Resolution-PC 90-203„~,,,^,;i; ~ ~~ RE5 I.UT14N, NOt pC9Q_2(1,~ A RESOLUTIQN OF T.FiE ANAHEZM CITY PLArTNZNG COMMISSION THAT PETITiON ~OR CONDI~iONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3:125 BE r,RF.NTED WHEREAS, the An~heim City Planninc~ ('ommission did receive a veri£ied ~'etitiun foL~ Conditiorial UsQ Permit for cerCain real pruperty sit.uated in the City of Anaheim, Coun~y of Orange, State qf California, describpd as: PARCGI~S 2 r 3~ AND ~ OF PARCEL MAP N0. 87 -150 ~];N T'H$ CITY Ok ANAHFIM, COt)NTY OF ARANGR, STATE OF C~.I,IFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAF E'ILGD TN BOOK 239, PA.GES 45 TO 50 OF PARCEL, MAPS, IN THE OFF'TCE OF TF~~ COUNTY RECORD~R OF ST"D COUNTY. WHER~AS~ *he City Planning Commissior~ d;,~ hold a pubtic lzeaxing at , the Civic CEni:er in the City of Aiiaheim on August 13, 1990 at 1:30 p.m., natico ~f saic~ public hQarir.g k~a~ving been duly givon as re~t;ired by law and xn accordance wxth the provisioz~s of the Anaheam Munzcipal Cpde, ChapY.er 18.03, . to hear and cons~dQr ~~:,idence F.or and agai.nst ~aid Froposed conditional use permit and to inveskigate and make findings anii recommendation~ ~.n connection ~ therewith; and r ~ ~ WFrEI'tEAS, :•aid Commission, aL•tar due inspecY.ion, .inveskigation and s~udy made by itself and in its behaZi, and a£ter. due considexution ot a11 evidence and re~ort:s o.f.fere~i at ,aid hearing, does find and 3ek~rmine the following facts: ~. That the proposod use is properly one for whieh a conditional use permit is authari~~d b.y Anaheim Municipal Code ScGtior. 16.61,050.601 to permit a multiple-unit automobi'le car? facility in conjunct~on wi~k~ a pr.oposed mulr.iple-Cenant industrial buildinq. 2. That t'u~ pronosed uso vri17 not adverselp afF~cG the adjoining land us~s ancl the growth and deve'lopmenL• of th~ ~rea in wliich i.t is ~roposed to be located. 3. That the size and shape of the sitp propos~~ ~or the uso is adequa~e to all.ow thQ Fu11 development of th~ proposed use in a manner not. detrimenta.l to the particul~r areu I]OY t0 the po3ce, h~al~h, safety and genPra.~ welfare oi the Citizens oC the City of Anaheim. , 4. That ~her granting o~ i,-.he Conditional ~;, Fermit urider lhs „ c~nditions imposed, if ar-y, will not be dekrimental . _he peace, health, safc:ty Znd general welfare ot the Citizens of the Citx oE Anahe.im. 5. That tbc~ trat'fia generatrd by the proposed use wi1Z not impose ; an undue burden upon the ~treets and highways desi.gned jnd irnproved to carry i the traffic in the area. 5. That no one indicated thear nr~sence at said public hearing in • oppositzon; and that no c~rrespondence was received in opposition to thQ ~ sub;ect petition, 1602r -1- PC90-203 '~ r. --- -- ~,fs ~ `~~" . ALTF RNTA EN_ VIRONM~NTA'L p[JALIrY AGT FINDING: That t;~e A~ahoim CSt•y .Planning Commiss~~n h~s reviewed the proposal to permit a multiplo-unit a~utomobile care Eacility in cnnjunction rrith a proposed multiple-tenant in3ustrial building oYi a rec~angularly shaped parce'1 af land con3isting of appro.cimately 3.1 acras locatad at the nor~heast cor.ne: of L~ Palma Avc~nue aiid Hancock Street, and having appraximate front3ges of 325 feQt or the north side o~' La Palma Avenue and 387 feet nn the eas~ si~e o~ Hancock S~r~ei:; and does hereby approvs the Negative Declaration upo:. :Eindiny th2t. it has consi.dered t~ie Neg~tive Peclaratioiz together with any commerits received during ~he publi.c xevisw pracess and further finding on the basis of ~he initial study and any comments receivecl t;hat there is no substantial evid~nce L-hat the project wi11 have a significant effect on the envirorunr~n~. NOW, 1~HEREFORE, BE TT R~SOLVED that the A.naheim CS.Cy Planning Comm3.ssion does hereby graz~t subjQCt Petition for Gonditional Use PQrmit, upon thQ foilowinq conditians which are hereby found to be a necessary prereqaisi'~e to the pxoposed use of the subject property in prder to ~resPrve the safet,y an~ general wel.fare of the Citizens c,f tlia City of Anaheim: 1• * That sidewalks sha11 be izistalled along La P~lrna Avenue and Hancock ~ StrAPt as rer~ui.rQd by the City~ Enginee~ and i.n accercian~~e with stan3ard ` p).ans ~nd specifications on file in r_hP Office of the City Engineer. ?• '~ ThaL- a Lot Lino Adjustrnent Plat to combine the five s}:all be submitted to Lho Subdivision SecL-iorx and approved~bytthe Cii:y Engineer and then r~corded in tho Office of the ~range County Recorder. ~• * That street lir~hting facilities aZong Hancock Stre~t shal:. be in~tallEa as required by the Utilit;ies General M2nagex :~n accordance with specifications Qn file in ttie Office of the Utzli~ies Gnneral Manayer; or that security in the form o£ a bond, r~er~ifieate o£ deposa.t, 1ett~r of cz•adit, or cash, in an amoux~t and form satisfactory to the City of Anah~.i~~~, shall bo p~sted with ~he City to guarantee thE satisfactory comPleti~ii of the abo~•e-mentioned .i.mgrovements. Said secutity sha'11 be posted wi~h the C:ity of Aii~heim prior to :.ssuanco of a btii.ldi~g pexm~,ti, The abovo-requi:ed improvements shall be installed prior to occupancy. ~• * Tb.at subject property shall bo serv~d by underground utiliY,ia~, ,; 5• * That prior to issuance oL• a building permit, the appropriate major tharoughfare arid bzidge fee shall b~ p~~id to the City of Anaheim .in an amcunt as spQCifiQC~ in the Major ~horoughfare and Brfdge Fea Frogram for the Footh3.11/Eastern Transport~tion Curridor, a~, established by Ci~y ~'+ Cour.cil resolution. 6• '~ That prior ta i~suance ~f a building parmit, the appr~~riate traffic signal assessment E~e s~iall L~e pai.d to the City of An~heim in ~n amount as estiablishecl by City Ceuncil rQSOlution. -2 PC90-203 ~ ~',•~,~.;~~ 'i l ;~~', i', il~R __~ II~~~~ - _ . ~ . .. .. .. . ' ~i;i' .. ~ . . ~ . . . , . , , )1 rY~: . . . . i ~,.'y? . . rp4,, . . . . .. . {. y ~ 1 ti 7. * That p~.ans shaY1 ba submittea to the Cir.y Traffic Engineer for r,is re~~i~w ~nd approval showing coYi£ormance with tlio 1atQ~t revision of Engineerinc~ Sta:~dard Plari Nos. 436, 6~J2 and 60~ n6rt.aininq tn parkirig standarc~s. Subject property shal]. thereupon be aev~loped and maintained in conformance with said plans. 8. That all driveways shall be cansY.ruc~ed with fifteen (~.5) foot radi.us ,~i curb return~ as reguired by tho City Sngineer in coniormanae with ongineering stanc.iaxds. d: 9, Thal•. no outdoor storage ot, c'~zsplay af, or work on vehicles o:c vehicular par.ts shall be permitted. 10. ~ That prior to commencement of. structural fraining, ar_-si.te fire hydrants shall 2~o insta].led and cl•iargEd as requirod and appr~v~d b,y the Fire DepartmEnt. An a11-we~thar roa.d sh~:Ll b~ prov=defl ~o the h,ydrants at all times, as r~~uir.ed hy th~ F•ire Departmenl•., .li. * That fire sprinkler.s shal.l k.~e i.n.stalled as required by the Fire Depart.men~. 12. * That t•rash storaqe areas shall be pravided and maintained in a location acceptable to the Stre~t DSaintenance arid Sanitati.on Division and in accorclant:e witn approveci plans on fi.le with said div5.sion. Such inFormation shall be specitically shown o~t the plans submitted far building ~8rmits. 13. That the legal owner of subject property shal]. ac~uire a recorded unsuborflin~ted cavenanl• granting an access easement f.rom the legal pr~pez•ty owner immediately north of aubjecl: praperty for ingress and @CJY'95S purpos~s Co subjQCt pr.opPrty. Said oasement sha11 be designed in a manner satisfactor~ to the City Tra~fic Engi.nesr and said covenant shall he in a£orm sati~fac;Lory to the Ci~y Attorne; . A copy oE the recorded covenant sha13. be submittec~ to the 2oning Uivi~ion. 19. * xnat gates sha11 not be install~d across any drivewax in a manner which. may adversely affect vehicu].ar ~ra.ff ic in the adjacent public streets. Installatioxi of any gates shall conform ~o Engi.neEring Standard I~lan No. 402 and shaiJ. be ~ubject to thp r.eview and approval of the City Traf£ic Engineer prior. to issu~nco oP a building pexmit. ~'~ ~ 15. Thai: the wa~PZ' backflow c~quipment and an,y other larqe ~~rater yystem equipment sha11 be installed l:~ the sati~far.tion of. the Water Utility' Division ir~ eitiher: (a) underground vaults or (b) behind the street ;~ setback lrea in a rranner fully scraened from aIl public strec~l:s. 16, * 1'hat all lnckable pedestrian andl or vehicular access gates shall b~ ~quipped with "knox box" devices as rQguired and a~proved by the Fixe Department. :; , ;,~ >. , x~~ ~ f f}~ 4 . '. ~I~/r,~~~.. r . -3- PC90-203 'I ~ ry '.'Ji~ - ~ ~ . . ,~~;~1~ t ~~,i;.~~'~~~,~.u~''~.~ Fz'~~ 17. * Thot a11 a.tr concl.itioning f.ac;ilities ~and ottier roof and ground mountc~d c~quipmont shal.l be ~ro~arly ~hialdecl Erom viow. Such infor~nation uhall be spacifical7.y showr. on tha pl.ans flu~mietuc~ for building permits. 18. Th~t ~11. ~~lumbir.g or ot}i~r simll.~r p:ipes and ~ixtures located on thtt extorior of the builciing slia7.J. be tully sc:eone~l by arch.itecCural dovicos and/~r approprit~tQ building muterinl~si and, Eurl•her, such inl`ormation s1ia11 ba spec3tica:lly shown on I:ho plans submittod for buildinc~ pormir_s. 19. * Th~t the propc~sal shall comply wit•h cill siqning reguiromonts of khe ML "Industrial, Limitad" Zone, iinl~ss a vazianc~ allorring oign waivnr~ i~ apprnv~d by ~he City Council, Planniny Commis3~on or Zon3ng Aclministrator, and except as otharwisc~ specifiod in Conditiun N~. 20, tae low. 20. That any propo3ed £reastanding sig~~ on cubj~ct propoc~y shall be mcnum~nt-Cype not excQedi~iy oighr. (0) feet in haighr. and shall ba subject to the raview and approval of th~ l:ity Traffic Engin~or to iiQter.mine adeRuaCQ 2ines-at-sight. ?.1. ThaL a lanc~scapo and ii•rigation p2an Lor gubjecl propflrty shall he submi~:r_c~~ ro the Z~ning Division for rc~view and approval. An} de~cision :nac3e by the 7.oninq Divisic~n r~garding said ~lt~n ~~y bo appealed ta the Plar.ning Corrmissi~n r.nd/~r City Counc.il. Sai.d pl•~n shall inr,lude the restrict:on of trQes as ~poc:ified in Condition No. 25, below-menticined. 22. * That thP on-sito landscapinq and irrigatior, system shall be maintt-inad in compliance ~vith City standards. 23. * Ti~a~ the parking arna adjacer-t to Lz Palm,i Avenua and H~ncuck 5truet shall bo screened from view in coriform~nce with zoning Code Section 13.61.056.U30 "Itequired Imp*overt~ent oE Parking Areas". 24. Tbat in Che event a parcel map to subu.ivide subject proper~y is recordad, an unsub;,rdlnated reciprocal acceas and parking c~greement in a form natisfac:tory ta the Ciky Attorney shall be :acorded with the office af the Oranqe County K~c~rder. A copy of c:he recorde@ aqreement shall t:hen be suhmit:.ed to the Zoninq Divisi~n. In ~ddit.{on, provisions sha11 be c~iade fn the 2qreement to guarantQe that the entice complex shall be r.~:rttag~sd and maintair.~d a;~ Qne (1) inteqrnl par¢A1 ~or purpoaes ot parking, vehicular cirr.u:atfon, si~naqe, lan~l usaqA ~ ~rc;hitectural control. 25. That r.he existing trQes at th~ corner of La Palma AvFnuo ~nd Hancock Strcet ~nd alona the e:itire frontaqe of La Pblma Avenuo, er.cept srhRr.e the drive~+ay .is cnn~tructsd, s}:all bp retainQd and t:hat any trees removQ~s for the driveway ~hall be relocated to either side oE the drS.vctaay if pos~iblp. ~~° PC~JO-3b~ ~~r~r ~ ,. . , •, •,,. 26. Ttia~ subjoc~ Proporty sha:ll be ~1evo].opocl substantit~lly f,u accordance with pians tand spocification5 submittvcl to tho City of Anaheim by the petitioner and whieh plans ~+r~ on file wit:h thQ Planninq berartment markod lE.xhibit t3os. 1 Chrough 3. 27. Thal: pxior to iasuanco of a butlding permit or. wi.thin a perfdd ot ont~ (1) ye~r Erom r.t-e date uf ~hia r~solutlon, wh.ichever occurs firgt, ConCiition Nos. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18 mntl 21, aL•ovQ-mentionad, shal.l bo camplied with. ~xtonsions Eor furthgr time to compJ.ete s~id concliCians may b~ grunted in accordance w~th Section 1B.03.090 of thQ Anahoim Municipal Cod~. 2fi. Ttiar. prior to Einal r.uilciing and r.oning inspectiona, Condition Nos. 1, 3, 4, 8, 11, 15, ld, 23, 25 and 26, abovQ-mpntloned, shall be c~mplfed with. 29. +~ That n~prova: oE Ch~;~ applicar.ion constiLutas approval o~ the pr.npos~d requesc only ta thQ ~xtent thaC it coinplies with the Anaheim M~inicipal Zoning CodQ and any other applicablc~ City, State anc] ~eAarAl c.squ2ations. Appr~vlt doos not inc:lud~ any action or findings as to complfarice or approval of rI1P, request reryardinq any oCher ap~.~ iaablo ordinance, rec;ul~tior. or reqi~iramarit. Conditions marked with an asterisk (*) ~~re required by eatablis}~ed laws, codes, royulatior.s aud aqre~ements and are, thoref.ore, not subject L•o neqatiatxon. AE; IT FURTtIER RESOI.VED LhaF. tha Anaheim City Planning Co-~misaion rl~es horeby f;T,3 and dQt~-mine that c-3option ~f th.is Res~~lution ia expressly prQdi::atQd upon a~plicant's cornpliance wir.h e~ch ar,d a21 of +:re couditions hereinabove s~t fortn. Should any such conditions, or any . h. thereof, be declared invalid ~r unentor~.eable by the final judqrcen~ oi any courr. of compgtent juriadiction, thc~n Chis Reso3ution, and any approvals herein c;ontainQd, stiall be dQemed nu12 and void. THE FOREG01ltG RESULU'Tt02i was a;iopted at the Planninq Commisnion c~eeting ot August 13, 1990. ~ , v , `, ,,,, . , - ~ ._ r'~ ~~~.< _~~:.., , .~"~._:~`•,..4.v' Cr.„~t_.: ~ ~---, -~ CHhIRWOMA2t, AtiAHEIMuCITX PL.ANNING C01~!ISSION ATTE5Ts -) . ~ , ~.i ~.S'~~~~~ . ' ~.i ..r.~1~<~ ~:~-~-- ----- - -- -- ~ ~CRBTARY PRO TPMPORE ~AHANEIM CITY ,i'LA2INING COF4dISSIU!! _5_ PC90-20~ ~, ~~ ~ ~., ,"~,i~ ,4~,~ i+ ''r~ S7.'ATf; OI' CALIFORNIA /7 ~,~ ~ --+- : ~ ~~-~'-~ l ' ~ ~`_ `'-=-~-: l d'..Z~~uc.a.Y.ut ~ SE~'12ETARY PRO TEMPdR~ ~ ' l~ltAHEIM CITY PLDiNN2NG COhR•SZSSI~N t Y r' r ;~ C~UNTY OF OE~ANGE ) ss. CImY OF ANAHETM } I. J'anat L. Jonsun, Sacrat~ary Pro Tempore af L•he Anaheim City Plnnning Commission, do hvreb;~ cort,ify that the :oregoing resolution was pur~sed and adopted at a rneeting nE the Anaheim City Planning C~mmission held on A~•~usC 13, 1990, by the followir~g voto of the mornbF~rs thArg~fs AYES: COMMISSIONERSs BO~DSTUN, ff0U.1S, HELi.YEFt, HENNINGGR, PERAZA HO~S: COMMLSSI0~15RS: FELDFiAU5 AHSENT.: CUr4fYSSIQNF.RS: MESSE IN WITN~SS WFl~REO[', I h~^a'.:~ herAUiito set ml hanft this G~ ~ ~ o f a~~~. 19 90 . ~• day i= ; ;~ . ,. -~' PC90-203 '~ :; ;; -~