Resolution-PC 90-201':i:'~,fS ~?~soL~.rro~r _rlo.,_?~2~_-~o i ~~ :tESOI,U:^!ON OC TI~IE ANAHEIM CITl' k'LANNIt1(; COMMTSSION THAT PLTITTON FOk2 CONllTTIONAL USL FERMIT N0, 3319 BE G.RAN:CEA WHEI2EAS, the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commissian did receive a veriEied Petition f`or Condit.ional Use PermiL•, for ccrtazti _•~al prop~r~y situated ir. Lhe City uE Anaheim, ~ouxiry r,f Orange, State of (:a].ifornia, cieseribecl ~s; PAF2CLL 14, TN '1'EIE C~f.TY OF AN7~HEIM, AS SEtOWN ON A M71p RECORDE;D ]N BOOK 2, PAGE(S) 1 OF ~'ARC~[, MAFS, .N THE OFFICE 0!? THE CGUN'PY I2EC012D~,R OF SAID COIINTY, ~he Civic; W-iEt2GA~, the City Planning Comm.issier. ~:ei-ter in the Ci~ f dicl hold a publac be~r.ing 1r not:ic~ c~f y o . s~iid ptiblic. hearing having ,\nahaim oii baen duly August 13, 1990 at 1:30 ~,rn., iven accord~~nce with the provi~iuns of g the AYiahPi.m as requiL•e~l by 3aw and in Munici al C d to hear a~id considor eviclc~:,ce for and against p ~ e, Chaptor 1Fi.03, sa~ t permi~ and ta .investigate axid malce ~ proposed conditional use findings and re theY•ewi th; atid commendations it~ connec.rion I4IiEKLAS, said Commission, afh.er due inspection, ir.vestigation and stuay m~de by .itselt and in its beha]f, an8 after due considort~tion a~ all evidenca and rt~por~s oEfered i~ sr,id 1•earing, d•, ~s fincl and determine the f.c~llowing facts; ~• That rhe propo:,ed use is prnperly one L•or which a conditional use pr.rmiC is authorized by Anahe:m Muni.cipal Code Section 18.03,030.010 tu r~~~in },.wo (2) st~rage cont,aiciers in connection with an industrial use. 'l• T:iat: the proposer.i use is hereby ~~ranted ior ~a period of one (1} year, to Qxpire 1.uc,~u~r 13, 1gg1, i,l r~r~er that the petitioner can devolop a ~et•manent solution l:o the neeti EOI' iiCiditional storage S~d~Q, 3. 'Phat t:ie proposed use ~riJ l not a~9versely aCfecC the udjoining land use~: and the gro~.•k}i anci r'iove.loEr,,enl of r_h~ area in which it. .is propose3 to bP loc~red. ''~. 'rhaC the sizre and ~hape oF. t}le site proposed for thQ use is adequate tc~ allow the Eull de~el,~pment n£ thA proposed use in A manner riot detrimental to the Farticular ~rF:a nor Co tho peace, health, saf'ety and generai welfai•~ oL the (:itizens of the Ci.ty oE Anahoim. 5. T}iat tha grant:ing ot thQ Conciitioiial U~e Perm3C und~r the c~nditions ir,i~~o~ed, iC any, r;i:tl not ba de~_r.imenCal to the pclce, haaltih, saEety ancl geiiera]. welfa_e of ~he Citizens ~f. ttie City ~~f An~thoim. 6. TY,at the tritf:it. gnn~rar,:e~ by the nro~o~ea use w.111 not im~pso an undue burdon upon rhe sr.r~e`s ~n:i highways design~ci and impcoved tu car.ry t?:e trafCic .in the ~rea. ~• ~'h~l: no one indic.~~ed theix presenca a~ said ~ubl:ic hearing in op~ositic,n; anr] tha~ no corresp:~nAance wa, receivad in opposiL•iun to khQ ?ubj~cC petitior,. 16UOr ~r PC9~-201 ~ : •;;: ~ ~A[~IF(~RN_~l~ ~NVTRt1NMENTAL _ QU)~LITY _A~7' P,XNGTN(=: The Planning l~irec~or or• his authorizad reprosantative has dot~rmfned tt,at hhe pxoposed ~roj~ci: Fal:ls within the deCinition or Cahegorical Exempticns, C1~ss 3, as doPirted in th~ Stat~ EJF? Guidolinos and is, tharQfore, catcag~r.ically exompt rrom Y_he requirement to prepaz•e an EIR, NOW, THERI.P'ORE, IiE iT 1tES~T~VEU thlt ~he Anaheim Ci~y Planning , C.ommzssion does kiaroby yrant subject P~tition t'or Conditional Use Perm3t, upon the fo~:lo~v,inq conditions wh.ich ~re heraby found to be a nocess~ry prerequisi.te to rh~ rropos~d use of th~: subject properL•y in order to presarve th~ safQty ~nd gPneral we.ifar~ c~f the Ci~izens ~~ the City of Anaheim: 1. * Ttiat fira ~prink].ers shall be installed ~s x•eqtiired by thQ Fire Dopartment. 2. ~ That plans shal.l be submitted to the Building D:ivision showir~g compliance with the minimum 3t~ndards of the City of Anaheim, including ttie [Jniform IIuilding, Mechanical anci Cira Cor]as as aclopted by ~he CiL•y of Anaheim. Th~ appropriate~ permits shal:l be obhained for anx ~iecessary work. 3. T2iat no outdoc~r storag~ shall bc+ permi tted. 4. That subjact pr~perty shall be developed subst~sntially in accordance with plans and specifir.atioiis submitted to the City of Anaheim by the pPtiti~ner and which plan.^, are on filQ witY~ th~ Planning Departmc~nt r~arker3 E~tliit~i t No , 1. 5. That Condi.tinn Ncs. l, 2 and 3, above•-ment.ioned, shall bQ completed wiL•h.in a pr~riod of ninety (90) days from tho date oE this resoliition. 6. That sut,j~;ct use :;hall be perrnitted for a pe~-iod ~f one (1) year until AugusC 13, 1991. 7. * That approval of this anpiir.at:i~n constitutas approval of the pLOposcd rcquesL• on;} ~o t}ie ax~ent tha~ i~ comp.lies with the Ar.aheim Municipal 7.oning Code and any olher a~~p].icable C.ity, 5tate and :ecleral reg4lations. Ap~roval cloes not include any acti~n or £+ndings a~ to compli.ance or app•roval of t`~e roquc-st ra,qardinq any other applicab.le ord.i.nanco, rer~ulation or requ.irem~nt. Conditi~ns marked with an asterisk (*) arQ requir~d by e:,tatli;.~hed laws, codes, regulat.ions asid agreements anct az•o, thoretore, not subject to neqotiatiori. B~ IT FURTFIER RESCLVED thar_ thE Anah~~_m City Elanning Commi~sion does hereby find and cie~arm'_:ie th:~t adopti.on of hhis Resolutfon is expresgl~ prPdicutecl ~~pan applic~nt's comp.lianre wi-.h each and a21 of the conditions horeinabov~ ~~t forth. Should nny such con~:tions, or any part r.h~treoP, be declared invalid or unenforceable by thQ final juclc~mQnr of any c.ourt of competent jUriscliet.iun, tiheti this RQSalution, and any approvals herein canta3ned, ;hall b~ d~emcrd nu17 and void. ' -2- ' 7 '~ PC90-201 '~,~'ii ,;~ ,, ~.5~ ~ ~::~41 ', .~ ~ ; i I TFir^., FORrGOTNG RESOLUTTON was adopt;od rxt thi~ Ylanniz~g Com;Yiiss,i~n moeting o~ August 13, 1990. i,• ~~f (IL .~~c.., i~ ',;-~;..~i~~.~.~~c,..~c~ ~ CHAIR 0 N, ANAHEIM ~CI7'Y PL'ANNING COMMISSTON ATTEST: ~ /.. .,.~ : '9 ~ 4~~_SL,Z,..,C..~%2G~C•_------ /~ S C E;TARY PRO T$MpURE /` ANAHEIM CITX P~;AITNING COMMISSTOTi , ~. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) C~UNTY OF OP.ANGE } s~. CITY Ok' ANAHEIM ~ I, Jane~ L. Jenst~n, Se<:retary Pro 7:empqre af the Anaheim City P1a:zning Commis;:ion, do her3by certify t.hat the fc~regoing resolution was passed and zduptad at a m~eting of L•he Anaheim City Pl~nn:.ng Commission r~el~~ on Auyust 13, 199~, ~y l•hQ fallowing vate of the members ~herQOF: .AY'E5: CUMiQISSIONERS: F30YDS:CUN, BOUAS, FLLDHAp5, Fi~LLYER, HENNINGER, Pr,RAZA NQE;S: COhA2iSSI0NERS: NONE A2iSf;2.T: ~OMhiISSIONFF.S: MESSE IN W TNCSS WFiERCOF, J. havo h~reur.to s~t my hand this ~,~~~ day of ~; % ~_~ 1.5y0. C ~ -, '' !~,'~~ •~- , • ~~...:r~_.-~x~~~ ' / S$ l2E3'ARY PRO tEMPORE?'~ `, ANAIiETM CTT'Y NLAN~JING COMMTSSION ;r. -~- PC9Q-201 k' ~ :G~' ~? ' •(i '~}_} -. :~'~; ~ ~~,i ~;~(,~~~ ,1 ',S S~'C.KJ Y ~I.~1~.. ~ . . _ . , , .. ~.r.