Resolution-PC 90-17~~ xcsoz,o~rzQN_rio. r ~-x7_ ~ A I2E50LUTI0:~ UF 'f.FT~ I~AFIEIM CITY YLA2JNING COMMI~SIQN TI3AT PFTrTION I~'OR CONI)YTIONAL USE PE2MIT N0. 37.37 B~ GRANT~D "r~i~R~AS, the .~r~aheim City Plannir,g Commission d5.c3 r8coivQ ~. verified Pet.it:ion £or Conditi~~nal Uso ParmiL• for Lor c~rt~in real property situated in the City oi Anaheim, County of Orarige, State o~ Cali£arnia, described as: LOT 14 AND SOUTH 34..50 FE:L'P UE LOT 15 OF :RACT N0. 325]., IN THE CITX Uk' ANN~iEIM, COUNTY OE' ORANGE~ STAT~ OF CALTL'ORhZA, AS PER MAP RECORD~D YI3 BOOK 100 PAGSS 17 AND 18 OF MISCGLLANEOUS MAPS IIJ THE Oci'ICr OF TEiE C.Oi1NTY RECORDEI2 OF SAID ~OUNTY. WI3EItEAS, thE City Planning Commission did hold a r~ubI.ic hoaring al: t:tie c;ivi~ Center• in the City of Anahozm on Janu~-ry 15, 199Q at .1:30 p.m., noticr~ of. said pixblic hearing havixig kieen duly given ~s raquirpc~ t,~ law and in accordance v+ith tYae provisions of the Anah~im ?Sunicipal CoBe, ChaptFr 18,.03, to hear and consider evidencQ for and agair..st saici proposed conditional use p~rmit and t-p investzyate and make findings rynd rer:ommendati.ons in corinecti~n therewith; and WFIEREAS, said Com~nissio~i, after du;, 1't18pP.CC1071, investigati.on and study made bl i.tself and ir. its bc~half, and after due consideratian aE all evidence and roports offereJ at said hearing, does find and dsterm.ine the Ec.ilowing fac~s: 1. That the pet.itioner r.equests approval of a cunditionai us~ permit under au~kiority ef. Code Soction to rg~asn an automotive cletai;ing Lzciliky wzth wai.ver of the followiriq: SErTIQNS_18.Qfi~Q~C,~_Q22_?_ - Mini.mum nustitZ~r Qf.~arking s.p.~~~,5. 18_~Qy~O$Q (19 required; ~ existine~} anc~_1$.~1,~6~.i~5Q 2. That Y.he roqu~sted waiver is hereby yranted on Che busis tha~ ~2ic ~xse izzvolves detGilir.ig work Eor automobila dealers and not the qanernl public; and therPfor.e, fawer parking spacos are i-eedad; ar~~, further, that the requested waiv~r is hQreby grantecl on the basis tlial: the parking waiver wi21 not cause an increa~e in traffic ~:onge~tior~ in the immec,iate vicinity nor ~dvdrsely affect any ac7joinin;7 land uses; and grantinq of the parking variance under thc~ cu:~ditior.s imposed, if any, wi.il not b~ t7etrimental to the pezcc, heal~h, safoty or genoral. welfar~e uf the cit•ir.ens o~ the City ~f Anatio.ir~. 3. land u~ps ~nd to be located. x'har th~ proposed use will no~ advarsely affecr rhe adjoining t:h~a gruwth and develapment ot lhe area in ~hich it ir: proposed 1247r -t- YC 90-17 ^ '~. TYiat ttie si~e and shape of ~he si~:e pro,posed Eox t2ie use is adequ~te to ~llow the full clevelopment nt t}:e proposed use in a mannor „c,~ dotrim~rita'1 to t-.he partic;ilar ar.ea i~or to the peaCe, heal~h, safiaL-y ana gener.al welf•are ~f the Citizeri, of the Ci~y of Anaheim. 5• '7'h~~ the grantzny af ~.he Cr~ndil-,iunal Us~ Permi~ und~r th~ conditions imposed, if any, wzll not be d~t_imez~t.~'1 i:c~ ~he peace, health, safety and genQral welfare ot the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 6. 1'hat tY-e traf[i.c gF~:ierated by the proposed use wi11 no~ i.mpose an undue burden upc,n the streets ~Znd highways design~d and imprnved ~o carry the traffic iu tlie arc~a. ". That no or~e i.n~licated their pr~sencc~ at ~aid public hQaring in upposit.ion; and L•hat rio correspondence was recoived in oppo~iti.on to the subject ~eCzt.ian. ~ALI_rox2dTA EtJVIF20NMENTI~L _QiIALTTY ACT FINDI~ ~: That ~he Anaheim City F~anniny Commissi~n has revi.ewed the pr~posal to rr~ta:in an automotive cl~atatlinc~ facility with waiver o€ minimum number of parki.nq spaces on a rectangula_ly-sY,aped parcPl of land consisting of approuimately 0.52 acre hav3ng a frontage of approximately 130 f.eet on the east sicle pf Ro~e Street, h3ving a maximum deptli of approximately 177 feet, being locr3teii approMimately 390 feet south of the ceriterlir,e of Santa Ana Stree~ and further doscribAd as 534 South IZose Str.ec~t; and do~s hereby approve the N~gative Declaration upon tzndiny that it hcas consider~cl the *7egativc~ Declaration kogether witlh any commenfs received duriny the pub'Lia review process and further fincling ~n the Lasis of the init.ia]. study and any comments raceiaed that thore is no sub~•i~.antial. evidence that L-h~ project will h~va a,ignificant eftect on thQ envi.ro~i,;~nt. NOW, TIiER~FOHE~ DE I'I P.ESOLVED that the Anahoim City Planning Corn~nission does hQr.c~by grant subject Petiticn for Coudition3l Use Permi~, ~ip~n the follo~inq conlitions which ~re hereby L•ound to be a necessary prerec~tiisite Co the prnpo ,ed use of ~:he su.bjec:t pro~,erty in oz•d~r to prEServe tl~e sa£ety an3 qenera]. welfarc~ of t_-e Citi~c~ns of thQ Cfty of Anaheim: 7~• Thal a fc~c~ for street liaht:ing purposes alc~nr~ Rose Street shal]. be Qaid to ttte Ci.ty of Anaheim in an amount as ~st-ablishod b~. ~it:y Council resolutian. Z• That a traffic si.gi-al assessment fee eq~.~aling tt:e diL'[~rence bekween the inclustrial and co.mmerci~l as~es;.ment fees shall be p~id to the City uf Anaheim i.n ari arnounr as cstablished by City Council r~esolutian, 3• * That plans shall be submitte3 ku the Cit.y Traffia Enqinaor for h.is re~view and ap~,roval showing conform~nr,e w.ikh Engine~aring Standard Plan :~o. 6(~2D pertaining to parkir.g ~tandards. SubjE-ct property shall thereup~n be dev~lopea anci maintained in cunfnrmanr.e vrith saic~ plans. 4. That, as required by tkie City TrafCir. Engineer, ttie following shall be r.omplied with: ..Z- PC 90-1'7 ~ e~.~8~a ~i'^~~nti a. 'Chat uge of th.is ~acil.t;y sho.11 bc 1lrnited ~u a wholesal~ z.uto deta,ilzng servic~ for auto dealorship~; b. That no drive-in customors shall ba permit.tedj and c. That only one (1) omployee shal.]. park on-siCe. 5. That no ou~door work on vehicl6s or vehicular par.Ls ~ha7.1 k>e pezmittecl. 6• * That gates shall not be installed aeros~ any driveway in a manner wh,ich may adver~ely affect vehicular traffic zn the adjacent public strast. TnsLallakian ~t any gat~es sha11 conform to the Enqineering Standard P1ran No. 402 and shall bo subject to Lkie prior review and approval o~ L-he Giky '.fraffic F,ngir~eer. ~. k 1ha~ any lockable pedE~strian etnd/or vehicular aacess gate sna11 be Qquipped with "knox ~ox" devices as required and a~~proved by the City Fire I)epa:t.ment. 8• ~ T.hat ~rash st•oraye~ areas shall be provide~i and mainL•ained in a lar.ation ~acceptable to the Street Maintenancs an~' Sanitu~iqn Division and in acr.ordance wi'~h anproved plans on tile with said Division. 9. Thar the proposal s2ial.l comply wit:h a11 ~ign_ing requiremeiits of the ML "Industrial, Limited" 7.one, unless a varaance alJ.owing sign wai.vars is appxov~d by t~e Cit~~ Counc.il: P].anning Commission or Zoning Administrator, 10. Tna4: subjec~ ~roperty rthall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and speci~ir~~tions submitted l:a the City af Anaheim by th2 petitioner and Nhich plans are on f.ilc with the Planning Uepar.tr~ent mark~d Isxtiibit 2~os. 1 L}irouqii 3. 11. That Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and i0, above-mentionefi, shall be compl~ted withzn a period of nir:ety (90) days from t2io date oE l:his resolutzon. ~, s~ 17.. +~~ Thah ap~r.oval oE this application constit~ates approval of the pr~~osed request only ~o the sxtent that it conplir~s with the Anaheim Municipal Zoninc~ Code and any o~hgr applicabZQ City, State and Fed~ral regulations. Approval doe3 nat include anp action or findings z3 t;o comp'liance or. app.:~val of the re4uest reyardi.nq any other applicable ordi,itsnce, regulation or r~c~ui,rement. COYiC3itinn•~ ;»~:;;,J4 :;ii.n an asCarisk (*) a•re z-~~~.?:~; i,y e~L•ablishad laws, codec, regulatzons and agreemer.;:~ azxd are not :~ ~~ iACt to negotiation. _3_ PC 90-17 ~~~~ ~~ ~, BF: IT rUR'~HER R~S4L~VLD ~hzt the Annhaim City~ P1~+nn.ing Coinmiss3.on d~ea hereby f.i.r~d an~'i dgkermine tha~c atloption of this Resolution is axpressly predicdtod upa!- applicant's compli~nce with each ar,d 311 of tr.e con~litions herainabovca sc:h iurth. S1zould any such conditions, ~ar ax~y part tnoreoE, be cleclarod invalid or unencorce~ble by the final ju~:igmont of any cov.rt o.f compatenL• jurisdi,~~tion, then this Rasolution~ ..nc1 r~ny mppravals herein contained, shall be~ c~oe-med nul]. ancl ~void.. 'rHF FOREGOItI'G RL;SOLUTICIN was adupte~ a~ the Ylar.:ning ~ommis;sion m~et.ing o£ January 1~~, 1990 , ,., J . - ~ , ` ~ , . J ~ ~, 1~._.. l ~la_1C_~ / . ~~~ . ~. CHAI , ANAHEIM CIT`1 PLANt~ZNr COMMISSTON ATTE.riT : -~ , ~.: / , ._ ,/~ J'µ. , i ~ ~ .. c ;', . ._:1 ` .-___ - - ._... AC-TINC~ SECcZETARYr' ~~7~iEIhT CITX PLANt7ING COMMISSI~~N / l ~ STATE OF CALIE'Oi.td:A ) COU2vTY OF C~RANGE ) ss, CI1Y OF ANAHFIM ) T, Janet L. ~7ensen, Acting Secretary of the Anaheim Cit,y Acting Planning Commission, do hereby certify tliat the faiegoing res~lution was passad aY~d adogted at a meet:iug of the Anaheim City P1anr.ing Commission held on January~ l5, 1990, hy the following vote of the member.s thereof: AXES: COMMTSSIONERS: BOLTAS, IIOYTISTUN, FFLDIAUS, HELI,YER, HERFlST, MC BU12NF~, MESSG NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSF:NT: COMMrSSIONERS: NUNE '~ ....~.. Y. ' ~, TN WlTNESS WH~I2EOI', I Y~a•ae hereunto set my hand thi5 ,. '~~ ~' day o f; .:_,_!~ ~' --._._._:.C. 19 9 q. .j _ ~!'~ f_ ~ , ~ ~ _._y AC;~ITNG 'SECRETARY, ANAIi~IM CTTY YI,ANNINf~ COt~tYSSION ~' , ~ ... : ~ . . . . -4- PC 90--17 .. ~~