Resolution-PC 90-18. 'q RFrOf.uTIQN NO_L p~22y1~. A RE50LUxI0N OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION THAT PETITION I'OR. CONDITIONAL USE PrRMIT NOo 3230 BE G12ANTFb WHEREAS, the Anaticim Citx Pla~ining Cnmmission did rec:eive a variPied 1'etition ~or Conditional Use parmit for cer~ain real property situated in thP City oi Anaheim, ~;ounLy oL Orange, Statc of Cali£arnia, d~scribed as: PARCEL 9 AS SHOWN 027 A DfAp RECOI~DED 1N HpOK 69, PAGE 18 OF PA~2CEL~ MAPS, RECORDS OE' SAID ORANGE COUNTY. WHEREAS, the Ci~y I~larining Commission did hold a public hearing at ~tle Civic Center in the City of Anah.eim on Januury 15, :1990 at 1;3Q p,m „ not.ice of said pu.blic hear.i.ng havi.ng beon duly given as required by 1aw and in accordance witk~ the provisions ~i tlie Anaheim Municipal Code, Chap~er 18.03, to tiear anii consider evi~enc~ fur ,;~d against said proposed conditional use permit and to invesL•igate and makc- fzndS.nJs and recommendations in con:~ection the~~ewith; and WHGREAS, saxd Commission, dp~~r aue insp~ection, invest;zqation and study m,~clo by itself and in its behalf, azid after due consideration of a11 evidence arid reports oJ:fered at sai8 h~arir.g, c~o~u rin~ arld determine the fol].owing facts: 1• That the pet.itioner requ~sts approval of a condifiional use permit under autt-uri.ty oC Code Sec~.ion 18.51.050. fiU'1 to r~t~in a boat repair/cv.st~m.izing s}iop wztn waiver of the tollowing uri~9er authority of Code Section 18.06.080: `.~E~TiI~NS 1~sS~~~:.Q222 - Minir~.4!n_ riLt!',~~...~r~4£.-Ps~rking~ a~e~, and 18,~_p~6`Q~~. ( ~g required: 2~ ~xi.sting) z• That tl~.a requested ~.~aivsr is heraby g.ran~ed on th~ basis that tY~e parking waivQr will not cause ari increaso in traffic; congestion in tha immediate v3c.inity zicr advers~l~ af.fect any adjoining land usQS; and grant.ing ~f the parking variance under ~he c~nd.iL•ions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the p~ace, hea,.lt;Y.i, salcty or general w~lfare of the citizens of ~Yie Ci~:y of An~heim. 3• That the proposocl ~isQ will not adversel,y affect the ~djo.ininq l~ini3 uses and the grawth an.d developmer~C of• the area i.n which i~ is propos~d tc~ be l.ocated. 4• Tnat thQ size and shaoe of the szte nroposed for the use is adequaCe ta a11aw t'~e full dovelo~ment ag the proposed use in a manner not dPtrimental Co the particular area nor t~ the peace, health, safety ~nd general welface uf the C.itiz~ans of the City of Anaheim. 124k2r 1- PC 90-18 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,,~r,,, ; ~ .~.ti~;:.;, 5• That ~he qran~zng af ~he Condit•ional Use Permit und~r the cond.i~i.ons im1~osed, it any, wi11 nnt be dHtrimental to tiho peace, heaYth, saF~~p ~n~ qeneral welfare og the CStizen, oF l•he City of Anaheim. 6. That the traffic generated by the proposed use will not impose arl undue burd~~ri upon Ltie streets and higliways aesi~n~a azid improved t~ carry ttae trlf::ic in the art~a. 7. That: no one indiaated their presence at saiul public hearing ir: °PPosition; ~nd th,~f: no c~rrespon~ence was received in opposition to the subject pet:ition, ALIFORNIA ENVI:~__p~MENTAL Q~?AT ITY A~T FINDIN ; rity :Planning Cammission tias re~iiew~d thP Io ~ ~hat the Anaheim repairlcustomizing shop with waivor of mini.rrium nurnber~of~p xking sp ces on~an irregularly-ShapQd parcel. of land consi.stinc~ of ~ppraxirna~~ly 0.75 acre, havinq a frontage ~t approximately 300 feet on trie z~ortheast side of Grove St:ree~, Y~aving a ma~:imwn d~epth of approximately 220 feeh, beir.g located ap~roximafiely 1,1G0 feet south of the centerlinc~ of Miraloma Avenue, and furthPr describec~ as 123u North Grove Street. Unit "A,,, approve the Neqative Leclaration up4n findiny thaL- it has3ri ona~deredeT~~~ Neg3rive D~;~;aratior, toyether wikh an~r comments received during the pub].ic r~~ieu proc;ess and f'urther finaing on ~.h~ basis of the initial stuclX ar.d ~ny cor.unents r~ac~ived that there is nn substantial evide:~ce thut the pro;jeck w3.11 tlave a significant effecY. on the er_vzronment. NOW, `~HEREFpFE, B~ IT F~;SOLVRD that the Anah~im City Planning Commissa.on does hQreby yrant_ subject Pet.ition fo.r. Conditional iTse Permit, upan t~P follawia~y c~nditions wl.izch are horebg~ found to be a necessary prer~q~isite ~O the P~'~Po~pd use of ;;'he subj~r.r property .in order ~o and general welfare o£ rhe Citizeris of the City of Anal~eim; prPSezve thc safety 1• 'ihat the rnost nox•thQ. 1 ° y dri.veway sha11 be re airQd as z•e ~c.ired b City ~ngineer and in accordanc~ w.ith stan,~ard plans ana pecifications on file an thQ pfEice o~ the City Fnqineer~ 2• That d traffac si na1 as~ ~7 essment f4e e~ualinq the, difference between the industrial and cornmercial assQSSment fees sha11 be pai,c~ to the City ~~ Anahefm in an amount as E~s~;.abli,;hed by City Couricil resc~li.tion. 3• Thal al]. ~riveways on Grove SirePt sha11 ae reconstructed tu accommadate ten (10) faot radius curb returns in con~ormance with Engxneering Standard No. 137. Existir.~g brokori or r.racked drivewavs sha11 be r~md~@a ard rg.~laced ~;; regu~re~i k~y Che Ci~y Engineer.. `~ • Tpx~i~ no outdoor stora e 9 of, ciisplay oF, or work on boats ar boat pzr~g s}iall be psrm.itced. -~- PC 90•-18 ~ , ... ,,,~: ., ,: , 5• *~hzt plans shall be submitted to the C'ity 'Craffic Er.ginPer for his r.eview ~nc~ approval showing conformance wit.h Engzn~oring Standard Pla.n rros. 436F and 6U2D pQrtaining to parking standards. sha11 thereupon bo devalaped and mainL-ained i.n conf~rmanceC with ~~r~x ~lans. sa.id 6• Ttia~ no z•etail sales stxall occur. in c:onjtinct.ion wir.r, sub' )ect faci.li.L-y. ~• * That gates shall not be installed acrous an -naY adversely affect vehzcula~ Y driveway iz~ a manner which InsL•allation of zn kraFfic in ~he adjacenl• pu~lic streer. Y gates shalJ. conform to the Engineering Standard Plan No, 4p2 and Shall ue sub;ect to th~ prior revi~w and approval of tho City Traffic Enginee~r. 8• * 1'hat any lockable pPd~~trian and/or vehicu].ar access squipped with "knox :~ox" devicE~s as required and approve@a by *hcal (',it~y Fire DepartmenL 9. 1~• *' ThaL• al]. air cor.ditioning faci~itie~ ar.d otner equipment sh111 ~e pzaperly shielded ~rom view, root ar.d ground m~unted 1~• That the prnposal sha11 comY~1X w.ith all signiiia re uirQmcnts of 'Lone, ienless z variance alZowing sign waivers .is ~~: , t~~ ML Council, Planniny Co-nmissi~rz 4r Zoninv Administr.ator, PF oved by the City 12 •* ThaC i;hN on•-site laridsca in .in cumpliance with ~it ~ g arad irr9.gat•ion system sha12 b~ maintainecl y standards, 13 That subject prop~rt. I in accaz•dance with P1~-ns azid s~PCi icati ons ~ ubmittedp o thes C ty aof ~Anaheim petitioner and which plans are on file wih.h t;he Plannin p~ bY ~he marked Exhibit Nos. 1 throu7h 3, g Paxtmsnt 1`~• ThaL• .*.he paint boorh shall comply wit:7 City standards and a perrnit sha11 be ohtained, it reqtiired by st~iff. ~5• That Conc~iCion N~s. x, 4j ~' '• A~ 9. 1~. 13, and 14, above-mentione3, shal.l be completed within a period of n~iiety (90) ~ays trom th~ dat~a of thxti resolutic:n. 16. * That approval of thi~ ~pp,~acation constitures approval of the proposed r~quest only to the extent l•hat i~ complies with the Anah~xm Municipa:l Zonir.g Code ~nd aril• other ~pplicable Cit r~9'ulations. A~prov~l does not include an y' Stat:e alld Federal compliancP or approval oP the r, Y~ction or findi.ngs as to or.dinanco, re ulaCion pqu8sr, regdr.ding arly other a~plicable g or requiremenL-. Conditions marked ;vith al2 asterisk (*) are required b agreements and are not su;ujFCr to negotiar.~ion~~s~ ~'Ode~, ra~,llations and -~- * That krash s~orage areas sha11 be nrov:ided and mainEained in a 10,~ accepta~le 'to the Street Mairit~natxce and Sanitation Division ation accordance wiL•li aporoved plans on file w.ith said Division~ '~°d i7 PC 90-1$ i~. . . ,, ~ ".- "'FI.~ ~PC11~ I ~ ~fii~, . . ~ . -.. . ~~~ BE :[T rURTI3ER RLSOLV~'D that tho Anaheim C;ity P7.an.ning Cammission doos her~by find and datermina thAt adoptzon ot this Resolution is expressly~ prodicar.ed upo2i apglicant's compliar.c;e with. each and a11 of the cnnditiQx~S herainabove ~at forth. Shauld any such conclit~.ons, or 7nx• part thereof, be decJ.ared invalid or unenforceable by the fir~a]. jixdgment of any court uf competent jurisdict,ion, th~n thi~ Rasolu~ion, ~nd any, approvals herein conta~.ned, shall be deemed nul]. and void. '~H~, FOREGOING RESOLLJTION was adopt~d at. i.he Alanning Commission meeting ~~ ~7a;~u~xy 7,5, 1990. r, l ~/ _ ---'~/ ./ ~~ ~ ,. _ ~` ' ~/ ~ ~/ .-~~ i `,,I~ __.~__~~ ~-CI~A R~;I MAN~AF~EiM rITY PLANNING C(''~~¢r12SS:~ON ATTEST: '"-•; ~ , ~(r~._i,::'•~L ~-T-_.~.i; [:~-,. .'.'_''~:.L AG~ING S~CRETARY, A23AHGIM CTTY PLANNING COMMI5SION STATE QF ~~ALIFO~2TTIA ) COiThTY OF ORINGE ) ss. CTTY OF ,t~Tp~EIM ) I, Janek T,. Jsnson, Acting Secretzry oy the Anaheim City Acting Pla~ring Commission, do hereby certif~ t.~at t}:a foregoing resoluti.on Wa~, passed aiid adopted aC a meetir:g o~ tlie Anaheim City Planninq Comtirissio~ helcl on January 15, 1990, by the £ollowing voke a£ the memhers therQOf: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, r~LDHAUS, HF~LL:tEF2, IiFRBST, h!C BT,~RN~Y, N'iESSE NOES: C.OMAlTSSIaNEfiS: NpNE ADSENT: COMMISSIONLRS: NONE ~ 7N WITNLSS 4VHEREOF, of'.. - /, 1990. , ~------~--._.:~. ! I l.ave hPr~unto set my hand thi.s ~<~ :' ~.~:i`~ day ~ +--~r/~ J ~ ~ ~ ~r . . ` _. .: r~ ~ . ' ' .. ~ ,•l . . AC~'ING SF CFETARX, A,NAHEYM CITYrPLA.NNING COMI~fIS5I0N ~ :. -4 PC 90-18