Resolution-PC 90-23R E:$_QLUT I QN,._NO .__ PC _.q U_-.?.~ A RESOLU'I'ION OF THF ANF.NGiM CT.TY PLANNTNr COb4dT.^•,SION THAT PETI7'ION FOR 'VAKII~.NCE N0. 3993 IIE AEN:[ED NffIGREAS, thc Anak~eim C.i~y Plann.ing ~onimission d.icl recc~ive a verif.ied Pe~Cition for. VariazicP f~i• certain real property siL•uatt~cl in the City of 1.naheim, Coun~y ~f Orange, SY_ate of Californ.ia df:scribed ast L~OTS '1, $ Arlll 9 OF BI~O(:K 5 OI' TFi~ StfhII~tERFIY;LD ANU OPPENHEIMER'S SUIIDIVTSZON OF THG SPOLR[~ TRACT AS P~R MAP RECORD[:D IN BOU[i ].~), PAGE 49 OF MISCFLLAN~OUS MAPS, IN THE ONrICE OF T1iF. RI:CORAER OI' SAIU COfJNTY. WFIEREA5, th~ Cit:y Planning Commission did hold a pub:lic h8ari.ng at th~ Civic: Centar in thfl CiL•y of Anaheim on Octobcr 9, 1909, at 1:30 p.m., tiotice oC said public hearing having been duly given as rQquirea by law znd in accordancc~ w:-th the r,rovisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Cbapt:Qr 1g.;33, to l~e~r and consider ovidence~ for and ~gainat said propo3ed var.iance and to investigate ~nd make f.indings and c•scommendations in connectton therewith; and subjec'c petition wa3 cor,tinued to the meeting:, of tvovember. 6, Novemb~r 20, Decemb~r 9, 1949, and J~snuary 3, 15 and .Tanuary 29, 1990; ar-d WHF.KGAS, said Commission, after <lu~ .inspection, invQStigatiion anr~ sY.udy made by ikscalf anJ in its behalf, and after. due r,unsideration of all ~viclence anii reports oftQred ak :+aid hearing, does find and deterrnine t.he follouir.g f~,cts: i. That petitionE~r reauests waiver of the follou-ing tc~ c~nstrur.t a 3-~tc~r~l, 10-:~nit apartmer.t builclinq (originall~; a 4-stort, 10-unit buildiny): (A) 5~C'rI0i7~__13,0_61_05Q.,_Q121.- Minimum__ number_.a.f_~~rkxng s~acc.. 18 t0fj_.0~}Q ~nc~_.1 ~_,_~~ .~_4~6 6 ,.~_14 (E!) SrCT_~ON_1¢,_3!~_tQ~1,U10 -• Minim_um_.: i.tE~_._s~_r~a___pcr_.clwellic:c~_unz.~. (1~200_.sq.it,_ rcquired: 1.._iG~._sq.f~:. propo~ed) (C) SECT_[_QN 1.~.~4,_Q62_,G11 - M~ximum_struc_~ur¢1 itiei.qh~. t2_~tori~:s_ permitted: Y_~_~4ri~~~ Proposed) (D) $ECT_IOil_ 18...~~.Qf~3.,.2?.~ - 1251r Minimum__5icley~~.r_~: _~.~~ba.~k (~J.._f!-~_~ reqt~ired; R.._fee~; ProposAd) PC 90~23 ~s ~ i~ That the ~bove-menticned waivUrs ~~re herQby clon.ied on the bA5.18 Lhak khe propossd d~xisity .is Coo ~.3ense ta be curn~czL•ible with the character of the stArruund.inq t~sidential nc~ighborhood ~nc? wou:lcl be ovorbu.ilding rh~ ~,ropext}~. ~. T-iat there c~r~ no axception7l or extraordinar~~ circiamstances or conditiotis applicable t~ thE2 praperty .involvod or to tha intended us~ of the property that rZ~ not ap~1y yenerally to th~ propertx or class of u3e in the same viciniLy and zor-e. 4. prascr vation Tt~aL- the requostecl variance i;t and not necessary for thr~ . proper.L-y in enjoyment of a stibstanLia the same vicinity und zun d :l property rigtit possASSQd by nther e, an deni~d to the pcoperty .in qu~stion, 5. tlie public That thQ requestad va.r.iance welfar Q o i will be materialll detrimental ta vicinity and . r r~jiirious tu the ~rone in which th praperty ~r impr.ovements in such e properr_y is locare~±. 6. 'rtia~ 16 per.son~ in!ii.cated their presQnce at said public hearing ~•n O~pOS1C1J71~ and tk~at .3 pet:it.ion conlainiria approximaL•oly 120 siqnatur~~; r.orrc~por.dence was rece.iv~~d iii oppusitiori to subject pet•ition. CAf.IFQRNIA ENVIRQNMGNTl~~ _Q~1~L'!T'Y A.C=Z'__FINDI!~G; Tht,i: the AnahQim Ci ty L'laniii.ng Commission has review~ad the proF~osal to con~truct ~3 3-story, ]0-uni~ apartment building ~xth wazv~rs of mii~i~num nurnber of parkinq spacas (deletod), minimum site arc~a per dwellir,g unit, maximum structura.l 'n..i~ht and minimum sideyarii s~tback on an irreyularly-shaped parcel of land aonsistinc1 ot appruximately 0.27 ~c~re, hav.ing a fronCagc~ of a~proximately 70 feer. on the south side of Pea:-1 Street, havirig maximum dept:h of approx.im~-tely ]..35 feot, ancl being located appreximately 145 feet wesr o£ thQ centerline of h'est SCreet and furthor describt~d as 111~, 1112 and 11:14 We3t Pearl Street; and does hereby appcove the N~sgat•ive beclaratiozi up~n findiny t}iat xt has cor.sidered tho Neg~tiv~~ Declaration toqether wi.th ~iny comments recoived clux•ing thv public review process and furttier iin~inc~ on the basis of the initial. sL•udy ~ nd any commQnts received L-hat L•here ia nc~ substant.ial evidence that the projecl• will have a si.gnificant e[fect: on L•he envi.r.oumant. NOD7, THFc~E['OkE, BE IT RF.SOLVED tt~at r.r.:e Anahei.m City Planning Commi.ssion does hereby deny subject Petit:ion f.or Varianc~ on rhe bas.is of tht: aforemec~tioned Eindings TF1F, FORL•'GOIt1G RE:SOI,U'TION was adoptecl ut- the E'lanning Conunission maeting c~,t January 29. ?49U. . _: ; ~~ ,y _-_ , J: ~ ~ _.__._ ._.. :__....y.;._-.--•(_._..-_,_-;,:--I .__.~________._..~_-- C:FfI,IR:MN, AtJ1~Y.F,IM CITY PLANNTNG COt~tiSSIUN ATTEST: - ~ r ,~ ~ / ._____.._.__;v.~"~,~"iL`----~ /-~/~t...L.- ~.r._ .._ ._4?,--: ------.. SECRF.'T.AItY, ANAHEIM CITY PLAHi71NC C4t~fJSS[UN "~ " P(: 90-23 ~ . ,l~ „ • , STATr OF CALIFOf.2NIA , ,~; ~Ot1NTY OF ORA23~~: 1 ss• CITY OF AN~FIEIM ) I, Edith L. Hacris, SecroLary o£ tho Anahoim City P1ann~ng C~nimi3sion, d~i h~reb~~ cQr~ity thaL• th~ forc~going resolution waR passed and ~doptod at a moeting tjf Chs Anahoim City F'lanni.ng Comrnission h~ld on ,Tanuarv 2g, ].990, by the f~~llowing vote of L•he mambers Ltiereof: AYES: COMMISSIONFRS: BOUAS, BOYnS~UN, FELUIiAti5, F~ELLY.ER, HERk3S'r MESSG, MC BURNEY NOES: COIr4dISSI0NLk2S: NQNE ABSENT: COh4~1ISSI~NERS: NONL IN WTTNESS F~H1sRE0F, I kiav~, horonnto set my h~nd this ~~~ ~'" day of ~~'1l~ , 1990. i~ ' . ~" ~.Iu ~ ~„ ~ ~Q~-~.__ ~./~ - ~ /r~. 5F.CRCTARY, ANAHETM k'LANNING COMMISSTON I.• PC 90••23 -3- .a. ,. ;i-;;~::~