c3i~3 aciopt Y,11Q Anzheim General Plan by Resolution No. 69-64~, showiny the general descriptian an~l extent of possible futura development with.in the city; and WFIERBAS, the Plan~~ing Commissiot~ directed ~taf£ ta initial:e a General Plan Amen~,roent redesignating tP~~ Studj ~1rea Prom the Medium Derisity ~esidential designaL-ion to the Low Aensity Resic~entia], designation for prr~pcrty consisting of ~1 parcels locat;ad on the east side a£ Della Lane, having a combined area of approximately 1.06 acres and havin a frontage of approximately 330 feet on east sidP og bella I.ane andCfurthza described as 2200-222~ South Della L~arie; thPrsor' WH:EREAS, the Cii:y Plar-n.ing Commission did hold a public ho~ring ~t th~; Civic Center in. the City ~f. Rnaheim on June lb, 1990 a~ 1:30 p,m., not~ica of said pub.lic hea~ing Yia~ing bnen duly given as requared bg 1~w Zn.d in accr~rdance with tl:e prov~sions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chap tex 18.03, tio hear and consider evidence for and against sai,.d proposed General Plan Amendment and to investigate and make findings and recorrimer.dations in connt~ction therewith; and WF~IE;REAS~ s~id Commissiora, zfte: c3ue consideration~ inspQCtion, investigat~en and study made by i.tself, and after due considexat.ion of all evidence and repox•L off~z•ed at said liearing, DOES HEREBY FIND: ~. ThaL- evidence ~;r~ser,ted subsrantiates the rieed ~or ~n amendment to rh~ T.nal:eim General P.lGxi and that ~xhibit A be ac~opted reciesiqnating subjec~ area Lor Low llensity Residen~ial land uses, ratner than Mediurn Den~at}y Resiclential. 2. rtlai: the proposed amenclmenL- is consistent with the existing .land use density. CALIr R*ITA ENVTRQNMENTAC~ UAL'!TY 1~ T FINDING: That the Anaheim City P 1 ar.n i n ~--_____ g Commission has revieY•~ed th~ proposal to amend tr:r Lznd Uss Element o.~ the General Plan to c2:aiige C~ie curr,~zit: lancl use desig,:: tion of Modium Uensity ResidenL•ial to Low Density 12ESidential for 4 parcels located on the east side of Della Lane, h~~ving a combined area of approxitnately 1.06 ~cres and havinc~ a combin~d fror.tage of epproximat~l 330 f~ Y et on east side of Della Laae and ruri:her descz•ibed as 2200-222p Soutli De].la Lane; and does t:herefore appro~e the Negative Declaration un the basis t•hat it has corsidered the pzoposed N~qatzve Declarati.on togetl~er wit:h any comments received during the publ~~ reviQw process and furtheL• finding nn t2ie basis of the Initia.l Study an6 any comments received thaL• there is no substantial evidence that Che p~oj ect wi2~ have a s.ignific~+.nt effect on the snvironme»t 1490r ~1 PCup..15Q i i r: ~ r V: ~~., ~~~ ~~ i(~, '~`c -', ; r70W, TIiERErORE, BE IT RESOr~VEA, that pursuant to the above findinqs, the AnahPim City Planning Commission does txereby adopt and rpcommend to the City Council of the City oE Anaheim adopL•ion oE G~rzc3ra7. ?1:~n Amendment Np, 311-Larici Use Element, Ex2iibit. A, to redc~signate t2:e Study Ar~a .from MQdium Density Resi.danti~l ta Low DPnsity~l2esidential land uses. THE FJREGOTNG RESOLiJTION w3s ddopted at the Planning Commission meeting of June 1~, 1990. ; ~ :1 _..\4..,3~_~ '~ ~ ' .~~ ~ ,F~f . ~ ~ ~~ CHAIRMAN, ANAFiEI CIT'Y PLA3INING Cf~MNISSION ATT~ST: ~ - J ~ ~~~"r~ --- SECRETARY, ANI~HEIM CITY P~AIvNING COMMISSION STATG Or CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGF ) ss. C_TTY CF ANAHE7M ) T, Edith L. FIarris, Secretary of thQ Anaheim Czty Plannir.g Commission, du hereby certify that the Eoregain~ resoluY.ian was passed and adoptod at a meeting of the Anaheim City Pl~anning Commissi~n held an June 18, 1990, by the follawirac~ vote of the members L•h~reaF': AYESs COMMISSIONE:R5: DOYDST(iN, BOUAS, E'ELDHAUS, HLf.,LY'ER, FIERAS'T, MC BURN~X, MCSSE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONF, ABS~NT: COMMTSSTONERS: NONE -_ ~-~~~ i4fTNESS WHEFtCOF, I tiave herQUr~to set my hanfl this I~ G~ ` day of ~, ~ _, 1990. i ~ _ l~,~c~~ ~~ !~~Ct~l~-~._, _ SECRETI~RY, ANAhEIM CITY PL,ANNING COi~iMZSSTON -2- PC90-150 ,'.~