Resolution-PC 90-154~ :~~ ,~~i~ ~1 ~,,a~;r.y RE,~QLi.IT~rr rro PC90-1~4 A~2ESOLU~'I017 OF THE ANAHE7M CITY PLANN.TNG COMMTSSION T~iAT f~ETITTON F'OR COND~TIpNAL TJSE ~'ERMIT N0. 3252 BE DENIFU WFiEREAS, ths Anaheim City Planning Commission did .receive a vcrif,led pQCg~iGn Eor Cundihional Use E~ermit For certazn real property situa~ed in the City of Anaheim, Ccunty uL• Or~n~~, State of Cala,fornia, describe~ a~ ; PARCGL 2, TN THE CITY OF ANI~FIETM, COUN'd'Y OF ORANGE, STATG OF CALIFORNZA, AS FER MAP FILED IN BOOK 107, PAGES 36 AND 37 OF PARC!s'L MAYS, IN THE OFFICE OF TI3E CvUN1Y RECORDER Or SATD C~UNTY. AND TH~ WLST 7.00.00 FEET OI' P~UT 1 IN b~,OCK A 0~' TRACT N~. 13 , IN THE CT:CY UF Ai~A 37M, COUNTY OF QRANGE, STATE OF CAI,IFORNIA, ~1S PER MAP RECORDED IN IIOpK 9, PAGE 12 OF MISCEL'LANEOUS MApS, IN 1FIE OFFICE OF THG COUNTY , R.ECORDER OF SAID COLJDITY. EXCEPT ?'~!S NORTH 2$6.OU FGLT TFiFREOF. AI:.SU EXCEI'T THAT PORTIUN WITHIN THE EAST 197.00 FEET 0~' THIs SOUTE~ 320.OQ FEET 0@ SAID LOT. AND THE SOUTF! 900.00 FEET OF THE N'ORTH 436.00 FEET OF LOT 2 IN HLO:K A Ok' TRACT N0. 13, IN THE CITY OT' ANAFiEIM, COUNTY O F ORANGE, STATE OF CAi,TFORNTA, AS PSR MAp RECORDGD IN BOOK 9, PAGE 1a OF' MISCEL~ADTEOUS MAYS, IN THE OkFICE OF TFiF, COUNTY Ti~CORDER OF SnIU COUNTY. WHEREAS, the City Plan.ning Commission did hold K publ.ic hearing at the Civic Car,tPr in the City of Ariahe3.m on Marct~ 26, 1990 at 1s30 p.m„ notice of said publ ic k~earing having been dul ~ accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal~ Code ~ haptor lgar,3n ~ to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use Pexmxti and to investigate and make findings and rQ~ommendations in connQCtaon therewith; ancl that said public hearing was contS.nuecl to the April 23 and June ~ 1~. 1990, Planni.ng Commissi~n meel:ings; and WFIEItEAS, said Cornmission, aELer dia~ ans~action, investiqation and study made by i_L-sel.f and in .iL•s behalE, and aft~r due consideration of a11 evidence and reports a.Efered at said hearing, dues find and deterrnino the followa.ng facts: 1994r :~ - PC90-154 ;. : °. .i:•:.„~~~}~ :4 1. Tha;: the propcyQd us~ 3~ pz•opexly one far whxch a c~n~lirionul us~ pormit 1~ t~uthorized by Anahe.im Municipal CoBa Sections 18.:34.050.055 ancl 18.96.020 ta permit conskructS.ori of a 226-unft, 3••atorv deck••type apartrnant: complex wit}i waivor uf. th~ following; ~S3.C~4L~~_~@~~`~~._V~.~_...Q~..~. - L'1.~L-_~411~~_~~.3~_~~.~fZ411 .`i.4x,~~C~S• s~-n~~.~=_2~Q3Q (~4__~~~.~t raqufred adjacont to ainqle-family resiclonti37. zonii,gt lQ ~~~~4 proposed along oast [RS•%T.UO] property line) 2. That tha proposed use and wai~ers are lierc~by deniod on tt~c basis Lhat General Pl~n Amenc'.ment No. 297 a:id RQClassification Nc,. 89-90-50, considered in conjunction wit•b sub~ecC conditional u5e pern,it, we~re denied by t.he Planninq Comrnission. 3. That the proposed uso will adverselx affect the adjoining latid usea ancl khe gr~wth ~nc] doveloprr~ent ~f tha araa in which it xs Proposed to be ioca~od. 4. Tt-aL• the size and shap~ of the site proposecl for the use Ic not a3~qi-ate to allorr fu11 d~volopmenC of the proposed use in a manner not deCrimantal to the particular area nor to the peaco, healkh, saFoty ancl ~~neral r~elfare ~F thc~ Citizens of th~ City of Anaheim. 5. That th~ qrantinq of the Conlitior,al Use Permit: under the condikions imposed, if any, wzll be detriiiienta~ to ~hQ peace, health, safe~y and genoral aelfare of tliQ Ci~izens of the Cir,y of Anatieim. 6. That tlie tc:,fiic generatel by t}ie proposed itse wi11 imp~se an undue burd~n upon the stree~s a^J highways designed and improved t~ carry tbe trafCic .in the area. '1. That D people indicated ~hc~ir presenre at said public hearing in c~ppolitioi~; ~nd tfiat no corr~5pondence Was recoiverl ~n op~onit~on to the subject pQtition, ~A~I.~QRr~zA_~NJIRnrrME[iTAL~j1ALITY A~T ._FINDT~~: That the Anaheim City Pian~ing Cor.Jais~ion has reviewed the proposnl to reclasa~fy nubject prnperty c~n3isting of 2~or~ion "A" (3.2 acres) fron Lhe Pb-C (Parkinq Di~trict-Comm~~rcial) zone to the RM-120C (Residential, Multiple-Family) 7,one ar..: Portion "E3" (3.27 acres) f.rrnn the CI. (Cort~rnercial, Lirnitedti Zone to the RM-1200 (Residentia3., Multip2e-Family) T.unc~, to permit eonstr.uc;tion of a 3-story, 22b-ut-i~ deck-type apartment compl~~x •~+ith Waivec ~f minimur•i ]a~ilscape setback on z,n irregularly-shaped p3rcc~1 of lttnd congisting of approximah,Ply 6.47 acre•s hAVinq ~ f.ror~tage of appro~imat~ly ~53 f~et on the south s.i~ie of Lincoln A.venuce, haviriry a maximum depth of approximate.ly 600 [ecst, befr.q loc?~ted approximat:ely 142 feet west of the centerline uf ~:mpire StreQt and f.urther i.ascribc~d as :144 W~st Linc:o2n AvenuoT and does t~orety 8isapprove the tiar~~~;:ive De±zlaration up n findinq that ic h:-a considr_rad the t~egative Declar~t~on toqet7~er w; th any commenf-.s r•~c;aive~ ~Juring the public •• T - PC90-15~1 ~a~y ~~ . . . , _ , , .,,, , ^ ~,{'r;s t ~ra.... revfew procc~ss and turl:her find3ug on the basls of tho initia~ study and any c~mments rc~ceived that therr~ is substanr.iai avidenc~ that t~a ~roject will hava a significant sffect nn the Qnvi~~onmor.C, NOW, THCRGFORE, B!~ IT rESOGV~D that the Anahe.im City Flanninq Commissiot~ does heroby dony subjecl: ~otiti.on Eor Conditi~naJ. Usa Permit, on tho basis of the aEuromentioned finding~. THE F'ORc,GOING RCSOLtITIOPi was , adopted at the Planning Commiss3on m~e~.ing of June 1.F1, 1~90. ~'C, ,` ~f ~ /~ '~i ~/ -.~.~l:~L- t.~i ,.~{.L--.~"/~.`l~C`. ~"- CN.AIF.MAN, ANIIHEI~! CIT7C pLANN'~NG COMM.ISSION ATTESTs ____y~ ~ ~~~..~ SECRETARY, AIJAfIEIM CITY PLANNiTJG CdDRdISSION ` STATE OF CALIFURNIA ) CnUN~'Y OE ORA.yGE ) s;j , CITY OF 11NAF;EIM ) I. Edith L. Harris, Secretary o! tha Anaheim City Planning Commfsr-ion; du hgreby rQrt;ify that the fareqoing rosolur.ion was passed and adopted at tt meeting of the Anzh~~im Citl Planninq Commission held on June 18, 1990, by the folluwinq voto of the rnambo:•s thQr~of: AYES: CO2~tISSION~RS: BOXD,~'IUN, FELDFiAUS, HF.L,LYEE2, fIE:RFiST, MESSE NOES: ~OhQrSISSIONERS: BOUAS A$5F:tJT': CUhIIr(ISSlONF,i2S: MC BURNCY (' I7 WITNESS WHFRBOF', I have hQreuato ~et my hand t,his y~p~• day ~f ,_ \ -----. 1990. -------- ~~~ ~'-~ ` J . Sk:CNETAftY. AN ~~~~~~"""--- . AHEIM CITY PLANNT.:tC, C~MMISSIaN -3- a ~ ~C90-154 ~