Resolution-PC 90-193~w,yi;~,, e RF,~QLUTION N0. F!~9Q -193 A RFSOT~ZJTTON OP' THE ANAHEIM CT'IX PLANNTN'C COMMISSION T?iAT P~TITIOtT F'OR CONDTTIONA~, LTS~ T_'~,R~SIT N0. 329:' BE G12ANTED ,,_.,.~,. WF~~REAS, tho Anaheim City B:lann.ing Commission di$ rnceive a v~rifiad PEtition for Conditional Use Fermit Lar certain roal property situated in the Czty of Ariahaim, Cour,ty of• Orange, StaLe of ~alitornia~ ciescribed as: PARCEL 1: I,OT 5 Or T12ACT 30J1, IN THE CITY OF I~NAFIL~2d, AS PER MAP RLCOi2D~P IN fi00K 92, PAGES ~I~J AND 49, OF' MISCELLANEUi1S MAPS, T11 THE UFI'ICE OF THL COUNTY' FECORDER OF SAID rOUNTY. PARCEi, 2: TI•IE EASTEFLl' 150.00 FEET OF LOT 7, hSL~'ASURED ALOIQC THE S~JUTH LINE OF SAIll I~OTr OE' TRACT N0. 3091., IN TH~ CITY UI' ANAHFIM, COUNTX Or ORANGE, STAT~ OI' CALII'()RNZA, AS PER MAF RECORDED TN BOOK 92, PAGE 48 OF MISCEI'.,I~ANEOUS MAPS, TN THE OFFICE QF TFi~ CQUN'PY RECORU~R OF SAIn COUrTT3', T~IE WESTERI,'Y LINr THEREOF F3EING PARALLEL WITH T~IAT PQRTION UF Tf~E EASTERLX L~INE QF uAID T.OT SHOWN AS "NORTH OU° 37' fJd" ~ EAST 150.00" ON SATD MAP. ~Y.CEPT TFiE SOUT.H 150.00 ~'~E2 'I'HEREaE' MT~ASTJRED ALO~TG THE EAST LINE OI' SRTD LOT. WH~REAS, the ~ity nlanning Commission did hol~~ a public hearing at tne Civic Center in t:he Cii:y af AnaY:eim on July 30, 1990 aL• 1:30 p.m., notice o~ said public hearing having been duly gi.ven as requirecl by law and xn acco:dance ~~~ith th~ provisions of the Ariaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evid~nce for and against said proposad caz~dil:ional uue permit and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection tY~erswiLh; and WHEREAS, said Commission, af:ter due inspection, investigation and study macie by itself ~nd in iL-s behalt, ~nd atter dus consideration ~f all evidonce and reports oPfered at saicl hearing, cioes find and determine the following facts: r, 1. That the pxopo:,ed use is properly nne for whzch a c~nditaonal '~ u~e permit is aiathorized b,y Anah.ei~n Mus~:icipa]. Code Sections and 18.94.020 ~nd CaliEornia Government Coc?P Section 65915 to pErmit an 85-unit "aLf:ordable" ser.ior citizen's apartmenr. complex w.i~~.t~ waivar of the following: (A) ~'E,r,TIUN~18. ~4 • p~i1. 01~ - J!Sinim~n~ ; i e ar~a ~,ar 3wolli.ng uni~. ~n .1~i8~g4 ~0~1~020 ( i120_ sc~, ft. required; 801 sq. ft. proposQd) ( S) S.E~T~DI Y$_~LO C 3. O 11 18 ,_~_4~s.4'_?. ~nd '1$.94.033.010 ~`: 158:Lr - Struc',~urr~l_~etb~ck nnd var r c~iremonts. (minimum 15 Peet from Bruce Stre ~n~'i Roann~Ayenu~~._~n 1~?~.fge~ frorr Gilber* S~rQ~f required; Q ta 15 fee.~. praposeii) -1- PC90-193 ' ~, ! ... .. ttrf Ln,' 2. ~hat the xequest~c~ waivors (A) ~nd {B) are hereby granted on the basis that thero arc~ special cir•^umsLances ap~licab],e to the propertj SuCh as size, sY-ape, L~r~o~:°ap}iy, .location ancl su.rz~~undi:~gs which ;'o nat applx tia athor .idei~.tically aoned praperi:y in the same vir,inity; and tha~ strict applicatiun oE ~he Zanir.~~ Codo clcpraves the px•operty of privileges enjoyed by othex• propez~ties in the ide~ntical zone anci cl~ssification in the vicinity. 3. ThaL the proposed uss wS.ll not ~c3.voxsely affect th~ acljoining land u~~s nnd ~~.e c~row42~ ar~d development pi ~.he area in which it is proposed tu i.~o located. 4. '1'hat the ui7~e ~.~nd sY~ape of the site proposc~d for t:~e use ~s ac3oquate ta a11ow the fu11 devo].opmeiit oi the ~ropo~ed use in a manner not dc~~`.rimenta]. to i-.he p3rLicular ~re:a nor to the peace, heal.th, safeL•y and gen~~ral welLare of L-he CaLizens af the City c~.L- Anaheirn, 5. That th~ grant.ing ot the Co.iditioxial Use L'ermit und~r the condit,ions :im~osed, iP aiiy, wiJ.l no} be ilet:rim~ntal to thQ peace, health, safety and c~eneral w~~liare oi- t:n~ Cir.izeas of' Y.he City ui Anaheim. 6. "~kaat t'he; ~ra.ffic gezier~~L•ed by tho proposQd us~ will not impose ai~ undue Uurden upon L•he streets and hiqhways desi«ned and improved to carry ~he 1:raEfic in th~ area. 7. That 7 s~eopl~ indicated ".heir prese~nce in opposit,ian and 2 persons :indicated their presen~e in favor at said pub~ic hearing; and that no correspondence wa$ rsr_eived in oppositiori t~~ tiie subject petition. ~ALIF'ORN7A F;VVI1'~Nt~!sNTAL~,IUALI7'Y .~~T FINDI~IG: '.~.hat the Anah.eim City E~lanning Commissian ha~, reviewed the ;~ropo:,al to p~rmit an 85-unit "affordahle" senior r.itizen's ~,partment complex with tua.ivers nf. rninimum site area per dwEllinry unit, ar.d structural setback ancl yaxd requiremsnts on an irregular:l.y-shapGd parce:l of land con5istinq ~f a~proxiroate~y 1.5G aares, havinq Erositages of a.npr.o:;imately 153 Feet ~~n ~he ~ves~ side of Gilbert Street ~~nd 35 feet on the r~ort.h .~ide c~£ Ball Road, havin~ a maxzmum depth of appz'oximateZy ~65 EP.E:I: and further ae•,cribed as 935 Sauth Gilbert Streetr and does hereby approve the Negative D~alarat.ion upon Einding that i't has considered the Negative Declar~Ciun together with any comments rr~ceive$ d~zring the public ravisw procass and further finding on the basi.~ of the iiiitial study and any r.omments received ~hat L-}iere is no subr~tantial aviclence tk-at the project wi'll t;ave a significant etfect on the environcrient. NOW, 1HLREI'OR~, BE T1 ItESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Cammission doos hereby grai~t subjec:t Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon h.he followinc~ conditions which are liereby found to be a necessary px~erequisite to the pxoposed use of the subject. properky in order ta pre~erve t:.Y~e safety and general welfare of tY-e Citizens of the City of 1~naheim: 1, ~ Ti13~ a Lut Line Adjustment Plat Lo combine the ~hree (3) existing l~ts sha'l1 be submit~ed to the Subdivisi~n Ser.tion and approved by the City En~ineer and then ~ecorcled in the UEfice of the Or.ange County Recorder. _z_ PC90-193 ~ ;,:~~,, ., 2. * That curbs ~ncl gutters sl~iall be romoved ancl/or raconstrur.ted along Gilbert 5treet a~ rcquixed by Che City ~ngin~or and in accordance witn stand'ard plans arxd specificaLions ~n fil~a in the Of.Ei.ca of the C~.ty ~ngineer. ~;,. , 3. * That prior to issuance of: a building permat, the appra,~~riate traf•fic signal Ftssessment foe sha11 bo paid to ~he CiLy of Ar~aheim in an amo~ant as establiahed Y~y City Council rosolution. 9~. * That ,ecur.ity gates shall ba insl:alled acrc,as thQ entz~~nces to both psrki.nq areas, but that said gates sha11 xiot be insta11e:1 in ~ manner whic2i may r~c~vorsely affeet veliicular traffic in the adjacent public streryts. Instal).ation of the gate~ sha11 conform to Enqins~aring SY.andard Plan No. ~1Q2 and alaa7.~ be subj~ct ta the reviPw and approval of the City Traf.fic Engineer prior to issuance of a building permit. 5. Tha~ plans sha11 bt submirtecl ~o and approved by the City TrafEic Engineer indicatir.g how the venicular security ga~e~ and i:urn-around area will function. 6. * That p].~ns sha11 be submiL-ted to the City T•raffic: Engineer tor his review and apProval shcvring conforman,:e with th~ laCest revision of Engir.eering Stanciard Plan NoS. 4~6 and 601 ~ert~a.ning to parking standards. Subject property shall thereupori b~ develope~ and maintained ia cont'ormance ~ritn said plans. 7, Tha~ all dr%veways shall be construc~ed '91LY1 ten (10) f~ot radiixs curb returns as required by thc City Engineer i;~ coi~L•ormance with ~ngineering Standards. ~. +~ T.kxa~ s1:r~et light.ing facilities along Gi].bnrt StreeY., IIa11 Road and Brixre Street s1~a11 be .installed as required by the Utiliti~s Genera]. Manager in accordance with s~~ecifications on file in tl:e OEfice of the UtiliCies General Maziager; or th~C secizrity i~~. the Eorm of a bond, ceri:ifira~~ of deposit, letter oF credit, or cash, in an ampunt and farm satisfactory to the City of Anah~im, sha11 be posted with thc~ City tio guazant~e fhe satisf actory compl.etion of the ab~ve-mentioned improv~;meriCs. 5aid securit~Y shall be postr:d wit11 tlie Cil:y af Anahe~m prior to issuanc~ o.[ a bu3.lding pormit. Th~ above-required improveme:its shall be instal:led prior to oc~~.zpdY~cy. 9. * TY~aL suk~ject pror~erty shall ba served by un.derground utilities. 7.Q. That un'less system upgrades are constr.uched as requi.red 'by the Water Cngineering Division, water service r~ Bu.ildinq No. I shall be from Ba11 Road ur Roanne S~.reet, ~•~ater serv.ic;e to Building Nn. II shall Y,e from Roanne Srreet, and water ;t~rvice Y.o Buildinc~ Nc,. II:[ shall be from Gilbert :;treet. -3- PC90-193 ~~~ i ; i'• :'' ~1 ~ ~ :,;~~ ::~ ,,,,~;. 11. * Th:at prinr ta commerce~r~ont of structi-rnl iraming, firo hydrt,nta shall be in3tallecl and chargeci as roqttired ani~ approvecl by +:k~e Fire Dapartment. 12, * That any lockablo pr3dostri~n anc~/ur vohic:u.,l~r ~+cce~s c~atos 91'1817. b9 c~quippc~c3 Nith "knos. bo:c" deviees as r~~quirc~d Hnd approvod by the Firet UepartmF~nt. ia. * Thah firea sprinklr~rs s'riall b~ installocl ~is rPquired by the Firo D~par~munt. 14. * That a l~~c~~] f:ir~ a1?z•m ~:y:~r..~m shall bc~ installua as ro~uired by the Fire UepartmenL•. Manual a~warsn pu.lls may ba omiY,L•ed. 15. * That i,rash storage ~re~+s shall ba pxovi.ded and maintained in a location accAptablo t:o ttic~ Street Maintenance and S~nitatian Aivisioxt and in ac•.ordance ~azth approvec2 plans on fila witlx said division. Such information shall be ~peciEicallp shown on ~ho pla~is submitted for building permi~s. 16. *'Chat a fQQ for s~r~et LreP puc•pose,3 shall be paid to tho City uf AnDhoim based on L-he 2ungth of strcot frontagc~s n3ang Gi].bert S~rest, Ball Road, Reanna Strer~t ar.d Brucn Streer in an amount as Qst~blishad by City Co~xncil Le~o:tution. 1'l. +- That prior to issuancQ oI a building per-nit, appropriate par?c and recra, tior. in-li.eu fees sh~~,l be paicl to thQ City of Anaheim in an amuunL- as establistie~l Uy City Council resalution. iEl. That the war_er backflow equipment and any other large waher system equipment shnll bc~ installed t•.o cha satistac~ion of L•hs Wat~r Utility Division ii: aithQr (a) underground vaults or (b) behir.d the street sc+tback ~s rea i.n a mancier full~~ screened ~rom all publ!c s~reet~ and alleys. 19. * Th~~t all p?wnbing or other :im.ilar pipos and fixtures loca~eQ on tho exr_erior of thc build.ing ::ha11 be r~~lly screened by nrchitecl•ural d~~iices and/or appropL~iat:r }~uilding m~tt~rials; and, f.urther, such in£orm~tion sh«11 be specific~lly shown on the plans submitked far builc]i.ny perrnits. 2U. * That prior tr~ is5ut,-ic~ of: a buildi.ny permit, s~tisLacCOry evidence shall be prE~senr.~r.i ~n L•t~e fiuilcliiig Divisi~_i shawing t}taC tho proposotl projer.t is in conformance with Counci.l Policy Nu:nber 542 "Sound AttQnu~tion ia ~ P.esid~r.c.ial Projects" and with t7oine Insulation Standards ~pec3fied in the California l~dn.inistralive Code, Ti.L•le 'l5. ~ -,1- PC90-•193 ~~~ wMw~ J ~~~ ~ 21. * Thtac, a 53.x ( fi )-faot high combinaL• ion -nasonry block fln(1 clocorat.ive wrouyht irun wa'll sYia11 I,e con~tructed ~ncl maintaino~t alonq at.~ interior pspparY.y l.ines propc~rty lines; provad~d, h~w~vc~r, that t~ho City 1'raffic ~ngin~er sha11 have~ Cho atinc~rity tu roJuc~ :.he haighti of the wall to g~oh~,c~ visu~]. 1.:n~s-af-sir:it wlic~ro pedestrtan/vohicular circulatl.on inrQrsacts. ThQ }71ock wzl]. pc~rt:iun s,h~11 be nlanLc~d ~nd maintained with c].ingixig vines ta alimi.r-at~ grat:f.iti oppaztun.ities. The c]esign for said wa11 sh4~11 bo S~OCIC.LC111y .~hotvn on L•lia nlana submittod for bu3ldiny ~ermits. 22. * Tha~ tha on•-site lanr.l;;c:aping and irriyation systom sha11 A~ maintained in compliancQ with Ci~;~ stanciards. 23, * I'ha~ prior to issuanc~ of a building parmit, thQ l::gal property owz~er shall o~iter iriL•o an unsubardinated recorcled agroemonC wit.h the City of Anaheim pursu~~nt to Caliti~rnia Goverr.ment Codo Section 65915 lo provide that twen~y five (7.5`~) af tl~er C~de--p~rinir~~,g_~ number of rcasidonLi.al uni~s sha7.1 be reutod ~js very low incomr_ housing as dafined in Ca1if`ornia GovQrnmcnl Co1c S~clion 659:15 anci wiY.h appr.opriate renhal c:ontrols as approv6d by Lhe Ci.ty of Aua}ioim Eor a pQriod of nut. l~ass than thi.rty (30) years from Lhe date of: iss~xance c~ occupanc,y parmtt~. In addition, l:he legal owner shall also inr.lude in the agr~ement a prov~ision tliat r.wen~y-f.iv~s percE~nt: (2~`b} af the tat~l z:umber af ~rsp03P!~ senior citizens' apartmenh units shall be rented as lower incame hausinq (as desc:ribad in Anahoirn Municipal Code 'QCtio:- 1E3.94.G40) ~.ith ap,~ropriate rPnral controls a~ ap}~roved by the City of Ana:~eim for a period of naC los~ tlzan thirty (30) year3 from t2~e date ~f i.ssu~:~ce v~ occupancy permits. A aopy of L•he recordod covenant shall then bo stibmitte~? to the 'l.oninq D?vision. ;This r.ondit;ion may bP modified uy the Kou~ing Divisi.on of r.lio C~mmuni~y Uevelopment Departnent.) 24. * That not tnorQ L-han two (2) possons, aL least one (1) of whort~ must be a senior citizen aq~d !a) sixty-t:wo (62) or old~r (b) Fifty-L•ive (55) or c,«ier shall resi.de in, or be permirted to reside in any bachelor nr oae (1) b~droom uuit.; and thae no~ r~orc than thre~ (3) persons at least onc~ (1) of. whom musL- be a,er-ior c.itizen, sha11 reside in, or bo permitCed Lo roside in any two ('l) be~]room u~iit; ancl that a11 occupants and resid~nts of. any dwelling unit who are not scrnior cit.izeYls oL-her than the 3pousQ or coh~bic~nt of, or a pc~rsoTt who ro~idos w~th and pxovi~es pri.mary physical or ec~nomic st-pport to the resi.dent senior citizen, sha11 be at leasC forty-f.ivo (4:~) y~~e•rs of age excapt that temporary rc~s~idency by a person loss than forty-five (45) ya~rs of aqo f.~r a cumulat.ive poriod of sixr.y (00) days in atty c:alendar year shall be permittsd; ancl tha~ an un,ubordinated r.ovonaiit in a form approved by the City Attorney so-limitir.q stich occuparicy ~hal1 be recordod with tho offic~s of the Orange C~unty Recorder by th~ ~eyal owner ~f the pro~erty. A cr,py of sa.id recorclnd covQnanr shall then bo ~ubmittad to the ZUning Divis.ion. _5_ PC90-1S~3 25. * 7.'haL• t~lovator3 shall ba con~tructad a:id mz-3ntcained for tho 3-~tor~~ bui ldings (t3uildinc7s I anC: II ) so that ear.h dwol7.ing unit ontr~nco is within on~ huY~drecX fif:ty (1~0) oE ~n ~lezvator. Tsach olevator sha11 comply wi~h ~he St;ata of.' Californi~ t'ire Lii•o Safaty Rogula~inns. 26. That the own9r oE ;;tibjact prop~3rty sh~11 submzt a 1Qttnr reque~ting terminakion of Vnrianca No. ~0~37 and Concl.it.ional Uso ~'ermiL• No. 1770 to thQ 7.oning Division. 27. That subjecl- property sha'l1 be clev~lo~~fi substanL•ial.ly i.n accurdance wi.t_h plans and specitications submi~ted tu the Cih.y of Ar~alxeim by the pc~tikion~r and which plans are an iilc~ with t;he Pl~nn.ing Department m7rk~;d ~~xhibit Nos. 1 thr~ougli '7. 2f1. That pr.ior r.o issuance of a b-ii'lding permil or withixi a pQriod of one (~) yesr from tlie dat:e of L-hi~ r~ssplution, whichQVer. occtirs f:irst, Condi.tio~i Nos, 1, 3, 4, 5, o, 8, 15, 1G, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24 znc] 26, above-men~ioned, shall LQ complied with. ExL•ansions for further time to comple~e said conditions may bQ granted ir_ accordarice with Section 18.03.090 of the Anahc~im M vnicipal Code. 29. That prior to final building ~nd roning iiispections, Condition Nos. 2~ 7, II, 9, 10, 12, 1~, lh, lfl, 21, 25 anci 27, :bovs-roenh: ~ned, sttall be complied wi.tkt. 3Q. * I'hat approval of this app.lir.al-ion cons~itutes approval of. the proposed r~quest only ~o hlie exl•ent that iL• coi~plies with t:he Anaheim Municipal Zonitiq ~ode and any othc~r applicaLile City. Stata ancl FedQral regulati~ns, Approval does not include any action or findings as to complianco or approv~l of the requQSt regarci.ing any othQr applicnble oi•J.inance, regulation or roqiiir.ement. Conc]il•ions rnarked with an astorisk (k) ara requirad by established la.r~, codes, r.egulations and ~gr.c~ements and are, tt~~reLore, not suhject to negotiation. BL i"!' r'URTHER RESOLVED thaL• tho Atiaheim City P:anning Commission does hQreb~ tinri and datermin~ that adopti~n of this Rosolution is er.prc~ssly predi.~:ated upon appli.:ant:'s cornplianca w.i;,h oach and s~ll of' tho condiL-iona hereinabove set for~h. Should any such conditions, or any purC thereoE, be declaroci invali~] or unr~nEorcQablc• by thc~ firsal judqmont of ariy cour~ of compcrent jurisdict.ion, ~hr.n this B~solution, aiicl any appr~ovals horein containQd, sha11 be ~leemed null and vpitl. -~'" PC90~-193 rr. .._ ......, . ~.. :. .. , .. , . . . . .:t:~, ~+' ~ r, ;f ~ r r~ , i; , ~~~~.; ., 411 ~~ '~; s, ~ . ? !M4MNA ~i~' ~"~' r~y~~~~'~tlA ~ ~4 :`~ ~~ ~ ~~k~~ yr ~Y~ i ~ 7~f~E I'OR~~pIN~; g~;SOLUT.TUN was adopt;~~q a~ t}~~ p~.anniri of Jtt1y 30. 1990. g Commissi~n ni~eting -.~~'_I~t~ ~ ~~~,,~_~_ "' ' ~~ CtiAIRWb ~~..~-,J~;tti,~.,~+` ~.,~~t+_,_~.._._ MAN. ANAHE;TM CI1 PLANNTNG COMMISSTON ATTEST: .. ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ ; -l ~-- ~`~'~" ~_^'--..~'-1f1~ae.•.~~..-~----- •~ SEl=KCTARY PRO TGMPOR~S' - t- A'~JA~I;rM CTTY PL'ANNTNG CUMMISSIGN `~ STATG pg (;AL:[FORNTA ) COUNTY OF ORANG!? ~ ~S~ CITY 0~' ANAHEIM ~ Y. Jar.et I,, Jeiisen Cornmission, • S~'cretary pla ~~m do hereb;' cerCit pore of the Anahoim City adopted a~ a m~~tin y that thQ f.oreg~ing i~,solution wus Plarining x990~ b r ~ oL ttie Anaheim City Planni~ig ~or,~,nission helcl rassed and Y ha following vote ot the members ther•eof: on July ~U, AYES: t~OMM'LSSIONF xS: IipYDSTUN, BUUAS, FELDHAUS, HEL,LYER, Nuc.S; COMMrSSIOSTERS: NONE~~ ~~RALA VACANCY: ONE SEAT of '~+ I~~~ ~yS ~9~~REUF, I kiave her.eunt~ ;,et; my hand this ~ ~~ ~ ~:~?~Y.~r~ a ay ~_ ~,,,~-, ~~ +~'x.c:.~L.-~_.~' SCf~RF:TARY p 1"-- , ~~ ~ _„_„ r, RO TF:MPOEF~ -~~"~~~'- ~ AP~A.HEIM CITY FLAD?~p,r~; COh4•fISSION i_~ -%~ E'C90-193 ~ .~