Resolution-PC 90-248.,,;~.,~ , _ , ~ 1CY ~ ~ ,. .,._..i,,; I ''~ vri~~. ~:~v~,ty.y~ . i ~ , r ~ v RESOLUTION NO. PC.90_248 /~ A R~SOLUTION OF THE ANAH~IM CzTY PLANNING COMMZSS:[ON THAT P~TITION FOR CONUITIONPAL USE PERMIT NO. 3347 $E GRANTED WH~R~AS, th~ ~lnahei.m Ci.ty Planning t:ommis~ion did receive a veiified Petition for Cond3.tional U~se l~ormit fur cerr.ain real pro~erty aituated i.n the City of Anaheim, County cf Orange, State of C~lifornia, describecl ap: THE EAST 390.82 FEE;T OF 1'HE EAST 10 ACRES OF TFiE SOU'?'H 20 ACRES OF TKE SOUTFSEAST QUARTER OF THE NOF2TF1FXIS~.~ QU?1RT~R i)F SECTIUN 18, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, IN THE RANCHO LOS C:OYOTES, CITY OF ANAFTEIM, C.OUNTY OF OFtANGE, STATI: OF CALIFORNIA, AS SAID SECTTON T_S SHOWN OI3 A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 51 PAGE 1(1 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, TN THI' OF'FT.CE OF TF3~; COUNTY RI:CORDER QF aAID COUNTY. EXCk;PT THE N0~2TH 264.00 PEET TEIEREOF. ALSO ~XCEPT THAT PC!RTION THEItEOF INCLUDED WITHIN TfiE SOUTH 4 ACRE;S OF SAIn EAS1' 10 A•^.ft~S. ~9IIER~:AS, the CitS~ Plannirig Comrniea.ioi~ d.id hold a publi.c hearing at th~ Civic Center in the City nf Anaheim os~ October 2'l, 199U, at 1:3b p.m., notice of said public h~ari.ng having be~~n duly givPn as required tay 3.aw and .in accordance wi.th the prov.isions af. the An3haim Municipal Cod~, CY~aprer 18.03, tn hear and corieider evi.dence for and againat aaid propo5ed conditiana] u~e permit and to inveetigatP and make fi.ndings and recommendati.ons i;n connecL•ion ther~with; ard WHER~AS, said G~nunission, after clue inepectiu~t, in~vestigaLiori anc3 gtudy inade by itself and in ita bohalt, and after due consi.deratxon of a?.1 evidence and reporte ~fferad ai: said hearing, d~es find and determ.~ne ~k~e following fa.cts: 1. That ~h~ proposed use is properly ane for which a conditional usA permit ie authorized by Anaheim Municipal CudQ Sectior~s and 18.44.Q50.030 to perm.it on-e~ale of slcoholi.c boveraa~s in an exiating restaurant lncluding u separate bar. with dancing. 2. That t}ie gropoeed uae will n~t adversely affec~ the adjaining land uaes and tha growth ~nd c~eve].ogment of tne area in which it is propoaed to be locat.ed.. 3. That the prop~r~3ed use io her.eby granted for a ppriod ~f two (2) year.s, to expire Octobgr 22, 1'~92. 1020RS -.1- PC90-24E3 , ,. ~w :;:~i l5:1: k" ~~y _ ~ i.,;~j;ttt: 4~, ~ ~~r~~ i' ~ ~~~~ '' 4• That tha sizo and Ahape oF thp site propos4d for the, use ie adequate to all.ow tho full devalopmant of the pX'pppgQd L1sF~ ;,n a mariner not detrimental t~ the particular araa n~r tc, th~ pe~ce, health, ~afety ~r~d qeneral ~oelfa:e of the Citizena of the City c~f Anaheim. ~ ~• That the c~r.anting ~f the Conditirsnal Use PQrmit under th~ aonditions impased, if any, will ndt: be detx~iment~l to tho peace, haalth, ~ safety and general wel~are of the Citiz~ne aP the City o£ AnahPim. , ~. That the traf~ic generated by tne pro~~t~ed use will. ~iot ~. impuEe an undue burd~n upon t.l•~e ~treel:e and highwayD desigr.ed and improvod to ~. carry the traPfic in t.he area. ,. 7. That n~ one inciica~ed their pr•e~en~Q a~ ~aid pu}~lic hearing ~n ~ppoaiL-ion; and that no corl_espoiidence was recaived in opposit~.on to the subj`ct pet.ii:ion. CAS~2FORNIA ENVTRONMENTAL OUALI'~Y ACT F7Nn7NG: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed t;he proposal to permit an-sale of '~ alcoholic beverages in an exiating reetauzant including a aeparai:e bar with rlrancing on a rectangularly-shapod parcel c,f laad c~ns.is~ing of approximately ~' 1.9 acre~ h~~ving a frontag~ of approxi.mately 253 feet on the west aide of ~''. Brookhurst Street, having a u;aximum depth of approxi;nately 33Q feet, being ,',` located approximately 2Ep feet north of •the centerline of Oringe Avenua and further deecribed a~ b11 South Hrook.huret Street~ and doea lier~.by approve the ' Negative Declaration upon fi.ndin i:t;a~ Declarati~-~n together with any cummentH received durin~erthe }h~ Neg~tive procese a+~u Eurther ~indl.ng on the basi3 that the initi.al studyCar~dVany commento receiv~:+~3 that there ic~ no aubscan~.i,zl evidenc~ ~hat i:he project will have a significant ~f.'°ect on the environment. NOW, ~Pfi~REFURE, BE I'1 RESOLVED that the Anah~im ri~y Pl,insting Commiasion doee hereby grant subject Petition fcr Con~~itianal Use Permit, ~ipon the fullotving conditione which are hereby found to b~ a n~ceseary prerec;ui~ite to the propoaed uoe of the aubject property in order ;:o pregerve the saFety and general walfare af the Citi.zenD of the City of. 7lnaheim: ' 1.* That fire sprinklAra shall be inetalied as requirad by the ^ire ~ Departmont. •`~ 2.* That a local fire al.arm eystem sh~ll be inetar.led aa required by ttie Fir~ Uppartment. Manual alarm pulls may be arnitted. 3•* That traah atorage areas c~hall b~ ~'~fUY'bi3hc?d to the satisfachion of th~ St.t~Eet M.airitenance and Sani~ation Divisicr~ ti~ ~omply with approved plans on ~Ei).e with eaid ~iiv~ision. Additi.onal t.raah storage area.s shall be provided as required by •the S~reet biaintenance and Sanitatio~l Di.---isi~•,n. 4• That a private watez aystem with aeparate water ~services for fir~ prot~ction and domeA~ic water shall b~; provid~sd, -2- t , },;' u-~r:: PC90-243 r; ;~ , .;:+cz, rsri~;dJ;~ t ; 5. xhat tho water back.flow equi.pmerit, and an}~ ot~tie~r. lt~rye water i3yetom equipment ehall be ins~alled to the ~atiafr~ctinn a:E the Wator U~ility Diviaion in either (a) undPrgraund vaulte or jJ~) outside the etreQt setback azoa in a manner fu.Lly ecreened frorn all public a~rests and a].leye . 6. T.hat aidawalka shall be remov9d and/or. reaoriE7}~ructed along Brookhurst Street us .requirod by the City Enginaor and in accord~nce with etanclar~;l plana and r~pecifiuationa on file in the O£fice ~.f the C~ty Engineer. 7. That ar~ unsubordinated reclprncal accesa and parking agre6me~n~, in a form satiefactory to the City Attorney, aha11 be recorded with •the Office of t:~~ Orange County Rec~rdar. A copy ~f the reo~rdQd aqreement shall then be submittac' to the Zoning Dlvi.aion. 8. That in the event a parcel map to subclivide subject proper~y ia recorcied, an unsubordinated reciprocal aac;9R$ and parking agr.eentent in a farm eatisfactory to the City Attorney ahall be rec~rded with the ~ffice o£ the Orange County Recorder. A copy of the recordec~ aq.re3man~ c~hall thsn be submitted to thc Zoriing Division. In additian, iY~ovis:tori ahall be made in the agreement to guarantQe that the enti.re complex shall be managed and maintained a» one (1) integ~al parcel for purposes of. parkiny, vehicular circulat.ton, r~ignagA, land usage and architectural contr.ol. 9.* That all air conaitioning fac~.litiea and other ro~f and ground ma4nted ~quipment r~hall be prop~.~r.ly ahielded from view, anci the sound hufferad fr~m adjacent resid~nti.al properti~es. 10. That all plumbing oz other sim~lar pipea and fix~urea locat~d an thE ext~rl:or of the building slia.il be fu11y ecre~ned b,y architeatural deviaefl and/or appr~priate buildi,ng materials. J.1.* That a efx (6) foot high maaonry block wa'!Z shall be maintained along the wor~t pr~perty line. 12. Tha~t any proposed pzrking area ligh~inq fir.turea located adjacent to any ra4idenrial pruperty ehall re d~wn~li~htod with a maximum height of twelve (12) feet. Sa.id lighting fixture:; r~ha11 be direc~ed awa~r from r~djac~nt reaidential proper~y lines ta protr-~ct the residential integrity of thP area. 13. That no outdoor otorage ~hall b~ permxtted, and ~hat all existing outdaor storage shall be ~emoved. 14.* That the pro~osal ehall comply with a1I signing req~xiremento of the CL "Commercial.~ Limited" Zone, unless a variance allowing eign wai~vers is approved by the City Counci]., Planning Cc~mrnisaion or Zoning Adn~iniatrator and Qxcept as otherwise reetricted by Condition No. 15, below. 15. That any e.xisting or proposed £reeatandtng ~+ign on eubject property shail be monument-type not er.ceeding Eigtit (8) feet in height and shall be eubjoct to thp revisw an~~ approval of tkie City Tra£fic Engineer. "3' PC9Q-248 ~ . ...............:. .. . .. t . . - . .....~ ~.,,..:.~- ~~.~~..,.... ..~., .:~~ .,~ :~~ . ' ~- ~ ~ -'~' 'r:l~~:~~ ... , ~.., . . . ~ ... . ~. ~ ,. . .~ .. .~ . .. ,,,r~ Furr~° ~ ;,i}/wlu"^S !~~ ~ ' ' ' .~ ~ . . .., . .. r. I~j~ ~~ ~ .iy ~. ~,Y "1 , 16.* Th~t ~he on-site landscaping and irrigai:ion eyetem r~hall be re~urbiahe~ and maintained in compliance wiLh Ci•ty etandarde. All the oxiatincr 3~tro-turf shal; be removed a:~d replaced with l.ivc~ land~cRping. 17.* That the parking arQa a~jac~nt t~ Eiro~khurst Street Ahall, be screenQd from ~~~w i.n con£orm~nec~ wit~ ?oning Code Section "Automobile Parking Areaa". 18. That the rear doors •~o subject faci.lity ahall be kF_pt cloysd durincJ hours of operation so us to reduce naise impacts on ~he r.eaidencee L-o t;he Wast, 1`~• m~ati the dancing portion of eubjeck use shall b:~ ~n comp.liance with Chapter 4.16 of the Anaheim Mui~icipal ~~ 9 perzaining to dinn~r dancing. 2~. That th~ ownPr of aubject property stiall submit a let~ez• requeating torinination of Con~itiorial Uoe Permit Noa. 2416, ?,431, 2489 and 3044 to the 'Loning Uivieio~;. 21. That the pEtitioneY•/operator of the facility sha.ll p,rovide superv.ision and polioing of thc ~arking tot are~ For sac~irit3~ purposes and to prevent noise and traeh prob].~ms. 22• That the compreosor area loc~ted in the rear (wes~.) ef the facility ahal.l be shie2ded tc, provide n~ise attraation t~ward thc~ ac~jacent residentfal areaA, 23. That the fa,cility ahall c1o~e no lnter than 2:00 a.m, seven days a week. If d~sir~d by the applicant, 1 wri~ten request fcr a 24-hour op~.ratfon af tha rec~ta~arant only~ shali. be~ submitted no earlier than six (6; months af.ter thc Pacility opens. 24. That the game ro~m shall be limit•ed to no more than two (2) pool tabl~s and twa (2) pinball machinEe. 25. That eubjer.t property eh311 be developed aubs~antially in ac~~rdance with ~lans and epecif.Lcation4 eubmi.tted fio the Cit,y of Anati~im by the petiti.oner and which plan~ are on file with t~.z Planning DeparL-ment marked Exhibi.t Nos. 1 and 2, 26. 'tha.t priar to c~mn,encement ~f th~ aci:ivity authorized by thie resnlutinn, or pr~ar to isr~uanc:e oF a building permit, or wi.thin a p~riod of one (1) Yea1 from the cl~~te of thi.s resolution, whick~ever. occura firet, Condition Nos• 7 and 20, abnve-mentioned, shall be ccmplied with. Extenaion~ for f~.rther time to c~mplete said conditione may be yranted in accordance with S~~t~.dn :18.03.UJ0 0~ the AnahQim Municipal Code, 27. :Chat prior ta the r,ammencemQnt of the dctiv,ity auth~riced by this '~~ resolution ar prior ta final bui_d.ing and zoninc~ inspectiona, whichever ~ occure first, Condition Nos, 1, 2, 3, 4, l~, 22. 24 anc~ 2~, above-mentionAd, shall be~compliedOwith. 12' 13, 14, 16, 28. That thia ,,on9itional use permit shall torminate in two {2) years an O^tobc~r 22, 1990. '4 PC90-248 , `i r ~~~Yv, h!'~ . , . ~~* ` ~ ~ ~ ~ i .. {i~ .~ . . ~ (4Y;~.9~:1;~ ~ . . ' ;~i.,. ( 29.* That approva,t of i:his 3pplication conetituteo apprn~val of the pro~oead raquadt only to the axten~ that it ~ompli6s with the Anaheim Municipal 2oning Code and any other ap~~lirable City, state and Federal regulationa. + A~,proval daee nat inciude any act3.on or findings a~ •to oom~liance or , approval of thQ requeat regar.~ing ariy other applLcable ardinance, regulation or requirement. ~onditions marked with an asterisk (*) ~re ra~7uir~d by ~atabliehed lawo, codes, rQgulationa and agreementa and are, '~+`,i therefore, not eubject to neqotiaL-.ion. B~ IT FUFiTHER HES~LVED that the Anaheim City Plan-zing Cummiesion doQS hereby finci and determine that adnp~inn of thig Rasolution is exprassly predicated u~~n a~plicant's compliance with each and al]. of thr~ conditiona hereinabrve se~+: forth. Should any ttuch conditian, ox any par~ therFOf, be declared invaltc.l ~r une~nforceable by tlie final judgment of any court of c~m,p~te~ti juri.~ciictian, then thit~ Rer~olution, and any approv~ls herain contained; shall bc d~emed n~all and void. TI:E FOREGOTNG RESOLU2'ION was adopted at the Ptanning Commission meeting of Octaber 22., lyy0. ~• ~~.,~,! /;, jl~;% ., ~~_ ~ ' ~L ~Cc~.~ ,~`-~.,t G~~--,L'GC: ~~~ , 'CHAIIt ODIAN, ~1NAHEIM C1TY PLRNNING CAMMISSTON AT'PE S ;' : ~ . ~'"7 _B" ~.. ~ SFCRETARY, ANAkiETM CITY` PLANNING CODiMISSION STA'PE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OT' ORANG~ ) eg, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I. Edith L. Harria, Szcretary ot the Anaheim City Flanning Commiasion, do hereby certify th~t th~ fAregoing reaoluti.on was pasaeci and a~aopted at a meeting af the Anaheim City Plann3.ng Conunisai~n heZd on Uctober Z2. 1990, by the following vote of the member.e thereof: AYES: CAMMZSSIOIVERS: I3pUA~, fi0YD5TUN, MFSSE, PERAZp NOES: COMMTSSIONERS: FiEI~LYER, HENNINGEF. ABSENT: CQMMIuSIONERS: r^~LDH1~U5 __~~°`_• " 7N WTTNESS WNEP.EOF, I have hereu,nta eet my hand this ~,~/~4 day v f k.Q.u.~ ~ 1 y 90 . . ,~ ' ' ~u CS.~'"vGU_ ~ ~ • ~ % ~~ ~t/~.~.., SECRETARY, ANl~1F1EIM C:CTY k'x, r'NING CrJMMIS&ION !5 PC90-2~18