Resolution-PC 90-151 ,~ ~?CS9.!;U!'IQH_ HO.. P~~Q_:151 A. RESOLUTION UF TFIE I~T1AFiETM CITY f'LANNIr1C CObIIr1ISSI0N TliAT I~ETI1'I()N r'AR CONDJTIONAL USE YRRMIT N0. 3263 BE GRANTED, IN PART WH~KFAS, tho Anah~im City Plai;ning Comriission ~lid roceive a verS.fied Pc~3.~i~n fdr Condit.fonz.l Us~ termit C'or cQrtain ra~l pror~c~rty ~i~uated in the C:ity of Anahe.im, County of Ora~;qQ, Stata of California, doscri.bed as: TF10S~: PQRTIUNS ~JF TFiC NURTFiWF,S7' QUART~R OF TFIF' SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTIOU 4, TOWNSEIIP 4 SOUTH, Tl,NRR21T 10 F11:ST, T1~ THL RA~1CH0 SAN JUAN CAJUN DE SAlITA ANA, CITY ~F AtJAHEIM, COUTI:CY OF URA,QGE, STATE JF CAGIEORHIA, AS PER MAP RECORDEU IN BOOK 51, PAGr 10 OF MISCSLLAtJEOU;; htAPS, IN 'lHB OE'E'ICE OF TFiE COUi7TY :tCCORnF.R 0[' SATD COUNTY, LYING ~OTT~iIN LOTS 4 I~ND 5 OF .RACT N0. 3.',96, IN SAID CITY, AS YE~t t~tAP KECORDED .iN BOOK 121, PAGCS 8 Al7D 9 OF SAID MISC~LL.\NEOUS MAPS, UFSCFIE3ED 1~5 A WHOLE 1~S EOLLpWS; I3FGIt1NI?7C AT TFiE SOUTFiWEST CORTIF.R OI' SAIU NOkTFiWE;;T QUARTER, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP UF' TRACT N0. 3395; THENCE SOUTH 89° 42' 57" ~AST 203.00 FEET ALONG THE SOUTFiF.RLY LIlJE OF SAlU NORTHD~EST QUARTFR: THENCE NORTH 0° U2' 23" EAST lr]U.00 FEET PAI2ALLEL WITH THE WESTEF:LY LIl7E OF SAID SECTI~N; 'THEtdCE lTORTH g9° 42 ~ 57" W~ST 203.00 F~:ET TO TFiF. WESTERLY LTNE OF SAID SECTION; THE27CE SOUTFf 0° Q2~ 23" WFS~ 180.A0 FEET x0 THE FOItrT OF IIFCIHNIt1G. WNEREAS, tt~e CiCy Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civi~ i;r~n~er in t.},P City of AnahNi.m on April A, 19y0 at 1:30 P•m•. nqtica of :;aid public heariny having been duly qivPn as requ.ired by law and in accorclarice with the prov±sions of r.he Anatie±m Muniripal C~d~, ChapCer 18.03, ta hear and consider evidence for and aya.inst said proposed r.onditional use perinit and to investigate and make firidirigs and recommendations in connzction therewith; and ~ai.~: public h~.~rinq was conti~i~ed ko the r~ic~etangs oE May 7, MaY 27., June 4, ancl Juna 18, 19~0; a: d WffEREAS, sa~~3 Cotrunission, after d~ie ins~e~lion, invest.iqation and sludy made 'ay i[selE and in its bet~alf, and af.ter clue consideration uf all evidence ~nd reports offered at said hearing, do.:s find and determi~se the followir.y :acts: 1. Tha~ kl,e ~,:cgo~~ct usR is properly o~~e for Nh:ch a conditfonal use permit i. authorizF~d t,y Anaheim Mc~i.icipaJ Cor.sA SQ~;;~.icr~ 2P,.9~,p50.080 to permit a car wash facf7ity in conjunctinn wi!h an existing servic:e st~tion and with Waiverrs of thQ followinc~: ~::~°~ ~A) $Gc~ir,n3_i8..05_.09~_..922 - t!~xirr~um---si.gn .~re~. an.cl. 1+1. ~4,.0h'l 1492r -1- ['C90- 151 r1 . . .. . ~ . ~ . . . ~ , _ ~ .,,:ra,~r~;". •' ~°t' ` (~) $.S~4ri...4~n~._14_tS?5sC93.~Q?~~. •- ~'e.rmi~t4~1 1Q~?4_i.9n_2f_Er~.e~~t~~~lixi~..~.i.~J~1.~• s2rc1..._:l_8_ ~l.h Oti:l (`i~_._¢n~l.~.b_~ ___~~@~ from t}ie nc~rL•h and csast - t -~-• -- pro~,er r.y li.ncs requ;red; ~_~~n~l_ ~~g~~ prupo:~ed) ~ (C) ~~4ti9~~$,d~.~223~_44.~. -- M~x,i~~~_n~m4.~r Q~~€~eFL~~~~t~~.~?g_.5i~n~. ti~n~l~8.,4!1,_~?~7. (~ pnrmitL-ad for 2~7 oE streat £ro:~tages ~ proposed) (D) S~'.G.~iut~~_ 1$~9>.~~_3,_4?~ - Mini,m4im ~iti4.~nG~ ~'~+.~.W~~n f~4~~~.~n4~?n~--~.i~~,f• and._1g.~1~1.067 (~4V f~~ requirQd; 13~ an~l 2Q9 ~g~ proposed) 2. That llie r~quest~d w~ivers (D), (C} and (D) are he.oby grantea oii ~hQ ba5is t}~at tliere ar~e spec.ial circumstances ~pplicable td tho property sur.h ~tis ~ize, shape, topo~~raphy, 1oc:ati.on and surroundings which do not apply to ather icientical.ly zoned property in thc~ samr3 vi.cinity; anc~ that striet application o1: tho 7.uning Code deprivas the r~ru~erty of pr.ivileges enjoyad by ot.hor ~roperLies in the iclentical zone and cla~sification in ~he vicinity. 3. That: L1~~ above-mF~nr_ioned waiver (A) is herery aenied on the basi.s that it w~-~s cleleCed follo~ri.ng tht~ puh.lic notificalion. ~1. That rhe proposQd use will not advPr.sely affect t':e adjoin.ing land uses anct thc growth and dovelopmetit of the arQa in whicli it .is propoaod to lse located. 5. That the sizo and sliape ~f tlse site proposed t'or the use is adequate t4 a11ow the f.ull dc~velopmen~ o~ the propc.+sed use in a mannoc not detrimontal to the particular ar.ea nor Co the peace, health, safok,y and general welfare of rht Citizer.s of khe Cil-.y of Anaheim. 6. That the grahting of th~ C~iriditional Use Permit under the r_ondil-ions imposed, if ar.y, wi.il noC be rletrimental to L•he peace, t~ealth, saEecy and general welfare af the Citizens of tfie c:itj oF Anaheim. 7. 'Ph~t l•he traf.fic qenerated by the proponed ase ~ill nor impose an c~idue burden upon the streets ~nd hiqhwaZ~s desfyned aiicl improved r_o carry Y.re traEEic in thn area. 8. Tn:at no onc~ ind.icaL-ed their presQnce at said public hearin~~ in opposi~tur.; anQ Chat no carre.,ponder;ce was recei~~eci in opposftion to the subject petition. ~~L2~'O~iNIA_ EtJ!!IR(~t7ME21TJ~l~__~UALITX___~;~T _E L~tDIliC: Th:at rhe Anah~im City Pl.anning G~mmission has reviewed the pro~osal t~ pisrmit a car wast~ facilit~ in conjunction witb, an exisC= •q service station anci with waivors of maxirnwn aiyn aro~, permit~ed locakic~~. of Croc~3tanding signs, maxS.mum number of freestand.tng :tfqn~ and minimum disrancQ h~tween frc~estand.ing siqns on a rectangu2arly-sl::,iped parcel of land consisting ot appr~ximt-texy 0.59 acre locatn.d at :he northF~a3t c:~rnur o~ Romneya f3r.ive tin~i Euclic3 Street, 1~avinq -2~ PC90-151 ,~~o~~ R:v~,~ P approximate EronLag~s oE 150 fUe': on tho north sicle ~~ Romnaya nrivc~ and '147 fcot on t:ic~ ~ast sidQ of F uclid Stxo~t ni~d r ~uclid Str~~t; and dors hor~b ~.- ur'Chc~r describQd as 1200 North y Pp'O°e th~ Neyative Dec1.AraCion upon fincling Lhat iL• 1zas consiclc~rec3 the Nor.~aLiv~r Uoclar~~tion toyc~ther wirr ~ny conunent~ receivc~d dur.inr~ ~}~e public raview process and further tindin ~ i:hP initi~l study and ~ny commur.ks rar.ei~od that; ~harQ is no tsubbtantial evi.dence that tho projc~ct w.i11 h~tva z signi~ir.anC Qf1:~ct on th~ onvironmanr. ilOW. THERI3FORL. BF IT RESOLVED that Commission ~toes hc~r.•ek, t}1e AnahQ.im City P7araning y granC subirc~ PQt,Cinn for ~'unditional Us~ P~rmit, in part, upon the Following conditions which are hereby found to be a necossary ~rez'oquisite to the propos»d usa of the subjer.r. pr~~er~Y in order to preaerve the salety and general wtlfar.e cf the C.itizons o: thc~ City of Analieim: Y• That a Lot L.ir.e Adj ustment Plat• stiall be ~ Soction and tipprov~d h u~.~mirr°d t~ the Suhdivi5ion Uffice o( y`~e C.iLy FnyinQer and thon r.ec:ordad in ~h~ the Oran,qe Caunr.y &ecorder to adjust Lhe north and ~ast pr~P~rty lines to agree wit;i Che property lines sliown on the approvod sitQ plan. 2• That the legal owner ~t subject propert~ ~n:,ubordinatel covenarit grantin an ~ sha11 acquiro a recorded pr~perLy owner ~.mmediatel g acc~^,s easement. from the legal e ress Y nurL•h of subjQCt pxoZ~Prty for ingr.ess and ~ purposes to subject propert;y. S~id oasemcn~ shall be designed in ~ manner satisfaccory to the City Tcaf:fic Enginec~r and said covenant shatl be in a form satisfactory to the C.ity Attorna rc~corcied covenant shall be si!bmitted to th~ Zon.ing Div~sionA copy ot the ~• i'hat prior to final builc3ing ancl zoning i:~spec;tions cf a m.i:iim4m size o£ fifCeQn (I5) . broad-headgd trees four 4 gallo:~s s}~all ne provide~ in m.inimum ~) 1~y four (4) foot kreo w:.•lls planted on maximuin twent centers 3loiig t•he interior site boundar y~2U~ ~oot protected by m.in3.mum six Y l~nes, Such L•rees shall bg maintainQd w.ith p~ ~6~ incl~ high concrete curbs and sha11 brV c.rm~-nent irrzqation ~acilitio~, as reguirc~d by Code Section 1Q,g7,q3p,07~ (lanascaping acljaeent ~o inEerior bour.ciaries), Such provx~iuns shall Le Sper_ifiC311•~ ~Own on plans submitted tor buildi.nq permits. ' 4• * That rior P to issuance of a buildinq ~~rmir, the appropr.taCe traffic; si~nal. a;,se,ument fee shall he paic: to t}ie City of l.nahe.im in an ~mount ~+:~ o~tablishec] by Cir.y (:o~ncil resoluLion. 5• ='tla~: the existin wosteriy ~rlVeWa g mO''~' southerly driveway on Euclid Street ani! most y on Romneya Ur:ve sha.ll b~ remov~~~~ and xe~l~ced with standard curb, gutter, sidewalk and land:~capinq. 6. * That pl~ns sha21 t,e submi.tted to tlie Traffic Engineer for hi.s review .1nd appcuval s!-,owinq contorrtiance with Engineering Standaid Plan Nos. 436 an8 602 perta.inin~ r_Q p,1r.k.ing seandarci;;. Subject pcuperty shall thereiipon b~ dCVeloped and maint~.in~d in conformance with s~i~ F~1ans. -3- PC90-251 ,..., %. Tt-aL• rhe remaining lwo dr.ivc~wzys ~h~~11 bo i•ocor-strur.tnd ko accommodate min3.mum f±t•C~en (15' Eoot radius curb roturns in conformance with Lnc~inoering SC.anclard No. 137. Existing brok~n or cra~cked driv~ways shal7. be rt;movod and r.opl.aced as r~quirocl by thH (;ity Bnginoer. f~, *'Ph~~t trush ~Lorage aroa:; s1iaJ.1 b~ pruvided and maintainod in a locat.i.on ~cceptable to Y,he Streot Maint~r-ance and Sani~~tion Division and in ar.cordance with ap~rov~d plans on :ile with said Division. Such i.nL•~rmati.on sh~l] be specifically ;~hown o:i tY,a plans subm.ittod for bu3.lding I~~rmits. tJo parkin~ shall be }~r~rmiCted in front of the trush storac~e area access. 4. * That a f~e for stroet lightinc~ p,~rT,oses shall be paid to th~ City of Anaheim basad on r.he leiigth oc street; frontage along Ramneya Drlve in an amount as established by Ci~y Cour:cil resolution. 10. *'lhat streQt ligh~ing facilities along Euclid SCci.~ot shalt be installod as requirsd by Ct~e U~.ilities GenPral Manager in accordance with spacificationa on file in L•ho Offic~ of th.a Utilities Genecal Manayor; or ~hat se~:urity in the form oE a boc~~l, certificatP of dc~posit, letter of craciit, or cash, in an am~unk and form seti~factory to th~ Ci~y af Anaheim, skiall be posted with the City Fo gu ~rantee the sallsfactory comQletion of tlle ~hovc-~ ~~L•iuned irni;c~.:vemenl.:~. Said security shall be posted wit}~ the City of. Anaheim pri~r to issuance o~' a buildxng permzt. 1he above-require~i improvemFnts shall. be installed prior t~ occupancy. 11. * Shat• ~,uhject proper~y shall be served by underground utilikies. 12. * That drainage of subject property shall be provided .in a manner satisfactory tu the City Engineer. In ad~ition, the method £or accorrunodating all. waste water produced by subjecC car wash shall be designQd fur on-,ite d.isposal. 13. That dur~ng busi~iess huurs ot operatioii of subject facility, se~arate men's and womer~'s restrooms stiall be availak~le ko tho ~ubl.ic, and sha7.1 be properZy suppaied ~nd m~3?ntained. 5aid Fac3litiQS shall be clearly shuwn on tti~ plans submitted for builciina purmits. 14. * T:-at an urisuborciinated recorde~.i agreement sh:.+ll be provided to th~ Zoning llivision agreeing to remcve t}ie ~Prvice station structures in tho ~vent• that t:ho ,tation is closecl f~r a period of twelve (t2) consocutive monkhs, in conformance with Anah~im Municipal Code SecCion : (automobile ,er.vzce stat.ions). A servi~a station shall be considered closed d~aring any mo~it}- in whicti it is open L•ur less than fifteea (15) days. 15. * That all air conditi.onir~g f~cilit.ie:: anc~ other root and ground mountQB equi.pmon.t sh~21 be propF.r.ty shieldc~d from view, S~ach ir,formation 3ha11 ~~ ~~gecificr.lly shown on the ~?lans submi.tted [or building permita. "ij_ pCpO~151 .. /'MM~W,, I ~ lf~. r, 'Tk1~t pl~~~~s sha17, bo stirmi~ted to the Eluildxny DivisiUn show3ng cumplian~:a wi.th tYic~ minimum st;andards o£• ~kie City of Anaheim, 3.ncluding L•ho Uni.forrn Biiildinc~, Plumbinc,~, Elc~ctrical, Mechanical an8 Fi.ra Codes as ad~pted by t;hQ City c~f Anaheim. The appropriat~ pQx~nits sh~ll be obtainecl fur ~ny necessary rrorY.. 17, Ttiat; a.ll pl.umbing or. otlior simi:lar pipos and fixtui•es located on tha exterior of ~ho building shall bo fully screer.ad by architestural devlces and/or appr.opriate a~xilding matarials; and, furtliQr, such inf.urmatian ~ha21 b~ spc ~ifical]y shawn on the plans submi.tte3 for building porm.i~s. 7.Q, That no ~utdoor s~orago ot, disp:4ay uf, or worlc on vehicles or vehicular r~arts sh~11 bQ permitf:ed. 1g, * That the on•-site landsc~~ping and irrz7atioi~ spstem shall be maintained i.n complianc~ with City srand~rds. ~p, That subjecL• properly shail be devel~ped substar~tially in accordance wxL•h plans and spaci.ficat.ions ~ubmittad to the Cir.l~ of Anaheim by the p~titionQr an~ which plans are on file with the F'1anr~ing AQpartment marked Revisio*_i No. 1 of ~:xhibit idos. 1 Chrough 5, and Exhibit Nos. 6 and 7; ~:-ovicled, howQVer., that the monumer.t sign shall be located out;;ide th~a "lino-af-3iqkit trianyle" at the corner of Romnoya and E~uclid Stree~ (sai;l triariqle }~aving minimum twent•y-five (25) foot "legs" alonq Rom:ieya ~nd Euclid St:rQets, as required by tiie City Traffic Engineer to main'c~in ac~equate lines-of-siqYit) . Z1, That prior to i.,suance cf a buildir~g permit or within a perxod of one (1) yQar f•rom ttie date of this resoluti~i~, whichever oacurs first, Condition t~os. 1, 2, 3, ~1. 6, 8, 4, 10, and 12 through 17. above-mentioned, shall be compliQd w.itti. Extensions for further time to complete said condifions may be granted in accordan~.e with Section 1t1.03.090 0~ L-he Anah~im Muiiic:i~~l Code. lZ, T}i~t pr.ior to final buildi^y ..nd z~ning inspc~ctions, CondiLion Nos. 5, 5, 7, 10, 11 arid 21, above-menL-ianed, aha11 be cumpli~d with. 23. ~ That. approval of this applica~ion constitures a~pro•ral of the proposed request only ro thQ c~xtent Lhat it complies with the Anal~~im Municipal Zoning Ccde anc9 any othcr applicablo City, Stat4 and Fefleral regulations. Approval cioes not .includQ any action or findingsl cable compliancc~ or approval of r.he request regarding any other apL ordinance, reyulat.ion or requirement. Conditions markod with an asterisk (*) are re~uirecl by establ:she6 laws, codes, regulations and agreement:s and are not s~tbject t4 nego~iation. -5- PC90-15t -- - - - -- :'~ , , . ~ - , ~r;~ ~ ~ ~ x~.u.rM~,;f~~AY~ ,,~f ~ ; ,,.. ,,' y~.~:~ f3E IT FURTHEI2 R~SO'L'~ET~ that the Anahoim City Plr~nning Commissior. does her.Qby find and cletermina that za~nr.~.o~ r~E ~his Resolution is expressly predicated i.ipon ap~licanl:'s cornpliance with each ~nd all o.f the conc~itians hereinabove sc~t farth. Shou~d any such conc~iLioa.y, or any Zaart thereof, be dQClar~d inv~licl or unr.-~for.ceable by the fi.nal judgment o£ any cour~ pP competont, jurisdiction, tl~eri this Ras~lul:ion, and ~iiy approval s tiarein contained, sball be deemad nu.ll and void. THE k'ORECOING FtC50I,UTION was t~clopted. at the Plaiining Commxss.ion meeting oL• June 18, 1990. ' ~ . `~~ ~ __----- :; (. . ` ( •' / -.1`, "~'. - CHATI2MAN, AN~~HETM ~'ITY PLANNING COI~IISS~ON , ATTEST:~ , ~ . ...~'/ --~5-~~__~- ~af~-~.~,---------. SLCRETARY, AD1I~HEIM CTT'l PT~ANNING COMMISSIOTi STATE OF CALTPORNYA ) COUNTY OF ORAHG~ ) ss, CITY OF ANl~HEIbf 1 I, F'diFh L. F~arris, Se~retary of t;~e Anaheim City Planninq Commission, da hereby certify that the foreqoing res~lutiori was passed acid adopted at a meeting oE t:he Aiiaheim City Pl~nning Commission held on June 18, 2990, by the Following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMiSSIOt~ERS: Et~YDSTUN, FELDHAU~, FIERBST, MC B1U12N~Y NOt;S: COhIIdISSI02TERS: BOUAS, FIELLYr,Ft, MESSE A}3SENT: CGMMIS5IONERS: NONE r I~ WI7:NESS WFiFREOF', I hav~ hereu~ni.o set my hand this _~~ day of _,__ , 1y90. r, ~,}----- , ; -__ ~~.~1~~~,~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM C7.'~Y PLANNING COhII~tISSION -~- PC90-151 `~