Resolution-PC 90-155~~1'~t ` '" . , ' tii;~ R E~~1~~~.~pt3~L ~ .. ~22-1 a.~ A KcSnLUTTON OF THE ANAFIEIM CITX Pi.ANNING COMhiISSION TlIIt7' Pr1'I'PION FOB CONU17i0P171i., i1SF. PERMIT N0. 37.89 ftE GkANTEU iiHFR~AS, hhc~ Ar~ahuim City Planning Coinmi;,3ion di~ reCait-A a verifiod Petitiun for Conair.ional Us a Perm.it for cnrtain real prnparty 3ituatod in Cha C.ity of Anahetm, Couuty of Orange, 5~~r.a ~t California, d9scribed. ass PARCFI, 2 I1J T[iG ~~'I.TY OF ANAH~TM, CUiiNT~ OF QRANGE, STATE OF CALIFqRNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP ['ILED ZN BOOY. 20h, PACGS 45 ANU 46 OF PARCEL MAPS, YN THE OFI'ICE OF 2HF COUNTY RECORDER OF ORA2IGE C~UNTY, CALZFORhIA. WHER~AS, th~ City Planning Comm.ission di.d hold a pi.blic hearinq at the Civ.ir_ Cc~ntQr iri the Ci ky of Anatioirn on Juno 18, 1990 nt 1: 3A p.m„ notice of said public hearing havinq been dul.y qi.vRn as required by law ana in accordancQ with L-he provisions of the Atia2:eim Muni~ipa.i CodQ, ChaprRr 18.03, to hoar and consider ev.idonco f~r and againsr_ said propnsed c.oriditional u~o ~c~:mit and to .InvAstigate and makU £-indings and fiecomrnendltions in conn~ction therewith; an~i WIIGREAS, sa.id C~:~misszon, aftQr due inspoction, invQS~igAtion and study ma~;e by ir.self and in i~s b~half, and afkor dtia corisi.deration of all ev=den~~o and repurt5 offerecl al s.zid i~caring, do~~; find and dstermine the £ollow.i:,q fac~s: 1. That r.he proposad usa is properly on~ for which a conditio--al us~, permit• is authorizRd by Anaheim Municipal Code ~ection 18.61.u::Q.6~4 to permit a synagogue in an existing :nrlustrial building with wa.iver o~ l,hQ following under ..uthority o£ Code Sectiun 10.06.CtS0: SF_~TIQ~ 1Q~,..Q_6L4~4.,02t2 ~$L2~.9.~Qt~22 14 ~Q~L4_54.LQ?~1 1 Q,_Q6 . 4~.9:~?.~~ ?~ 0~.z2;i_9 . S1~2S~Sz .~,~t.~4Sz,.~''i2,9.~_ L ~ns~ 1Q~1 _Q~.k ~.9~9 2. That the requested waiver is h~reby gr~nted on the b~sis tk~nt tti~ proposed parking will n~t cau:e an inc:~r3se in trafEic congestion i.n the immodia~o vicinity r~or adversely ~~Efect any a:ljoinfng laad uses and qranting of tt~e parking waivQr un~er th~ ccnditions im;~osed, if any, wi11 r.ot be d~~trimental tn the peace, health, ::afety anr] genoral we:fare of the citiaens of the Ci.Ly oE Anaheim. 3. Thrat the proposed use i~ hc:reby granL:~d fnr a period o£ thxe.~ (3) year~s, Ca expi.re on ,~une 18, 1~93. - Minin~~un n1m-z4~`..park.tii~,s..~i~~.°,. (473 roguired; ~.~Z o:iisl.ir.c~l 9. That ttie praposed ur,c~ will n~t adversely affQCr, the adjoining 1rynil us~a and t„e yrowth and developm~nt oi Ch-+ ares in xbjch it i:; rroposPCl to be lorater]. 1995r - l. •- PC90-255 ~ ,, 5. Th~L• the ~i.zQ nnd ehapQ oL• the ~~te prpposnd for tho u~e is t~de~ixate ~o ~llow th~ L`ull dov~lopm~nt of ~h~s proposecl u~e in ~ manner not detrimonkal to the parta.cular area nor to L•ho pet~co, ltealth, safotiy and ga~.eral w~7.far~ of L•l~.e Citi.zons of the City of An~ihoim. 6. '!'h2t tha grantixig of the C~n~itional Use Permit under Lhe canditions imF~oseu, .~ t any, w.il:l nok be d~trirnon~al to the pebce, 2:enlth, safety and gener.al walfarv nt *_he Citiz~ns o£ the City c,f. Anahoxm. 7. Th~t thQ trafFic geita~ Tt~~' by t•re proposed use will not impose an undua burdQn up~n 'the :~trQ~ts and higl,:~~y~ c~esiqnc~d and improved to carry the traFfic in th~ area. ~. T.hat no onQ inrticated L•heir presRnco at .~i3d publia hearing in opposition; anc! thaC no corr~,sponc]ence was received zn op~:ositi.on to the si~bject potition. ~~~,'[FQ~NIA ~tTJIRQN~2EIJTAL~rAL~~' _ ~(;~ I'INDIP7S;: Thdt tho Anaheiui Ci.ty Planning Cornmissaon hns reviewed the proposal to pQrmit a~ynagogue (A~lart Ari Synagogue) in an Exis~3.ng inclust:•xal building witti waivs~r of minimum number o~ parking spacos on an irregularly-shapod pazcel of land consist:iny of approximaL•ely G.3 acrQa, having a frontag9 of approximatelx 402 feet on the south side oP La Palma Avonue, h~vinc3 a maximum dep~h of approximately 658 feet, boing located approximately 3,560 faet east of thp centerline of L,akeviow~ Ave~ntie and Furthly describPd as 5100 East La Palma Avenuo, Suite~ 104 ar~d 105~ and does herel~y approvE the Negative DeclaraL•ion upon f~iiding thaC it has r_onsidcxod t}ie Negati~e Declarati.on together with any carnments received c]uring the public review proces3 ar~d further Finding on the basis of. tho i.nitial study and a.ny comments received thaL- tk~~re is no subsCantial evidence that th~ project will havE~ a signiffcanL• effect on tho onvironment. NAW, TktER1:FORE, BB 1T ~2ESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning ~ommis~ion does ha.reby gran*_ ,ubject. Petir..ion for Condxtional Use Permit, upon tho fol.lawiTic~ conclitions whir.ti are heroby found to be ~ iiocessary preroqiiisite to the proposc~d !ise of the subject ~~roporty in order to presarve ttio satety a~id general welface oC ihe Cit.i2ons of l•he ~ity uf Anaheim: l. +~ That a tra£fic siqnal a~sessmc~nti fee oqualing the diffecQnc.e betw~an the industrial ar,d institutional assessmant ~ee~ shall be paid Co the City of Anahsim in an amount as astablished by C;tj Cour.cil resnlution. 2. * That fire sprin:clers sha11 b~ inst~llecl as required by the City Fire Uopartrnont . 3. iliaC a ~ocal EirQ alarm system sha.il be ins~alled to l•he satl~f~ction of the Firu Department. 4. * That trash :storaq~ caas sha11 ao provided and ma.intainod .in a locatiqn accapl•able to ~ StreeC Mainrenance ~nd Sanftation Uiv.isian ancl in .zccArdancE with ~pprov~d plans ori tila with :;aid Divi~i~n. -2- PC9U-155 ~•M.r 5, * Thnt all r~ir conclitioninca facilitfe~ anci ~th~r roof bnei ground mounted equipment shz~l be prop~rly shic~~dc~d from viow. 6. That as roquirdd by Saction 1a.b1.050.614 (pert.aining ro churches in tha Atiaheim Canyon tiidustrial Area) of the- An~.hoim Mun.icipal Code, subjoct church f~acility shall bA l.imi.ter~ to ~hree (3) y~ar's durr~~ion; Rnd L-hat such uso, othor than church of[ice stafE use, s1ia11 not be p~armiCted on Mondap throug2i Friday prior to 6s00 g.m. Two (2) time axtonsions (up ta thrce [3] year3 each) may be permitred subject t~ tho ~-ppxoval of the Planning Comtt~ission ut a noticod public hc~arin.g. 7. ~hat thQ proposal sh_._1 comply w.ith a11 signinc1 r~iquiroment, of tt-e ML(SCy "Limit~d Industrial - Sconic Carridor Ovarly" Zone, unl~-3s a variancc~ a1low,ing sign wuivers is approved by t~ie City Council, Planninq Commission or Zoninq Admi.riisLr .:c: , 8. * That the oii-site landscaping and irr3gation sy~tam shall be maintainnd in compliance with City standarcls. 9. That subject property s2ia11 be developed substantially in accordancR with plans atid specificatior,s submitted to thQ City of l~n~heim by the petiti~nor and which plans are on fil~ with the Plann~nq De1~artmen-: marked Exhi.bi~ Nos. 1 through :~ 10. Ttia* prior r.o commencement of the activity autharized by this resolutioii, or prior L-o lssu~.ncc~ of a building permi~, or within a period of one (1) y~ar fr~m the date af this resolution, whichever o~~c:urs fir.ot, CondiCion No. 1, above-mantioned, shall be r.omplied with. Extensions Lo~ :~rrher time to compl~te said conditions may be grantocl in accordance wi~h Section i~.u~.49~) of the Anaheim Municipa~ Codo. 11, That ~,rior to the rommencoment of thQ ac;tivity authocizati by this resolution ~r pr.ior to final bu.ildirig and zoning ingpectxons, whichevor oc~urs first, Con~tiLian Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 9, abovQ-mentiau~cl, shall be complied rrith. 12. That ;his ~~~nuitional use permit shall. Lec•minate in t.iroe (3) ysaurs on :lune 18, 1.993. 13. * That aPproval of th.is appli~~t:on constiCutes approval a: the propoaed reque~t only t.o the extent thaC it complies wit;h tt:o Anuheim Munzcipal 2oning Codn and atiy other applicable Ci.ty, State and Fedoral regulati~ris. A~proval do~s not include any rction nr finding~ as tQ co~npli~nce or appr~val of the request tP.~alt~iL:~' any ather applicable orclinanca, regulatian ur rcguiromQnt. ConditiS~ns markod wi.t:~ an astcrisk (+~) are Y•equired by e~tablishod 1aws, codes, royulations and agreemFnts and are not subject to ncgotiat:ion. _~_ PC9Q-155 ~WfY:,..,~ ., . . ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . .. . ,. . ~ , . . . , . . . . .. d t;.:rl~l~ ~ ~, c;~ ~~'~;Y t • ~ .x~ DE 3T FUR:1'FI~R RESOLV'EA that the Anahoim City Pl~.~nninq ~oimnission does heroby ~incl and dA~ermiria thaG ac]option of this Resolut3on is expresaly prad3.catQC1 upon applicant's complianca wz~,h each and a].l of. the condir_ic,ns borc~inabove set forth. Should any such conditions, or an}~ pa~~t thoreo£, bo clocl~red invalia or unen~'orceab'le by the fi.nal judgment oE ~ny court of compotent jurisdiction, then this RQSOlution, and any appruvals her.ein r.ontained, shall bn deemed nu11 and void. THE FOR~GOING PESULUTI~N uas adopted at the Plann.ing Commission meeting ,' /J ~ ; of .]une 18, 1990. ~ / ~ .` .~'/``/~ ^~ ,, ~ '~ ~-~- __ CI~IAIRMAN, ANAH IM CTTY PLANNING CQt~tIC~ION A:CTEST : . ~;.~~ ~t/~ ~ - ----r~'-~~'~-..~ ~.____. s~c~.~i,~ -- 5ECRETARY, APtAHELM CITY PLANNTNG COIrQdISSION STATE OF CALlFORNIA ) C0~ iTX OF ORAIJGF ) ss. C11.'1 c~F ANAHEIM ) L, Gd~.th L. Harri:;, Secretary of. the Anahoim City P.lanning Commission, do hereby cQrtify that the foregoing resolution was passod and adopted at a mee*iny of the Anaheim City P]anning Com~n~ission held on Juno 18, 199Q, by the fc~ilowing vota of the member3 rhereof: AYES: COIrIIdISSI0NER5: 80YDSTUN, BOUAS, FELDiiAUS. HELLXER, I•;FSSE NOE;i: COMMISS'lONERS: N~~NE APSEtJT: CODIMISSI02IERS: IICRE35'r, MC HUI{NEY ; N WITNF.SS WFiERE;OF, I hav~ hereunto set my h3nd tliis ~ d~ $ay of. _ ~ , 1990. ~_~~ --- .~~.,C.~~~:. ~~~.,~_5.~.~-~~ __.~. SECRF~RY, 11tI1~fiG~1? CITY P:,AiJNING COMMI~SION -4- PC90-155