Resolution-PC 90-207f~ R~~S~2~~L~.r9N N~ P~S2-?4? ;f~ A RESOLUTION 0~' THL~ A2dAHEIM CITY FLA'r121ING COIdMISSIO~I THAT P~'T.ITION FOR VARIANCE N0~ A075 FiG GRANT.ED, ];N PART WHEREAS, the AnAhoim City Flaniiing Commission did roaoive ~+ verified Petition fox Var:an.ce for cert~~n rpal proporty sit:uated in ~ha City of Anahoim, C~anty oi Ornnge, State of California de~scr.ibed as: PARI:ELS E3 AP7D 9 AS SEiOWN OiJ A MAP FTL~A IN fs00K 2'1.2, PAGES 37 T~ 41 INCLUSIVE, OF PARCk~L MI~PS, T;I THE OFFIC~ C1F TFIG COUN'TY R~CORDER OF ORANGE COUNT~ . CALIFORNIA. WI~iEREA~, th~ City P.lanning Commission dicZ holc~ a pul~].ic hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anah~im on .August i3, 1990, at 1:30 p.m., notice of saic~ public hearing having beQn ciuly given a3 roquired by law and in accoraance with the provisions nf tho Anahoim Municipal Code, (:haptor 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for a~id against said p•roposed variance and to investi.gate and makc finding3 and r~conunend~tions in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, afGer due inspecta.on, ir~vestigati~n and study made by itself and in tts behalf, an@ afLer duo consideration of- a17, evidonce and reports ot•fered a~ ~aid hoazing, doQS f3ncl and determinQ ttie iol].orring i:acts: 1. ThaL- tho net•.it~ior,er propos~s waiver of tho Lollowing to co:istruct 3 wall signs: S~T~DI,~.~$~5.0~1 ..02Q - hl~,~.m~m_ n~mt~~r ~t w~11~S ,S,ic~n~.. anci_1~L~4s0.¢2,0~lQ_ (1_~ign per front entrance of each cornmercial unit permitted in ttie Scc~n_ic Corridor; 3_sign~ for 1 unit. proposed) 2. Th~t thQ ab~ve-men~ioned waiver is hereby grantod, fn part, permi.t~:ing or,e (1) wall sign f.acir.g ea~t and one (1} wall ~iqn facing soutlh on thc~ basis tha~ thore are special circumsCances apulicabl.e to t;he property such as size, shape, l:opography, lor_atian and surroundings which tlo nut apply to othrr identically a,onecl propertl in the st~me vicfnity; and that strict, application of thc~ 7.oning Code depr.ives the property of priv~leges enjayecl by ~ther proparties in L•he identical zone an~.i classification in the vicinity. 3. That there are excsptional or extraordinary circumstances or condition~ applicable to the proper~y involvod or. to thcs intonded usQ of th~ property that 3o not apply genQraJ,ly h.o the property or class of u~a fn the samQ vicinity and zonQ. 4. Thati ttie roquesr.rd variaiice is nec~ssary tor the preservation and onjo,yment ~f a substantial prhpertv right possassQd by other property in the same vicin3.ty and zone, anQ clonied to Ctie property in question. 1G06r - ~ •- PC90-207 ~i ;;~~ %~ J .~, 5. That tho requ~stod var.iance will not bo matorially daL•rimental to the public welfarc~ or injur3ous to the propc~rt•y or improvements in 3uch vicinity and zone in whtch thc~ nroporl•,y is lor.ated. 6. That no one incia.r.ateci t2~eir presenco at said public hearing in opposilian; ana thaL• nn c~rrespondenr~Q was receiveci in oppo~ition to subjQ^_t pr~tition. ~}±LIk'ORNIA L•'NVIRQ~TM,EN' AP L QiJ~L13'Y ~~T ~'I _DTNG; The Pldnning Director or his author::zed rQprQSOnt~txve Y1as dorerm.ined h.hat the proposed project fa11s within the de~inition ot Cat:~gorical Gxemptions, C].ass 5, as d~fined in tl ,tate GIR Guicl~linas aYid is, th~retore, cater,arical].y axempt from tha req~ ;e:nt to preparc an EIR. NOW, THEREI'ORE, IIE IT RGSQLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does horeby grant subject Pe~ition for Varian~~, :in part, upon the following conditions whir.h are hereby Eound to be a necessar~• prereq~iis3.te to the proposQd use of th~, subioct prupert.l in order to presorve thQ safaty and general wel£are of the Citizens the City of Anaheim: .l. * That plans shal). bc~ submitt~rd to the Buildinc~ Divisipn showing complianc.e w:Lh the minimwn staiz~3ards of thR Czty of Anaheim, incl~iding thH T1niEorm Build~ng, Eloctrical, Mechanical and Fire Cocies a~ adopted by the City ~L• Anaheim. Tha appropriate permits shall be obt~ined for aiiy necessary work. 2. * Th~t un.less ~i vari.ance is applied for and qrantod, lighting of 3ignaqe for subjQCr property 3ha11 he prohibited betwQen thg hours of midnight and 6:30 a.m. as specifiaci by Zoning Code S~cti.on "Limitati~ns on Sign Ligliting". 3. That subject proport.y shall be develoPed substantial.ly in accordance with plans and sPQCificatioi~s submitted Co rhe CiL•y of Anaheim by the }~atiL•ioner anc which plans are on file w.ith the Planning Aepartment markQd Exhibit xios. 1 through 4. 5. That prior to tha corrsmQncement of tne uctivity authorizect by this res~luY.tun, or prior Y.o finaJ. building and zoning inspe~clians, or wit2iin a pc~riod nf on~ (1.) yoar from the dato oL• this resolution, whichever occtirs first, Conclition t~os. 1 and '3, above-mentionod, shall be compli~d wf kh . G. ~ That approval of this application cons~itutec approval of the proposed r~yuect only to th~ extent L•hat iC ccmplies with the Anahoim Municipal Zoning Code and any other appllcablR City, Sta~a and Federal regulations. Approval does nat include anl ~ction or fi.ndings as to compliance nr approval cf the requost rAgarding nny other applicable ordinanc~, rogulation t-r roquirem~nt. Cunditions maxked with an n~terisk (+~) ~re requirod by osl-gblish~d 2aws, ;.odes, requlatinns and ag*.•eeme~r.ts anc~ ara, therefore, nor_ subject ~o negotiatSon. -7- PC9U-20T ~~ ,, ~ - >~+~~, -,~~ ';r ~,:~a,~;; ' , 1~'~d'q~,v r ;~;: ^~w ~ ~~ ~~, . ~ ~~}'"~1 AE IT FURTHE:R RE50L~ED that the An~shaim City ~1~nnixic~ Commission c~oes hereby L•ind and datarmine tha.t adop~i~n oE this Resolution zs o.cpressl,y pred3.aat:ed upon applicant'~ compli~nce with each ~nd all of. tha conditions l~oreinabove set forth. Sh~u'ld ~+ny :?uch condit3o~s, or any part theroo~, be cJQalared invali~i ar wlenCorcQab7.e by tho f3.na1 judgment af ~ny court o£ cumpatent juriscla.cL•ien, then tl~is RasoluCion, and any approvals h~rein containod, sha11 be daemed null and void. ~ TF1E FOREG0ING RESULUTTON was adopCed at t,he Plannix~g Commission meFttng nf August ].3, .L9g0. ,% ~ ~, ~'~.;~~~~~C~: ,~'',i,:~',~"~~~-C~~:.~.:, .-~~ ~ CHAIRW01`BAN, ANAFiEItrt CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: = ~ =~ ~ i. _..°-~--•.~~:;,{~r.~.,._..~.~ ~ ~ ~ ..._,~~ ~ ' ' •-------- %~ S, CRETARY PRU ~hSPORE ~,, ,ANAHE3M CITY P ANNTNG COMMISSION ~ STAT~ OF CALTFORNIA ) ~OUI~TY OF ORAr~GE ) ss. CIxY OF ANAHETM ) I, Janet L. JQnsen, Secretary Pro Tempore of the Anaheirn City Planning Commission, do hereby certiEy that the foreg~ing resolution wag passetl ~nd adopted at a meetin~ ot t:he Anlheim Ci~y Planning Commission held on August 13, 1940, by Che following vo~e of the membors fhereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, BOUAS, FELDFiAUS, H~NNIkTG~R, PCRAZA NOES: CUMMISSIOI~ERS: IiELLYER ABSENT: COMMTSSIONERS: MF.SSE IrT WI 11~S5 WFiCTtEOF', I hav~ herc~unto set my hand this ,^1.~;~„~„I day of ~'.~~11~;~ 1930. e L~ ~r . .°- ~~" .c.~'2tt~-~ .c..'~_~..~'~lfi_=- ~ ~t~--• - ~ ;:,T~ RETARY PRO rEM~?6RE `/ ~ ANAHE;TN, CITX PLANNING CQh~4rt~SSIOl1 ~ PC9U-207 , -3-