Resolution-PC 90-162~ w~~'+~~ R_E~_,;QLUT-- I~N N4~_p..~"_Q-1,~2 ADOPTTNG AND RECOt.,'I;ND'!NG TO TEIE CITY COTJNCTL ADUPTION OF G~N~~tAI, FLAN AM~NDMENT N0. 312 G~ND USE EL~MP:NT WHEREAS, tho City Council oE the C:it~y ot Anahoim did adopt the Anaheim GeriQral Plan Ly Resolutioxi No. 69R~64~, showing the general : descri~tion znd extent of poss.iblo ~utur~ dovelopment within the c~ty; and WHEREAS, Planning Commission directed staFf ~o anitiate an amendment t~ the General P1an te redesigz:zte thQ L~nd Use ~1Qment from the C~mmercial Profa,sioaial des:ignati~n to the Low-Medium Density Residential designation fr~r t:~N eastarly O, afi-acre of a recr,angu.larly-Sn~~e~ parc~l of land cansist.ing o~ approximately 2,2I acres, havang a=ront,ac~e oF approxirnately 390 Eeet on tho north side af Katella Avenue, havzny a maximum depLh of approximately 3G9 feet, be.ing loaal:ed approxima.tely 314 foel east of• the centerline of Carnelian SLreet anc~ further descL•ibed as 7.575 4~iest KaCella Avenue; WHEREAS, the Anat~eim City ~:.anning Comm:is~.ion dicl hald a public hearing at the An~heim Civic Center, Coiancil Clztunber, 200 South An~heim Boulevard, ~n Ju.ly 2, 1ggp, at 1:30 p.m„ notzce of said publxc heari~ig havincJ been duly given as r~quir~d by 1aw and in accordance wit,b the provisions af thQ Anaheim Munzcipa3. code, to hear and consad~,~r Qvidence for and agairist. said Gener.al Plar. I~mendmc~nt and to investi.gate and make fi.ndir.y$ and recommendations in cannection therewith; and WHFREAS, said Commiss'~on, after due c~nsidQration, inspe~tion, invesi:igation and study m;;c~.e by .itself, and afte~- due consideration oE all evidence and reports ofFEred at said hearing, D<,)fiS FIEREBY FIZ1D: :l. That ~videnco presenter3 substant:~.ates the need for an amandment ~o the Anaheim General P1an and th~t Exhibit A be adopted redesign~tinq su~~7e~t area f~r Low•-Medium DensiL-y Resic~entia]. land u~es. ~ALIFQRNIA EI~VIRONMENTAL O~JALITy A~T rTNDItd~: T.hat the Anaheim City Planning Corrunzssion has reviewed tho proposal to a.mend the Larid Use Element of the General Nlan to change th~ land use desiynakion £rom Commercia3 Professzonal to Low-Medium Drar.si~y Ros.icienh.ia.l for the easterly 0.66-ac:ro p`~r~~~n ~f ~ rectangularly-shaped parcel o~ land consi~ting uf npproximately 2.21 acres, having a frontage nf approximately 340 feet on the north sidQ of Katolla Avenue, hav.ing a maximwn dopth of apprc;xim~tely 3pg rAet~ lacat~d approximately 314 ~eet oast oE the centcrline of Carne'lian Streeteand f•urther described as 157,ri W~st Katella Avenue; azid does heisby app,nve ~he Neqative Declaralion iipon tincling that it; has considered the Negutive D~claraL-ion together with any curcanen~_s recQived d~;rixic ~he prucess and f-irther finding on the basis of kha iniL•ial study anciP any commentis roceived that kl-icre is no substanrial rvzdence that the project wi11 have a sign.ific~int effect on tFae environmeri!.. i 1511r -x- PC90-162 `~ :, ~~~"?¢~ ~'~1 NOW, TETERFFORE, BE IT RESOLVEn, t.haL pursuant Lo L2ae abc ~Q f:a.ndings, the AnahQim City Planninc~ C~mmission c~oes hereby adopt anfl recommend to the City Council af the City of Anaheim adoption o£ ~eneral Plan Amon~lment No. 312, Exhik~it A, to redesignate 4he study are~: Erom the Cammercial Pru.`.essional ~.and use designation ~o Low-Madium Jenszty R~sidential ctc~signation. TFiE FOREGOING RESULUTION was ad.opted at the 1~lanninq Commi~sion mQeL-ing oF July 2, 1990. ~ /'~~' ~. ._r~ ~;. ;~i ~-- ) , ' : ~ tti, , t::_.~ ; ~ i ,V ~~--~-, ~=-~~ .Lt.c.~,~. f;HAIR•~AN ANAHETM CYTYi PLP.NIdING COMMI.~iSION ATTES~': _____-____ (~~Lp~~/=r~=-~!.~_ __.__-__ SECR~:TARY, AIv'AHEIM CITk' PLANNING COMMTSSIOt~ STATE OF CALII'ORNIA ; COUNTY QF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AIZAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secret;ary of t~he An~heim City Planning Commission, ~lo horQby cortify that th~ £oregoing resolution was passed an~.l adopted at a meetinc~ of the Anaheim Ci.t:y Planning Co:nmis~ic~n hQlcl cn July 2, I990, by the foll~wing vc~te of the members thereof.: AYES: COMMTSSTONERS: BOUAS, IIOYDSTUI~, FELDHAUS, HELLYI:R, MC F3URNEY, bSESSE NOE~: COMMISSIODIERS: NONE I~BSENT: COMMISSZONEF2S: HERBST IN WITN~SS WFiEEtEOF, T liave l~.ereunto set my hand this _!~o ~~=~ ._ day oE , -~6~---• I990. ~ -~T /'~' ~~~~-„--~CUi~~:~__.______. SECRETARY, ANAHEIhf ~I.~Y .PLANNTNG COMMISSION -2- PC90-x62 :,'~i ±;v '.1 :~