Resolution-PC 90-24~~ o Lv~r r._4 N_N~?y~._~_P_- z~ A RESOLClTIQN AF THC ANAHEIt~f CITY' f'LANNI2:G CUMMISSxON THAT PETITTON ['i)R CONDITIUNAC, US1; PF.RMIT PIO. 32,i5 BE GRANTED, :CN PART WHEPEAS, ~he Anaheim C.ity~ Planning Cammisuion .~id recei.va a verifiPd Petit.ion F.or Cor~ditic~n~xl Use Permi.t for cert:air.. re~l pro~+Nrty situ~~ed .in the Ciky of Anaheim, Cuunt.y of Or.ange, SL•ate or California, describQd a:~: BEGINNING A'T A ~IPIT ItJ THE C~k1'I'FF2LIPTr OF GATQi7 WAY ~U.00 E~ET W:f.DF, AS AESCRIBEU IN AEED RECORUED TN BOOK f352, PAGF a2 OF 4Fi ICIAL REC012US IDT 'rHF: OFFICE Ok THE COUN'fY R6CORDER OF ORANG~ COUNTY, CALII'URNIA, DISTANT ALONG SAID CENTGRLINE SOUTH 00' 2II' 07" WES'T 420.59 FE;L'T FROM THE CENTERLINP: OF HAI,G RUAD 6Q.00 FE;ET WIUE, AS bESCRT.BED IN SA.IU D~E:); SAT_D POINT ALSO BFING THE NOR'THEAST~RLY TF.RMTNUS OR THAT CE:RT.AIPI (;O~TRSE AF.SCRIBCD AS A(;CIRVE CANCAVC SOUTYEASTERLY AND ~IAVTTIG A RAUrUS OF' 1000.00 FEET~ TN FARCFL 3A OF' 'CHE FINAG ORDER 4F CON~EMNATIfjt7, BUPERIOFt COUCtT CAS~ N0. I~}5654, A CER1'I'rIED COk'Y OF WIiICTi WAS RECORDED 2/,A.RCH 23, 1967 IN BUOK 8206, I'AGE 807 UF' OF~ICIAL RT:CURDS ~F SAIU ORI~IGG CUL'NTY: THENCE SOUTHWES'PE;RLY' ALi?NG SAID CUR~-E FROM A TI~t~7GENT WFiICH AGAkS SOUTH 56° 59' 23" WEST, THROUGIi A CENTRAL ANGf~G OF 35° 53' 5$" AN ARC DIS~ANCE ~E 62n, 56 FEET TO TFiE CENTERLINE OI' TAI'1' AVENCIF., 40.00 FEET WJDE, AS DFSCRIBF.D IN SAID DEED; THCNC~; EA6TE[2LY AND 2.`ORTHF.RI.Y ALONG SAIU CCNTCRLINES OF TAFT AVENUE APID EATON ~9AY TO T'H~, F'OINT OF' TEIE BEGIlINTNG. WHEREA5, thA City Planr.ing Commission ;lid hold a Public hearinq at the Civic C.enter in the City oi Anaheim on .Tanuary 29, 1990, at 1:30 p.m., ~ioL•ice o1' said public hearing htiving been ciul~~ given as required by law and in acGOe•dance with Y.he provisions of t't~e Anuheim tQunicipal C~de, Chapt~r 18.03, to hear and consider evidan~e for anfi against: said proposed conclit.ional usa permit and to investigar_e and make findings and recommendations in connection Y.herewith; and WHEREAS, said Cnmmi:;s.ion, afher ~iae .i•,~spE+ction, investigaCion and study made by .itself. ~nd in irs behalL, antl after duc~ cons.ideration of all evidence and r~ports otfered at s~.id he~,riny, d~es f..ind and 3etermiri~: th~ follc,wing f.acts: 126ur PC 90-29 ~~~:•y},.~ ].. ThaL• petit:ion~r roqut!st:s approvm'1 of. a c~ndition•a'1 use p~rmit under authority of Coc:le Seetiun 18.61.050.U5U to establlsh an auto dc~a].ership and acces~ory servicing (Har;iln Honda) w.ith waivers of thc~ f:ollowinc}: (a) Sr~TtQrrs ia.o~c~54_.4?23 1~.0~0~0. and. .l_t3 _61..O~ih39~S2 (b) SL(:TIQN 18=61LOti.Y1_41.1 - t~iin; ~~,;m num}~er o.~_.Parking_~.~.~~c~_~• ( 21f, tired; 131 propos3ii) - Minirr~um_s~ruct:ural _ setba~k. (25 Feet. fram froeway riyht-of-way required; nonc~ proposed) (c) SECTIONS lfi.~l_LQ6E,~31 - Fequ_ired imPrQyemen_~._of__parkin~ ar~~. anci 1Q.L6I.~G$_iQ1Q. (Scr_.~eninq o[ parking/vehicu:lar storage areas ~rom Ereeway requir.ec~; no=3~r4~nin, proposed) 2. That the r.equesteci waive~: (a) is hereby granted an the basis that the parking variance will not cause an increase in tratfic congestion in the irnmediate vicinity nor a@versely affesct: any acl;oining :.and uses and grantinq of. t2~Q parking waiver urider khe conditiuns imposed, if any, will no~. b~ detr•imenta:l to the p~ace, health, safeL-y ~nd gei~eral welfare ot the ca.tiiens of the City o2: A:~aheim. 3. That the raquested waiv~r (b) is heroby grani:ed an the basis that tt~e.re are :,pecial circumstances a~~plic~ible to the property such as size, shape, topograpYiy, locati~n and surroundiz~gs which do not apply to other identically zoned property in tt~e~ same vicini.ty; an~ that 3trict cpplication of. the Zo•ning Code de~r.ives the pro~erty oE privileges enjoyod by other propert.i.es i.n the .identical zone and classiEication in the vici.nir.y. 4. Tttat the requoststl waiver (c) .is hereby granted, in p~rt, on r2ie basis Chat L-he petiti~ner sCipulated to providz landscaping con3isL•ing of mitiimum 15-gallon szzed tree~ scatter~d ~hrou~hout LtlE? roof paz•xing area. 5. That the proposed ~:se will not adversely affect tha adjuining land vses and tho growt.h and developmE~nt of ttie area in which it is proposed t~ be locat~:d, 6. That the size and shape of tt~e sil•e propos~d foc• t2~a: use is adequate ~o allow the tull develurm~nt of Che proposed use xn t~ manner noh <ier_rimental to the particular aroa nor to tlie peace, health, safety and c~~neral welf.are of the Citizens of the Cir.y of• T.natieim. 7. That Lha grantiny of the Conditional Use Permit u.nder the conditions i.mposed, if an}•, will noC be dehrimental to the peace, healrh, safeCy and general welEarc~ uf L-he Cilizens oL thP City o~ Anaheim. 8. That thF: traf~ic gc-riorutc~•. by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon the streets and highwaya designed and improved to car.ry the traPfic in the area. 9. Thal• r~o or~e indicaLeii thoir prasence at said public hearing iu opposi.tion; and that no correspondence was r.eceived in opposi.ti.on to the subject~ pc~r.iT.~on. -~- PC 90-24 ~ ~ . _.,, ~~;~~.. CALTT'QRNZA El7VIRQNMrNTAL~~l1AGI7~Y 1~C"T FI DIN Cit.y Planxiinq Comrnis~ion has r~viowed the pr poSa C~establishhanAau~~im dealer~hip and ~~~eSS~rY S~,rvicing with waive.ru of mininium num spaees, minimum struc~.tira.l so~back and rr~q~iired improvemont of to ,bor of park.ing ori an irr~gularly-S~upe~ parcel of lanci consi;; ln or a acros, haviv.g a frontage of a t' q F~r~ing area CenCar I)ri.ve PProxim,sl;el PPI'aximxtel 2.34 . having a maximum d~ Y 360 foet on the no.rth side of Auto p~roximc~tely 436 f~et, ~~ing located aPproximately 1400 fee~ s~u~hwestpof the~r,eiiterline of Ball Road and fu d~scribed ~S 1381 Auto Cento: Gr.ive; ~nd da~S ~~reb Dec1aratixon u rther pon fir.ding tliat it has considered theYNepat~~P DE~l~ration~ toqPther with any cnrrunPntu rECeived durin £urth~;r finding oll the ba~is ot the initia].~Stu~u~lic reviQw y and ~any r.Amments r~ceived that there is no substantial evidence that l-he project will h~~~c~~4 and signi.ficant eff.ect, o:~ th.~ envi•ro~irnent. i~~~. THEREFOF2G, ~F IT C~mmissior. does h;crQb. RESOLVEU tri~t the Anaheim Ci~~ Planning upon the followin ~ yrant subjec~ pQ~it.i.on for ~~n~itional Use Perrnlt, g co:~ditions whir}1 are hereb four~d ko be a prez•enuisite to the propose~i use c,F r_he suuj~ct r ~he safet necessary y and general welPare oL khe CitizQns of tp~rty in order t;o preserve Ci.ty o£ Anaheim; I• * That fire sprinklers sh,zll be ?r.stalled as .r.equired by the Cit p' Dep3rtmerit. y ire 2• * '~hat ri~r to p couunez~cernent of structiiral framing, installed ~nd chargecl as requi_ed and fire h ~n a1:1-wPather road as a Ydrants ~h~ll be approved by the 2~ire I)Qpa;tment. an~ mainta.innd PProved b~ the k'ire Deparrmenl-, shall to the hydrant at ull times, be Pr~vided 3' * Tt~~t Ar~~r to is,uar.ce oP a signal assQSSmr.nr fee sh.all building pFrmit, the appropriate tratfic as established b b~ pc11Ci ~o ~he City of Anaheirn in Y ~~•~y Counci.l resolu~.ion, an amount 4. +t 5. fi , * 7'tiat gates sh~ll riot be ins~alled ricr~ss an may adversely atFQ~t vQhica.lar Y driveway .in a manner which Installati.on of an traPfic in L-he adjccent public str.eet. 402 and shall ~e y gares sha11 conform to Engineez•ing Stansiard ?1an No. ''u~'j~~t t~ tt~e review and appr~va1 of the Cit Engineer prior to issuance of a;ouildinq perrnit. y Trtsf.f3c That all drivNways shall be returns as required b constructed with ten ~tanc?ard No, 137. X~~1~ ~~•rY Eng.ineer in confor~nance~withaEngineerine~ 7'!:at plans shall b~ subrnitted to t}~e ~iE r'evic:~ and appro~al st~owin Y Tr.affic Enqineer for hi~ Nos. 402B, 436t' g CO11~ormance wath E•~qineering Standard plan . 602ll, and 605 perta.ining to p1xking standards, property shall thereupo~ be developed and maintained ~~;~ Subjecl p].3ns, in cor.formance with -• 3 - PC 90-24 ;•7,'rl~~!:'~ 'ii.. ..~J~;, , . . .,, . . i . . . ~ ~ , . . , ~ ~ , . . - . . . ~ . . . . . . , , ~ :- 1',1~~ i : I 7. T.Yiat the eighky five (85) ~usLomez~ parkxny spaces and Eorty seveii (~f7) employee park.ing spaces shuwn on 'Exhibit No. 1(submitted by the petitioner) s;~all not be occupied by any use ~~,her tk~an cuskomrr, visitar or employoQ parkiny, and sazd spacos shall n.~~ be uti].ized for vehzcular storage or display. 8. That the uwner oF suk~ject property ~ht~11 submi.t a lettgr requestzng terminaLion of Concl.iY.i~nat Use Permit No. 2'1f.2 to tho Zoning Division. 9. That, as rec~uirecl by Code SecL-ion p~:~~aining to landscaped scrHQninc~ of parking areas, ,~ny vis:Ible portion of th~ parkixig or vehiciilar ~torage are~s located with~n two hundrPd (2001 feet of ~he koute 57 - Orange Freeway shall be p1anY,ed and maintaineci wi~h trees at a ratio of at least one (:) rree for Every t.en thousancl (10,0U0) sqixaro feeC of area within said two ~iuncired (2Q0) fPet. Plar~s submitted ~'or buildizig pQrmi~s shall sh~w compliance with said Code SecL-ion. 10. Tliat no outdoor work an vo2i.icles or vehi~u2ar parts shall bo permitted. l.l. * That drainage oF sub;ect pr.aYerty sha11 be pz•uvided in a manner sat.isfactory to the City Engineer. 12. ~ That subject ~ropert;y s~all be servQd by underyr~und utilities. 13. * That any 1ock~bla pedestr~an anclior veh3cular access qat~s shall be cquippod with "knox box" devices as reqiiired and approvod by the Fi.re Aeparr_ment. 14, * That trash s~or~c~e areas sha11 be prov.ided and maintained in loca~ions acceptable to the Street MainL•enance and Sanitati.on Division ~nd in accordance wit2x t~pproved plans on file with said Division. Such inPormation sha'l1 be specifically shown on the ~,lans submitted for bui2ding permits. 15. * That all air c.anditi.or~inq facilztie;; and oth~r rooE a.nd ground mounted equipment sha11 be properly shi.elded from view. S~.tcti infarmation shall be sp~zc;i.fically shawn on Che plans subrnitted for bi~ildir~g permits. 16. * That khe preposa2 shall comply with all uigning requirensants of. the ML "Tniii~srrial, Limited" %~ne, unless a variance allowing sign waivers is appraved by tk-e City Council, Planning Commissi~n or Zoniny Administrator, ar unless an ordinance is adopted reclassif:ling the pro~erty mnd signage is const•ritcL-ed in conf.orm~nce with said zone. 7.7. * That the on-,,iLe landscaping and irriqation system shall b~ maintained in ~ompliance with City standards. 18. That~ subject propertf ^,haJ.l be de~veloQed substantaally in ac.cordance ~rzth plans and speci:Eications submitt~d to the City o~ Ana}i~im by tt~e petitzoner and which plans are an file wikn the Plann.ing Departmont marked ~xhibit N~s, 1 through 4, provzded, h~wever, that landscaping con~zsting o£ -ninimum fifteen (15) gallr~n sized tre~s s}~all be scattered across tt~e roof parking area. '4- PC 90-24 •~ ~ ~~. !s ~. . - . ,,~xe,~ ~~ '19. 'Phat prior to issuanr.e ~f a bui].d3.ng permit or witY~in a period or one (],) yQar £xom tht~ dat.e of this resolution, wlyichever occurs f.irs~, C.oziditio,z Nos. 3, ~. 6, 8, 9, 14 anc! 15, above-menti.oned, shall bP compliecl with. ~xCen.sions Lor fur~her time to r.omplete sa.id conditions may' be granted in ~+~cnrdance with Section 18.03,090 of the Anaheim Muraicipal Code. 20. That prior ~o final }~uildinq and ~oning inspections, Cc,x~dition N~s. 1. 5, 9, 11, 12 and 3.8. above-menti.~ned, sYialY be complied with. 21. * That approval of Chis application constitutes approval ot the propos~cl request only t~o the extent that it complics with the Anaheim Municipai zoning Code and ar.y other applicable City. Sl•ate and. Foderal .regixlations. A~,proval does no* incl!ide an~ action or findin~s as to r~mpliance or appraval of the r.equest r~ga':ding any ~ther ap~licable ordinar~ce, regulation oi rec~uirement. Condir..i~ns ttiarked with an asterisk (*) are requirad by established l.aws, cc,des, regizlations and ' agraaments a~ncl are not: subjerr. to neqotiation. BE IT FiJRTI•IER RESOLVED Y.hat the Anaheirn City P:l.anning Commi~sion doe , hereby f3.nc3 and deter.ma.ne that aaoption of. Y.hi.s Fesolution is expressly predicated upon applica.n~'s ~on~pliance with eacYi and al'. of tne conditions herein~bovE seL- forth, Shauld any such conditions, o_ .~ny part t2~ereof, be !ieclared invalid or unenforc;~~ble by fhe final judgmex:~, of any court of. competen~ jur.isdiction, then thir Reaoluti.on, and any appr.ovals her.ein contained, :hall be deemed null and void, 1'HE FOREGO.:NG RESOI;UTTOtd was a3opted at the Plannin~~ Cutmnission meetinq of ~J~nuary 2~. 1990, ~ / , ~~~ / ~~ .1 •+ i ' f `--~ / ' C.<1~~~.J --~=_- ~ ~'~~ ~-t'-`'-r ~~`-•~~'~ ~`~~' --- (:HAxRW~ PRO Tb;M, ANAHEIhf CITY P'LANNING COI~II+t7SSI0N ATTEST: ~ ~ _ ~ ~~...~~ ,/~.~.~..L _.i ~'~'`?--------------•--- SI:CftETA~Y, ANA.HEIM CITY F'LANNINC COMMTSSTQN -5- ~ 1~ - PC g0•-24 ~;rA~ .. , ~ ; t _~, ,, ;~; ~ ~~ ~ : ~ ~~,~,~ ~ ~ ~;r'~) "~~ , i4e I ~ r , 5TATE OI' CALrFORNIb ) COUNTY OF OR~4NGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAIiEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretax•y af ~hQ Anaheim City Act3.ng plannzng Commission, do hereby certify that tlie foregQing r~solu~x~n wa: passeci and aelop~ed at a me~~ing of ~he Anaheim City Pl.anning Commissi~n h~1d on January 29. x990, by khe following vota of the members thereof; AY~S: C~t~f.lSSTONERS: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, r~~,UxAUS, HEL,LYER, MC AURNFY, MF.SSE NOES: COf~STSSIONERS: NONE A23S~NT: COMMISSION~fiS: HGRDST -^ N i ITNFSS -nIHEREOF, T have hereunt;~ se~ my hanr? this _~aG.~~ of 1990. d~y ~ ~ ~ _~ ' ~ J ~~~ r~ ~~.~-~~, ~`_' -~%~~.~,,.- SECR~'1'AR`I, ANAFIEIM CITY PLANNING CU= MM~I~.SSION -6- F'C 40-24 '~~ ;~ :: :