Resolution-PC 90-22_ ~ ~ zL~Qr u~~~N NQ.,_PC 9Q -zz A RrSQLUTION OI' Tii~ ANAHEIM CITX PLANNTNG C'dMMISSION THAT PETTTION FOR VAItIANCF N0. 4017 IIE GI2A.NTL;ll WHFR~AS, i:he Anaheim City Planning Gommission did receiva a vE:riFitd Poi:it.ion fo!: a Varianc~ for certain z~e~l property ~ituated in the C'a.ty of Anaheim, Coun~y o~ Oranga, 5tate of• (;a1if_ornia desc.ribecl ~s: PROYO5ED TRACT Na 12oEi9, 9EIldG A STJBDIVISION OE' A PORTION QF: PARCEL 1, AS SHOWN ON A MA.F' FiLFD TN HOOK ~17, PAGES 32 THRUUGH 42 INCLUSTVF OF PAR~'EL idAPS, RECORDS C~F ORAN(i~ COUNT.Y, C.ALIF'ORNl'A. . WE:EI<iAS, the City Planning Cammission did h~ld ~ publ3.c h~aring at i:he Civi.c Center .in the City of AnaYiei:n un Jar.uary 29, 1990, at Z:30 p.m., notico of said publi.c hearing hav.ing been ~~uly given as required by law' and in acc~rclance wizh Lhe provi.ions of the Anahgim htunici~al Code, Chapter 18.0"s, to hear and consi.der evidence for an~i against ~aid proposed variaance and to 3.nvestigate and make findi,ngs and r~commendations in conne~ti~n thQrewi~h; and saicl public hearing was continU.ed to the meetinq cf ~Tanuary 29, 1990; and WHEREAS, saicl Cammission, after ~ue insgec.tinn, investigat.ion a:~d sY.~zdy macie bx itse.lf ancl ici iks behalf, anii after due consideration of all evider~ce anc~ reporL•s offered at saicl he~.ring, does Eind and determine the following facts: 1. That the petit~~nc~r reqt•.ests wai~~er of ths fo]lowing in order to develop 206 single 1E~n3.ly rieracr,ed residQntial ~riit,s in connecti~~n with Vesti.ng lentative Tra~l•. Map Nos. 126d9, 1205~0 and 12691 (The Hz,qhlands at Anaheim Fiills 5peciCic ~.lan No. SP 37-1): (a) ~ECTION 18.01lI~0 - R~<~uire~, 1Qt _frqntagP. (Lots requirec~. tu £ront on ~blic~,t~eeks; all lots propo~ed to front on ~riv~~.e Streets) (b) .SE(iTI.ON 1$.26.U61.0?(.~, - Miriirr~ 1~: wi~t,~h ~nr,i frontaae. (70.,feet required; 2Q~~f~~x £or 58 oF 21'i lo~s (28~] in Deve].opm~nt Ar?a 1 prnposeil) 2. That the abuv~-mentioned wa:ivFrs arc~ h~reby gr, nted on i:he basis th~•F fihere are ~pecial c.ircumstanr,es applicaUle to the ~araperty such as size, sliape, topography, 'location and sur.roundinqs which do not apply to other idQntically zoued groperty in L-he same vic3.ni~cy; and th~-t str. ict ap~.licttti.or~ of the Zoning Code degrives the prc~perLy of priviloga~ enjoyod by ~~thc~r pr.operties in the identical zarie and ciassificati~n in tho vir,inity. 1265r PC 90-22 ~ _ ~ . 3. That thare ~sr~ cxcept•.i~nal or ~xtraordinary circtunstances ar conditio~s applicab:Le to th~ ~,roperl:y invo:lved or to the intendad use of L•he rro~erty ~hat do noi: apply generally to tk~e property oz' c7.ass ef usa in the same vicixiity anci zone. 4. That Lhe reques*ad variance is nflcessary for t;he preservation and enjoymenL• of a substantia7. property right pos~sc~ssed by oi:her pruperty in t"~e same vicinity and zone, an<] denied to the prc~perty in question. 5. That the requested variance wi11 not be materially dotra.mental t~ the pub'li:• wQllAre or i.njuri.ous to ~he pro~~z:L-y or impz•ovemenL•s in such viciniL•y and zone in whi.ch tne properi:y is located. 6. Th1t no one indicated their presence at said pv.blic hearing in opposi.tion; and that no corre~,potidenae was received :in opposition to subject petition. ALTF~_R_NTA FNVIR~~NMENTAG UA'L_ITY A~T I'INDIN : That Lhe Anaheini City Plunning Commission has reviewed tYie pr~posal £or waiver of.~ required 1ot frontage and minimum Iot vridth and frontage, to dovelop 217 lo~s :irx c~nnection with Vestinq T~~ntative Trach Map 23os. 12689, 1269U and 12691 (approximar.ely 206 single family detached residential utiits in a privaCe qa~ec', r.onisnun~.ty witllin Th,e Hiahlands at AriaYxeim Hills Specific Plan No. SP a7--1) on property consis~ing of• approximat.ely 144.4 acres ger~erally bounded by the East Hills Planned Community~ on the nox•th, the Moh].er Drive arez on the wc~st, thQ Syc:amore Caiiyon devel~pment an the east, and Develogment Arr~as 2 and 3 of Tne Highlands at AiiaYieim Hills ~n tYie aouth: and does hRreby find that L•"nv.~ronmental impact Repor.L- No. 273 (previously certiL•ied) is adequate to serve as ttie requirec] envir.onmen~.al document for this request and is in compliance with tYie ~alil•ocnia Environment.al Qtiality Act and the State City guidelines; and far.•ther does hereby approve the Negative Declaration upon finding that it h~~s considered the Negative Declaratian togoi:her with any commenL•s received during the puk,lic :eview procass and further f inding an the basis of t•he Ini*_i.IIl Study a:id <<ny comments rec:eived that therQ is no substantial eviclence that t;e px•oject will have a signiEicant effect on the envir~nment.. NOW, THEREFORL, A~ IT Ri~SULVBD that thP Anaheim City Pian:~ing Coinmission dae5 herehy grant suhject PetiL•ion for Variance, upon th~ fal7.owing conditions which ax•e hereby found to be a neces:~ary prerequisi~e to the proposed use of: the subject p~o~crty i.n order to preserve the cafety and general wel.Eare of t;ie ~itizens of t2xe Cit~~ of Anaheim: -2- PC 90-22 ., ,~,.. l. Tha~ prior to appruval of ear.h ~ina1 map of Tract Map Nos. 1268y and 1?.690, and R~vision No. 1 of. Tract: Map N4. 12691, an unsubordinatecl covenant sha11 be submitted Lo the Enginaering Divisio:i, for review and approval as to fuxm by the City At~~rney's U~fice, limiting th~; front builcling se':bscks tu th~ buildinc~ locations snown on the Einal s3.L-e ~pl~ns far Trac:t Map Nos. 12B8y and 12690, anc! Revi~ion No. 1 pf Tr3ct Map No. 12691. (Exhibit ~Io. 3.~,h~)ws the Final 5ite Plan for Revision No, 1 uf. Tract Map No. 12691) , Prior to Einal map a~~prqva'l, £:inel site plan~ for Tract Map Nos. 126H^ and 12690 shall tae subm.itfied ta thP Plannirig Camnissian ~or th~ir review and aPproval as a~~:port and Reconunen~ation item. Said plans sha11 indicate unit layout and mir_imum buildin.g front ~etbacks. The unsuL~orclinated coven~int sha].1 ?~e recorded oxi the affected lot:s in co:inecr9.an wit:i recerdation of the tract map. Prior to issuance ~~E a buildirig per-nit, proof o[ said recordatior. shall be submitted to the Planning Depar~mento 2. That subject properrty sha7.1 be developed substantially in accordance , with pl~ns and sp~~cifica.t:ions submitted t~ the City of F.naheim by l-he petitioner and which plaxis are on file wiL-h the Plaiining D~Partment rnarked Exhibi.t Nos. 1 Lhrouah "r. '. 'P.hat prior. to issuance of a building permit ar wi~~in a period of one ~ (1) yeai• frorn tk~e date o£ thas resolution, whichever occurs first, Conditaon No. 1, above-meationeft, shaJ.:l be aomplied wi~h. Extnnsic~:as for further time to complete said conditions may be qi•antecl in acr.ardance rrith Section .18.03.090 af the Anaheim PQunici~al Code. 4. Th~it prior to final building and zoning inspections, Condi.tian No. 2, ab~~ve-ment.ioned, sha11 be complie~ with. 5. Tp~at prinr to apprcval ot each final tract map of Tx~c;t M~p Nos. 12ti8g a~ad 12690, and Ravision No. 1 of Tract Map Nu. 12691, Cond'_tinn No. 1, above-mentioned, shal'1 be complied with. f,. That approval of this a~plir.ataon constitutes approvctt of tha proposed requ~st only L-a the extent khat it c~ampii.es with the Anaheim Municipal 'Lccizng Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal regulati.on;~. Appro•~al does not include ar~y action or find:ix~gs as L•o compliance ~r approval of the regues~ regarding any other applicable ordinancP, regulakion ar requirement, BE IT FURTHGR RESOLVE.1 that the Anaheirn Cik~- Planniz~~r Comncrsqian does hereby find and detormir_e that adop'tion of this Re~olution is expres~ly predicated upon ap~licant's cornpli3ncp with each and a11 of the conditions Y:ereinabove set forth. ShQUld any such c~nditions, or any ~eart khereuf, be declared xzivalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of an~ court cf competen.t ~urisdicLiun, Lhen this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, ,ha~ 1 be deemed r.ull a:id v~~id. -3- PC g0-22 TFi~ FORBGOING RhSULUTION was ~dopted at the Planning Commissior- moQting oE Janu~cy 29, ].~90.` ...__.....~ ' "_"'_."_~.' _~s._ ~.,_~~_~r~~ L.J"_"_"'__. CFIAIR'WOMAN, ArIAHEIM CITY F'LANNING COMMISSTON ATTEST: ~ ~_._~ """"~`~ s ~~---~t;SL1~L.e~!~ _..._.---•- SECR~;TAR , ANIWEIM CITl.' P1..AtJNING CObtMISS70N STATE OB' CALIFO~NTA ) CQUNTY C~H' OItANG~ ) ss . CITY OF ANAHEIM ) i, Edi.th i,. Harx•is, SQCrotary of l•he Anaheim CzY.y Planni~lg Commission, do t.e:oby cc~rtiry that rhe forego.inq resolutior~ was pa~~e~ and adopteft at a mecat.ing of Y.he Anahsim City Planiiinq Cornmission he1c3 on January 29, 1990, by tht f.ollnwing vote of tY,e mQrnbers thereof: AYF'S: CUMMZSSI01']ERS: BUYI`:"Ut3, BOIJAS, FELDI-iAUS, Ii~LGYER, MC Bi)RNEY, MEStiE "IqES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT, COh4~itSSIONE:tS: HERBST I1~ WITNESS WHEREOI', cf ~~~~c ~ ~ 1990. ~ I have hereunto seL- my hand this ,~~L~ dny ------~ ~,~~... _--~ - _. _ ~ ---_. 5ECRI:'I7~RY, APIAHEIM I:ITY ~bLA2~1t1ING COh4~QISSIGN _d~ PC 90-22