Resolution-PC 90-221~ R~L~.I N NO~..p..~Q-22~ ~ A RESOLUTION OI' THE ANAfiFIbt CITX PLANDl'ING COMMISSION ThAT PETITION FOR VARTANCE Np. 4073 B~; DEPIIED, WI'1'HOUT PREJUDT(:F WIiEREAS, the ~naheim CiLy P1t~nning Cornmission did rec~ivo a varified Pe~i~ion for Varilnce for cnrtain real propRrty situatcac~ in thc~ ZiCy of Anaheim, Coun~y of Oranqe, State of California dc~scribec~ ~-s: PAR~EL A: PARCEL 3 IN THE CITY OF' ANAF;EIM, C~UNT.Y OF ORANGE, SZ'ATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWI~ ON A MAP FTLED IN BOOH F30, PAGE 5 OF ~'ARCEL MAPS, I1S TFiB OFFICG OF TIiE COUNTY RECORDER OF' SAID COUNTY. PARCEL B; PARCELS 3 AN~ 4, .i2~ TH~: CIT.Y Ur ANAHEIM, COUNTX OF ORANQG, STA'PE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SFIOWN ON A MAP FYLED IN BOOK 208, PA~;~S 42 ANn 43 OF PAF2CEL~ MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF TFiE COUNTl' P.~RCEL C: PARCELS 1, 2 A?ID 3, I2d THE CIT..Y OF ANAFiEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP rII,cD IN BUOK 24!i, PAGES ~9 ANl) 50 OF PARCEL MApS, I1J THE OCFICF. OE' TIIF COUtI'lY REC~ItDER OF SAID COUNfiY. THAT PORTION OB THE; LAND ALI,OTTED TO TRINIDAD PERALTA I)E MARQUF.Z, AS A~SCRI}3EJ IN THE Fl'NAL DECREE OF PART:ITtON OF TfIG R11NCfia SAtZTIAGU U~: SANTA I~NA, WAS F.NTEREU SEYTEMBFR 12, 1862, IN BOOK "B", PAGE 47.0 OF JUDGMENT5 OE THE QISTHTCT ~OUItT OF' 'rHE 17TH JJDICIAL DISTl2TCT IN A2dD FOR LCS r1NGELES CQUNTY, CAT,IFQRNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOS•7S: PARCEL 3 TN TF~E C7TY OF ANAIiEIM, A5 SHOWN' ON A MAP FIL~;D IN IIOOK 80, PAGE 5 OF PARCEL MAPS, TN THE OFI'ICE OF THE COUNTY RBCORDER OE' SAIU COUNTY. WHEREAS, th~ City Planning Comm.issior.. did hold H public hearing at ChQ Civir. CentQr in ttie City oE AnahRim on Aiigu~t Z3, 1990, at 1:30 p.m., notice oF saicl pubZic hearing l~avirig bcen duly given as requared by law and an accor~lanco ~ritti the provisions of the AnahQim Municipal. Code, Ctiapter 18.03, to 2~ear ar~d c:onsiclcr evidence :or and againsh t~aid ~r~poseif variance and to invastigah.e and mske findings and recomr,~Qndat~ons in con:~ection therc~with; and that said public hRarisig was c~~ntinued to the August 27, and Septornber 10, 193U, Plannfng Commission meQtings; and 163~r .-1 _ PC90-222 'F';~'~ ,,;~ A } .~ I i 4:1 ~ { r' ~1 r~ ' . , „ t~~1\F ~7~ ~4 iij)'l,~u~ + a~1 ~~1 d~,i~~ ~ i~' ;~ ~ y , ~ .i'ii , .,_ . ~ . , . , ~ , ~ , i v.,-'~~".t'~tJ~~r~zc,~a~~.~;~ "fr"i"L~,Y,";~^a'yky"+P"I.~b~,~F~R'~1~: . . . I ~... . . . , '. -'+:[! u F '~'~?\ ,~~~k,~ 1 WHGREAS, said Cutnmis5ion, after duc~ inspection, ~.nvestigation and st•udy made by il:selE and in its bQhalf, and aEter du~ considera~ion of a11 evidenee t~nc1 reportG i~tf•erQd at said he~ring, does find and ~~tarrtiine the following Eacts: 1. ~'h~t the petit3oner propases waivers oE ti~e following to establish 20 residential lots plu~ 1 common lot, RS-HS-22,000(SC) (Resiclential Single-Family, Hillside - Scenic Corridor Overlay) xoned subdivision with waiver of the following: ~E~~I~1Q,~sOp0.Q20 - 2~Iinimum 1 t wi~,h. (Q5._feet requirad; 5$ Peet proposeci for Lot Nc. 10) ~~ 2. That the above-mention~d waiver is herc~by deniod w.iL•hout prejudice on thQ basis that: the projoct was denied (without prejuciice). 3. ThaL- rhere arA no axceptional or extraardinary cix•cumstances or condiLions applicablE to the property involved or to the intended use of the propQrty that do not appZy generally to the ~roperty or class of uso in t.tie same vicinxty anil zone. 4. That the regixested vari.ance is not nece3sar°~ for the preservation and enjoymQx~t ~f a substantial property right possessed by other - property an the same vicinity aiid zone, and den3.ed to the ~pr.opexty in question. 5. That the r~guested variance woulcl bu maL-orxally dotrimental to L•he public welfarQ or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is .located. `i 6. TYiat one pcrson inclicated his presenco at saad public hear.ix~g in opposition and o:~e ~erson indicaL•ed his ~resence zn favor oE subjer.t request; and thai: trao letters we:e receivecl in opposition to subjec~ peti~ian. ~ALIFQRtIIA ENVIRQNrf_L•'NTAL_~L!ALITY l~^T FTNDING: That the A~-aheim Ci.ty Planning Commission h3s reviewed the proposal to establish 20 residential lots plus 1 cummon lot, RS-HS-27.,000(SC) (Resi~ential Single-Family, Hillside - ScQnic Corridor Overlay) zon~cl st~bdivisian with waiver of min:imum l~t width ori an irrogularly-shaped parccl of land ;y consisting of approximately 11,91 acres, F1~V1T1CJ a f.ronta~e of appxoximately 61fi feet on the east side of Couiitry Hi11 Road, having a maximum depth of apprax,imately 1,330 feet and be.ing located approximately 3a4 feet east of the `n centorline of Country FIill Roa~l and Vista Del Sol; and does herQby disapprove ,~" the Neg~tivQ Aeclaration and on the basis that the Plann.ing Commi~sion has '' considered thQ propos~l wzth the rteq~~ive Aeclaration togethcsr with any '` comments x~ecQived during the public review procQSS ancl Eurther L•inding on thQ basis oE thrs Initial Stixdy that there is sub~hantial avidance theC the pr~jecr. w.ill have t~ signific~nt effect on LhQ eiivironmeMt including drainage, ~' grading and access impacts. , ', ~ -2- PC90-221 ,~''I ;''r ~ Jx ~tt~ . irs ~~,~ Y r , . _ .. . . . : ,.,,~... ., , ~,:.,.,_..rr.. ..... 1'~° ~ i ~~pyy ~~%il ~ ~ ~ . .:~ !~fy. . ~ , - ~ L' ~±1 i; ~p. ~lt~ . .: _:.'~I~ ~ . , , '; ~::.:1 NQW. THER~I'OR~, BL I'P RE, :i Cemmi4sion doos heroby deny subject Potition~ha~ the F.naheim C3ty Planning on t.l~e basis of Lho ai•oremantionad Eindings. ~W1thout prQjudice) for Varinx~cQ ~",I THE EO.RLGOING RESOL'UTION wa~ adopted at the P'lanniYlg Commission ;;;~ meetinqr of• Sept~mber 10, 1990. ; , .J. ~"~''~ `=~ ~ _ C.~"~'~ i CFiAI1~WOM1~N, ~NAHEIM CI 1' PLANNING COMMISSION ' 4 ATTEST: ,b_m~_c~,~ . ---r '~L.t~i SECRETARY, AtdAFT~TM CI'rY PGANNTNG COMMISSION STATE OF CALIE'ORNIA ) COUNTY Oi' ORAN(;E ) y~ , CITX OF ANAHETM ) T, Edith L. Harris, Secretary o~ the Anaheim Gity Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a mest.iag oF thc~ Anaheim Ci~y Planning Commission held un Sc~ptember Z0, 1990, by thP f~llowing voto oE ~he memhers t2iereof: AYFS: COMhfISSIGNERS: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN', FLLDHAUS, HEL~,YER, HFNNII3GE:R hILSuE;~ PERAZA NO~S: COMMISSIONF.P,S: NqNE AHSENT.: rq~ISS20NER5: NONE IN WTTtVE:SS WI~EREOF, I have hereunto set my r.an.d this ~'~y~c(, ~ daJ of •~j~j~,. 1990. .__._- r~~l~~~'~u~ ` SECR~TARX, 1WAHEIM PLANr1ING COh4/.ISSION -3~ PC90-221 <~: r.`: ~