Resolution-PC 90-153.. .. . . . ; i', ~ ~ - i w:~~ ~ ~''\ RE~OLUT~ti_NQ~ P:q~.~. A RCSOLUTION OF TFIE 1~.tJAHEIM CiTY PLANNIN,r, CQMMISSION TH~T PETT~'I~N FOR kGCLASSIFTC.ATION N0, f39-^4-50 BE DENTED WHE22EAS, tY:e Anaheim C:.i:y Planning Comrnission did recelve a ~verified pet~itiozi ~or R~class:IL•IcaCion for cortain rer~l propArty situated in the City of Anaheim, Coixnty oF Oranc~e, Sta.te of• Cala.fornia, desaribQd as •f•olYows: PAkCEL 2, .IN TFiE CTTY OF ANAFiETM, COUNTY Gk ORi1NGE, STATS CIF CALIF'Okt1TA, AS PER Ml~P FILED I:N t300K 107, PA~LS 36 11ND 37 OF PARCLL MAPS, IN TFIE OFFIC~ OF T~i~ C:OUNTY RrCOkDFR OF SAID C~UNTY, AND TF~E WEST 200. 00 k EET CF T~OT 1 Ib' HY,pCK A OF TRACT N0. 13, IN '1HE CTTY OF AN~~~EiEIM, COUNTY OE' QRArIGE, STATR OF CALIFORNIA, AS P~R MAP RECORDBD II3 Bppl~ g, p~G$ 12 OF MISCELLANEOUu PQAPS, TN TfIE OT'FICE OI' THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTI'. EXCENT TFI~ NORTH 286.00 FEE'T THE~tEOF. AI,SC r^,XCEPT THA:r PORTIOPt WITHIN THE EI~;iT 197.00 FEET O.F' TFTE SQ[1Tfi 320.00 FEET OF SAID .LOT. AND THE SOU7'H 400.00 F~ET OF THE tiORTH 436.00 FEET Or LOT ~ zN BLOCK A OE' TRACr N0. 13, IN THE C:ITX OF AITAHEIM, COUNTI' QF ORANGE, STATE OF CALlFI~RNIA, AS PER MAP REC012DEU IN i300~C 9, PAGE 12 OF' MISCET.Ll~NE0U8 M1~PS, IN THF QFFICE OF THE COUNTY fi6'CORAER GF SAID COiJNTY. WFiEREAS, tho City Planriing Commis~ion did raold a public; haaring ~t Y.he Civic Cenkor in the City af Anaheim c~n March ?6, 1990 at 1;30 p.m., not3ce ot ~aid public hearing having bQOn duly giver~ as roqu.ired by l~w and in acr_prdaiice with the pru~isions oE the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18,~3, Lo hear and consider evidence for and ayainst: said proposed xeclas::ific~tion and L•o investigate aild make £indi.ngs and rscammen3ations in connection the.re•with; and that said public tiearing was c;ontinued to the Apr.il 23 and JunE 18, 1990, Planninq Commission meetings; and WfIrREAS, saici Cammission, aEter due inspection, investiyation and study mad~ by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and regarts offered at said hearing, doQS £:tnd a~id aaterrnine tho fo].lowinq facts: ,~ 1993r _1_ PC9U-153 +~ f~;5:, .. ~'uy^r.~ ,? ~ 1, xhdt the peCitioner pi•o~~asQS ~~classi~ication of subject prop~rly as fo]lows: The souY.lxer.ly and easterly Portian "~." 3.2 acres from the PD-C (Parkirig I)istrict-Commercial) Zon~ L-o tk~e 2tM-1200 (Kesid~nCial, Multip:lt~-•Family) ~r a less inrense xone,. The northwesterly Portion "&" 3.27 acre9 .fram ttxe CL (CocnniQrcial, Limited) 'Lono i:o the RM--1200 (Residentia]., Mult.iple-Family) ar a l~ss intenso zorie. 2. That ~he Ar.ahoim Genaral Plan de~zgnates subject proper*y for General Cnmmercial, Low D~nsity RosidEntial, and 1G~~w-Madium DQnsity Residential land usc;s; ~nd that General Pian Amendment No. 297 propasing to change the land usc~ desiqnation t.o Mediurn Density Residentiat was denied by the Planning Commission on June :la, 1990. 3. That tbe proposed reclassificaLion of subject ~roperty is not necessar~• nor desirable for Lhe ordeily and. proper d~val~pment nf tho communiCy. 4. ThnC the proposed reciassif.icatior~ of subject proper~y does not properly relate to t.he zones and their pe.rmittQd u~os locally esCablishe3 in close proximit~y to subject prop~rhy and to the ~ones and their permitted uses generally established throuqhout the comrnunity. 5. That 8 people indicat~d ttieir presence at sazd public hearing in op~osirion. ~AL1F RQ 11IA ENV1RQt~ME. NTAL_ UALITI' ACT FINDIN~: That th~e Anaheim City Planning Commissi~n has revievred the nro~osal to reclassify subject ~roporty, consi~t•inq of ?ortion "A" (3.2 acres) from the PU-C (Parking District-Commercial) Zoz-r. to the RM-1200 (Residential, :~u3tiple-F~mi3.y) Z~ne anc~ Portion "B" (3.27 acres) fzom the CL (Corunercia], Limited) Zone to tYxe RM-120U (Residenti.al, Multi~le-Family) 2one, to permit construction of a 3-•story, 226-unit deck-r_ypa aparL•cnent complex with waivor of minimum landsc~pe setback o:n an irragularly-snapad parcel of laud cohsisting af approximately 6.47 acres ha~ing a frontage of aprroximately 353 fPar, on the south side of L~inroln Avenue, ha~~ing a maximum depth nf approximately 600 fest, being located approximate~.y ~02 feeL• k~z~t of the centerline of Empire Street and further described as 2144 West Lin.:o].n Avenue; anG does herob~y d.isapprove thQ Negative Declar•,~~ion upon find,ing that it has consiiiered the Nega~ive Declarati~n together wi.th ar~y corruneiits received ~luring the pub'! ic review process and further finding oYi the basis of the i.nitial study and a.ny cnnunents racei~red that there is subs~antial ~vidence that tho pr~ject will have+ a s~.gnificar.t ef[~ct on t.he environment. =' _~_ PC90-la3 ~r;~. ;r' ~ ;:. ~ ;. ; ,~: ,..i . ' .. . . . , . .. . )I~ ~ (~,'.~~ ':1,F~. Iti~J`t1i'^1 ~ ~ ~~}1it.~. ~ NOW, TFi~REFORE, liE IT RESOL~EU that the Anah~eim City Flannin Commiss.ion doe~ hereby denp pAti~;zo.n for Reclassifacation on tho basis of th~ aforementioned ~indings, g ~ THE FOREGOTNG RESOLU:I'ION was adoptefl at the Planning Commission meeting of. Jux~e 1~, 1990. /;" / .~ -` '~:G•~~-~-- I "~/~ ~ `1~- ; - CHAIRbIAN, ANAHEI ~ITY PLANN~NG COMMT g N ATTEST: ` K'~i~~~~/1/LC..t~ -~----~-._.. SECRETAZ2Y. AN1~FiEIM CTTY~PLANN CGT OIG MMISSION S'I'ATE Ok CALIFORNIA ) C4UNTX OF ORAN'GE ) ss. CITY OF ANAH~IM ~ I. Edith I.. Harris ~' Commiss.~on, do herAb • JOCr~~ary of the Anaheim City Planziing 1990 b pdssed and `~a~p~e~ a~ ~ m~etingYof ethe An h im City [~~anri g Commilsion~held on a' Y the Eollowing votQ uf. khe -nembers thereo~: une 18, AYES: COMMISSTONERS: f3QYDSTI7N, F~LDFZAUS, HELLXFR, HI;RBST, tQUSSE NOES: COMMISSIONERS; BOUAS A13SCNT: COMMTSSIONEHS: 2QC $URNEY IN WTTN$Sa WHER~QF, T have hereunto sat my hand thia _~O ~ ciay of -.----. I9 90 . ~ ._._ G~--~~==-"-QJ ~' . S~CFETARY, ,~;.~;ETM~--~~~_` PLA.I~NING COMMISSION :r;.• .'S,i;':~. Of • , , -3- k'C90-153 - _., t ~'. ;, , J, ., ~.. <~ t.r. i ~t` ~;S ~ :~