Resolution-PC 90-185_.~ RESOL~TTIUN N0. PC90;-1~,5 ~G~Ina. ~ A RESOLLJTION OF THE ANAI•iEIM CITY' ~LANNING COM2d7:SSIUN THAT PETI'I'ION FOF. CONDIT' ~NAL USE PERbS.TT NC~. 3308 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim Ci~y Plr~n.nin7 Commissipn did receiv~e a ver~.fied Petition for Conditional Use ~ermit for c~~rtain real grnperty sit~:ated in th.e City of Ariaheim, County o£ Oranqe, SL-~.te af California, descr.il~ed as: THAT CERTaIN PARCF.L Or LANll LOCATED IN THE CITY 0~' ANAkEIM, COUNTY OF ORANG~, STATE ON CALIFORNIA, LYING hITHIN THAT PORTTON OE' :~HE SOUTHF7E5T QUARTE'R OF THE SOi1THWEST QUARTER OF SECTI~N 3, TOWNSEiIP 4 SOUTH, FtANGE ].0 WEST, S. B. 6. S~ M. , AS SF-IOWN OtT A MAp OF SURVEY RECORllED IN HCOK 70, PAGE 25, RECORU OF SURVEYS, TN TFIE OFFIC~ C~F THG COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID ORANGE COUNT`l, DESCRI1iGD AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THF CENTERLTNE TNTERSECTION OF ROMNEY:~ DRIVE AND SWAN STFL;ET .AS SHOWN ON SRTU SUR7~Y; TFiENCE F~LLOWING ALONr, ~HE CENTERLINE Or SAID SAID FOMNEYA DkIVE N fl9' S3' 28" G, 479.96 F~~T; THENCE 5 0° 00' 4G" W, 228.00 E'LET; TfiENC~ S 89° 53' 28" W, 479.96 FEET: THENC~ N 0° 00' 40" E, 228.00 FEET TO THL; POIN'r OE' F3EGINNING. L•'XCEPTIidG THERT'FROM ANY POFTION :CHEREOF L~TN'G WTTHTN TI:~ SO[JTHERLY 32 FEGT OF RO1•SNIsYA DRIVE AND AL50 EXCEPTING '~HEREFRnM THE W~STERLY 20 FEET THEREOF LYIN~ WIT.HIN SWAN ST?2~ET. WHEREAS, tlie City Planning Cotmnission did hoZd a public hearing at thQ Civi.c Conter in the City of Anaheim An July 16, 1990 at 1:30 p.m., notiice oE said public heariny having been duly given as required by law and in accordance w.ith the provisions o~ the AnaY~eim Municipal Code, Chapter 1$.03, *_o hear. and consider evidence for and against said progosed conditional use per.mit and to investie~a~e and make €indings and rQCOmmendations in connection therewith~ a~nc1 WFIER8A5, said Commission, after due inspoction, in•resi:iga~ian and i study made by itself und in itc behaif, and after due consideral:i~n oP all ' ev.idenae and reports offera~ at szid hearing, 3oes f.ind and determinF ~he following facL•s: 1. T_hat Lhe proposed use is properly one fo.r whi.ch a condition~.l usF parmit is auL•horized by Anaheim Municipal Code Secti~n ia.03.030.0.I0 to pnrmit a temporary m~dular structure for medi.cal/office uses. 2. TY:at the propase~l use will not adversely affect tl^.e adjoininq lar~d uses ar.d the grawth and dev~lopment of the area in 1JY11C~'1 it is proposed to be located. 1551r -~-• nC9n-1~5 ~~~ 3. That tt~o si7u anCi gha~>o ot tha site proposad for th~, usa is adac~uar.e to ~11ow the~ t.u11 devo.lopmon~ oC tho propused use in a mannor nc~t cletrimon~~l to tho particular aroa nur to l.he p~ucQ, ha~lth, saf:aty aiid general wUli•aro of th3 Citir.ens ai• rhe City nf Atia'~~tim, 4, That thc~ qr.antirg oE t}io Condit:ional Use Permit under the condit.ions impoged, if any, w.il.l not be detrim~ntA1 t~ thQ ~eace, t~oalth, safety and gAnoral w~lft-ro of the Citizens o}: the City of Anaheim. 5. zr.~r. the r.ra[tic generalod by the proposed use will not impase an unduQ burden upon the ~L•reots and hic~hways dasign~d and improved to earcy ~}ie traffic .in th~ arEa. 6. That. r.o oi:a indicated ttieir ~~resencP at said public heflring in oppoaition; anci th7t nc. c:rrespondc~nce was rec~ived in onposition t: tho s~~bjQCr. petitian. ~L~~Q.f3~N3A___Ft~VIRONMENTAI ~ T~ALIIY ^_7~~T F~l~T.~iJ~: Thtt P1anAirlg DirecL•or or his authoi•ized representative has daCermined tk~at the propo~ac~ project fall:; within tho definition of Categorica~ Exemptions, Class 11, aq detined i:~ tha State F.IR Guxdelir~ss nnd is, therefarc~, cat~gorically exempt frcm the requirement ~o grepare an EIR. NQW, THGRErORE, RF 1T RESOLVEU that the Anaheim City Planning Commissioii daes hereby qraiit subject PeCi~i~n for Cosiditiuiial Use Permit, upon the following conditions wtiic}~ ~re hereby found to bc~ a necassar1 prerequisite to th~ proposeQ use ot the subject prpperty in orcier to prese~rve the sa£ety and ganeral welE~c~ of ~he Citizens of the City of Anaheim; r. *'Phat prior ta i~suancp of a builclittg permit, tk,e appropriate traffic signal assessment fee shall be pai.d to rhe City of Anahaim in an amounr as est~l~7.ished by Cit.y C~u~icil rFSOlut:ion. 2. * That fir~ sprink2ers sl~all be .instal.led as rNquired by thP Fire Deparkment. 3. That the modular str~icture sha ll b~ set back a r~inimum tc+enty (20) feQt from any buildirig. 4. * TF:at t.rash storage areas shail b~ rc:urb.i ,hed to the satlsfacL-ion of Ch~ Street Main~enance und S~nitaticii Divisio:i Co compiy wit•h approved plans on fi1Q ~oith ~~ir.l division. 5. That sUbjcct. property shall be de~iclor~ad :;ubstantially in accardancc~ with plans and specificatious suUm:tte~3 to the C.ity ut Anahein- by th~ petitioriec and which plans are oi- filc~ with the Y2anning DepartmanC marked Exhibi.t Nos. 1, 2 an~J 3. •-~ -- PC9A-185 ~ r :~;re~~ ~_ ~ ~, 6. Thah. prior to i.squancQ of a bui.lding pormit or wiL•h.in ~ p~riod of one (1) yeax frQm tho daCe of this ro;solur.ion, wtiichrsvgr occurs fir~t, CondiCion No, 1, aL•ove-ment;oned, sha11 be complleci with. Extc~nsion~ for .fur,ther L•imo to compl~t~ said conciiti,on~ may be yc•,:,u~uci in t~ccarc:lrance with Scc~Ioti 18.03.09U of tho Ariaheim htunic3~a1 CoQe. 7. Tha= prior to final bu.ilding and zoning inspoctions, Conciition No~. Z khrouqh 5, above-mc~ntionar3, sk~all be cum~l3ed with. $• * Zhat appr~vai of thi.s ~p~lication constitutQS ~ppr~val of tha propoaed rec~ucst only to the ext~nt: ~h~~t ~t coi~ipl.ies w.i.th the Anah~im Municfpa.l Zoning Code and any o~}~or applicabla City, State and FedRral regulario~is. Ap, roval does not. inclucie any acC.i~~n or findings as to ccm~~.izncR or approval ~I the requast regartiing any othor applicable ordinance, rcgu.l2~•:;ion or rec;ilzreinent. Conditions ~r.arkod with an asL•erisk (~'} are reqiiirecl k~y estnblished law~, codos, rcgulation3 ancl agreQments nnd are, thcrefor~s, not subjQCh to negotiation. BF IT rURTHER RESOI.VED tt~at thu Anaheim (:it:. Pl~n;;, ;y 4v,;,,~~i~ai~tl ~aoes hereb,y find and ~ler.Pr~+~s;;;; `;,4~ a~~~rioti of tliis kesolutiou 3.s expreRely pre~ica~~d u~r~n applicanY's compliancc~ wil:h Q~r.!; Jill~ ~.-1 hFreinabove set forth. ~~;, ot tha conditions .~iu auy such r.onditions, or any r,rt thereoE, 1~e cleclare.' ~.;vali.d or ui~on£orceable by the final judgment o£ any rourt of compe~ent jurisdict.ion, tti~rz tlyis Resolutic,ri, and any appr.ovals herexn contained, shal] be deemed null and void. '~'H~ ~'02tEG0ING RL•'SOf.U'lION was aciopC~:d at thQ Plannina ('~~;;,;issfon meeting of July 16, 199U. %'I , ; ., ~ / O~//f L,.1 ~ ~~'~..~ ~ " ~ ~._,c~~_.___.t` ~+•' - CHAIRF7 , i~,NAH~IM CITY . LANt7TNr CC;;;,;;~~iplv ATTEST: ~ . ` L~.~! ;% -` ~ - 5F,C~2ETARY PRO TEMPOFF.~.___-•----~~_.------• ANAHEItiS CITY 1'LANNItiG COhQ~7IS,~,70Pi .J_ PC90-185 ~••~•. 0 Y. STaxE aF CALIF'ORNIA ) GOUI~TY C f QRANG~ ) ;:,;, cxry UI' , ANAH~IM ) r, Commi~si. Janet L, Je~ns~n, Secrotar~ Pro Z'ompore of: tho i\nahe3m City Plt~nning on, do tior~by cQrtify that h adopted r ~~ foregoing res~lu~lon was pt~~sed r~nd at a meoting ~f C1iQ Anah~im City F~lannin C i 1990, by g onun ss3on hold on Ju1y 16, the following vote of tlie membor.s ~hereof: AYES: C02~4lTSSIONERS: ~iUYDSTUN, BGUA. , FRLDHAUS, FiEZ.LYER, NO~S: MC BURNEY COMMISSIOt1ERS: NONF AD~ENr; COt/,lQISSIOId~:RS: PdF.SSE VAC'ANCY: ONE ~~AT , IN WI7'NESS WFIw12E0I', I h~re hQreunto set my hand t}i~R`:~~ ~ r'/ dRy o f--~-~~_.`L!__. 3 9 9 0. ~ ;, C' ~ ,~ ' , _ ,. ~'~~'1'`'_""~~-ciL ~ ~~".. ) r ,- ~ . - ~ .-. . .__ --~- S$C~REtiiRY PRC TEMPQ~t~ ~~-+~= ~~"'-" , ANAHEIM CITY PLI-NNTNG ~OIvC~fISSiON _g_ PC90-185 ~'.r..f: