Resolution-PC 90-181_ ~~u,, , t~F:aS4LfLl_IOfI NQ.r P~~()-181 A h'ESOLUTION OF TFi~ ANAHETM CITY PL~AtINING COMMT5SION TFiAT PET;~'T~ON I'OR RECLA5STFZCATION N0. 9q-91-7 SE GRAN'rFD WHF,REAS, i:he Anaheim CiCy Ylann:.ng Ganmission ditl receivc~ a veritiod petit.ia~i for Reclassitacation ior certain real property situated in f the City pf. Anaheim, Cotintx of. Orange, ~taLe of: Galif~rnia, descri.bad as ' £o].lows : TIlE CAST ZiALr OF THE NURTH 5,00 ACRES Oc^ THE FAST HALP' OI' THE NORTHEAST QUART.ER OF TEIE NORTH~AS'P QUART~R 0~ SECTION 14, TOWNSHTF 4 SOCITH, RAIJGE 11 WEST, IN TFIE RI~N~HO LUS CO'IOTE;S, IN THE CITY OF ANAH~IM, COUPITY QC' pRANGE, ~TATE OF CALJ?ORNIA., AS SHOWN QN A MAP RFCORDED I:7 900K 51, FAGE 11 OF hfISCELL]~NEOUS MAPS, RECORllS OE' aRI~NGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. EXCEPTII~G THEREFRUM, THAT. POFtTI~N LYING EAST~RLY OF TFiE WES'PEfiLY LIrIE Or PARCE'L 2 OF DE~:.D TO THE STA~E OF CALIFORNIA FTLED AUGUST 27, 1951 AC ppCUMENT N0. 2396U, CERTIFtCA:CE OF TITI~E NQ. 14fi10, ON FILE Itd THF OFr^ICE UF THI: R~GISTRAE2 pF LAND TTTL,ES OF SAID ORA.NGE COUNTY. ALSO EXCGP'rING TFiEREFROM, THE LANll DESCRIB~:D AS PARCELS '1 AN'D 3 QF SAID DEEU TO THE STATE OF CALIFORtdIA. WHEREAS, the ~ity Plannin~ Commission did holcl a public hearinq at the Civic Centez~ in tlie City o~ Anaheim on July 16, 1990 at 1:30 p.m., notice oF said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance ,rith the provisior_s of the Anaheim t•lunicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evide~ice for and against saad pro~osed reclaysi.Eication and to invesCigate and make f.indings and recommendations in conn~ction thQrewith; and WT~fEREAS, said C~~rn:nission, aftor due inspact,ion, investigation and stud~ made by itse.lE and in i.ts be1:a1F, and after due consideration of all evi.donce and reports ofL~r.ed al said hearing, does find and determirte the '; fallowing facts: ~ 1. Lhat the petitioxier propo:,es reclassif.icat,ion o~ subject °'' property from thg CH (Commercial, Heavy) Zone to the CL (~:ommezcial, Limite~) Zons. 2. ThaC the Anaheim Genera~ P.lan dosignates subjacL• property for Goneral Conunereial land usQS, ~nd thaC suaject property is lucat~d within a critical intersection are:a as shown on the Circulation Elert~ent A of the Generai Pla:i. 15~'7r •-1- PC9U-•181 .~~. 3. T}iat tho proposed reclas~ifiaatiqn of subject prapert~ is necessary ~nd/or d~sirable tor the orderly and prop~x• clovelopmr~nt oE th~ commanihy. 4. T.hat tkiQ proposea reclassiEieation ot subject property does properly rola~e ro the zanes anc3 their permitted uses lor.~lZy esL•ablished in close proximity tu subject pxopQrty and h.o the zane:s and their permittfld uses gen~rally establishQd ttiroughout Lhe communit:y. 5. That no one indica4eci t2:oir ~~rasancc~ at said public haaring in opposition; and that no corLespondence ti•as received in opposit~on to subjec:t ~~etition. ~ALIFORt1JA ENVTRONMENTAL ',~t.ALITY A(,:T__ FINAITI~: Th~r the Anaheim City Planning Commissiun has reviewed the pro~~osal to recla~sify subject propertx fr•om the CH (Commercial, Fieavy) Zone to the CL (Cnmmercial, L9.mited) Z~iie to permit a 2400 square-foot ccrivenienc~ markeL wxth fast food service wittiin an existing commercial retail center witYi waiver of minimum nvmber nf parking spaces on a rectangularly-stiapea parcel of 1ai~d consisting of- approximately '1, 59 acres lacated at 'tti~ soutt~.wesk cornc~_ of Lincoln Avenu~ and Beach AoulQvard, having approxzmat~ ~ronta,es of 266 zoot on the south si~e of Lincoln Avenue and 261 fec~~ on the west side of }leach Bou'1QVard and further clescribed as 3020 West Lizieoln Avenua; and cloes harel~y approve thc~ Neqati.ve Declaration upon fincixng that zt has cunsiderPd the Nogative Dec:laration togeth~r with any comments received durii~~ the publ.ic review process and EurL-hQr finding on the basis of *:~e initial study ai~d any commen~s received that thc~r~ is no substantial evidence that the ~roject will l~.ave a signif.icant ef£ect on the environmant. 110W, T.H~RErORE, BE :IT R~~OLVED that ~.t:e Anaheim Ci~y Planninc~ Commiss.ion daes horeby grant subject Petition for Reclassification and, by sc doing, Y.hat Title 18-•Zoning o.C the Ar~aheim Municipal Code be amende~ to exclude the above~described property from the CH (Commercial, Heavy) Zone and ta incorporate said described ~ropPrty into the ~L (Conunercial, LimiLed) Zone u~on the L•ollaw3.nq conditions whinh are hareby found to be a necessary prerequisi~e to thQ proposed use of. subject nro~eri:y i.n ordcr to preserve the s~fety and genaral weJ.Eare of tho Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That prior to I:he introduction ot the oYd.inanc~r r2~zoni:~g ~ubject prop~rty, a prelimin~ry titlo repc.~rt shall be £ucnished to the 7oning Divi ,ion showing t2~e legal vestin~x of title, ~ legal dQSCription artd containing a ma;~ o£ klze property. 2. Thst approval of ~.his application constitutes appr~val of the proposed request only tc tho exl•ent that it complies with tha A:zahoim Municipal Zonir~g Cacle and any other applicable Czty, StaL•e and Fedeca7. regulations. Approval does not ineluci~ any action or fin3ings a3 tn complianco or approva), oF t,he reques~ regarding any othPr applicable orclinance, r~guiation or requ.irement. -Z- PC90-161 ~..~._. . . . . . l~ _ i;!' . . ~ . . , ~~'~~~ . ~ ~ ~'~~~ ~ ' ~~~I,'~ r B~ tT F(JRTHER I2ESOLV~B that the AnaYieim Gity P1anr.ing Commission does hereby fincl and detex•mine ~hat auoptian of th3s Rasolution is expres3ly predicar,ed u~on applicant's compliance with each and a11 of the conditions herQinabove set tart:~. Should any such conditions, or ~ny part thereof, be dec].arod invalid or unenforceable by the fin~1 judgment of any cnuLt of competent jurisdiction, then this Res~lu~ion, and ~riy ap~rovals herein contained, sha11 bca daemed null and ~~oicl. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION wa~ adopted at the Planrling Commission meeting ot July 16, 1990. /~ 7 f// ~ ` ' ,' r1 `'~~/ --"' ' ~ . ~/4i: 1 ~ . .~,.-"~ !i `~N ~~rL.s.{./ ! `_'..- ~~ l-~_ _ ~ f _ ~ ._.~... CHAI~7WOMAN, ANAF:EIM CT PLANP'1ING COMMISSIQN ATTEST: • ~ F~ (~. (~ '(.,(/~.G~.ir ___~%~~•~~ ~~~ SECRETA~Y PRO 7:EMPOR~ ~ ~~' ANA.HFIM CITX PLANt1ING COMMI5SlOI~ ,,, STATE OF CAt,IrQRNTA ) ; COUN:CY QE' ORANGE ) s s. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Jar_et L. Jens~ri, SecreLary Pro Tempare of the Anahei;n City Planning Cummission~ dc hereby certify that rhe foreqcing resolutian was passed and a~opted at a mestinq of the Anaheim City Planning Commission la~ld on July 16, 1990, by ~he following vote oL• the memb~rs L-hereof: ~ AkES: COMMISSIOh~R5: F30YDSTUN, 30UAS, rELDHAUS, H~LLYER, MC BURNGY NqES: COMM]:5SIONERS: TIONB ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MESSE VACANCY: OPTE SEAT I'tJ WITNESS WHEREUF, I have hereunto set my hand this _.~.~_y~, day o ~ 1 __,__. 19 9 0. ` G v~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ _~_ _ ~~ r, , SECFtETARY PRO TEMP~RG APIAHEIM CIZ'Y PLANJdING CON4~IISSION _3_ PC90-181 . . , ,..,;-:~'i~