Resolution-PC 90-165, , ;~,~ ~ h,~ t~E.$QL~T I_0._I~NQ~~? -1 ~ ~ A RESOLUTTON ()F THE ANAHETM CITY f~L'A2IbTTNG COh4~lISSTON THAT PETTTIpN FOR R~(:I~ASSTFICATrON N0. 9G-91-•03 BE GRANTED 4v'HERFAS, the Anaheim City Pl.anning Commi$sion tiid recei~~e a ver:ifiad ~etiti.on for Reclassif.icakion for certain .rea1 properi:y situatecl in Ehe City of Anaheim, (:ounY.y of Oranga, State of- CaliEornia, de~criY~ed as follows: PARCF.L 1: THE EAST~RLY 190 F~ET 0I' TEIE 50UTH~RT,1 GS r^. EE7' 0~' TI•;G L'OL'L04~ING DESCFtTBE~ TRACT. LAND: IIE;GTNNIPlt~ A'C THC NOR'1'HEAST CORNER OF VTNEYAkA LO:P "~1", I~S SFiOWN ON A M11I' TH~REUF RECORDED IN DOOK 4, PAGES fi29 AIJD 630, DEEllS, Ri;(;URDS Ob' L05 ANG~LES CO~JNTY, (:ALIFORN3A, AND RUNNING T"eIENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EASTF.RLY I~INE OF SAID LOT, ~47 FE~T; TI~ENCE WESTERLY f'ARALLEL WiTFI 'PH~ NORIHERLY LINF OF SAIT~ LOT, 37~'! E'EF.T: THLtICE N~JRTHBRLY PAT~ALLEL WITH SA1. EAS~E:RLY ~,INE, 497 FCET ?'0 A POINT IN SAID t30FtTIIF.RI~Y L'INE: TFIENC~ EASTERLY ALONG SATD NQRTHER'LX LI.NE, 374 I'~GT TG TfIE PGINT UF BEGINNING. PARC~L 2 TkAT POftTION UF VINEYARD LOT A-1, IIJ xHE CTTY OF ANAliEIM, CQU21'lY OF URANG~: S'.CATE CF CAGIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED TN BOOIC 4, PAGES fi2y ANA 630 OF DEEDS, IN TF~E OFFICE OF T.fiE COUNTY R~COFtDER aF I~QS ANGELES COUNTY, CAL'lFORNIA, DGSCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNTPIG AT TFIF NORTliEAST L'ORNGR OF SAT.D LOT, TFiENCE AT,Ot3G TH~, BASTERLY LINC OF SAID LCT, SOUTI~ 15° 43' 15" EAS`r, 497.00 FEr.T T~ THE TRUE POINT OF DEGTNNINv; THENCE AT~OtIG r~ ~icr~ PAFtALLEL WITH THE NOR7HE~LY LINE OF SAID LOT, SOUTEI 74° 15' 4f3"WES~' 150.00 F'EET T~ THE EASTERLY fi0UNI3ARY OF TRACT 3024, AS PEF MAP RECORDEA r IN BOOR 1Q3, PT~GE 30 OE' MISCF,LLAI3E:OUS MAPS, IN T:iE OF~'ICE OF THB COUNTX IlECORDF.R UF' SAID :JRr•,N:;E COUNTY; THENC~ ALONG SATD HOUNDARY, SOUT:i 15° 43' 15" EAST, 168.25 ~E~T ANU NORTFi 74° 15' 98" EAST, 1(1.00 FEET TO TFIE MOST EASTrFtLY NORTFiEAST CORNER OF LOT 15 OF ~AID TRAL'T N0. 3024; THENCE ALONG TEIE MOST EASTERLY LItIE OF ~AID LOT 15, OR AL'ONG THE FROLOt•TGATION THEREOF, TQ THE NORTIiWEST CORNER OF THAT CERTAIP7 PURTION OF SAID LO'i A-1 SHOFJN AS ~J,165-ACEiG PARCEL ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 34, PAGE 43 OE RECORDS QF' uURVEX, IN THE OFFICE 4F THE COUNTY RECOBDER JF SAID ORANGE COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHCRLY F~'iNE JF SAIb O.1G5•-ACf2E PARCEL, ~ NA[iTH 74° 13' 25" EAST, 7.20.04 F~ET TOT i-tE t70RTtTEAST ~~ CORNE22 OF SAID LAST MLNTIOIIED PARCGL, SAID LAST ` MENTIGNRil CO:tNBR ALSO AEING tN THE EASTGRtY LIrTE OF 1515r -1- pC90-165 ,,.,..,., 51~IA LOT A--1; THENCE AI,OIJG SAID LAS A9GN7.'lOPiED EAST~RLY' LINE, NORTH 15° 43' 15" WEST, 168.15 EEFT TO xHE TRUE P~:C.~T OF H~GINNING. WHGFiEAS, tho Cit;y Pl~nnang Cammission did Y~old a pahlic hearinr at thc~ Ci~,zr: ContQr in the City of Ariahea.m ,n Ju1~ 2, 1990 at 7.:3~ p.m., natice of sair~ piib:lic hoariny hav.izig been duly ga.vez~. as ~•equired by law and in acc~rctance with the pravisians of tlis Anaheim Munic.ip~sl CodF, CY.a~,ter la, 03, to liaar and considUr evidence far and agriic~sL• said proposed reclassi£ication arid to investiga~e and make findings and recommQndatiori;; in connoction therewith; and WHERCAS, said Commi~sion, aftor due inspar,i:ion, iri~estiyation and st:ucly made by i.tselt arzd iri its behalf, and a£t~z due c~nsi~erati~n of ~11 evidence and reports otfer~cl at said hearzng, does find and c~etorm:ine the followiiig far.ts: 1. Tha~ tho petil-zoner propases real~ssification of subject praperL•y from R5-7200 (Resi.c3entiu:l, Sirigle-Fami].y~ to RM-2400 (Itesid::ntial, Multiple-f'amily) or a less .intense ~.or,e. 2. That the Ana.;ieim Gene:ral Plan designates subj~ct ~,ropertiy .I~ for Low-Medium Density Residenkial land usE~s. 3. Th~t the proposed reclassification of ,~ubjecst propoxty is necessary and/or desirablQ for thQ orderly and proper cievelapmant oE the coriununi ty. 4. lhat the proposed rQClassificakion oP su:~;ject propQxtl does .pxopQrly relaCe to tho zonos and their perrn.itted uses locally establishecl in close proximi~y to subject property arid to the zones nn3 thQir permi.tted :ises generally estaiulished throughout tti~ conununity, 5. That no one indicated their preseiice at sz3 ~ public heari ,lg in o~~osii~ion; and tt:at no cort:}.spo:~dence was received .in opposition to subject petit:ion. ( I~GIFQRNIA EivVIR4NMGN'PAL ~IALTTX . T.CT__FIP7~tN~: That the ~~na}~e.im Ci , Planr~ing Cummission has rsv5.ewecl the proposa2 to ce~lasszfy subject pro~erty Prom the R~-720U (Resid~~nti~l, Single -Family) to the RM-2400 (Rcsident~al, Mult.iple-E'amily) ?.oz~e to pc~rroit a 10-urii~ condaminium building with waivers of maximum structural tieigh~i: and maximum coverage on a rectangulaxl~-sha~ed parcel of land censisting of apFroximately 0.74 dCL'd, having a front-aqt of approximately ?.30 feeL• on tho west side of E~st Stree~, having a ma~:imum depth of approxi.m~tely 130 feot, being lor.atetl approximately -2' PC90-165 ~:r11~ P'sJ4~i;~, 210 feot nnr.th of ~.he centerlino of Wilhelmina Sl:rec~t and furthor d~scribed as 719-7:?9 Nor~h ~a:t Stzeet; and dc~o:~ heraby approve tlie xegar.ive ll~claration upo:i f:incling t}iat it 'nas considar~d the Nogative 1Daclaration together with any commanCs received durin~ tho pub:lic reviow procdss and i•urtiler iin~ing on the basi ~ of tlie initial stud,y and any cummonts rece.iv~d that there is no sub:~tit~ntial e~~idence that the pr~ject wi].1 have a ~igniLicant eff•ect on the en~rironment. NbW, THEREFpRE;, BE :i'1 RE:S~LVIsL that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hEreby e~rant ~ubject Petition for Reclassif.ication ancl, by so do.inq, t.1iaL• TiL1e 18-Zoning oP thE Anaheim Municipa]. Codr_ bQ arnencied to exclude Lhe above-dascri.bed property from t:he R~-7200 (Residential, Siixglo-E'ar.iily) Zone anc~ ~~ incorporatQ said describAd property ~nto thQ RM-2400 (Residential, Multinle-Family) Zone upon the following conditions whi~h are hareby four~d to be a necessary pxerequisite to l-.ha propased use Qf subjec~ property in ordoz to preaQrve thr, safet} and qeneral welfarQ o£ L-he Citizei:s of thQ City ni AnahQim: 1. That an unsubordinated eavenant sha11 be r.ec.ordQd with ~.he Offa.ce of the Orange Ccunty P.ECOrder agreeing to pr~vide the buyer ~f each dwc~].linq ixnit wiL-h wriCten informatioxi abtained fcom tho school distric~(s} pertainizig t.u po ,s;ible overcr.•owded conditions and busing statu~ of tY,e school(s) ser.vix~g tlie dw~lling unit. A co~y oi the cavenant sliall be submittec'. to and approved by thE City Attor:~~~y prior to rec~rdation. A ~opy oi the rf~cordad covenant shall be submit:ted to the Zoning Divisiun. 2. That the le~al property owner ahall nrepare and r.eaord an unsubo=clinat~d covenant lin;ir.ing occupancy of oach ~~~~rtm~rit uni~ to no moro th~n two (2) porsails (othQr Lhan childrezi under the agn of two ['lJ years) per bedroom. Saici lirnitation sha2]. be in,cluded in each 1Qaselrental agree:~ent. A c~~py o£ the r.ovenant shall vo subm.iLtetl Co and approved k~y tYiP City Attorney prior to recordahiori wit.li thQ off.ic~ of the Oz•ar.ge County Recorder. A copy of the r.ecorcled Covenaiil' shall be furni~hofl to the Zoning Division. 3. Th~t a grel.iminary title r~port sY-a11 ~e furnislied to the ?.oning Uivision showing the leyal vesL-ing ot t.i~la, a logal descript;ion and containing a map of the property. 4. That pri~r to introdttction of an ordinance rezoning subject proporty, Conditiori Nos. 1 khrough 3; above-mez~tioned, shall be com~leted. The ~,rovisions or rights gran~ed by this resolution sha11 bQCOme null and void by actian of the Planniiig Commission unless saic3 condzL-ions ar~ cnmpli.ed wiL•h vrithxn one (1) year from the date of this resolution, or such further time as the Paa..ning ~.nm~ssion may grant. 5 That approval of this ar,~lication coi~stitutes approva]. of tho 2roposed request oiily tu thQ ~xtent ~h~t it complies with khe Asiahezm Municip~l Zoning Cor3~ arid an;~ ot2ier apl.'.icable Ci*_y, Stake and F'ederal ~ -3- PC9~-165 ~t1'<;q~ regulations. Approv~l doe:y not iz-clucte any ~ction nr fa.ndings as to campliance or approval of the requast rec~arding any othor applict~blc~ orclint~nce, regulati.an or ragui.rament. IiE IT FL'RTHER RESOLVED thaL tho ~~nahc~im CiL-y Planning Commi~sion doe ~ hereby fy^~? and datermine that adoption ot this ftosolu~i.~n is oxp~~essly predica~Qd upoii ~pplia~nt's compliax~ce with Qach and all of tYie conditions raereinabvva set forth. Should any such conditions, or any ~art khereaf, ba decl~rad invalid or unen£urce:able b~ the final judgment: of any aourt oE competent jurisc~iction, then this Ro;~o].u~.ion, aixd any appr.ovals herein contained, sha11 be r.leemod nix11 and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTTON was adopted at the F'lanning Commis~ion meeting of Ju1y 2. 1990 . ') ' /J,/„ y~'-W- ' ~~_ E'~~Y% ,. /--~~~.c_f-G;~.c:/..-.,Cc.~..t~/ ~'_ % ''~ , . CfIA RI WO2dAP7, AidAHEItd CIT'Y PL~ANNING CObIIdISSIO~I ATTEST: , ~~ ~ r S~CRF.:EARY, ANA~iEIM CITY PLANNING COb4dISSION STATE UF CAI,IF~RNIA ) COU23TY OF ORANGE ) ~s• CITY OF ANAHFIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the AnaYieim C?.ty Planning Camrni~sion, do hereby cert.tfy thak the faregoing res~lution Was p3ssed and adapted at a me~:ting of the Anaheim City Planning Commissicn he'ld on July 2, 199Q, by Y.he followi.ng votc~ o£ the members Lheroof: AYES: COMidISS:CU'.JER~~: BOYDSTUN, BOUAS, HELLXER~ MC EIJRNE.Y, ASESSF. NOES: COt~SISSI0NER5: NONE ABS~NTs COMMISS'IflNERS: HERBST, I'ELDFiAUS IN WITNESS ~IIiEREOF, T have hereunto ,et my harid tizis ~~ ~`~_ d~y oF _ ~__. 1990. ~ , '~ J ~ / I ~i,1.~ J _. SECRETAR'l: ANAHEIid CITt PI.ANNING COrMi_SSIO~ _~_ PC90--~.65 y1~, . }1 ru ~~~'. ~ , i:ir.