Resolution-PC 90-177!b:., ..,~^ RCSQI.UTIQN, tlQ,_.f?~9Q_ 17~i A FLSOLUTTON Or TiiE ANAFIEIM ClTY PLANNING COMMTSSION Tt~AT PRIITION F'UR CONUTiiONAL t.1SE ~ERM:T N0. 33U2 bG GRANT'rD WF;EREAS, ChQ Anahoim City Pl~inning Commission dic~ receive a vorzfiod Potit;ion for Conditional Usa PQrmit for for cortain real proparty situaCed in tho Cil•y uf AnahQim, Cuunr_Y ~~ Orange, Slate of Calif~rnia, described as: L07'S G, 7 AIGD Fi OI' GEERDES SUBCIVISION, TN x2iG CITY OF I~NAFIEThi, COUNTY OF ORAlIGE, STATE OF' CAL,IE'ORNIA, AS P~R MAN THEREOF RECOFDEL~ IN f300K 8, PAG~ 77 OF MI~CELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORQS OF OTtAP7GE COiINTY, CALI~'ORNZA. WH~:REAS, t2ic~ Ci.ty P13T1ll1T1~J Cortunission did 2iold ~ pul~lia hoaring at t;he Civic CQnter iri the Czty of T,nuhQim on Jul,y 16, 199U ~+t 1:30 7.m., nati~a of said public hoaring having bden duly yiv~n as ce~~uired by law aiid in accordancH with t2ie pruvis.ions ~f ~he Anaheim Municipal Code, CY:aptor 14.03, to hear anct consicinr or~dencQ For ~nd agaa.nst said F:r~posed conditiqnal use permit a»c1 t:o investigate ~n~ makF findin~~~ and rocommendati~ns in r,onnecL•ion therewitri; anci '.~JItEItCAS, said Com.nission, afL•er due in ,pection, investiga:._on ancl study m~ade by itsQ]f and in its behalf, ~nC afr,ec duA co:isiderat.ion cf al? e~~i~enca sncj rep~~rt.s rffered at said hearing, does find and datermine tfie following facls: 1. That the proposed use is pruperly one for which a conditional use p~r.rnit .:s aur_h~ri~od by Anaheim ?Qunicipal Code Soction 1F3.44.O~a0.135 to permiL- a 7,130 sq,ft. 5-unit commercia:t retail center. ~. That tt-,e pro~osed u;;e will not aclverselp affect the adjoining lar~d uses and tha growth ~nd devulopment ~f the area in whieh it is propo~ed t~ be 2ucahed. 3. That thQ siz~ and snapQ of the site preposed fo~ thg us~ is adequa~o tu allow the full ciQVQlopmQnt of th~ proposed us~ in a manner not detr.irnental to ttie ~ articular araa r,or to the poace, health, safety and qenereil welfare o[ the Citi~en~ of t:ie City of ~naheim. ~l. That ths granting of the Cond.itional Use ~orrr.it under the con~itfons impc~sed, it any, will noC be detrimenta: to the p~ace, tiealth, safet;~ 3S:d qeneral welEare of the Citizens oi thF; ;,.~ty oE Anaheim. 5. Tr,~•t t}:Q traEfic generated by tho rroposed use wfll not impose a~i Unduc burden upon the streets and higtiw~ys c~~s.ignQd and .im~~rovQd to car.ry the tr~tfic fn khc~ ~~r~~a. 4. Tt:al_ no on~ ir:dicuted their. pres~nce .at said Fub]ic hearinq in oppo~it:ion; and that n~ correspo;~de~ic~~ k~; ror.eiv~tl in oppos.ition to khQ 5ul~ject Fotition. 1545r -1- PC90-17') ~uia,~., ~AL.~:FQ~NY~._.H;~V~.~~.~~S~.~x~jt,~Qg LI'~~,~ _~3.~1~.N~: Th~t tho ,~lriah~3im CiCy Planning Commisaion t~~s roviowed the proposal tn reclASSify subj~apt property fram thez CG (Gan~r.ul, Commarc.iAl) Zond ~o ~he CL {(,$mited Comrn~rcial) 7,ono ~o permit a 7,130 square foot, 5-uni.t commErcial retail cKnter on ~ rectar.gularly-shap~d p~rcel of lanci consisting o.f appro;~ci.m~;:ely 0.48 acre lor,t~tod at ~ho northeati t cornt~r ~f A:~r~heim ffoulova.rd a~,~i i~atdr Str.aot, hav3.ng ~pproximar.c~ front:~ges oL 150 fQet on kh~ east sada ~i: An:-haim }3oulevarcl ancl 147. foet on the nortl: sS.dc~ of Wa'ter Streot and fucther dgscribed as 558 South Anzheirn BoulQVarc1; an~~l does hereby ~p~,~•tavF; the rre~at~~Q Aeclaration upon finding that it has considared tho rrocrat.~ve Aec:laral•ion toc~ether with ~ny comments recc.ived cluring the k~iibli a review procoss and furl•hr:.r f.inding on tho basis ~f tlie initial st-~idy and any aomm~nts -ecazv~d t3iat thero is no substantial evidence that ttie prc-•JQCt wil'1 lia~e a s.ignif.icant eff~ct on thc onvironment. NUW, THEF;~rORE, LE IT RESOI.VED that tt~e Anaheim Cit,~• Planninq C:omraission does her~by grazst subject Patition for Condition~l IJ~~.a Pecmit, upon the f.o.ll~s~irig conditions whir.h ~ro hereby found to be r~ z•~eco~sary prarequisite to the prop~sed use of thQ subject pxogarty in order '.o ,~reserve L•ho safol•.y ~ind gc~neral wQ'lfare ox tha Ci~::zens o£ the Ci*y of Anah.r~:srn: ~. * That prioc ta i;;suan~e of a builciing perr~~it, the~ ~ppropri~~ce t•raffi~; sigrial assossmeiit LQe s}iall be paid to the City oE Anahezri in an ampunt; as estab~is:~ed by City Cotmcil resolution. 2. Th~t the exi.st::Lng driv~wa~ on Water Sti•ee'.: shall be removc~~c! +~.nd replaced with standard curb, g~~tt~r, sidewalk and landscapitig. 3. ~'Phat plans sh~ll bt~ submitted t~ L•ho City :raffic f;,.tc; it~esr for his revfek• and ag~proval showing cor.formance with the lat.~:~;;C rQVision of Engineering St-andatd Plan Nos. 936 and 602 pertai,~incJ to parking slandards. Subjecl- properl•y sna11 thoreupnn be deve:o~~~c~ and maintained in conformance witli said plans. 4. That thc3 3riveway on Anaheim 3oulevard shall be ~•~sr~onstruch.~~Z to accommodatc fifl~en (~5) foot radius curb r~t;urns ir~ c:~onformahce with Engineering De;E;artment Standard,. 5. +~ 'l2aaL a Lot Line Adjust:ment Plat r_o combinQ the thre~~ !3) ~xistinc7 lots shal'1 bo submitted to thc~ Subdivzsion Se~tior- and a~:~~:,z•oved by the City Engin~er and t2ien rc~cordeci in the UfEicE~ of tha Oranq~: ('.ounty Reco:der. 6. * That sidewal~~s, curt~s and gutters shall be r.emoved r-sid./or rec.onstructed along Water Street ~s requir- : iiy tiic> City Engit~e;~r.• and in ~ccor8ance with srandurd plans and specifications on Ei].e in ~.h::: (~Fficc~ of the Ciry F,nginee r . -1' PC90-177 ~~1 ~ , fr9N,. 7• *~'1ir~t street light3ng facilities aloxiq Water Sl:reet sha11 bc~ inst~lled ar~ rec~uired by t.hQ UFxlit.ic~s G~neral Managar ix~ t~ccorclance with speciffcati~n:~ on file in ~he Af.fice of th~ Utilities GQneraJ. Manngors or that sec:uri~y in tY~e form of a bond, cerL•if.icati,e oP depos.it, letEer ~f crodit;, or cash, in an ~mount and Eorrn satis.Cactory to the City of Anahuim, sha11 bo postad wir.n L•he City to guarantse t2io sakisfactary c~mpleGion of, tho abave-•men~ionecl iraprovements. S~id socuriL-y Sha11 be poskec~ witti th~ Ci~y of Anahoim prior to .issuance of a build3ng permit. The abovo-roquirod improvemon~s sliall be iasta11oc1 prior to occu~~ancy. ~• *::hat subjoct propQr~y shal:l be serv~d by undergrnund utilitiea. 9. * ThaY. L-he legal owner of subj~ct property sh~~~l cledicnt:a t;o tho Ci.Cx of Anahsim an oa.,eme~nt IivH (~) t'~:ot in width along tho east pro~erty lino for pub:lic utilit•y Purposes. 10. +~ That ;ice spririk]ers sliall b~ installeci as rc~qui~ed by the Fire Dep~rtmant. 11. * That trash storage are~~s sizall be prov.ided anci main~ained i~z a locatia acceptable to the Stroet Maintenancc~ and n San.itation Division and fn a~corclancr~ inFOrma~i with ap~~roveci Plans on file wiL-h said division. Such on buildirig pe shall rmit~. be specifi.cally shown on the plans submitted for 72. ~ Ttzat no preparod-food sarvico Eacili~ti~s (restaura~it) shall be pormittad in subjQCt comm~arcial rotail center un).e3s 1ddi~i~na1 parking is provided in confor:nanc:e with Codo requirgments or unless a parking variance is granted by tho 7.oning Adminisi:rator, Planning Commission or Czty Council. 1~• * th~t all plumbing or other 3imilar pipes Finil Eixtures locatecl on ~he exterior o~ the building shall ba fully screenc~d by architectural devices and/or appxopri.ate bui~diny materialst and, further, that such informaCion sht~~l be spQCifically shown on the plans submitted for building permits. 14. That any proposed f.r.Qestanding siyn on st~bject pzoparty shall be a mor~wnent-type not exceeding tour (4) feet in height and sha11 be subject ta ttiQ review and approval of tho City Traffi.c L•'ngineor to verffy acioquate lines-ot-sigl~t for vvhicles and Neclestrianss provi~ed, however, that tho existing pol~ sign may be remodelcd, 15. ~ That this Conditional Use permit is granted subjpc~ to the 3doption ot a zoning ordinance in coniiecti~n wi~h Reclassification No. 90-91-5, now pending. -3- PC90-177 ~ ~, ,, . :~1~11,~~1 16. That subject praporty sha11 be dovaloped ~ubstantially in accordttnce w.ith plaas and sp~ci.tiicnti~ns submitt~d ta tho City oE Anaheim by tlae pcat;fi:ionor. and which plt~ns aro on filr. with t;tic~ Planning Degart-nynt mnrked Fxhibit Nos, 1, 2~-nd 3. 17, That prior to issusnca ~f n building por.mit o:,• within a peri~d of one {1) year. rrom ~tia ciate o£ this rosoiution, whichevor oacixrs fir~t, Condi~ion Nos, l, 3, 5, 7, 9, 1~, I3 and 15, above-merahione3, shA.ll bo complied with. Extensions L•or furL•hc~r timQ to complete said conditions may ba grantocl in accordance with SQCtion 18.03.090 oi• the Anaheim Municipal Cocic. 1~3. That prior to fiiial build3.ng and zoning irs~QCti~ns, Condition Nos. 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13 and 16, above-mQnL•ioned, sha11 be complied wikh. 19. That tiaurs of o~eration shall be rostricked L•.o 6:U0 a.m. to lO:OQ p.m. 'lQ. *'tha~ appr~val o£ this appZ:ication constitutos approval o£ t.he prop4sed roquest only to thc~ extorit that i.t complie~ with thR Anahoim MunS.cipal 'Loning Cocie and any other applicab.te C?ry, Statie and Federal regulations. Approval doas not incZude any action or finclings t~s to comp:liance or approval af the request regarding an.~ othar applacab~e ordinance, rogulation or r~quire~nent. Conditions marketl with an asterisY, (*) aro requ.ired by establishod iaws, codes, regulations and agreements and are, th~refcre, no~ subj~ct ko nogotiation. t3[: IT FURTHi:R RESOLV~D ~h~.t the Anaheim C'it~ Planning Commission does kiereby fin~1 ~nd determine thak adoption of this Resol~;tion is ~~~px~y~l~, predic~te~i upon applic,~nt's compliarir.o wihh each and all of the condition~ hereinabove seh £orrh, Shoul3 any such conditions, or any part thoreof, bQ declared invalid or. unen£orceable by the final judgm~nt aC any court oi comprtent jurzsdiction, thon th~s R~solution, and any approvals herein containecl, shall bQ depm~d nul~ and void. , THE FOREGOING RLSOLCTT~N wa~ adopted at the Plann.ing Conunission moe~ing of July 16, 199:1. .; , ,-' ~ ~~~ i/ / .._ .f ~' ./ r ~' }--.~._ y' l 1,.,~. ) ._.<.._ . ~ -f ~~-, ,,%_ r~..f ~i~.L<..~ CHAIRWOt+~AN, A2J1~F;EIM rTTY LANPIING COMMISSION ~ ATTESI; , , _ ~~~ ~'- . ~ ~ ~~~ SECRETA X, Al•iAFiCIM CITY PL NNING COMM:CSSTON -4- PC90-177 a «r.ny . , ~. ~.'y{ . ~.yH(~r,` . STATF OF ~ALIFORNYA ) COUIJTY OF ORANGE ) ss . CITY OF ANAFi~IM ) ~; I, Edith .L,. Hurxis, SRC.rotary of L•re :~nah.eim G~.ty Planning Comrr~ission, 3o hereby certiEy thal•. the foregoiz~g resolutian was passed and adopted at a mgatinq oC the t~n~heim City Planning C~mrnission hald an Ju'ly 1G, 19J0, b}M the f:ollowing vote oP ~he membars th~reaf: ~ AYES : COMMI; S~ONERS : BOYDSTUN, BOUA~, I'ELAFiAU5, F:EL.L,YE~t, ML' HURNEY NOES: COMMISSIONEBS: NONF ABSENT: C~JI~STSSIONER5: tQESS~ VA(;ANCY: ONE ~~A7' IN WITNESS WHERF.Qr, T have hereunto set my hand this ,~f of ~ . 1990. ~~""~ day ~ _ ~~ ~ .~ , , 4/ - - `'~~._"~*--r.=4'------------_- SL'CI.~T kX, ANAHE:(M C21'Y PLANNING COM~SISSION ~5 PC90-177 ,'_ , - ~. _