Resolution-PC 90-176;,.~ ~ r~~SOL'U~zQri N P~,9 -17 _ ~ A~tESALUTION OF THE ANAFiEIP4 CTTY PLAt~NING COMMISuION THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIrICA7'If?P1 N0. 90-91-•5 B~ GRANTL;D WFIER~:AS, tha Anahei.m Ciky Planning Commi~s.i.on did recezve a verified petition for Reclassification for certain real groper~y situated in the City ~f Anaheim, County of Orange, State af Ca].iforiiia, descrzbed as follow; : LGTS 6, 7 AND 8 OF GEF.RDES SU~DIVISION, ZN THE CITY OE' ANAF3EIM, COUNTY OF OFANGE, STAT~ Or CALIFORNII~, AS PER MAP THGR~OE' RECORDEU IN EOOF~ 8, YAGE 7% OF MISCELLANFUUS MAPS, T2FCORD~ OF ORAN~E COUNTI', CALTFORNIA. WHEk~AS, i:he Cit,y ~lanning Commissi~n did hold a public hearing at ~he Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on July 16. 1990 at 1:;i0 p.m., notice of said publiC hearzng having beQn duly given. as required by law atid in accordance witYi the provisions oi the Anaheim Municipal Code, ChapL'~r 18.03, to hear gnd consider ~vidence for and against said propos~d roclassifir•ation and to investigate and make fxndi.ngs and recommenciatipns in conn~ction therewi~h; and WHEREAS, said Commission, aftar due inspection, investiqaY.ion anc~ stufly made by itself and in its belialf, and af.ter due considsration. of all evidence a,nd reports ~ffered at said 'nearing, iioes Ei.nd and determi.ne the £•ollooring facts: 1. TtxaL• the petiCioner proposes recla~:5ification of Subject property from the CG (General, Commercial) Zone to the CL (Limited Commercial) Zone. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan d~:sigru~es subject property for GanR:al Commarcial land usc~s. 3. That the prop~sed r~classificatian of subjoct property is nec~ssary and/or desirable for L-l:e ~~rderly ~n3 pr~per. develogment of the communi h.y. 9. That khe propcsetl reclassificati~n of subject pro~~rty tioos properly rel~te l.o ~he zones and their permi.ttEd uses locally ~~tablishQd in close proximity to subjecL progerty and to t2~e zon~~ and their permiLted uses yeiierally established Chraughout the community. 5. That no ane indi.cated L•hEir presence at said public hearing in agposition; ancl that no corresponclence was receivecl in oppositiaz~ to subjecL• pet:tion. 154!~r -1- PC90-~7b .~~±~~~ RNI~, ~ VT.k{ NMENT~L AI,iTX ACT k'INllI '; Ci~y Planning Comrnissioh has roviewed ~he -~ Thut the Anaaieim property From the CG fGener.al Commercial) ?.on z o~the CL (L mitediC n~merci~l) Zcne tc permit a 7, 130 sq,~ar~ :oot, 5-unit commercial rota;.l cen';.er or~ ~ rectangularly-shaped parcel of ~,anr~ corisist;ing of a~proximately O.•1F! acre located a~ the riorL-hp~st coi•r.~r of Anaheim Boul~vard and Water StrQ~ti, haviY,J approa~irnate L•'rontages of 15U feet on the east sirle of Anaheim Boulevard and 142 feet on the nortti side of Water Street. ancl Further described as 558 South A:~aheim BouZevard; and does rereby tapprov~ tYzo Ner,ative Declarati~ri upon L•inding that it has considered ttie I~~gative DPC:laration together with any c~~nments r~ceivod during the public review proc~ss and further fiiYdznq on the basis of the initial sLuciy and ar.y comments rE3~~,ived th~~ there is no subsl-antial evidPnce that the project will have a signiEicant effe~t on the environmont:. NpW, THEI2~FORE, BE ZT RFSOLVEU that the An~heim City ~lanning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Reclassification and, by 50 doirig, that Title 1R-Zoning of the Ax;ahein; hftxnicipal Code bo amenc3ed to exclu~ie tho above-describ~d prog~rt~~ from the CG (General, Comme,~c3.a1) Zone ancl to inr_oxporate szid descr.ibed proporty into the CL (Limited Commercial) 'Lons •upon thc~ fo1?.c~wi.ng cunditions which are horeby found to be d necessary Prerequisite to ~he propused use of subject properL•y iii orc?er to preserve L-he safety and ~eneral welFaze~ of. t}fe Citizcns of the City of Anaheim: 1• That the owne•• oE sul~~er.*, properi;y „ha11 suJ~mit a latter requsstii7q termination of Varia~~ce No. '1821 (to per:nit sign waivars) and Conditional Use Parmit Nos. 853 (~o n~rmit expansion anr,i remodeling oE an exzstinq car wash and servi~c~ sta~,ian with waivers), 2704 (to permit an automotive and h_ruc;c storage j~ard and sales lot with a waiver) ~n~ 31;0 (to permit a coin operat.ed carwash) ~o the Zor_inq Tiivisipn. Z• Z'hat prior to iutroduct.ion of an orcli nance r~zoning subject prope: ty, Condirion N'o. l, ahove-•menr,ioried, shall b~ completed. The provisions or righrs qran~:ed by this rosolutio:~ shall become nu11 and void by artion of the Planning Cortunis~;ion unlc~ss said conditions a~~e complied with wzthin ona (1j year from t21e date of th.is resolution, or sucYi f:irkhQr time as ~he Plannin~ Commission may grant. 3. That approval oC Chis appliaation constitutes ~pproval of the pronosed r.equest only ~o the extent tY~at it c~mpJ.ies wi.th Ctie Anaheim Municipal 7,onlnr, Code and any othor applicable City, State and I'ederal regulations. Approval does not include any action or findings as Co compliance or approval uF Ctie request regarding any oL•her applicsble ordiriancF, reguYat.:on or requiremont. ConclzL•ions m~rked with an a;~erisk (*) are r.equirod by ostablished laws, codes, regulations and agroemeaks and are, Lherefore, not suUject to ne~okiation. ~~l PC~O~Z76 ....,. ~~ ~ . ., -~ '!+~~1 . ..,:lli,~. . , .xr ~,( 4 }3E TT FiJR'rHER R~SULV~D that the Anaheirn City Plannin:, Commission daes hereby find an~ t~etarminQ that acloption of this &esolution is ~xpressly predical•.ed upon applicant's campliance with each and all of the conditior~s hareinabove sot forth. Shoixld zny sucn conditions, or any part ther~-o~, be dec:larecl invalid or unenPorcc~abl.e by ~he ~inal judgment of ar.y cour~ of competent jurisdiction, then ~his Resolution, and ang• app.rovals herein contained, sha11 be dQemecZ null and void. TFIE k'OREGOIIdG RESOLi3TI0D] was adog~ed at the Planning Commxssion meeting of July 16, 1990. ;, ~ ,~- %- ~- ~~ ;C ~~ :1,/ I '/ c~~ G ,C- GL~-LCL.,cJ' CHAtRWO!dAN, ANAHEIM C?TY P~TNG COMMISSION ATTEST J ` , (r, p ,/' -- -!- ~J -~--~R'}"--'.._._si~~~ i.r~F-~/\...~_--- SECRETA YR , ~N'AElCIb1 (;IT~'' T'I,ANNING CO(r4rSTSSIpN ~ STATE OF C~LTFORIITA ) C~UNTY OF ~RRNGE ) ss. ~` CITX OF ANA;a~Ip! ~ I, Edith L. Aarris, Secretnry of the AnaY~eim City Planning Ccmrr:i.asa.on, do hereby certify that th.a Eor~:going resolution was pass,ed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahoim City P1~nnina, Commission he7.d on July 16, 199a, by the followinc~ ~ota of the members thereof; AYES: COMMISST(3NFRS: HOYDSTUN, BQUAS, FE~UHATJS, I~lF~LLYER, MC F3UkNEX PIOES: COhII~,TSSTONER5: NONE ABSENT: COMMTSSIO.NERS: MESSE VACANCY: OI3E 5CAT ~ IN WTTN~SS WFIEREOF, I have heraunto set my hanc3 th3.s ~~ day o£ _ _ ~~ 1990. . ~ .____~ ~~ / / ` k3- ~-f:~~J~L•G-~ SEl~~r^•T11~Y, ANAHETM CITY PLANN~NG COMMTSSIOt~ ~ ,~' . ~,, '' -- - .ir:~i~: