Resolution-PC 90-166'. 1.. . ~~(~~~._, ~ . ~ , fiI,'~OT~[)TI~1N N~. P!,'9~~'1§~i ~ . ~, .. . ~~ ~r.',~~Ul~t,* ,~~ . . . . ...pT_ A R~SOL~7T:CUN OF ZHE ANAHETM CITY PLANNING CL~t~ISSIUN TIiAT P~TT1'IOIZ FOR CONDI'~TONAL, U5E P~Z2A5IT N0. 3300 BE GRA1:7T~D, IN PART WHEREAS, ~:~e Anaheim City Planning Commission did recezve a vcrified Pptition for Cori~3itional Use Pormit for certair. real property s3.tuatQd in the City of Anaheim, County t~f Orange, State of C1lifornia~ clescrihRd as: PARCF~L 1: THE EASTE;RLY ~30 FP;F'.~ OF T.Fir SOU1'HET2I.Y 65 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING D~SCRIBED T.Rl~CT LAND: P.EGINNING AT TI3~ ~IORTHCAST CURI~Ek2 aF VINEYARll LOT "Al", AS SHOWN ON A MI~P THE;RCQF RECORDED ?N BUOI~ 4, PAGES 629 AI3D 630, DEEDS, RECCIRllS UP' LOS ~.*IGELES CUtTNTY, CAL.T.k'~RNIA, ANL RUNNI:NG THGPICE SO'JTHEFtLY AL~NG TH~ ~A~'TERLY LINr OF SAID LGT, 4h7 FEET; THENCE WLST:.'RI,Y PARALLEL WITH THE NORTfIF~RLY L1NE OF SAID LOT, 374 }?EET: THEIICE NORTHERT~Y PARALLEL WTTH SA:(U EASTERLY LINE, 447 FEET TO A POINT Tt7 SA7D NORTHERLY T,TNE: '1.'HENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NOF.T.I•IF3LY LINE, 374 F~FT TO 'CFIE POINT OF BEG.INNiNG. ?ARCEL 2 THAT F~ORTION OF VxNEYA12D L,OT ~a-1, IN THF CITY OF A.NAHE:IM, COUNTY ~t' OR1~1r,E S.T.,~T~ QF CALIF~OR271A, AS PER MAP R~CORDEll ZN DOOK 4, PAGES 629 AND f,30 OF DEEDS, YN THE OFFICF OF THE COUNTY REC(~F2DER OF L',~S ANGELES CnUDITY, Co-I.I,IFOR~IIA, D~SCRIAED AS FOLLQW~: ~- EiEGTNNING AT THE NORTH~AST C~JRNER UF SAID LOT, ~Fik:NCE ALONG TH~ ~,ASTF,RLY LINE OF SAIU LOr, SOUTH ].5` 43' 15" EAST, 947.00 I'EET TU Tf3E TRUE POINT qF BEGZNIJING; THENCE ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF uAID L07', SOU'i'H 74° 15' ~S$"WEST 150.00 FEET TO `rHL EA5TEi2LY BOUNDARY OF TRAC1' 3024, AS PER Ml~P RECORDED IN HOUK 103, PAGE 30 OF' MISCEL~LANEOUS MAPS, IN THE ~FFICE GF TH~ COUNTY RECORDER Or SAID ORANGE COUNTY; TFiENCE ALONG SP.IO BOUND'ARY, SOUTH 15° 93' 1'~" F.AST, 168.25 FEET AND iIORTFI 74° 15' 48" E;AST, 10.00 F'EET TO TH~ MOST F.ASTERLY NORTFSEAST CORI3ER OF LOT 1S ~F SAIU TRACT tIG. 3029; xHE*ICE ALONG TFIE MOST EASTERLY LTNE OF SAIA LOT 15, OR ALANG THE PRULUNGATION THFREOF, TO TFiF 270RTHWEST CORNER OF' TElAT CERTAIN PaRTI~N OF SAIU LOT i1-1 SHO~AI3 AS 0.165-ACRE PARCf:L ON A MAP FILED TN BOUK 34, .PAGE 43 OF RECORDS OI' SUi2Vc'f, TN TI-~E OFFIC:E nF THE CUiJNT`l RECORDEfi OF 5AID ORANGE COUNTY; THr^,NCG ALONG THE NORTFIERLY LINE OF' SAID 0~165•-ACRE PARCEI., NORTH 74° 13' 25" CAST, Y20.OU FEET TOT HE NORTHEAST CORN~R C~F SAID LAST MENTIONED PARC~L, SAID LAST MENTIONED CO12NF.'R ALSO BEING TN TFiE ~ASTERLY LI2~R OF tiAID I~OT A-1; :i'HENCE ALONG SAID LAS Mt,NTIO~IF.D EASTERL~' LINE, N0.12TH 15" 43' 15" WEST, 168.15 FEBT TQ THL TRUE POINT OI' BE~INNING. 1518r -1- PC40•-I66 ~ , . . . 'i!!~ r +. ir.~1 d. la~~~r,,} . . . ~ ~ ~ .t , ~~'~~ ~i'~ ~~,5~:~::~ WH~REAS, the City PYanning Commission d.id hold a public hearing at tlie Cxvic Ceriter in the City of Anaheim on July 2, 1990 at 1 a 3G p.m. , noti ce of saic~ public heararig havang been dui.y given as required by :law and in accordance with L2ie pr.ovisions of the Anaheim Munici~~al Code, Chapte: 1a.03, in hear and aonsidcr evidence for and aqair~st said propased conditional use p8rmit and to investigate anc3 make findings and recammar~•laL•ions in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commiss.ion, alter dua in,pecti,on, inv~estigation and study made by 9.i:self arid in its behalE, and after due corisicleratzon oE all evidencQ and ro~~orts offered at said hearing, does £ir.d and determine the follo~vincJ facts: l. That th~ proposed use is properly one f~r which a conditional use permxt is authorized by Anaheim M~anicipal Code Sec~ion 18.32,05C.045 to I~ermit a 1C-unit r.esidential condominium buildi.ng with waiver of the followine~: (A) ,~G T]' N 1a.,032 SI,~?,_ t~tl - Maxim+lm structural tle~h~. (II) ~~ION 18.32.~80L01~, - M~ximum cover,~gg. (4~?~ permittc~d, ~ pruposed) 2. '~liat the requES~ed waivor (A) is hereby denied ~n t2~e basis thaL it wa:; deleted fol~owing puulic noti~icat~.ion. 3. That the rPquestod waiv~r (B) is her.eby gran~et~ on ~ha basis that there are speci4~1 circwnstance5 applicable to the prop~rty such as size, ~hape, tapography,. location and surr~oundings orhich dt, not apply to other i.dentically zonr~d property in the ~ame vicinity; and that strict application of the Z~ning Code deprives thc~ prop~;rty of p.civileges enjoyed by uther properties in the ideiitical zone and cla~sification in the vicinity. ~. Thai: tlie propcsoci. use will not adversQZy af~ect thc acljoining land uses and the growth ancl devc~lopment of the ar~a in which it is proposod to b~ located. Y ~:. 5. That the size arid shaPe o£ the site proposed for the use is adequate to t~llow the full devalopment uf tho proposed use in a manne; not detrimen~al to the parr_ir.ular area nor ta tire poa~e, hea.lth, ~afety and gen!~rai welfare oC the Citizens of l:he Cir.y of Anaheim. 6. That the grantin~ of the Conditional Use Permit under the cor-ditian, imposed, it any, will not be der.rimental to the peace, k:ealrh, saEoty and general we~fare <~f the Citizen$ of the Gitv of Ti~iaheim. 7. T2iat t;lie tru~fic generated by *_;ne proposed use will n~t impose an und~aQ burden upon the streets anci h.ighw~_~s designed ar.d improved tn carry thQ tr~,f f ic in the ara •. -2- PC9~-166 .~ ~i;,u;~ ~ ~ ~'~ ~3. Th~ik no ono indicaCc~d ~2~eir pr~yQnce aG said publ.Ic hoaring in ~~po: itioat tind th~-t nu rorre-spondenca ~ls ro;;ei~c~d in ~pp~Ritiun to ~}1R sulaj~ct ~atition. ~J~LjrQ~i~ ~. I;~iVI~0~9_M_~NT~L ~~~,ITlc;_.. ~\S'1 __FI~I.UIfJSz: ThHt Gho An~lheim Ci.tp P:lanning Commission ha~ rE~viawc~d tho proposal ~o roc1~3;,i,f•~ subjer.t propPrty frnm thc~ Ra-7?.UU - (Rosi6onti.al, Sinqlo-Family) to the RM-2400 (Rcsident.~l, Mu2tipl~-~~~mily) Zono to pe~rmit fl ZU-ur!it condominium building wi th waivors oL maximum ,tri~ctural hoigh~•, and maximum c~vdr~tqa on fl •:ectang~~larly-shapod p:~rcel oE lanci consisting of approximAtQly 0.74 acre, }iaviny a frontago o£ ~spprosimately 230 LoeC an ttie west side o~ East Sl:ru~t, havxng a maximu:n clupt,h of appcoximatQ.ly 130 ~oct, boinq located ~ppraximtstelX 210 feet north of tlie centerl~ne oE W.il~ielmi.nt~ Street and further doscribacl as ?ly-7~9 Nort-h EasL Shreer; and does hereby arprove the tdaqat.ive ilecl~ration uk~on fiiiding that it h,~s cc~nsidorod the Nequ~ive Doclaration toqet:}ler witti cny commcuts received auring the ~ublic reviow prucess and turGhQr finding oii the basis of the ini~ia:l study Tnd ar~y comments receivec9 that there iz no substantial c~vidence that thc~ projocl: will have a siqiiificant effQCt on the environment. i7UI9, TFIF.HEFORE, BE TT R~SOGVE:D khat tlie Anaheim Cit~~ Plannfng Camnis~.ion does hereby gra~i~ subject Petition for Condi.tional (Ise PermiL, ~-poii h.hP following conc]ir.~oiis w~icti arc here~y founu Lo be a n~cessary Prereq~~isite to t:he proposed use of t}io subj~act property in u:aer ~o preserve r1:e s~fer.y and c~en~ral wolfare of tl~Q Citiz~ns of t2xe City of Anaheim: 1• * Ttia~ a tract map to rQCOC•d ttie division ot. subjecr_ property shall be submitted to and approved by Che Cit.y ~f Anaheim aud then be recorded in tlie Office of the Or~nge Coiinty Recordor. 2• & Tt:dt prior to fin~l tract map approval, the original docum~nts of the covenants, conditions, and restrictians (CC&R's) and a letter acldressed ~o thP deyoZc~e:'s t.iL•le company authorizir~ recordat_io21 thereof, shall. be a~provecl by the City Attorney's Off.i.ce, the Water Engineerinq Division at~d the Pub.lic Wor.ka_gnganQerinq De~artment. Said dociunents, 1g ~ippruvFd, shalt be f.iled ancl rQC~rcicd in the CL'fice of tho Oranqe County P.ecordcr. That ti-e Waler Enyinee~ring Divis.ton ut the Public llr.ilities De~ga~tme_~t shall reviHw and approve Chr, r_~~,H's in L•erms of. how £ire :,ervice is provided and rsming t:}~e partie3 respor,sible for payment of khQ associated feas. 3• * That the lega.l ow^er o£ subject propQrty sha11 i,•ravocably Q[fer to dedicato to the C.itf ~f Aciahe:m aa onsemenk tcrtp E.ive (45) feet ~n widih from ti~e centarline of rhe streel• along Eest Street Eor stroet widening purpo~~s, 4• ~ That prior. r.o issuance oE a bui:ding pQr.onit, a cash payment s:~a~l bo made to the City of Anaheim for Che r03Y, ~L removing axisting rtreot impro~~ements alo~~g E;ast ;,hre~t and roconstcuction/~ongr.ruction of full stroet impcovements aC ttio u2tirn~r_e ~~;;ation. 5. * Tnat ~rior to issuance of a bu{ld;nr, permic, the appropri;~r~, traff3c tsignal ussos~m~nr, f.ce ~taall be paici to the City of 1lnahc:.im in ~n e~nount as estahli~hed by City Counci: rasoluCion. ' i _3 PC90-166 -~ , ~~ ~n'1~t'\ ~.., ~]i , G. * 1'hat: crales shall no~ bo i.nsta11oc1 ~-cros~ t;ha driveway ir~ a manner which may adversQly atf:QCt vc~k~iculax tr~[fic xn the ndjacent publ:~c street. In~tallation of any r,a~~~ shal.l conform tu Engitte~ring Standacd Pltt7 Np. 402 aric~ siiall be subject t.o the revio.~ and approv~.l. of L•he C.ity Traff.3c SnyinQer pr3nr to issuance o~ r~ buzadinc~ permit. 7. * That plans shall be su2~mit~ea Lo tha City Truffic Engino~r for his roview and approv~l showing conformance with the ~ateyt re•~isi~~n of '' ~:ngineor3ng Standard P1ar1 Nos. 402 t~nd 436 pdrtaininq to parking s~andards, Subject prop~rty shall thereupon be deceioped and mafntained in ronform~ nco wih}i said p'lans. II. That thc dz'.1vE?wi.1y on Ea:,t St.reet sha11 be consl•ructad with ten (10) toot r~dius cur.b ~:eturns a; roquir~d by th~ Ci~y Engineer .in confoxrnance w~ith ~nc~in~erin~x St~~ndards. 9. ~ Tnat ro1'1-u~: g~rage d~~rs shall be shown on plans submir_i;Qd for buf lding permits. Said doors shall be installPd and maintaii~ed as shown on ~ubrnittod plans. 10. That guest p~rking shall be clearly marked "guest p~rkinyt nr_l.y" ancl shall be readily acce,sible to mot:orists from co:itiguous streets and accessways. 11. +~ Thatc a11 locicable podastrian an~.'./or veliicular accA~s gate shall be equipred wit2i "ksiox bux" devi.ce, ~s r•r:quired and a~proved by the Fire Department. 12. * That fire spr.inklers shall be xr~^,;;a11ec1 as rQr~uired by the Firo Departmant. 13. Thak a priv~sl•.e water sy~tem with separa~e water services for fire proY.ection and domest°_c wate: shall k~e provid~d. 14. That the water hackfl~w oquipmont and any other large water systern equipmont shall be ins~a.iled in eitl;er: (a) underqrounrl vaulta or (b) behind the streer_ se"back .in ts manner fully screoned trorn all ~uulic srreQts and alleys, to the satisfaction of the Flater Cngiz~eoriug 1)iviaion. 15. T2~at priur ~o is3uancp of a buflding p~rmit, lar,dscape pl~ns shall be submitted to ~nd ~ppruvec] bx the 'Loning Uivision ro ensure that the visual screenfng consisting of plant:; such as trees al~ng the north and eaat prope~rty linos is adequ~te t~ pr~rvent ~•isual ;~~:;:,;inn from the socor.d f.lo~r of the conrominiums to Lhe adjacen~ ii5-7200 ZoneB lors. 16. * That street tighting f.acilitiQS along C~sC Shreut 3ha11 be installed as required by tne Utilities General Manaqer in accord~nce with specifications on f_ile in tho OEfice of lhe Uriliti.as Foneral Manager= or that socurity in the _'arm of a bond, cec•tificar,Q of doposit, leCter ~4" PC90-lb~ ~ ~ of• credit, or c~sh, ,[n t~n tirnount and f'orm .gatlsE~ctory tu Y.he City p~ Anah~:.m, sha11 l.i~ posted wi~h the Cil•y ~o guarantee tlie satisfactory com~lotioa^, of thE~ ~~bov~-m~nt.ionecl impr•a•vernorxts. Sa3d ser.u:ity shall be posted with lhe, Ci;:y of Anahoim pri~r to issu~ncP of a buildxng permit. The abovr~-rc~quirQd imp:•overoents shal], be instal~ed ~arior to occupanay. 1/• *~ha~ subject pr~po5a1 auttiorize~l by this r~solut3.on shall be sQrve~l bx undQrgraund utiliti~~. ~a• * That tho legal owridr of s~ihjQCt propc~rt:y shall dedicat9 to ttie ~ity of. lnaheim an easemenL- fivr~ (5) fc~ot in width along ~he west property line for public utility purposes. L~. * That Crush accept~ble storage h areas sha.ll ba provided ~-nd maintained i ac cordanc~ a tho with a Street Dtaintonancc and n a location Sanitation Divisiou s~nd f informaL•ion pprovQd plans oii fi.le sha11 be specificall h n witti said dzvisiun. Such building pe d rmite,. y s owri ~urther, no trash loadin on thQ plang ~uhmi~ted for h 1 uc; to the traf.f3.c I1ow. g s a 1 occur on East Street z0. That plans for the srorage and collection of solid waste sha21 be s ibmitted to tr;~; htaintenance DeUartment for review and approval. Zl •* 7~hat a s.ix ( f) foot ti~ic~h mr~sonry block wall sha11 be coustructed alon khe north, south and west pro p e r t y l i n e g Q X~Qp~ ~he 1:; ~nt setback where t 1iQ wa.ll heigbt, .^,ha11 not exceed l:hr.ee (3) £eot. Z2 •* Th;~l: this Condit:i~nal Use Permil is +- zuning ordinanr.e in ~•~rtPa subject to the adoptioi~ of a conner,tion wit}i i2~classiFication No. 90-91-3, now pending. Z~• That ~ubjoct proporty shall ba devQlopad Substantially in accordanca wiCh plan^, and specifir.aGions suhmatted to the City of Anaheim by lhe pat.itionar and which plans a:e un fi1P with the Planning Department marked Exhibi t Nos . 1, ^. and 3; ~ruvided howeve.r that a revised plan f s submitteci an~i approvod bX thQ CiL•y ~rafEic Engineer showinq a 15-[o~~t• clearancs for trash truck access. Z'~. Tliat prior ro it~su~nce ot a buildin ~ p~rmit (~) yeac• from the ~Iz~ or withiti Fi period of o ~ of this Condicion No3. 1, 3 througti resolution, 7 whic:h2var occurs fir ne st, abovt~-mentioned, sha11 be complicd c ; , 9, 15, ].b, ig, 20 wiFh. Exten; i and 22, omp ,e~~ saiQ condiL•iozis may be 18.0:l.090 of tt granted in ~ ons for further accnrcianr 4 wikh L•im4 to ~e Anaheim N,an.icipal Code. . Sect ion Z5• rh~t prior to f.insl buil3ing and 11 through 14 16 17 ) zonir.g inspect:ions, , , , .y tl~rr,~gh complir~d w.ith zl, and 23, ~,bovo-montioneQn sha11 be -5- ['C9A-I6ti ,~aKa M i~~'+ ZG. * Th;at approaal of this application constihuto;~ approvAl ot the propoc~ed regu~st unly t;o the ext~.~r~~ th~t it camp].ios with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Codo and any othur upplicahle City, St~te and Federal regu?.ationa, Approval d~es not inalucio any action or f.indings as to complianco or ~pproval of the roquest regarcling any other applicable ordinancQ, regul:,tion or rec;uirement. Condita.ons marked with an ~sterisk (+~} are raquirad by established 1aws, coiias, regulations and t~gr9emen~s and are, tht~r~3fore, noC subject to nQgotiation. II~: IT F'fJRTHER RLSOLVED thst L-ha Anzheim City I~lanning Comrnission does hcreby find nn~ detprmine tlxat adortion of this Rosoluti~n is expressly prediaatecl v~on ap~l:icant's compli~nce with each and a.ll nf i:he condzti.nns nereit~~bove sot forth. Siiould any such conditions, or any pa:-~ t~h.ereo~, be dec'!arecl invalid or unenfarceable ~~~ the fina.l judgment cf an,y court of compote7t jurisdiction, t2ien ttiis Resolution, and any a~provals herein contai.necl, shall bo d~eerned null ~nd void. THE F'ORFGOING RCSULUTION was adop~ecl at the Planni.ng Corrunission moeting oE July 2, 1940. , ~ l _ ~ ~~~ /~ • , ,' /~ , ,r / ~ ;~,?,,. ~tC.,l ~ ,____/ t.'L~ •cG-t"L~ ~~C.~.t,J CHRTRWQ~, A~AFIF.IM CZ~LANNYk1G l:qr~ISSION ATTESZ': _ ~ r ~ -~, ~ ~"ti'°~ ------- SECRETAR. , ANAF;BIM CITY PGANNING COhIIvfISSTOPJ STA'rE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OPANGE ) ss. CI7'Y UF I~IIAHc:IM ) I, Edith L. Harris, SecreY,ary of thc Anaheim Cit;y .Planning Commissipn, do hereb;~ aer~ify tliat the foregoing r.esolution was passed ~nd adupted at a meeting of the Anatleim City Plannin~ Commisszon held on Jixly 2, 1990, by the following vote of khe mQmbers tl:ereof: A?ES: COI~~fISSIONERS: BOXDSTUN, HOUAS, HI:I,LX~R, MC bJRNGY, MESSE NO~:~: COi~fISSTf)NEhS: NONE AfiSENT> COMMISSIONERS: HF.RgST, FEGDHAUS, 1 I WITNESS WHE12L•'OF, .L }iave herc~uiltu set my hanci this ~~-aJ~v ~3a Y oP ~~ _ _ , 199Q. ~ ~ - ~_ ~_~__.~ ~ ~"' __--- SECRETAFtY, ANANETM C"LTY PLANNING C t~ 0 tlSSION -~- PC90-166