Resolution-PC 90-190(~.I _`. ,~ ~~.~5?Ut~L~~S2.N ~?_Q~_.~'..~.~~.Q =_l~_4 A RI;SOLUTION OI' TEIB ANAHFIM CITY PL,ANNING ('.Ot~1ISS10N Tf~Ar P~TIi'ION [~O12 (:ONDITIONAL U:;E PF.RMIT N0. 3:ip.~ BE GRIINTED ~ 4VIiFF~.~+!', ~tlc~ Anahoim Cily Pl~~nning Comm3~sion di~ roceiva a veritied Pati~ion £or Conditional Use F~er-n.it ioc cerkr~i.n rc3a1 proper~y si.tuatad in the '" City of Ar.alicim, County of Ura.nge, Slate ct• CHlifornia, describeil t+s• LOT 1 O1' TfiACT N0. 1'L996, TN '!'Hk. CITY OF ANAl1~IM, CQUNTY OF ORAtJGE, STATE OF CA:,iFOi?N1A, AS PER M1~r REC012L1ED !N Ei00K 624, PAGLS 19 Z'Fl[tOUGH 2~, 7NCLU5IVE, OF MISCELI.ANEOUS DlAPS, 7N TFTF OI'FII;E OF TH~ CUUNTY R~CORDT:R OF.' SAID COUNTY. WHEItE.~S, tho CiLy Planning Cpmmic;,,ion dicl huld a r~ubli.c hea:.i.ng at ~t:e Civic CeiicQr in the Ci t~ of Anaheim on Ju1y 16, 1990 at 1:30 p,m. , notice uf said public hearing naving beer, duly qiven ~s roquirt3d by law and in accordance with ~:he prcvisions ot' L•he Ar,aF.F~im Mun.icipa.l Code, C'hapter 1~1.03, to hear and cnnsider ovidence for and against said proposed condition~l u~s;~ Z~ermit and tc+ invsstigato and maka fin~ings and recommend~t.ions in connectiora therew.L::h; anci l:hat sai~l public tiF~~~ring was continued to the meeting ot July 3C, -990; and WH~EtF.AS, said C~~r.imi,^,siori, after due inspection, i.nvestigati.or~ ,~r.d st:uciy made by itselt and ir~ its b~half., ~nd :~r'ter due c~nsi.deratxon of all evidenc~ and reports offered at sa.ici hearing, does find and detarmine tne fUllowing £acts: 1. That the propo;;ed use i., properly one for whi.ch a conditional use pRrmit is autt~orized by Anatieirr: Municipal Code Section~ y,,, ].t;.44,050.:i35 a:icl 19.44.U50.300 ~o permit a 121,499 sc~.ft. 47-unit commQrcial reCail shoppinc~ center inclu~iing a 1,000 sq.ft. ervice stati.on with a tood marl• ~+ith fast• fo~d, a 45,Op0 sq.ft, market, an g,ppp sq.ft. semi-enc:losec: r.estaurant with on-sa1Q alcoholic baverage~, a 7,OOQ sq.Et, drug stor~ and a 4,52q sq,f~, fr~,estandiiig bank, nnd with waivers of the follow.ing: {A) ~E~TIQt7 .1_~~ $4. (~fi~_.017. - htinimum a~ru4~~~~ _ anc~_l~~~C~.'~d._.~~~s~~~C f rom._~a__g~_~~4 ~ i,ghw~y. SIQQ f~e_~ r~quired from Weir Canyon Road; ~~_.~~~~f~;e~ prpnosed) tB) SECTI N._1$.:Z3_.070_t_S?3.~L4)__(1.1. - ~.9m~er.~is?..l_._gn~r-Y~,i~Ir~~• ~1.___Sic~~ pQrm~tted adjacent to Serraao Avenue: 4__;tigr:z pro,on~d) (CI SE~TI0.~7S ~~.(1~,2aQ.G_2? 18 ~Q§~050, Q1'_l l ia,ob 9~o..g~?x ~,+~_. ~.~~.Q~. 0 2.~ ~ 1~,0¢.~BO irtc~ ._~$.•.~~..~_Vb~.• 45A •• Minim~.m. nt~m}~~r QE..Parki~ig_.;F!'~c.e.~. (7q5 requircd; _fi_~p propos~~(1) `~i~!`J•.~,. 4~ ~I vl 1,78r .1 _ PCyO-190 , _,.,~ (p> ~:~~'riQrr 7~~~a..~_QG2.Qi~~t - tia~u.ir~.wa~,~~.~s~..i.~s~.a.~..~.u_~a~ox~.~..s~~id• (SL_~.Q4~', ~li.qh~~~~~~y`~,~~ requi.red opposita rosideritial usos; r~n~ proposad) ( f' ) 5~.~~ TQiJ 1QL$!~ , 062_t ~~% - RQ9_[,~~n~4~n.~4S1 ~~U?:P!n~.~~ ~ (Roof~mounteci a~uipmant prohibir.Q~J rooE-muunte~l aquipm~nt proposod) Z. Z'hat the req~xQSl•~d waiver (A) is horeby grt~nted for t~ mini.mum 7'~ •foaL setb~cl; Lrom Weir Can,yon ltoacl, and waiv~ars (E!), (D) and ~E) ~ro hereby grany ~d oti the basis thnt ttiere are special circumstaiices applicabl~ to tho property such ~s ,ize, st11pE, t.~pography, locatian and surroundings which do riot apply Co other identically zoned property in L-h~~ same vicinity; and thaC strict applicali.on of the Zoning Cocl~ deprives ~Fia propsrty of privileg9g enjoyed by athor p:~pQrties in the idenkical zone and classiPication in the vicin.it.y. ~~ 3• t:haC the parkin T!~at rhe g w~~iver requestod kaiver (C) is h~reby grantad on tYia basis ill the immodiate vic5 nit w not cau:;e nor l an incraa~o in trafFic congestion in granting of the . y parking ac vorsely waiver d ~~FPect any adjoining ].and usas a~d be cl~trimental to r he un er the c~nuitir~ns iir~po~ed, .if any, will not citiz~ns of. t:he _ Cily of peace, health, Anaheim. snL•ety and general welfare of the 4. T.hat the proposed use ~vill not advei•sely affect the adjoininq land uses and the growr.h alld aevelnpmQnt u~ the area in which it is proposnd Co be located. 5. Thzt ~he sile anr,i sha~e r~f the sx~:., proposed f.or the use i3 aclequate to allow tha full development oT t}~e proposed use in ~ manner n~t detrimenkal to r_lie particular area nor to lhe pE,~r~, h~~?th, safaCy and general welEare oE ~ho Citizen, of thc~ CiCy of AnahQim. 6. That th~ grantiny of th~ Cond3.tional [1se Permit urider tho conditions impo:ed, if any, will not be detri.m~nL•11 to th~e peaco, healt}i, safery ~nd general we).fare of ~he Cit•izens of thc Czty af Anaheitn, 7. That the traf•fic gone~-ated by ~he prcposod u:so will not impose an uaclue burden upon the :ttrc+ers and highway;; de~iqnQd 'and improved to cart•y the traffic in Lkie area. a. zhat no one indicate:] r_hei.i presence a~ sa~.ci public hc~arinq in opptsition; una th~t n~ correspondec~ce was received in oppoaition to the subject pc~tition. ~I.~IFQRi•1~A ._ENVIR~~i~Et~AL__~U~~,~~~ ~~ ~.I~nINC: That tho Anahoim City plunninq Commiss.{on has reviewecl th~ pro~osal ta permit a 721,499 cquare fout 47-unit c~rcunercial retai.l st~opning cer.ter incluQ.ing a 1,U00 squaro foot :~ervir.Q statior. wiCh a fc~o~l mart with fasc tood, a 45,QC0 squara toot mzrket, an B,OOU squarc foor_ semi-enclused resL•aur~nt wir_h on-sa1Q ulcohollc ~.. PC90-i90 , ,. , ~ beveragc~s, a 7, t300 squarr~ Ioot eiruc~ ~lnr.~ and .~ 9, 57.4 s~uar~e foot tr.QOStt~ncling b~ank ~nd with ~vai.vaxs of minimurn sFructur~l r~nc~ land~cnped sotb~ck Erum ,cenic highway, commc~rc:ial entry 3~CJ218~ mini.mum numbc~r of parking spacos roquix~;d wa11 adjac~nt to C~uiyor~ Creek Roftd, a:xd roof-mounted oquipman~: on tan irregularly-3haped r~~rcel of lb:~.d cor~sistin oF a 11. ~~cres locatod at tho southwest c:urn~r of h'eir C~+nyon ~oad ~~nc1#S~.rrano Avenue, hav.ing appro};imato f'rontages af. 700 fc~oL• on L•ho 3outkiwost s3c1~ oE Woir Canyon Rnar~, and 324 f~~el- on cl•,e wes+- side of Sorrniio Avenua, havinc,r ~ maxi~nuin clopth of• appraximaCi~ly 585 LeFt and furthar ~escribed as Sycairor~ Canyon Pl.aza; ~nd c]oQS lie~reby appr~~ve L•he iTeyative ri.~clt;ratinn upon findinq that it tias considered t}ie Negative Dgclara~aon together ;oith any c;um~rietxt~ r~~ceive~l during the pablic re~iew 1~rocess and iurth~r firading an the Ltsi3 of ~11e initial study ayd any comment:s rer.ei_vod thtt rhere is na substantial evidence t•,haL the project wi:ll hav~ a signiE.icant ef.fact on thQ environmez~t. NOt4, 'PHEREFORE, L•G IT RLSOI..VED h;a~t the Anaheim C.iLy P].anning Commission cioos her~by gz•an~ subject Pe~:ition f~r Conditional UsQ P~rmit, upor. the fqllawing conditions which ar~ her.c~by fc;und to be a nec~rssary prerequisitP to the proposed ti:;o of the subjeck ~roporty in or.der to praserv!~ the safety and genc~ral welf.a~~e of ~he Ci.tizons of t}ie City of Anaheim: 1. +~ That prior L•a issuan~e of 4t builcling pExmit, the a~,propriate major thoroughfaro and briCiq,. Cee sYia11 be paid t:a tho City oF Anaheim in an arnount as specified in L-he Major Thorougti£are and t3ridga Fee Program for ttio Foothill/Eastern '1'raiispart:ation Corriclor, ~.~s establisiied by City Cowicil resr~tut:zon. i. +~ That prioz Co issua.nc~a of a building pr~z•mit, the appropri.ate traffic ~ ignal aasessment fee s;1a1? he paid to L•h~~ City of Ana2:eim in an amount as estat~li.shcd by City i:our~ci.l resoluCion, 3. +~ That ths appz•opri.a;.e Pe.a sha11 bQ pai;l to the City of Anaheim for Santa An~ Canyan Road widenin<T purposes, in aii amount as eat7,blish~d by City Councxl ResoluLion. 4. ThaC the legal r~wnQr oC subject property shall irrQVCCably offer to dedicate to the ~;,ity of Anahoim a twelve (12) foot wide lane fron~ the wesCerly dri.veway f.o ~~rrnn~ J,venue on Weir Canyori Road, as deicormined by the City Traffic L•'n~ineer, for a decQlera',:ion lane to subjACt property. The legal o~~tier/developer shall ba re~ponsiblt~ for constructirig said decQlQr~-tion lane. Street improvemont plzns ~hall bc~ s~.ibmitted to the S-ibdivision Section and improvemon~ r,ecurity shall be posta:d with thi3 City of Ar,ahoim prior. to issuance of t~ building ~ermit. Ttxe improvem~~nts sha~l Le constructed prior to final buil~3ing ancl zoninq .irisrPCtion for the Cirzt buil.9ing. 5. * That plans sha~ll be submi~;ted to tt~e City lraffic Enginaer Eor hiss roview anct npprnval showir.g r.on~ormance with the 1ate:;t revision o£ Enqineoring Stanciaxd P].an D'oa. 902, 436, GU2 and 605 ~+ertaining to parlcing ~tahdards. Subject p:op~tty shal:. Lhe-•QUpon be ~~~~QlopB~ aI,~~ maintained in contormance w.it:;z saic3 plans, ~~r PC90-190 6. That al1 drivQways shall bo conc~tructed rrith Pif.teen (15) ~oot radiu3 curb re~urns as roquir~:c? by the f,aty ~.r~gineer :in coz~formanc4 wiCh L;n,qineQrinc~ StanGlards. 7. 'rhat no aul:dor~r st;ox~~Q shall b~ permiL•fiod. C~. Th~t, as rr~cluirocl by kha Cihy '.Cr~iftic F:nginaer, r~o left turns shall ba p~rm.itt~d on Wc~ir C~~nyon Raad to subjec~ property. 9. * 7'hat subject property slia'll b~ served by undexgrourid utilities. 10. That L-he ltqal owner/clevoloper oF ~ubject oroperl~ shall prova.da and install undergrourid con~iuits, ;iibsl:ructures, und r~.lated facilitios to accommc~date the underground line Qxtension from the exisCing ~lectrical systems to thQ project sil-.e. 11. 'C}iat tho .l~gal owner/d~veloper of subjec~ propaxty sliall pay a fee in accordance witti i Lha City of An~~h~im Rules, RaL•e~ and Regulations for the n,tallation of und~rgraund ctibles, switches, pad mounted switches t;runsformers, capacitors, and z•elated Eacilities , h.o complete the underground line es~ension .iri the de veloper pro/xded conduit/~ubstrur.ture systems. 12. * That prior to r.a~~~Qncem~nt oE' s~ructurul Iraming, on-site fire hydrants shall be .insta:ll~d and chargad as requi.roc~ and approv~d by the I'irR Departrne:it. An all-weather road shall be provided to the hydrants at all tinos, as rec~uired by thE~ Cire Department. 13. * Tht~t f.ire sprix~klers sha11 be installed r~s rec,~uired by the Fire Depar~m~nt:. 14. * Tliat trash storage areas shall be pr~vided and rnazntained ix~ ~ locari~n acceptab]e to khe 5treet Maintenance and Sanitarion Division and in aecordanco with ap~ro~ed plans un file with said division. Such information sh~~ll be spc~ciLir.~~lly s7~uwn un the plans submiL•t~d for building perm.its. 15. That prior to i.ssuance of a building permit., plans submitred for bui.lding perrnits shall shaw tnat r.hQ trash storage area lpcated sa;xth oE pad "C" (as shoo,n un Exhi.bit Dto. :l) .is e.irheL• a•e,located or acc~ssed by a truck turn-aroun@ area, zs ap~roved by the Streot Maintenance and Sani.t:ation Division. 16. That tk~e Eri in~~eri appropri~~t~ water bonds Ai i shall be posted with the WaCer g ng v sion as deLer.mined to be necessary by said division. 17. That tY,e equipment wat~r backflow equigmenC sh ll b i and any othec large water ~ynr.em nivisi~n a e nst,alied tu the in oit-h«~+- ( ) s~tisfaction of I:he Wut~r Utility shtback ~ undorgrnun~ i vaults or (b) behind tha straet a alleys. rea n a rnannQr f.uJ.l~ scr e~ned fr~m a:il publie streets anc9 ~: r. '`~- FC90-•190 ! r ~., + P I.:.,~ ~ u'Y( i}~t1ij ," ~~ 18. 'rhaL• all roqf mcuzitrd aquipmonC sh~l.l comply ~•rit:h L•he Eollowin~ standards and ~flc.'11:. ~llC~l inC~rm~tion sha11 bQ shown on plaxis subn~~itr.ed for builclinc~ ~ermiL•s: a. Scroening oE o<;uipm~nt shall ba prov9.ded *~y acceptable ~ierrtiansz~t buil~ling materi.a:ls ~hE same ~s oL similar to thoso which are usad ir~ tihe cor.strucCion of the uncl~rlyinq building or.~ shaxl be screoned lrom view by accQptable architectural featuros of th~ bualclinc3 .itself. Said screening shall not exceod the height limit as established by Sect~xorl 18~t39.062.031 of. the AnaP~eim Municipal Code. r• Roof mount•ed orluipmenL• shall bo J.uc~tecl c~r enc;losoc~ in such a m~-nne: so as not to ~ae visible Cro~n any public stra:et, public or priv?ite property at Pini,hed grade level, or fxom r~ny fJ.oor level o£ any residential struckur~. c. ]:n or<1er to miiiimize khe visibility oE SCiCP~C.LIICJ mEthodr and~~r mater.ials, a..il aquipment sha11 be paziiL•ed ta m~tich t;l~o roof on which it is l~cated, ~s we].1 as painCed to ma~ch :ar.y rna,tari.als usecl for equipment screaning. d. The metho:l and/or scrc:ening matari.al which is ~i~seci sha11 not be readill recognizable ~s a screening device, but s1~a11 be dQSig•necl as an integr~l desi.gn component of the buildinq des~r~n, e, All equi~ment screening s}ia11 be rEtained anr'L naint~a.izied in qoocl condition. 19• That, the twei~ty thousand (20,000) sq.ft, of food usQS (re~taur~nt) sha11 be limited as fo]luws: Faut f'ood wii;h seating: Sit-down wai~resy/waiter strvice: 10,000 sq.ft. maxzmum I'ast faod w.i.thout seatin II•000 sq, Pt, max.imum 9~ 2,Q00 sq.£t. maximum Fcoa usQS l~ess intense *han "fast f~o~ with saating" and/or sit-down waitress/waitQr sPrvice may be approved when reviowr~r~ by thQ Planr.in,a, Dc~parY.men~ (i.e. add~ng "fast food r~i.~h°ut seatir,g" square footago by subrracti.ng z like amount of squarN J:ootagc~ From tho "iast foc3 wi ,~} sear.ing~~ allowancE) prov3.ded the applicant ~upp.lies the Planning Dopartment wich a complete list of tenan~s, square footage3 rand availzble parking. 20• * rha~, as r.equired by khe Uniform Fire Code, t:ze f~llowirig min..imum standards shall appll to the servi.c~ station with coxiveniex~ce markeC; a. Fuel di~pQnair.c~ devices s}iall ba~ located a n~inimum distance of ten (:10 j feeC from anp property lino and so located that al]. parks of a vehicl.e be.iny serviced are3 ~n privute prol~erty. -'' PC90-190 ~ 1 b. Fual diyponsing devices s}~.a11 bo 1o~~ate~d noi: less than tan (10) feet Er.•om any bua.lding whi.ch is not firP resistive construction. Such df~avices shall. also be locatefi s~ that hho nozz.l~, when the hose is f.ully ~x.~~na~a, shall noh, roach closer than L'ivo (5) feot to ~ny 1:~uiZdizig aponing. c. '~uel dispensing devices sha11 bo prot:octe6 aqainst physical d~mage trom vehiclQS by mouriting on a concr~te is13r-d a miriimum of six (6) inchas i.n heiqht. A1t~~rnate mett:ods ~t vroviding eguivalont prot~r..tio~.i may be permitted when a~provc:d by rhe Fire Department. d„ Dispensixlg of gas~' ine inr.~~ fuel Lanks or containers sha:11 at axl tirnos k~e under th~ supervision oF a qualifi.ed atte~xdant. ~::. 'rhU aCtrndant's primary fun~tio~i shall be te supcrvise, observe and controi the dispensing ot gasoline. r. Aispansing ot gasoline ~ha11 not be into portable cuntai.ners unloss sucl~ conL-ainers are o~ approved rnaterial and construcl:ion, hz,ving a tiah.L• closure with screwed ~: sprinq cover, and sa designed t,hat the c.o~.iL-ents can be di~pensed with~ut spilling. c~. Tc shall be tli~: ~ttendant~'s responsibility to contral sources of i.qnitian anci immediately ltandle accidontal ;;pil.1~ anc3 fire extinguisher.s if necessary. h. Emargency controls shall be insta?1ed a.t a locatxor. acc~pl:able to t.he Fire f~epartmQnt, buL- car~trols shall not be more tlian ono-hundred (100) fett irorn dispensers, i.. Instructions fuc the opQrat.ion of dispenserg shall b~ conspicuously pos~ea, j. Hemote preset-t;y~?o aevice~ shall ~~ xn t.lie "o£f" positir~n w:iile not i.n us~ so the fuel dispr,nsrr cannot be activa~ed without the kncwledge ~~E' the attenc9ant. k. E'uel dispen,,ing deviccs shall be in clear view o£ l•.he ~ttondant at all time~ a.nd no ~bs~acles sliall be placed bQtween ~he dispansing devices and L•he attencianl•. iTs~e c+f camPras may be ut.ilized as appro~e~3 by the I'irQ bepartment. 1. 1'he attendant shall at all times be able L•o com!:~unicate with per.sans ~_n the fuel dispen5iny area via a tw~-way speakQr systom. 21. Thu~ trere shall be no saJ.e ot bec~r, wine or other alcoh.,lic beverages o~ any kind on the pr.e~iises Qf ~li~ ~Qrvic~,_~~ay~i~n . wz~h conve~-iena~ m~rkc~, unless a condiGional usc permit is appxov~d specifically authorizing sixch ~tse. -6- PC90-190 .~....._._ ':i 22. Th~t during' businc~ss hours of. subject servico statior- with convenienca market, separare men's and women'a restroorns shall be available to tho public> The r~strooms shall be proi7erly supplied ancl maint~ined. Said £acilitio5 shall be ,pecifically shown on ~he plans submitted ~or building permits. 23, * That, in contormance wi.1:h Anaheim Municipal Codo 5ecL-ion 1F3,44.050.070 pertaining to removal nt• closed servi.ce s~aL•ions, an vnsuba.rclinated agr.eement shall bo recorded wik:li the oflice o£ thA ArangQ Coanty Recorder agreeing to rt:rnove the service static~n strucl:ures in the evont L•hat th~ station is closed L-or a per.iod of twelve (12) cunsecutive months. A servir.e station slial]. be con.^•idered closed during any month in which iti is open for 1e;~s rhan fifteen (].5) days. A copy of ttze recorcJod agreement shall be ~ubmiCY.ed to the 2~ninc~ Div~ision. 24. That the ~ lcohol sale~ authorized i~y this onsun ti. on S of .` rel a ec1 1zfood conjunction wi~h Lhe sal~, sez'ving and P' P~ ii:Qms (restaurant). 25, That in the ovent a parceZ map tu subdiva.de subject propAx'ty is recorded, an unsubordzna'.:.ecl reciprocal aaces~ ar,d parking ag.reement in a Form satisfacL•ory to ~he CiCy Attorney shall be rc~corclad with tlie Of.£ica of r,he: Orange County Recorder. A copy ot th~ recordEd agreement s2:a17. then be submitLed ta the 'Lor.ing Division. In addition, provisions shall ]~o made izi the aqreement to guaraii~:ee t:hat the entire complox sha11 be managed and maintained as one intcgral parcel for purpose5 af parking, vehic::'lar circul~ztion, signage, land us3gQ and archiractura'1 con~rol. Z6, ~hat all plumbing or o~hc~r similar L~ipes a:id Eixturss lac.ated on the exterior of. ~he buil~ing shall b~ fully :~cx'eened by ~-rr.k~itec~ural device3 an~i/or appropriate b~silding r~~aterials; and, furthar, such int~rmation shaJ.:l be specific~ally shown on the plans submztted for. buiZdir~g permits. z7 ,*'That ~~ six ( 6) foot high ma~•onry bl~~ck wall shall be ma.inNainQd a:long the north anci west• prope~ty' line; providQd, howevar, that. the City Traffic Engineer shall iiavQ the autho:iLy to reduct the height o~ the wall to nrotec:t- v~sual lines-oC-siqht where podestrian and/or vehicular circulation inter.soct. Said block wa11 shall be planted and maintained wf.th clingiiig vines to eli.minate graLEiti opportunitieso ~g, * ThaL• unless a~:ariance is applioc~ foi' and gc'~nted, lighting of signago f~r subjeek prop~:rty sha11 be p'rohibiLc~~l be~ween the hours of midnight ancl fi:30 a.m. as speciCied by Zoning Code ~ecti~n 1a.05.091.052. ~g. ThaL- minimum fiiteen (15} gall.on trees, plant~d on maa:imu~n twenty (20) foot centers and having appro~riate irr.igation taciliLies, shal.l be ir~stalled and maintained alonq tihe nox•t2i and we~t propert~~ line • _.~_ PC90-190 ,E'~ ^ IY ';.`, ' ,' ' ,. i , ~ t ~,.' 3U. * That thQ on-si~e landscapiny and irrigation system s.hall be mainCainec~ in compliance wi~h Ci~y st;andards, 31• * Thar. the p,:~rking area acljacent t~ W.eir Canyon koad, Sorrano Avenue and Canyon Cree7c Roacl sha11 be screened from view in conformance with Zaning Cocle SecL-io7 1t3,44.U64,Q10. " 3~. * That as requiie3 by Code Section 18,O~.p62,p7p (pP~~aining to commercial aFVel~~~ment in tho Scenic Cor.ridor), in addition to the required ~etba~k and ;,lope landscaping, a11 parking ar.oa t~nd veYiicular accessways sha11 be permanAi~l;ly lanctsr,apea w3.th at least- one (1) tree per three Lhousand (3,000) sq.ft, r,F parking area and/or vehicular accesswa distributed througho~xt the park.ing are~a, There sha11 be an average ~of furty ~ight (48} Sq,~~, of planter area provided per tree. ~a~li plantar area st~.azl have a mxni~num dimonsian of six (6) feet. Plans subr~~'tted for biizldirig pezmits shall stxow compliance with these regufremeiits. ; 33 • That~ subject pz•operty shall be 1~velop~d subc'- w.it•h ~lans and spe~~ificaCions 5ubmitted to the ~Citya of A akl im byatihe pc:titioner an.d whi.c2i plan~ are on f.i1e with the P2anning AQpartment marked Exhibit Nos, 1 through 3~ providerl, however, (a) thaL a minimuin sevEnty tvro {7l) foot structural sQtback shall be mainta:ined along We.ir Canyori Road and (b) tYiat the loading dock are~ shall be anclosed by a block wa11, of a.i appropria~e height to sczQeri i~ irom thp adjarQnt r~sidential condom3.niums. 3~• ThaL priox• to issuancQ o£ a building permit or within a poriod of one (1) lear f.rom the date uL• lhis resolution, whichever occurs first, ronditian Nos. '1 through 5, 11, 19, J.5, 16, 18, ~2, 23, 26 anc3 32, above-ment.i.onea, ,ha11 be :ompli~d with. Extensa.pn5 for further time to compa.ete said conditio.ns may be grantc~d in accorda.nce with Secti~n 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Mun9.cipal Code. 3'• That prior to fin~1 ~~uzlding and zon.ing inspections, CondS.tion Nc~s. 4, ~~ 9. 10, 13, 17, 37, 2g, 3Z and 33, above•-mentioned, shall be rompl3ed wi.th. ~6. * That a~,proval of thi. , ~pp.licaL-ion corlstitutes approval ot the proposed request only to the exhent that it complies with the Anaheim Muriicipal 'Loning Code an~l any ot:her applicable Ciry, regulatzon~. Approval does not include e~iy action tore ~inci ngsF aseTto ; com}~liance or approval af the r~quest. reg~~rd.ing ;~ny ath~r applicabJ.e orainance, regulntion or reqairoment. Conditions markod wiCh an asL•arisk (*) ,Zr~: required by Escablishea laws, cpQes, roqulations an~ agrE~roents an.cl are, L•herefqre, not subjc~ct to negotiaCion. -8- .PC90-190 r t ~,4 ~Y ;',~1 ~, . ~'r ..: ,:l~ '.n F . .. • . . . ~ , . i,. 1, ' ~ .. i V 1 ;.n~. . t.;!'1 , . . . , ~ . ., . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . ~' j, V+~ ~ BE ~x FUFtTHF:t~ RLSOLVED ~~lat the Anahe.im Ci ~.y Plannirig Commission doas kie ;y Fin~ and determinQ th~t ac3optio;z of L-his RQSOlution is expressly p~ .icat,~d upon :~pp~ i~nnt'~ ~oinpliance with r~ach and a].1 of the conditioris ~ einabove seL• 1'ori;h. St~ould any sucn condirions, or. any part thoreof, be .~la~ed i.nvalir'.1 ox ~11enL•orceable bj~ the £inal judgmeni: rf any court oE ~ornp~~E+n~ jurisdic~i~z~. then this Resolution, and any appr~vals herein conta:ine@, ,ha].1 be aeemed nu11 and void. THF; FORE~O:ING RESOLUTIGN w~s acloPtea at the Planning CommiSSion maeting of July 30, 1990. , ~, , .i`,,.' ~ ~ / `/l,* /,., 7 / /l..i_/ !: ]~'~'"'`- ~"~'^ ,; (_',~1. < ~' ~-.'~(-.` ~~~-v'' ~L.t'_`t... ~_.r -f--- ~S: CHAIRYrOMADT, ANAHEIM CTT~.' PLANNT.NG COMMISSION A'TTE;ST ; --~---~1~'~~ ~:~~..~~~=__- ---•-_. , SEf:RLTARY pR0 TEM~OnE ~.. ~NAHETM CITY ~'~~NING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUIQTX 0~ ORANGE ~ 5 5. CTTY OF r.~(AHETM ) I. Janek I~. Jensen, S~3creLary Pr.~ 'Pempore ~f the Anahei-n City Plannirig Commissi~n, ~o hereby c~:rtify trat tne f~regoing resolution was passed and ~dep~eci at a mQeting ~f ~he Anaheim City F~~anning Commission he1c1 on July 30, 1190.. by ~he following vot;e ot ~,na membe:s the~eof: AYES: ~pHfMISSTUNERS: BOYDSTUN, BUUAS, FELDHAUS, HELLYBF., MFSSE, pERA7A NOFS : {;~MMTS52GPiERS : NUNF, ~~~~~~Y: ONE SEAT I~' WIT~1F,Sg q,rgEREOF, T have hereunto sQt m~ hand this 1~~ ~a~, nF _,~~~'i~'L.,~,n,.:?~ . 7.99U. ~` ~~ ~~~ .~.~___G=~._ ..~-~sr..~,o._.=• ~ 5F .RETAItY F'RG TE~bIP ~ ~ ,~~(AHESM CITX P~,At}~ ING COhQ4ISSI0N -9- PC90-190 _ ~~~,~~~~