Resolution-PC 90-2I,',, ~ RESC)LLfTI(ZN NfJ= 1'.C~0=02 A R~50LUT7aN UF THE ANAFIEIM CITY PLANNTZI~ COMMISSION RECOMMENDING TH1~T THE; ANAI-iEIM CITY COUNCIL AMEND R~SOLUTION NQ. 88R-395 AIQD AMEND CIiAPTER 18.72 OF' TiiE ANAH~T.M MIJVICIPAL COAE, PERTAININf; TQ SPFCIFIC PLAN N0. ,9H-2 ~'~I~RGAa, Chapter 18.93 "Spec:ific Plar.s" of the Anaheim Municipal Code, seL•L•ing i.orth procedures L'or the adoption, implernentation and amexidm~nt of speciiic plans for the coordinatiozi of futur~ development within the City, was adopred.by Y_he City Council on April 29, 1986, by Ordinance No. 47Q9. WE3EREAS, Resulution No. 86Rt8g8, 88R-3S6 adopted by the City Council on hovember 1, 1988, and amanded by Resol.ution No. 89R-12'.i on Apra.l 11, 1989, .incorporaCes by refere:nce ~~ibxti ~ w'hich zncludes zoning ar.d development stanflards for Development Areas 104, 203, 206 and 207 (Sectian 18.72.070.U40) anci DevFlopm~ent A.re~ 202 (Section ZSl7110701080 cf Ttie Summit aL Ariaheim Hi11:~ Specif.ir PJ.an ldo. f38-2; and WHEREAS, Chapt~r 18.72 "S~ecific Plan No. gn-~2 (~' 58-2) Zoning and Deve.lopmc~nt Standards" tor T.he Su~nmit of Anaheim Hills was aciapted by the Cit,y Council oiz December 6, 19~38, by Ordi.nance No. 4976 and was amended on May 2, 1989, by Ordanance No. 5U2Q; and tha~.: Secr.?.ons "Zoning and Deve'lopmezit; Standards" of said Chapter 18.72 incorporate ths zoning and de~el~pment standards tor The Summ:it ~f Anaheim Hills as set f~rth in Rghibit A whieh incorporates by reference Xesolution No. RSRl398 88R-39fi; and WIIEREA5, a verified applicatian was filed for amendmenL to the ~bove-mentioned ~ections 1.$.72.(170.04G and Z817I1070L060 (1&.72.U70.~160), to pr.ovide for the development oL• fletacned si~nyi~-iamily residences in Development Aretis 104, 203, 206 and '.07 (anstead of only attached single-f~unily units), and the developmen'c ot condominiums, townhomes, stacked L1~ts and row kiousP.s in DevelopmanL Area 2U2 (in:,teaa o! only apartments ancl c.ommuni~y aparkments) and ir.cluding tlie zonin.g srandards for said housing types; and that Che Pull text uf ~aid proposed amendment was submitted as Attachment A"T.he Swnmit oi Anahzi.m Kills Spe~ific Pla..n SP 88-2 Supp.lemental Documont" and atta~hed to the ,7an~zary 3, 1930, Staff Report. ta the Planning Commission. WHEREAS, 'Phe P1a'~~ning Cummiss.ion did hald a public hearing at the Civic Center in t1~e City of Anaheim on January 3, 1990, at 1:30 p.m., notiee of ,aicl publ ic~ hearinc7 having 1,- ~•n duly yiven as required by law and in accordance witn tbe provisions of th~ Au: «im btunicipal Code, Ch3pter 18.03, to hear. and consid~r ~:viclence for an~.l ~7aiii~ ~r~.endmcnt to tlie zoning and dev~lopment ~tandards of. SP 80-2, and co invest~•, ~c.e and rna'ke finditiga ~.nd recor.vnendatioi~s in ~or~ne^tion there~~+ith. WHEKEAS, sazd Commissi~n, axter dut~ inspection, investigation anct sLu3y made by itselt and in its behalf, and af•ter due consideration ot al.l evider.ce and reports off~red at said hoaring, DQES HEREB'f FINL: ^1_ PC 90-02 073~.b page 1 Corrected 3/7/90 - --- ~~,~ - ---, - .. ~~ ,,,,~. , ,,~~., :! . 1'hat the praperl.,y ~~ropc~c:eel Por SP 88-2, as ameridr~d, has tAi~ique sit~ charact~ristics ti~.r.l~ as tapography, locatian or surroundinc~s which ~sre ex~han~ed by specir~.1 land use and ctevelopment stanc~ard~. 7.. Znat~ SF 88-2, as rcnerad~~d, i,~ consistent wi.tti the goals a~n8 policies o€ thE~ C~noral P1an and wi.Ch khQ pu.r.u~ses, standards ~nd land i.ise guidelines containPd th~rrein. 3. That SP 88-2, as amendQd, rrill ~°3~ult; ixi dQVel~pmen~ oT ~~esizable character which will b~: cc+mpaCibl.e wil:h existing and propos~d ~~velopmenr in the surrounding neiahbarhooa. 4. That SP 88-2, as arnended, wi.ll contril~utF to a balance o: land uses. 5. That SP 88-2, a~ tamended, respects enviro:imental and aQSthet:a.c resourcQs consistent with ec:onomic rr~ali~ies. NOW, THEREI'ORE, BE ZT P.~SOLVED t;Y.at a Supplem~nt +~o ~nvironmental Impact ReporL- No. 281 (EIR 281; was certif'_ed by the City Council on Plovember l~ 1988, in cunjunction with the approval of Resolution No. 88R-395. Envirorzmental .iw,~accs and mit~.gation measures associatQd with tk-o residential development of Ttie Summit of• Anaheim Hills DeveZu~mant Ar.eas 1~4, 202, 20~, 206 and d07 were addressed through the c~rCifica~ion praces~. The Initial Study indicatos that L}•e number of. unit~ vrithin sai.d Development Areas will no~ be inr.ruascd anci thar no ~aditianal im~acts would resv.lt from the prop~sed amendmeiits; there.fore, the Planning Commi~sian recommgr,ds that Y.he proviously-certified Supplement ~o I:IR 2a1 as adequate to serve as the :equirc~~9 environmental documen~ation for. suk,ject amendments. AND BE IT I'URTHP:R RESOLVED that the Andheim City I:~lanning Cummission does herebY recommend ~hat CiL•y Coixncil: 1. IIy resoluL-i.on, amend Sections and 18.72.07U.060 0£ Resoltit:ion 8bR-395 in their entzre~y Y,o read as fr].lows: "'18 ~ 72. 070. ~J40 B~Y,gl~ment Area IJq1~. Z0:3,_ 109, 2y~2q~i ~uc~2Q7~ Fiill~ide M~diutn. T.hese Dev~lopment 7~reas provide for the ord~rly devr3lopment oF single-family attached uni~s, or within i)evQlop:nent ~ ea Nus. 104, 203, 2U6 and 20'/, sinc~Ie-family detached units, in ttia me~.~um ctensity .rangc~, AL-tachpd uniY. development~ wihFiin Deve'lopment Area 104, 203, 7.06 and 207 chall utilize ~he standards of the CiL•y of Aiiahei.m's RM-3000(SC) (Rpsirion~zal, btult.ip:le Family - Scenic CorriGOZ• Overlak) Zone Qxcept as pcovidod below within Sectxons A through J. Detached unit develuprt~~nt shall utilize tho ~L-endards of the City of Ar.aheim's RS-500A(SC) Znne (~o4idPntial, 5ingla Family - Scenic Corridor Overlay) 2one except as providQd beloa in Seckions K through C. -2- PC90-02 ~. ~~ ~ ~.~~~ ~"'~ ~ ,~.~,.., , ,.a,~~r~a, A. MTNTMUM_LQT WxDTH. A11 lots sh.al~ havQ m minimwn widCh of not less thaz~ thirty (30) f~@t rneasured at the minimum sei:back 1ii1e ~f ten (ZO) ~'oe~t; e~~cept when the building is located i•'arther back than the required mi.nimum set•back line, thcan tho r~icith sha11 tbe measurc~d at the attual seY.back line provi.ded. A site plan sha11 b~ ~equired to damonstrate actual building lc,catiori. When the width .is measured at the minimum seLback ~ line, no site plan ~hall be rsqui.rQd. B, ~fINI~fUi~i LOT WIDTF[_FOR CQRNF_~ ~,~~,_nE-SA,~ pND IiN_j,_J~LE LO'~~, T~. initnum lot i•~idth for corner, cul -de-wac ~nd knuckl~ lots shal'1 be ~.,~ntZ~ five (25) fedt measured at the mi:~imum satback line of ten (10) feet; except wnen thE r~nilding is located farther back than the reqiiired minimum setback lin~, then the wiclrh shall t:_en be me~sured at the actual set.back line provi.ded. A site plan ~na11 be requir.ed to de~~aonstrate actual .building .lACa~i.on. Wheri the widtti is measured at the mi.nimum ~etback line, no si~e plaxs shall be requzr.ed. C. MT.N7.:_i[TM LOT FRQNTI~,~C'_WIDTK UF FLA~ L¢T~S. Minimum lot txonrage width ~t rig~i~-~g-way shall b~ twent,y (2p) feet exc:ept wh~na re~iprocal ingress/~gress easemen~ has been prov~ided for be'tween two (2) acljacen~ flag lots, then the minimum lot frontage sk~all k~e ter~ (10) feet. ThQ mi.nimum driveway wiclth sha11 be sixL-een (xb) fget, A maximur~ of ker_ (10) percent of the total number of lots created by aziy d.ivision of lanc~ rnay b~ "flag~~ de~igned. (Subsections A, 8 azzd C, abuvo, replace tho tirst paragraph o: Section 18.31,Oti1 "Building Site R~quirements" oE thc~ Anaheim Municipal Cade.) D. MII~'C ,, LnT_ DEPTfI AAJA~ENT TO ARTERIAL~II FIWAYS AND EXPfZE WAY , Gegths of l~ts adjac~:nl: to arterial hiyhways a~d expres~ivays (includinq Oak Hi7.ls Drive, Serrar-o Averiue and Weir Ca::yon Road) sliall confnrm Cr the requirements of Tzt1Q 1?, Ch~pter 17.011 "~~.ibdivisians" nL• th2 Ar.ahei-n Muriicipal Codc~ with ttie excsptaon of resident5,a1 ].ots whic:h are separated by ~n open space or landscuped lot which shall be controli~d by tk-is sor_ticn. ~• ~R ' (~R~,L H~IGHr AND At2EA LIMITAI'IQNS. DZ~ximum overall 2ieight of any builcling sh:~11 be tlhirty-iive (S~5) feet and t:v~ (2 j s~.ories measured from the Y_i h~sL- 5 portion o£ i:he structure to t;iiu ~round floor elevation ;iixectily below that po.int. However, withi.n one hundreci fifr.y (~,~0) feet af. aray si.nglQ_£amily Development Are~,, axcc~pt when separatod Crom such Development Ar.Pa by an arterial highway, then the maxirnum hoight shall bQ i,ria;2:1:v-g1:C (25) feet and two (?.) stories, exclusive of the roof and measured as ~tated above. lThis s~:bseckion z•eplaces SubsecL-ions .010, .Ul~, .0].2 and .~13 of Section 1a.3'1.062 "Structural Height and Area Limita~i.ons" of the Anahaarr~ Municipal CodP.) _? _ PC)0-pi :.,~: ,, I ' . ,'el.j;1'b F. r~tt~rt~..sr~~; c~Rr~~~. The maxin~um coverage by all residont;i~l ~-n 1 acc.essory buildings sha11 be iorty-tive (45) percent of L•he building sit~ area. Recreational-leisure area building•s and £acilit,ies sh~-11 not be include3 in the calc.ulation of cc~verage. (This subsection replaces Sub~ection "Maximum SitE Cover~ge" of the Anahe,im Municipal Cade.) G . SLTP~.~KS . 1. ~cenic ~~rid~z' S~t~~ck~. Dtte to the si:igle-family naturQ of L-hose typeG of. unit•~, Subsectio:is .U20, .030 ar.d .031 of Section ].8.84.052 "Site D~velopment SLandards .for~ Mul~ip.le F~.mily Rosider~tial (5C) Zones" of the Anaheim Mutz.i~ipa:l Code shall nnt apply. Z. S r ~tur,:~'l~e~back 3nd ~'ar~l. ~. rrunL yard building setback.s sha'l]. bo a rnin'_mum of L-en (].0) L•eet. b. Side yard bui.lding setbac~ks sha11 ba a minimum af five t5) foot on ::he c]etach,:d side and zero {0) ~r, the attach~d side. c. Rsar yard building ,etbaclcs sha11 be a minimum oE ten (10) feet. d. Minimum setbaeks foc front-~n garages ~ha11 be twe•rtty (20) fcei: with a roll-up garage docr and L-wenty five (25) fo~t wit•hout such a door. Ss~backs sha.ll be mQasured from nroporty :lin~ to f~ce of. gaxage cioor, frr front:-~n condiL•iorxs and to 'tnQ fa.~~ ot the shruct~ure for 5ide-on conditions. (Subsections a to d, aDOVe, replaco Su3~s:.r.tion~ .O1Q, ~011, .012, .020, .021, .022 ;~nd .~J?.6 of Spction 1H.31.063 "5tructural Setback snd `lard Requirements"; Subsec~ion~ .010, .011 and .0].2 ~f Section 1i~.37..065 "LocaLior_ and Orientation uf Buildings" anc3 Subsecrion 7&.U4.052.020 "Building Location" ~f the Ar.aheim Municipal Ccde.) 3, RQQV•ire~~,ipil„"rUV_emPn~4f. ~ar.~~ ana~g~~~k Ar~~. Yards and ~etnar.k areas sha11 be landscapec? and ~:aintained eith~r by individual lor owners or a numeowners associatio~n, as appropria~e. (This subsection i.s in addition to 5ubsecL-ion "Required lmpzovemeait of Yard~ ar.d. Setbaclc Areas" of the Anahezm Municipal Code.} -4- PC90-02 ;; ,~~ , . ..,~. 4. Minimum Lan~~~ca~~7~rga ~j~~ant to Ari-.~Qri~l Hic~,hwavs ( including Serrano Avonue, Oak Hz1Is Drive and Weir Canyon Roadj. Mi~iimum landscaped areas, includiz~g slopF,d areas, shall be a mina.mum of sevc~n (7) t:Qet for downSlope conditions and fourteen (19} feeh. t~r u~sl~pe conditions, varying betwean condition~ as ir~dicated on the Cir~ulaGaon Plan of the Specif:ic P1an No. 88-2 clacu.ment. H. Rr LJIRED kCCREATI:ONAL, L~ISURE_AkEA. The minimwr~ ~,rivate and/or common recrsatio~nal-l~i3ure space requirerc~ent shall be sQVen hundred {700) squ~Y•e feoi: per dwellinq u.r.it, which ma,~ iriclude setback areas. The mininurn area countad shall be ten (10) feet by ten (10) F.e~t exclusivc of drzve~vays. (~his subsection adcls to Sabsections .U30, .031 and .03?. af S~etion 18.31.063 "Recreational-leisure Areas" of the Anaheim Municipal Code.) I. SIC~ REGULATIOI?S - ACVk:~TTSINf;_ AN~ IDEIQTTFIC~TI~N. Entrance marumenLatiori/signagc, boL•h nezghbornooi~ and c~mmunity, sha11 be perrnitted as provided for in Seckion 18.72..100 "Sign Regulations" he.r.3in and as shown on Eachibit 16 of the Specific Plan Np. 8l3-2 cloeument. (This subsection i; in addition to Soction 18.31.067 "Sign I2e~ulak..ions - Advortising and Identific~tion" of the Anaheim Municipal Cade.) J. RE UTRED SITE~SCRG~NIN~. 1. Eaccept as otherwiso provi.dad herein, a solir3 decorativo typo masonry ~~rall, landscaped ear.then berm, and/or an~- combination thereof, totaling not less than s:ix.. (5; fe~t in 1:eiqliC, shall be provided along and irnmediately adjacent to the applicable site boundary lina or lot ].ine of, t;hese ResidenCial Development Are~s f~r tnat ~+ortion al~uttinc~ any mul.tiple-iamily Developme~t Area. Where adjacent to single--family detached DevQlopmo:zt Areas, no wall sha11 be r~c~uired. The heiqht of any ~uc3i ~~all and/or berm shall ba mea~ured .fro~,i the hi~hesL Einished grado leve7. of the building pad af dw~lizng vnil:s locatec3 nearost uny such abutting boundary. 2. I.n ca~es where there is an .intQrvening slope bank or view opportunity, the haighL- o~c' site scrQeriing may be reduced tu £ive (5) f~et, and m~y be constructed wi~h soli3 materi~~l, npc:n metal wr~rk, and/or plexiglass, or any combinacion t-.hereof based ~,~~ v.iew and sounci. attenu~tion conditions. ~5- PC90-02 ~ ~SI ~ ,~{(~=:i.~!~ 3~ Any fonr.ing locateci in a rnanner ~vhickz may obst: uct the view from a public r.ig•ht-ot•-way shnll c~iis3.st flf decorat;ive open-work matArials or as otherwise re~uirad E~r sauncl attenuati.~n wnen appr.oue8 by th~ Planninq ~ommission or Cit~- Council. ~. Any w~ll :equirod adjacent to an art~rial highw~y sht~.ll be constructed ezt.Yier along and adjacent lo thQ proper.L-p 1.i.nQ separating such development fron the ~rteria] highway, or ~t the t~p oE t'h~ slope ~cljacent to said arterial highway, which~aver .is ~he Y~3.gher elevalion. T.he tc~p ot said wa11 shall be minimwn of a five (5) Feer abave the ~levakion of the building pads o.f dwelling units elosest to the artoriZl highway, rec;ardl.eRS ~.f whether the wa].l is constx•ucted on the propErty line or mt the ~~P pF ~~xe slope. The wall max .b~ constructQd with solid material, open metal work, ~.nd/or plexiglass, ~r any cornbznation thereof, based on view~ ar.d sound attenuation conditiuns, (Subsec.tians 1, 2, 3 and 4, ai~ove, replace the f.irst paragraph of Section 18.31.OG8 "Required Site Screoning" ~f the An~heim Municipal Code.} 5• Site screening uF to seven (7) faet in height may be psrmitted by Lhe Plaiini.nq Comnission oz Cit:y Counail for sound attenuation purp~ses based on an acoustical ~ound study. (Th:.s subsect:ion modifies Su~section .Q25 0~ ,ect.iozi 1A.31.068 "Requirad Si1:~ Screezzing" ~f Lhe Anaheim Mun.icipa2 Cnc~e, ) K. MIN.IMjJM. BUILDTNG_. STTE~ AND E~UTI,DING P:,D ,1F2FA, ~lie rnini.ntum building site (lol•) size sha11 be four thousand (4,OOG) squar.e fQet and the minimuun bui.lciinc~ psa ~x~a shall be thr~~~~ ~housand fzve~ hun~red (3,50Q) sqttar~ feer. (T'his subsection replaces Subsection 1F3,27,061.010 "Mini.mum Building Site ¢nd 13uilding Paei Ar.ea" of thF An~.neim Municigal Code.j L• B 1ILDING~SITF WID'T.Fi. All ronventional lots shall have a rnin5.mum width of ~zot aess than ~orty (~0) feet, measured ah r.he miizimurn front se*back line oE ten (1(1) feot, except when t2~e buald:ir~g is Iocated farther back than the required minimum ,^,etback line, then the width shall be measured at the aci:ual setback line pro~~irled. :~ sito plan shall be required to domonstrate actual buildinr,.lr~~:ation. When the width is meas~.~red at the minimum setback aine, no sike plan shall bp requ.i.red, (This subsection replaces Subsection Z8~7.7,p61,020 "Bui.lding aite P~idth" of the Anahei.m Munic;ipal Code, ) -G- PC90-02 M• ~If_ILnIN('z.--S~TI: WI_~TH_FOR_ GUL~UE_-5114--1~l1D_..~S~~j~KL~;_ f,4~S. The minimum lot width for ru~_~~~_~ac ~nd knuckle lots sha.ll be ~hirty--[ive (35) Eaot measured ,Zt; kho minimum fran~ sUtback line of fil,'ta_en (15) faet, e;xcept when ~hQ building i,~ 1ocA~od farcher back th~n the required manimum 3e,~~back line, then th~ wldth ahall bo m~asurod ~t th9 a~tual set.ba~k .line praviclad. A site plan shall b~ rQqu.irod ta demonstre~to ac;ti-a.l k~~iil!ii.nq l~cak.ton. WhHn the Midth is measur~d at tho mitiimvm sel:ba4k line n4 siL~ plan sha11 bo requi,red. (This subsection re~l;_ices Sub;,ection 18,27,061.021 "Bu.ildinq Site Widtl~ for Cul-de•-sac and Knuckle Lots" oE tho Anahaim Mu~tiicipal Codo,) N• MINI?_!i!Ml.O~_FCtQNTl~~F WT~Tfi._Q_F__F~,,A~ _L,Q'i.S, Tl~e rn.inimurn loL• front~ge w?.cit}i at rigttit-oE-way stiall bo twen~p (Zp~ feer except when a reciprocal ir~grQSS/egres:t c~a~~mant has beers providac9 for two (Z) adj~cent fiag lots, then the minirrum lok. tronta~e sha11 be ~en (.10) Pset. The mit~imum driveway winCh sh~ll be sixt~en (16} feot. A ma,cimum oF ten (IO) percenC uf the total r.wnber o~ lots crc~aL-ed ~y ai~~~ di~ision of land may be "flag" clesigned. 0. MIliIM~It~t LOT,_DrPTfi__(Ap,1ACEtiT TQ?,RTE;RI]~L HI~HW~_y,~_~tD EXPRG,S~FdAY$1. De~ihs oP lo;.s ad~jacQnt to act~rial l~iqhway:~ ancl oxpressweys sha12 conform ~o thc~ roquirements of Ti~lc~ 17, Chapter 17.pg "SubZivisions'' of ChQ A:zahQim Muraicipal Coi1e, wilh ~hQ Q7~rpptiOri of :eside~ntial lot;; which are ~epar~t:ed by an open spaCF YQI• laiiclscaped l.ot which shall b~a controlled by th;,, Sr~tion. ~'• DENSITY. The buildiny :;ite ~rea per -'..~cllir.g unit s}:all he a minimum of tour thcuuand (4,000) sq~iare fret. (This subsection :eplace,s ,uh„e~~tion 18.2'.051.030 "Den;ii;.y~~ og the ~lnah~i~n Municipal Cocia, ~ ~. B.[jiLDIN~_A2rD STRUCTr1KA~__HF_T_c~.t~T__f,INITATI(~N~, uaximun over,~ll. height of any buflding sh~ll l~e twenty•-six (2~~) f.eot rr~~.;~;~1rQd fc•om thc }~iql~est portion of tF~E• structure lo thQ ground f2c,or elQVatlou directly beiow tl~at point. i~'his suhsect.ton replaces Suhsa~:tion;s .01.0, ~02A and .0201 of Se.r.t.ion ls•27•~b2 "6Saximuin Structural tioiqht•" r~E r.ho Anahs3.m Nunicipal Co~2e.) R• ~QV~R1~G~ 1~llA Q~'_E~l_S~I~M~_kES1UiR.F.~t~l~~'$, ihr_ maximiim co~~oragR by :~11 rasidentia~ and accassory builcl.[nys f.or any parcel shall be a rn~ximum ot forty-E'iv~ pQrc;enF (qgq,j, xith no adclitioncsl open Rp~Ce req~s;rament. -7.. PC90-02 ~~ " (Thi~ subs~;ct.ion replucc~s SubsacCions ,0'?.0 ~nd .U21 of SocL•icn 18.27.OG2 "Covc~rage and Apon ~p~cQ RHquirQmont;s" of the Anaha.im Munci.pll Code. ) S . S~Tf3A~K,~ . 1. (s--_r~9~ ~ • The mii:imum s~tbac}; for a^, icle-on garage skl~ll not be less than ~en (10j feeC wiL•ti ~ minimum tw~ns:y_five (25) foot driveway. Tlie minimum setback £or front••on qr,rac~cs on cul-de~s~c, conventional and knuckle lots shall be twenty (20) Feet wi~.li ft roll-up daor. and twen~y-f:ive (25) feQt otherw.ise. Thd 3etb,ck shall be measuracl frorn the prcperty line to the face of Y.h~ garn5e door fur a!`reiit-on conciiLiun ar.d to ths~ faco ot the structure for s:~ic-r~tl corida.tiocis. (This sub~ection c~pJar_es Subsect~ions .012 and .U124 of Section 18•27.063 "I'runt-un Gara:~~ Setb~zcks" o.f Che Anahaim btunicipal Cods.y Z • Minim~im, Lancisca~?~ci ~\rc~a _~~11acen~._t~~l~r~~ria.L~ IiigrwaXs (including Uak 'iills Drive). Minimwn .landscaped ~rea, i.ncluding sloped areas, si-al.l be a mini.mum ol' sc;ven ('/) teet tur downslopP conditioi~s and fut~rteen (24) te~;, for u~slope condiCions, varying betwean conditions, as indicated ori the Circula~.ion Plan ~F the Spscific P.tan Nn, 88_2 documQnt. T. ~S'JN~GE•-E'r~hlILY_STR~14'TURE;j 1() SIGE QN,.TO ARTERTAI,_.Hl~HWA~C~. Where ,ingl~-fstmily res.idenCial struci:ur.es ar~- locat~.ed eiCher at individual project enCri.es or at the onds of c«1-ciQ_sacs (whettier convQ; tional pr fla~ 1ot:s), ariii ai•e also adjac.ent to art.eXial t~ighways, they may be p~~rmiCted ~o sidQ-on such highways provider~l s:lic: xtrucGure i3 sepa:ated Erom tha roadw~,y by an opea ~pace or landscaped lot or m;nimum l~~r.3~~apecl urea a~ descr.ib+~d iii Saction S. ~, abovo, an3 tu: tlier prov.icled rtiat the ~ide yard sotback is mEasured from t.he op~~n ~paca 1ot. or l.ar.cls~aped ~asement iis~e, ('lhis subsec_ion replaces Subst~cl•ion t8.27.~ti5.010 "Sir.gla•-Family Strticturu5 ,:o Rear ~n Arteria. Flxqhways" of the Alldh~i~71 Municipal ~~>de" . ) U. ~I~N R~SU~1-T:TC?~1~__-._ ~DV~K'rI;~rNG...11l7D_IDI;;iJ~IF'I~~_TI(L"ci. ~ntr~nce manumenr.at.ioni~ignage, L•otr naighborhood and commur_iCy, shall bc permir.ted .~s ~~r~videc! for in Section 13.7?..10U "Sign Reyulations" hez•oin ~nd a~ shown ~n Exhibit 1G ot the S~ecitic Plan No• 88-2 document:. _l,_ PC90-02 ...ri,. (TYi.is ~ubsecL•.ion ~~clcl..; to SeuL•ior: AdvQrti.sing and Tdentifi.cation" V. RE~~IRED S',LTf'._~(;:~~LNIN~, t8.27.067 "5.[c~n R~gulationa - ot the An~hQin: Mun.icipal Cocla. ) 1• F:xcopt as c,Ch~rwise k,rovi~led heroin, a sdl3.d decorativ6 tixpe masr,nry wall, l~ndactipe~ e~r. then berm, anci/or a.ny coinbina~ian t2~Qroof., tnt~ling nor 1c~,ss ~han six (6) £~ot in height, .hall bo provided along and immec3iaCc~7.y adjacent L•o the applicable sito huunciary linQ or 1c~t line o.f these Rosidential Dovelopment Ar.eas for. th~~f: portion abutting ar~y multi-family Uovel~pm~nt, Area, exc].uding single-£amily a~tached ndvelopment Areas, and alnnq the landscZpe Qasement/lat adjacE>nt ko arterial highways where necessary for ;,auncl ~t~~n».ation. The height of ~ny such wa11 and/~r berrn ::}iall t~e measured from Che highQSt finistied grade levol o~ ~he bu~.lding pad of dw~llir-g unirs :ocatQCl neares~ any such ~bu~ting :ooundary. 2. In cs:a~~s wYiez•e t2iero is an interveni:ig alopo baxik ox view opportun.ity, t}ae haiqht of site scrQening may ba rediicad to f.ivo (51 feek, and m~y bo con;~LrucCed w.ith solid material, open mstal work, 1nd!or plexic~lass, ar ~ny comhin~~tion ther~of base~. on vi~w and sound alGenuation conditior.s. 3. Any Eencinq located in a mannor which m~y obstruct the view frorn a public right-of-way sha2l consi~t: of dQCOrntive opon work or as ;-Pquired f.or sound attenuation as a~pr.oved by the Planning Commiscio~i or C.ity Counci'l. (Stiibsections V.1, 2 anc: 3, lbove, replaco the first paragrap}~ of Sectiori 18.7,7.068 "Requireci Site Screening" of the A.nahRim Munzcipa.l Cod~.) ~. SiCe scr.e~ning up to seven (7) foet in lieight may be pecmittc~d by rhe `~lannin~ Conunission r~r City Council Zor souild ~ttenuation p~.~rpusc~s t~as~d on an acoustica] sound study, (This subsoc~ion adds to °ub:,ection 14.27.OSt~.025 "P.sguired Site Screening - Er;~.ept:ions" of the Anahc~im Municipal Code. ) 5. Any wall require~i adjacenk l•o un artQrial highway shall be conscriict:ed r:it2zcar along and acljacent to the landscapo easement/lot; sQparating such devQ'l.opment fi•om the arteria]. hi~~hway, or ut thc~ top of khe ,lope aQjac~nt t~o said arteri~l highw~y, ut-iichuve~ i.s the higtier elev~tion. The top of said wall shall be a minimum ot fivo (5) feet abovQ Che ~levati~n of the *~uilding pad of c]welling units cloaest to the artorial h.tghway, regardlQSn of whe4;her the wal.l is constructeCt acijaeent to tho 2an~lscapQ u~s~mynt/lot R~para~ing such dQVelopmont f:rom the art~;,ial l~ighNay or at ~tlie t~p of tho 31opo adjacenk to saia arturi~l highway. Thc wall mry bo construc.Ced with solid material, opPn m~~taT work, anQ/or plexiglnss, er an,y c;ombitiat3on thernof, based on vxow anci sound at;:~n~aCion coi~ditiona, ~9' PC90•-02 ,~r'.'iFyy fnwGvy (T}i.is suY~soctzon z•epl~.~ce~ Siibsection "Raquired Sito 5~reening - GxcQp~fons" of thc~ Az~aheim bfunicapal Code,) 6. Whe;re required wa11s arc construatod a~ rhe t~p of. any slope which i.s not thc: pr~perty linc~, maintenance accRSS op~nirigs to Cha slop~ ar~3a sha17. bQ Providod in ~he wa11 on each lc~t if privat~sly maintainocl. TP t:ommon].y mai~it~i.ned, access .^,hall bo ~rovided frnm tkio shrQet or r.ommon arQa. (7.'hi.s subsec~ion rc~places Subssction 18.27.06t,0261 "Required Site ScrQening - E~t~ept,x~ns" of the Anaheim Municlpal Code.) 7. On corrier ]ol:s formed by L•he int~rsQCCion oE rosidc~ntial stre~~;c with artcri~•1 }xighways, t,2iQ wa11 required along thQ rear 1ar_d5capc easc~m~nt/lot adjacent to thE arteri3.i highway shall be ~xt~ridQd alony the side lot line adjar_ent to the residential street for a distance equal t:o thQ rear setback lino. Addi~ional walls wi.ll be prcvidod for sound attonuation if necessary ar.tl approved by the Plan:~ing Comcnission or City Cauncil. (Ttiis subsr,c~i~n r~piaces 5ubseetiori 1F3.27.068.0202 "itec~utred Site Screenir~g - Exceptioiis" of the Anaheim Municipal CodP.) ~(3.'l2.UT0»060 D~.v_~:~Qpm~n~ Ar~~NQ.. 202 -_~i11 ir e Mg~i~.un. "Th.is Uovelopment Area provides for the ~rdorly dPVelopmeut af single-family attached and multi-family dwelling unil:s in the medium density rarige ;ncluding communi.~y apartmer.ts, aPartmer,ts, condom:n.iur,~s, townhouses, town2~ouse/stacl:ed Iiats, stacked fl,~t~ and row houses, T:ie statidards of the City oL• Anaheim RM-1200(SC) (Residontial, Mu7.Ciple Family - Sconic Corrid~r Overlay) Zone sha11 app;.y ~Cor the d~vQlopment o~ communzty apartments and apartmenLs except as Frov.iclec~ bolow an Seck.ions A throuyh F. Th~ star.3ards oL• L•t3e FM--3000(SC) (Residential, Miiltiple Family - Sc4n.ic Corcidor Overl.ay) ?,un~ sh~ll. apply ~for L-he developmant oF condominiums, townhouses, hownhouseistacked L•lats, .t;ack~d flats and row Yious~a except as provided below in Sectio~is G tnrou~ll 0. ~. MTNIMUM B~II,D.fNC_._S:T~ AREA F'ER DWI LLTtI~ ~1t7I~. The minimum ne~ building s.ite shall be one t2iousand twc hundrad (1,7.00) aquare fQet per clo~elli~iq unit inclusive of roadways whir_h are not: part ot the through c.ircu.lacion ~ysten~. (T.his subszrtinn rQplace:~ Sub:;c~cCion 1.8.3~I.Ufi1.OlU "Mi.nimum Auildiny Si.tr~ .1rea per Dwell.ing Unit" of rh~ Anat~aim Municipal Co~e. ) 'lo` ~C9o-oz ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~.127H ~ ,V"f~1A, 41: ~ B. P~Ii~IM(,~M L~~ DF~?TH ADJA~E~IT~'Q AR1`FyRIAL HI~EiWAY,~ }~ND E R.SWAY.S. Depths oE lats adjacEnt to arL•e~,:ia]. highways or c~xpres~ways (i.nclucling Wefr Canyon Rcad and Odk Fiills Drive) aha'll conform ra thQ requiremenhs of Tztle 17, Ck~ap~er 17.08 "Subilivi~ions" oF tha City o£ AnahQirn Municxpal ~odo, with tha exc~prion ~f rFsidential lots which ~rQ separt~Lcci by an op~n space or lanelscapQd lot, which lots sha11 b~ cont.rol~ed by this sec~iori. C . ~TR T~,C.~~JRAL_HET '~~HT._ AND AREA~11.1'ITATION~,. Ma~timum overall heinYit of any building shalJ. be rhi.x~ty Five (35) feet and two (2) stories measured f:rom the highest portion oE ~he s~ructure Lo ttie grouncl f1oUr e~eva~ion directly b~low that po3.nt. Hokever, withi~i one hundred fifty (150) £eet o~ any sin,glo-family detachc~d Developmont A~aa Y.he r~a~cimum heighL• ~hall ba~ twenty six (26) f.QEL- a~c~d Lw~ (21 stories, exclusi.vA Rf the roof and measured ~s stated aUove. (TY~is subsecL•icn :aplaces Subsection5 .G11, .012 and .013 aP Section 18.34.062 "5truc~ural Height and Ar~a Limi~ations" ~L the l~naheim Municipal Code.) D. ~ETBA '~KS . 1. ~1~i_lsiincLt~cahiqn. On WQir Car:.yon Roaii and U~:k FIills ArivQ, th~ minimurts buildinc~ satback sha].:1 be twenty tive (25) feet irom khe right-of-vray to r_~iN bu.ilcling. Thi.s ar.Qa may include par!cing, vehicular accessways, an3 tha seven (7) Lo fourteen (14) foot landscaped arQa as inuic~tad or~ th~ Circulatio~, Plan in the SpeciEfc Plan No. 8a~-2 docun~ent. (This subse~i:i.on re~,laces Subsar.tions .Q20 and ~U30 oi Section 1Fi.84.052 "5itQ Developmont SCandards" of t2~t~ Ana2Zeirn Muziicipal Code.) 2. Pa_;k:i~ic,~_~r~ L,aradss~..~sing. A minimum Y.en (10) f.oot screen planting sh~ll be provided acljacQnt to the righCs-of-way aE Weir Canyon Road and Oak ~ii.lls Urive, which planting -nay inclcide .ralls or bQrms up to three (3) fec~t t~igh. This may include tlie saven (7) L•n fourtQOn (14y ~oot Iandscaped ~rea ~s int~icated on ttie C.irculaLion Plan in the Specific P].an t7o. 88-2 docum~rtt. (Tnis subsection replac.os Subsection 10.84.05T,.03Q "Park.ing I.rea Landsca~ing" uf ~hc~ I~nahr,im Municipal Code.) -].l- PC90-02 ilfv'r~\ 3. M~nimur~_L,~nc~,~~p~~ ~r~~;~ ~ji.jZ~gzl ~i,Q~k Fii17,~ Drive and Wa~~ ~n~n RUad. Minlmum landscaped areas,. including sloped area~, s2iall be a mir,imurn uf sevFn (7) feet for clowns].ope conditions axid fourteen (:14) 4`eet far upslope conditions, varying between candi'tions as indicat~d on thG Circulat:..on P~an in the Specific Ylan No. 88-?. dacumen~:. ~• :~I~.N__R.~StULATTONS _ APVGRTJ.$IN~ ~1ND YbENTIFI~ATYQN. ~ntrarice mon•~.isntation/signage, 5oth neighborhood and commun.ity, shall be permi~ted ~s provided for in Section 18.72.100 "Sign Regulations" hPrein and as sliown on Exhibit 16 of llie SpeciPic Pl~n No. 8R-?. d~cument. (This subsectior. is in addition to Sectiun 1F3.34.067 "Szgn Reyulations - Acivertising and IdentiFicati~n" af the AnahQim Ffunicipal Code.) F. RGQUTRED~SITF;_SCRFENItJ~. 1. k;xcQpt a~ otherwise pr.ovicic~d he!reiii, a solid decorati~re type masanry wa11, landscaped earth3n bNrm, and/or any combinatiun thereof, total.ing not less ttzan si.x (6) feQr in haight, ~ha11 b~ provided along and immediately a3jacpnt to the applicable site boundary line or lot line of thi.c Rcsidentzal DQVel.opmenL ArE~a for that portiun ~~U.ttinq any singlc-Eamily detached Development Area or sinqlQ-family atLached De~~elopm~nt Area. The hoight ~~~ any such wa11 and/or Uerm sha11 be measured from ~he highest fi:~ished grade :Lcvel of tYiQ buildiaig pad of dwe:llinr~ units locatod neares* any sucli abut~ting k~oundary. 2. Iii cases wher~ there is an intervon:.nc~ slope bank or viow o~portunity, the height of site screening may be reduct~d to fit~e (`j) f~eY., and may bo constructed with solid material, open rt;t~*_al work, and/or plexiylass, or any cambination lhereof ba3ed on 'iew an3 sound a~ren~~a~.ion con.ditipns. 3. ~ly fenr.ing locaCed in a manner wh:ich may obstruct ~he vic~w from publlc riqht••~f-way shall consist of decozakive opan-work materi<<ls or as otherwise roc~u.irsd for sQUnd a~tonuatz.nn an9 ~oprovFd ?~y thc Ylanning Commiss~on or Cir_y C,uunail. -12-• PC90-02 N~;~1%:?;~ ~r.Jr:^} 4. Any wa11 required adjacen~ to an oxpre~sway nr artarial highw3y sh;~ll bo construc~Qd ~i'r,her alonq or acljacQnt Lo the prop~srty li.ne separatinq such davelopment fram the erterial ha.qhwaY~, or aL• the tope o£ tho slc,pe adjar.ant ~o s~id arteria]. highway~, whichev~r is h.he higk~er Q].evation. Th~ L•ap of said wa11 s.hall be a miriimum of fivs (5) feet above the elev~t.ion of the b~zzlding pad of dwelliricr units closr~~t to tkie a.:L•erial highway, regardless ot wheClier t;he w111 is cons~ruci:ofl on the property line or at the l:op oF t.he slope. ThP wal'1 may be constructc~d wi~h so2ici material, opeii m~'tal work, and/cr pl~xic~lass, or any c~~mbinaL-ian thereof:, ba5e~d on vieur ~nd sound attenua~ion conditi~ns. (Subsactians l, 2, 3 and A, abovo, reF.lace the first paragraph of '10.39.068 "Requzred Si.to Screening" of the Anaheim Municipal Code.) 5. Sire screeniiig up L-o soven (7) £ea~ in height ma,y be pRrmitted by L-he Planniiig Commission an~/or Caty Council for sound attenuation purposss Lased on an acoustical sc,ixnd. study. (This subsection adds to Subsoc~ion 18.3~1.068~025 "Requ.irsd Sitg Screenin~r -- ExcepL-3.ons" ot tt?e Anaheim Munici~a:!. Cude. )" G. MIti7M~i_M ~3UILDIN~ SJTE ARFA PEIi DWFLLIt+G UNIT. :L'hQ minimum net bui.lding :,ite for condominium, to~vnhouao, townhouse/stac;ced fla.t, stack~d f.lat and row hous~ dEVr;lopments shall be two thousand four hundred (7.,400) square feQt p~: dwelling unit inclusive ~f roadwt+~s whic.h a:e not par.t c,f: Che through circulation system. (This subsecticn repl:aces Subsec~ion 1a.34,Jti1,0]LQ "f3ui.1,9ing site Requiremen~s" oL the Ananeim Mu;ticip~~l Code.) FI. MIN'iMUM _I QT :r~IDTT{. Ail lots shall 'h:sve a minamum width o[ not less than thirty (30) .feet measured from thc~ m~nimum sethack line. (This subsNCtion replac~s t}ie L•irst paragraph o~ Sect3.nn 18.31.061 "IIuildi.zig 5ite P.er~uireme;.ts" of tho Anaheim tQunicipal Code. ) I. MINTM~IM_L~T T~EPTFi ADJACG:~T TQ_,AFtTBRiAL HIGHWAYS Ar1~D FXPRE ,SkWAYS, DQpth af lals adjacenr to at~terial hiq2iways s2ia11 conform to t2ie requirements of 'fitle J.7, ChapL-er 17.08 "Sub~iivi3ion.s" of thp City of ~naheim Municipal Cude, witili the exception of residential lota which are soparated by an opex~ spaco or landscapQd lot whic2i shall be controlled by this section. ~ -13- PC90-Q2 J, K. L, . ; s'. p~41Hi~{':e ~ ~~ . ,~TR'U~PURAL I~~I.C3I•I~AT'D ARGA LIMITATT TI . Maximum overall height ~f any build.in~ sYxall be thirY.y-fivo (35) £eet ancl two (2) 3toi•ies rneasured fi•om thQ highe:~l•. part.ion of t'he strucL-ure to 1:he ground £loor elevaL-aon direcrly below ~nat poi.nt, HowQVer, vrithin one hunc~red ancl fiEh~.y {~.50) t~et uf any single-fam~ly det~r,hecl D~+velopment A~°em, excopt where ~eparatAd iroro such Deve:loprnent Area by an ~rteri.al tiighway, tho maximum h~ight shall be twenty-six (26) feet and tlvo (2) stories, exclusive of Che roci'. and measured as s~'::at~c? above. (This sul.~sectiori replacFS Sub~octions .010, .Ol..l, .012 and ,013 oE Sect:~oii 18.31.OG2 "5tru~tura:l Height a.nd Area Limitations" o£ the Anaheim Munic.ipsl. Code. ;~ MAXI,4in~f SxTE; COVEF.AGE. The maximum c~verage by all r.esidexitial and accassory builair.,gs sha11 Mo f..ifty•-Live percent (55~) of L-he building siCe area. Recreat:iunal-laisure aret~ bt~iZdings and .E~ZCili.ties shall not be include~~ in the calculatic~n of ceverage. (Thzs subsecLion re~:laces ;SUbsoction 18.31.OG2.d2:? "I~iaximum Si~e CoveragQ" of the Arzahoim Municipal Codo.) ,~ETBACK$, 1. Bui1~~:in~L~C~~4n. On axterial liiy2iways and expressways (incluc~ing Oak Hi115 Drive and Weir !:anyon Road) the bui.lding setback ~ha11 be twenty fi.va (25) feet from the right-of-wav t~ thQ btiilding. lhis a:aa may iricl~:de op~~n parking and vehicular accessways ancl the landscaping area of ssvc~n (7) to fourCeen (7.4) Eeet as .indicate~i on the Cix•culation Ylan of tl,e Specif•ic ~lan No. OII-2 d~ cwnenl.. (Tt~is su~soclioY rcpl~~r.es SuhsecL•ior. "Bui].diny Lncation" of the AnaYie.im Municipal Code.) 2, Par};in~,Are~. Lan,~5clp~n~. A minimwn t~in f10) Foot sc_een planting shall be provided adjac:ont ta arterial highways and expressway right-af-ways ( including Oak F~ills Driv~ anr~ Weir Canyon Ruacl} . This mrsy include thr. .andscapincY arQa of• seven (7) to £ourteen (141 fo~r, as ir~clicated on the Circulati~n P1an oE Specific Pla~ No. 88-2, ~nd walls or barms up i:o three (3) fget hiqh. (Ttxis subspction r~plaees Subsections 18.89.052 "Parkiraq Area I.andscaping" C~de.) .03U and .~31 of 8ection of the Anaheim Muncipal 1 ~ ~ -~~- PC90~-02 ,:~~;,, ~~ 3. T~fi_r.i_~,~m ,~~c~,~,ed..Area (Adjacent tu Oak Hills Drive and Woir Cariyon :xd) e Minir landscaped area, ir~cludirzq sloped arQaS shall bQ a minir,..n of: ,even (7) fe~t fur downslope conditior,s and ;Eaurt~en. (19j feot ior.• urslop~ conditiox,s, varying bet:weon condir_3pns as shown on rhe Circu'le-L•ion P7.an of tho Specific Plan 110. 88-2 ducumenL•. 4. Required_.Tsnnrovement af._X~~rcis a~_Sf+Y acl: Areas, Yards and setbac:k areas Por conc~~~minium, townhousQ, towi~house/s~acked flat, stacked •Elat and row house devel.apments sha7.1 be laxidscaped arid maintained Aither b~+ fndivi('ual lot owra~rs or a 2i~~nc~owner.s association, .-~s appropriate. (This subseatiori ~~dds to Subsoctiori "ite~uirad ~mprovement of Xaxds ~~nd 5etback Areas" af the Anahe.im Municipal Cod~.) M. RE~UJrFD RE_~REA'1'IONAL_L'FIS[TRE ,AREA. The mxnimurn pr.ivate or common re~~reational-1ei~ure spaae rc~quiremr~nt sha11 be seven hundred (700) square I•eet per clc~elling uiiir. Such r.QCreational leisure ^,pace may include balconies and gatios. Tt~e minimuri arPa cuunted shall be t:en (1U) t~et by ~en (1Aj feet exclusiv~ ot cirive,~ays. No addil-ional space sh~ll be required. Fatios shall hav~ a minimum square f:ootage of two hundre~d (200) squarc~ E~et with d mznimuni h.en (10) fnot dimensic~n and L~lconies shall be a minimum of. Lifty~ (50) squ~rF fee~ wxth a minimum Eive {5) foot dim~nsion, (This subsaction replaces Subsections .030 an~ ,Ou1 of Sectinn 18.3i.OG3 "Foquired Rec;reatinna].-Leisuro Ar~a" of tiiQ Atia3ieim Municipal C'ode.) N• S~I '~N R~(JLArION~S - ADVERTI~IN~ AND IU~,NTIF~ ~TTON. EntrancP moniimontati~n/signage, both neighborho~d and cornm~.inity, shall bQ permi.~t;ed as provicled for in Sect:ion 1f3.72,100 "Sign Regulations" hore:in an~ as shnwn u:i Exhibit 16 of the Sptcific Plan Plo. 88-2 documeuh. (This subsection adds to Soctic>n 1~.37..Ob'/ "5ign Regvlations - Advertisi.ng and IdFntific~irion" of ~he T.naheim Municipal CodQ.) _1F_ PG90-07. .~. ;.~ ~ ,. ~ r., v~, ~p4:1;-j~ f~'~"q G. FI,~UIR~D STTE_,.SCREE',NT~i~;. 1. Except. as ~therwise pr~vided herc~in, ~i solid cleaora~i~~e type mason.ry wa1~, 1a;ldscapecl earthen berm, and/or any ~:ombination th~reo~, totalzng not less thun six (6) fe~t in height, shali. ba providad along ~nd immediately adjacent Lo the applicable site boundary lin~ ar lot line oF these Residential Devolopment Areas for tYlat purCion abutting an expressway or a commetczal arP~. The height of any such wall and/or b~rm shali ba moasurad from l-.he highest iiriished grade level of the building pad oi dc~e1].ing units locate~i nearest any such abutti.ag boundary unii shall b° subjQCt to the revi~w ar-d approval af tho Planning Commission or Caty Council. 2. In c~1se~ where tY~are is an inte_vening slope bank or vi~w opportunity, t2ie heigh~ of sit•~ screening may bo r~duced to Eive (5) feeL, and may be coristructed with solid matorial, open metal work, and/or pleaciglass, or. any combination tYiereof ba~ed on view and so:inb attenuation canditions. 3. Any fencinq 1or.at~c1 in a rnanner w}iich may obs~ruct the view f•rom a public ri.ght-of-way shz1J. consist o£ clecorat.ive open r~ork materials or as x~equi.red for soun:i atte:iuation and approved by the Plax-ning Commi:~sion c~r. City Council. 4. Any w~s11 rec~uired adjacent tu an ar~erial highway sha11 be constructed eithor along and adjacent to the property line separaY.i:ig such d~ve.lopment from tho arterial highway, or at the top of the sl~pe adjacent to saici arterial highway, wtiic.hever is h.he higk-er e1c t~ation. The top o;; said wall sha~Z be a minimum ~~f ~ive (5) feet above tha elevation of khe building pad uf dwelling units closest to the arterial highway, regardless of whethsr the wall is coaistruct~d on ~he property line or at t'he to}~ of tYio sl~pe. Tk-.e wall may be canstructed with salid mati.eria.l, opcai met~l work, ancl/or ~lexiglass, or any combinaL•ion therool:, bas~d o^ view and sound attenuation conc~iti.ons. (S~zbsections 1, 2, 3 ancl 4, ~~bove, replace the first paragraph of Sectian :18,31.068 "RequirQCi Site Scr•eeniny" oi Lne Anaheim Municipal Code.) 5. Site scxeening up ~o seven (7) teet in be.ight may be permitted by t:he Planning Comm~ssion or City Council For sound attenuation pu,:poses based ori an acoustical ~ound study. (ThS.s ~ubsection adds to Sub5~3ctian 18.3]..060.Q25 "RQquired Site Screeni.ng -• Exceptions" oF the Anahe.im Dlunicipal Gor~a, )" -16- PC90•-U2 ~ • ' :ri1~ . '~~ . P . 1~ ~ifr.ll:. ~ . r 2. By ordinance, amend Sect:ion 1g,77..020-100 of Cha,pter 18.7'l af the Anahe3m Muni.r.ipal Code i.r, its entiret,y ~~ re7d as follows: "Thai: zoning and c7.~v~lopmen;: standards Lor property in Lhe SP fi8-2 Zono • sha11 be as seY forCh in 5ecl•ians 7.A.7'L,020 tr~rough ?$.72.10Q of Chapter IV o£ Specific Pia~z No. II8-2 as heretofare adopted an NovQmber ]., 1S~g8~ by ` Resalu~ion No. $3R-395 oE ~he Anaheim City C~~unail an~ as amended on ~;pril 7.1, 1939, by kesolution No. b912-7.2:i aiid on. ._ __,~_, 199Q, lay R~sA].u~i.on No. 90R-~__, which provisiuns aze incor.porated herei.n by reFerence as if set ~urth in, f~all." T~'r; FORF.GOING F.ESQT.,UTTON was a~proved and adupted by the ~~nahe im City Planiiing Commission o.i the 3rd day oF.',ianuary, 0. - ~ ~>! ~ , ~%~c:;J ,~'i~ ) L~ . _._.__ `CH,~]C'R?dAN, ANAFiF. M CITX PLANNING CO2~4~tISSI01~ ATT~'ST: ,~~ ~ .. /_}s; :~1: j',.~c..~ ; `;f._'_~~.r:'_~.~t:~.::;~.: `~ ~' AC7'ING SECRFTARY, Ai7AIiE7M CITY PLANN?:NG COMMI3SION l . _. ; TATE OF CA.1,I~vKt7TA 1 CUUNTY OF' ORAt1GE ) ss. CITY UI~ AN~I1? ~M } I, ~anet L, J«ns~n, Ar.ting SE:cretary oP rhe Anaheim City Pl%,~zning Comm:.ssion, do herQby cort:ity that tkia z~regoing resolution was p~.ssed aud ancpted at a meotinr, of the Anaheim City Plaran3.nc: Commiss.ion held on January 3, 199p, by Cht~ fo5.?owing vo~e of tha members thoreo£: F.YCS: CUb~ISSTOT~~RS: BOYDSTUN, BOUAS, FELDtiR,[JS, HELL,YER, HEB$ST, idC BiJRNF'Y, bfE55~ NOES: COMMIaaI0NE12S: NONE A~SEN'.C: COMMISSIONERS; NONE IN WT.TNFS5 WHEREOF, I havo hereuxito s~t my hand Chi~,- 1_~`~-~ '~?ay of ~. ~7~nuary, 1990. Ai ~ /I',, ., , ~t l ; ' ~ ~ a '!1'~:1/ ,<_..._ -~-~~..~~..L~,.~.~ ~_::_,..~-• ACTING SECFtE'PAR'l, A~(AHEIM CITY PLANNIt~(G C02+1MISSION ~~.~ --1'1- PC 9 0-02