Resolution-PC 90-164:~vrfi~Yi : ~~~ R~,~QT,~TIQN_NQ,._P~2Q= 1§4 C~!?i A RLSOLUTION OF TH~ .1NAFIE:M CITY k~LAtlhItd~ CqhIIdISSION THAT PET:CTION FOFt CONllITlONAL US~ I'EKMIT N0. 3299 BE DENIED WHEREAB, thu Anaheirn City Pl~sr.nixig Cammissl~n iiid r~ceive a veriCiod PQtit.ion for C~nclitional UsQ Pc~rmit for c~ctrtin real property situat~d .in thP City oP Anaheim, County of Orange, Skate ot Ctalifornia, d~scribed as: ALL THAT RF.AL PROPERTI Bk:ING '1~iE SOUIFIBRL'Y 25a. f17 E'EET OF T~iE FAS^~RLY 1.U0.00 I'rET OC THA1' PORTIUN OF L,OT 7 IN BI~OCK 1'1 OE' A SUBDIV1SIOt1 OF 1'HF. ~OUTFi HALF UF SECTTON 21, TOWIISHIP 4 SOUTF!, RA21GE 1Q WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASF. AND MEP.IDIAN", AS SEiOWN ON A MAP RECORDF.D IN a00K 1, PAGE 33, MISCELLANE~JUS MAPS, KECORDS OF SA3P ORANGE COUt1TY, DE;SCRIBED A5 FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POZNT ON THE SOU'rH [,INE OF SAID LOT ~, uOUTH 8~!° 51' 10" EAST 340.40 FE:E'f FROM THr SOU"_'HWF:ST CORNER TEiERF.OF, SAID k'OINT II~ING THE SOUTFiEAST CORNER l'~F 'THE LA21D CONVEY~D TO WILLIAN. I~. FARROW AtiD WTFE, IIY DE£D RECORDED FEBRUARY 27, 1948 IN BGOK ].520, PAGE 497, OrFICIAL RECORUS; TFIENCE NOP.TH 0° 33' 10" EAST A?,qt7C, THE EAST f~INE OF SAID LANU CANV'r'.Y~D TA WILLIAM L. F7~.RROW AND WIFE, 368.87 FEE'P; TH~NC'E SOUTH 89° 3:i' 10" WEST 3fiFi.87 F~ET TO A PGIPTT ON '_"HE SOUTIi LINE OF ~ATD LOT; TEiENCF NOF:TH 89` 51' 10" WEST AL~ONG S1~ID SOJ'tH LINE, 120 FEET TQ TFiE POINT Ok' BEGINNINC;. EXCEPTING TFIERF FROt~t TFIE; SOUTfI 60.On EGET INCLUDED WITFiIN KATE:LLA AVGiJliE. A PORTIQN OF L,GT 7 Ii: IiI.OCK 17 OF A SUB[1IVI5::`N OF TFIE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 21, IN TOWi1SFi7 P 9 SO[ITFi RANGE lU WEST, IN THE CITY OF ANAFiEIM, IPl TFIE RANCHO LAS BOLSAS, RECORDED IN DOOF: 51, PAGE 7 AliD FOI,LOWING, MISCELLI~I~CUS blAPS, RECORDS Or SAID OkArIG~ COUlITY, AS SFIOWN ON A MAP ZHEREOI' 12F:CORDBD :N ~UOK 1, PAGE 33; MISCELLANGOUS MAPS, R::CORnS C'r' SATD ~~0'JNT.', D~:SCRIAED AS ['OLL0~9S: EiEGITiNY:IG AT THF. 50UT3'~':.~T COR2IER OF SA2A LOT 7 i THENCE r10RTH 0 AEr. 40' 2G" EAST 659.60 FEET ALONG THE WEST LZNR ~E' SAID LOT 'TU TFiE NORTrIWEST CORNE:R THERECIF; ittENCE SUU'Pii 09 DE~. 93' 50" EAST 33>.00 FERT .~LONG THE tiOkTH LINF, OF SAID LOT; THEtTCE SOUTEi 0 UEG. 33' 10" S'JES't 668, 87 FBET :CO Tf[E SOUTEI LIttE OF SAID LOT 7; TH~:tiCE P10RTI! 89 DEG. 51' 1a" WF.ST 3A0,40 F'.;FT ALUtJG SAID S0UTE1 LIt3E TO TF(C PdINT OF 9EGiN~IINC. EX:.'E^T THE ~+EST 150.00 E'C;F;'r 'LHEIi~01'. ALSO f:XCFPT TiiE NORI'fi ~00.00 I~EE'I' 'fFIGREbF. 1514r -1- PC40-1t;4 ~~~ ~10~ ~ . ~ - ... ' ~~{~I '~VHCREAS, L•he City Planning Commission did hold S~1U}J13C hear3ng at thea Civic Conter in the City aE Anaheim nn July 2, 1990 at 1t30 p.m., notica of ~a.id public haarin~~ having Uc~on dulv given as raquirod by law and 3n ~iccor113nce with the pxovisiox~s of Lhe Anahefm tQunicipul ~od~, Cha:ater '18.03, t~ henr and consid<~r ~vici~nce for and ag~inst sai.d propoSRd condiL•ional uue per.mit and t~ investig~te and ma};r~ kinclings anc~ rocommondations in connoc~ir~n thQr~w:tth; arid WHERFAS, szid Cor~vn:tssicn, att~r due inspoct.ion, invost•.igation and sl•udy mude by iL-self and in its beh~lf, and aftdr duo considaration o£ a11 , ev.idenco and roportis oitr~rQd at saici h~aring, do~s find and determino ~hQ l:cllc+wing facts: a.. T.hat the proposec~ u^e is prop~rly one for which a conditional usa per~nit is authnri.r.c~d by 1~nahoim Municipal Code Sections 1ti.32,050.U45 and 18.32.OU0 to construct a 2-story, 4U-uriit: condominium cornp].ex wi~h waiver of ttia followir~g; (~) SQc~..iQ.n~s 1~~~?_ 4.~i?_,Q7? -• t~(ax~m~irr S.~r!~G~~.r~l 1~eiali~ wi~hin 150 f~~t ~2 ~ a.nS? 1~,.~?.~Zs91:~ _ _ .. . ~in 1~-f m~l, r .~s? 5__s-s~_ _y ~,i~nfi 1 zonN. (~_.~~2r_y parmitted; ?. st~x 1g_foot high build.inq pro.posed 1Q._ f~ e~ fr~m RS-10, 000 zoning tn the west) (g? ~~~i2'!y.-~.8:.~.? `4`t9.s.4~~2 - Miniml~m recrea~itin.~l~_1~iSUre area. ~i.1S~~,.~2_.~.~$_4..LQ~O (7~Q.~c~,.Fl~Pgr .~n,~~ roquired; . -`~~~~I.~~~_per un~.~ propnsed) (C1 S~G.~i_4.n_1~1.~?_,_Q~_~~Q?8 - F3~-~x_T~ 1~1'L$~~1?4~ ff ~_ad,i~zc~n~s ~irc~l ,=f~}2i~r~~i~ii~'a~l zone. (?~.~~4 roquired: 2_~nc~~ €.~€4 Propo3ed along north RS-7200 and west. RS-10,0~0 buundaries) (D) ~~1tiQn 1$_~3_~z26~~2_'!.. Minim~m cli~,~n~~~.~W~n~2~~~~3~.• (~.~.fee~ c•er,uirec~ between builiiin3 wa~ls w;th window;,; 2U f~Ct proposad) 2. rr~at the proposed use is hertby denicd. 3. That the r,equested wafv~rs (A), (B), (l;) and (J)) are herbby clenied v@C3t256 siibjact use perm.it was dNnied. 4. T:lat thv pr.oposed use wi11 adversely affect the adjoining ~and uses and tt-e growth and development of ChQ area in which it is proposed to be locaY.ed, ~2- F'C90-164 . Cfistiy~ 9~~"i~ 5. Th~at tho size ai~d ;,h~~,e, oE the ~it;c~ propusod For tho usa is n~t adequare Lo a11ow tho tul'1 development of ~~iQ proposQd uso xr- a mannor not detrim~ntal Y.o the particular 3roa nor to ~he paw~e, health, saFety and g~r.oral wc+lfarc~ of the Citiz~ns of the City of Anaho3m. 6. T1iaL• th~: granting of ~he Gondit•ional Use I~ermii: under the conditions imposec'., if any, will be de~rimental to tY~e peoce, hea.lth, sr~FeCy and genera'1 welfaro of t,}lf3 Citizens u~ ttie City of Anah~im. 7. 'Pliat the traf~ic generated b~ the proposed use wi,~l impose an undue k~urdc~ri upor tlle stroets and tiigtiways do5igned and impraved l,o carry the traffit. in ttac~ area. 8. Thlt one parsori indicated hi.c ~resenco at sdid public hearing in opposition; and th~t n~• corresponr9ence was received in oppusition tc the subjE~ct p~titian. ~F~L~F`QRNIA ENViRONMI:2~TAL`Q(~ALITY ACT _FINpIN~: Ttiat the Anal~eim City Planning Commission laas reviQwed the praposal to reclassify ~,•opQrty from the CL (Commercz~al, Limited) to tlie kM-2400 (~2esidontial, Mull:ipls-Famal~~) or a le~s .i.ntense zone; l•o cnnaLri.act a 2-story, 40-unit condorninium complQx with waivers af mraximum structural h~;ight, minimum recreational/;eisur~ ~rea, r~quired landscaped buffer adjacent to single-fz.mily resiclf:nce, and minimum d.istance betwoon buildings on a rPCt:angularly-shape~ parcel ~E land consisting oL• approximate'ly 2.21 acres, hnving a frontag~ oF approximately 34U f:eet nn the north side of Karella Avenue, havinq a maximum ;;~pr_h ~f approximate7y 309 feQL•, and Y,eing iocat~d approxi-nately 31.4 feet east of tho ca:.*QrJ.ine ~P Carnelian Street ancl further desc:ribed as 1575 WQSt Y.atella Avenue; ana u~es hereby apgrove the NegaCivo Daclaration upon findinc~ that it has considered the Neyative Declaration taqether with any comme.nts receivod cluring the public revia:~ proness and furkher finding on tht~ basis of the initial study and any commQnts c~cei.ved that there is no sixbstaiiti3l evidenre that the projer.t will have a significant effect on the environmen~. N0~9, ZHEREFOR~, BE IT RE50LVED thar. the Anahaim City Planning Conunission doos hereby d<.ny subject Potition fox• Condit.ion,~l Use Permiti, on t}ie b~si;: of L-~io aforementioned findin!~s. THE FOI2EGOING RESOI.LJTION was adopted at hhe Piat~ning Comrr~ission me~tinq oY July 2, 7.990. ~/. .. ~ - ~ / ~~ ~ - , : ~ ~~ ' ~~r~_ -_.._. ~~,~, ~ ~ ~~-~-~~..! ~.~ ~.:f ~c„~~ CIiAIRMAPi, ANAFiF:IM CIT~ PL7~.NT I~ 27G C~MhiTSSION ATTF.ST: ~~ . ... ----._. `y_~.~"~ _ ~ ~ . ~ ~ -01~-- .~11~.~~--y ----.._.._._ SECt~F..AE2'1, 11idAFiEIM CITY PLA?~P7ING COhSMJ.:iSIQtd "3' PC90-~164 - ~ J tii~t~ ~~ ' ~ ~ - ,~ . .,. . . ., ~' . , . ,. , ~~"D'fo di+`f'~-0~~'l;~1~ ..>7 ..-.._ ~ ~ . • . STAT~ pp ^pL:[FORDiIA ) COUNTY OF ~~~~~~ ) s5. CTTY OF ANA2(ExM ~ I• ~dil:h L. Harris, 5ecr&tar (:ommissiox:, do hereby cer~ify thak the for~ oin Y of tho Anaheim C1.ty Planning ~dnP`•ed at a mQe~ing of tl~e Anaheim City Fla ninq C mnissiuz~ hWas n a~90~ bY tihe .followir~g votQ of ~he members thereol`: ~~~EQ~ and e1d on Ju1y ~, AYLS: COMMISSION~HS: J30UAS, BOYUSTUri, g~L~,XER, hfC ~JRNEi' NOES: COhfMIS;iION~R$; Mr'SSL AIISENT: COhIIrlI~gI0NLR5; FE~,pHAUS H~RIiST ~, Th° WITNESS WHEREOF, day of I, h~vc~ hereun~o ~ot my hand this ~H'~ ~ ___._. 1990. , ~ ~ ~= '__-__ `~ ~C SECRExA Y ---~- ~ ' ~L-~-,• . I~.NAHEIM CITY F~LANNING CONAiT xsS pN~ -~1- PC90-1G4