Resolution-PC 90-25F.~t.~,4 RES~LU'rIC)N 270__,_ PC~Q-~?5 A RESGLUTION OF THE ANAHCIM CIT.Y I'LANNING COMMISSTUN THAT PFTITION P'OR COPIDITIONAL USL 1'EktMIT N0. 3240 BE GRANT~~ WFiEREAS, th~ Anal~~im City Plann.ing Commission did rQCeiv~ a veriFied PetiLion for Conditional Us~ k~ermit For certain rea7. proper.ty situated in the Citv aE Anahei~n, Counl•y o£ Urange, State ~~f Cal~.f:~rnia, c~ESCribed as : PARCEL l, Au SHOWN ~N A PARC~L MAP FILED IN BOO~C 84, PAG~S 5, ti, 7, ~.NI) 0 OI' PARCEL DiAP5 IN THE OFFICE OF TEiE COUNTY RECORDER UF URANGE COUNTY', CAI~II'ORNIa. WHEFEA,S, the Czty 'Planning Commissipn did hold a public he~zing at ', the Civic CenL•er in the City o£ l~naheim on Janitary 29, 1990 at 1: 30 p.m. , ! notice of said public hsaring having been rluly given as requxred by 1aw and in accprdance with the prova.sions of, tki~ An~alieim Munic.ipal Code, Ghapter 18.03, to haar and cor,sider evidence for and against said pr~posed conditiunal use ~ permit arid to investigai:e and make ~indinqs and re~ommendations in connection • thErnwitki; and WHEREAS, sa5.d Commission, af:ter due inspe~:tion, investigation and stu~y made by itself and in its beki~lf', znct after due c~~i:~ideratian o£ all eviclc~ncF and zepart~~ o~.fei•~d at said hearing, does ~'ind and determi.r~e the f.olluwing Facts: x. That the pc~titioner reque;,ts approval of a cond~.tional use permit ixnder authority of Code Seci:ion 1~t.44.050.130 to permit a ahurch ~-ith waivor ~f the fo].1c>wing under authori.ty of Code S~ction 18.06.080: {a) ~ECTI~fI~1$•06.0~~,~25~ - t!Iinimum number_of ~~rk.incx sn~ce~. 1i~~06,050~02G6 (Ot~2 r~quir~cl; ~62 existinq) an~i 18.44~QfZ610~0 (b) 5,_ECT1~N 1E.OCZ 04Q,~20 - Miciimum dim~nsi~n,~ of~~rkin~c_ ~ac~~. (8. ~ x 1.E3 ft. r.eguired; ~ x].5 f~. dimensior-a existing for 138 spaces i. [24.5~ uf er..ist.ing spaces] ) "' 2. That th~ parking variance wili not c~use an increase in traffic congestion in the irmn~;diate vicinity nur advcrsely aEfect. any adjoining land uses; and Y.~a~ the grant:iny of the p~rking variar.ce under tYe co~ditions irnposed, i~ any, wil.1 not bP c~etrimental L-o the peace, he~l*h, safety or general we]f~re of the citizens of !he City of Anaheirn. 3. That the proposed use is gr~r_~ed for a period of three (3) years, tu expire on January 24, 1993. 4. That i:he proposed usE wi11 not adversely aL•fect the adjoinxng land uses anc' the gcowth and development of the are~ iri which it is proposed ta be located. 1266r PC90-25 r~s .,, .i 5o That t}ie sizo and shape of ~tie site proposed for the use is adQquake ~o allcaw t2ie Fu1J. dev~loprnent o~ th~ proposed ixsR in a mannex nt~t dekrimental to the ~arti.cu].~r area nor ta tl~e pea~e, h~~lth, safety and general welt'arW of the Ci~izens o.f t~he City o£ Anaheim. 6• lh~it the granting oi tne Conditional Use Permit under the conditions im~iosed, if any, will not ae detrimental to the peace, Yiealth, s~.£ety and general welfare of the Cit;izen~ of ~he CitX o[ Anaheim. 7• Th~-t th~ tratfic gener«teU by the prapose~~ use will riot iri~ose an u,idue burden upon the streets and highways dosigned and improved i:o carry the trafLic in the area. 8. That no one indic~ted t2ieir presence at said public h~.ara.nq 9,n oppositio:i; anQ t}ie~t iio cori•es~onci~;nce was rece.ived in oppositioiz to the subject petition, ~AL,IFp*tNIA ENV'IRONMrNTAL _QUALITYi ~~~ FINDTNG: The L~lanning nireecor ~.r his ciat}zoria,ed r.epresentative has dolerm~n~cl that the pr.oposed pro;ecl fall:~; wit!iin th.e defii~ition of Categor.ical Z:xempti~i~s, Class 1, as defined in ~he Staee EIY. ~uicle'linFS and is, ~herefc~re, cazeaorical?.y sxEmpt From Ghe requirement to pr.epa~e ~n ExR. rornmissi~n NOW, does THEREF012E, B.E hereby ra~it TT RESOLVED that the A.iaheam City Plani~ing 3 years, upon g the following subject Petition [or C~z,ditiorzal conditi T)5e Permit f.or necessary ons which are her.eby prerequ:;.site to the pronosed usE f found to be ~ ta preserv F the safety and g o the subject pr ane~-al wel far~ oP th operty in order Anahe irn : . e Citir.ens of tkie Ciryo u~ 1. That the h~ur.s of operaL-i.on Lor subjr~ct church shall not be permitted iviLk:in oria (1) hour of the ttieater aox of.f9ec~ c+pPning, as requir~d by the Ci.ty TraCfic k;ngineer. 2. That thE fire alarm system sha11 he operational during ace.up~ncy of: the facility bx the church congregation and employees, as re~quired by tkee City Fir~ nepartmenC. 3• ThaC the proposal sha11 comply with all signinq requirements of the CL (SC) "Commarcial, Limited - Scenic ~orridor Overlay" Zone, i.inless a variance allowing sign wazver.s is approved b~~ the Cxty Council, Ylanninq C~nunission or 2oning Adminis*_rator, 4. That subject property shall be developed sub~tzntia~ly in accordance witti plans and specificatir~ns submit~ed ~o the City of Anaheim by the petitioner arid which plans are on ~i7.e w.ith the Planning Depar.tment marked ~xhibit t~os, 1 an3 2, 5. That ttlis r.onditional use permit is granted f:or a period of hhree (3) yaars and ~xpire on January 2~, 1993. -a- PC 90-25 w n ~~ n ~. ,S .~:r. - ~• That prior to commea~com~nt nf th~ act;iv.i~y author.iz~d by this .resnlution or within a period of on~ (1) year fro,ti Cha date }i~r~tn, whichever occurs f.irat, ConditS.on rios. 3 and q, above-mertionod, 3ha'11 ba comp]it~d with. Ex~ensiona t'or furthor. ~.ima to completo said r_onditions may ba grant•ed i n t+ccox•danr_e wi th Section 1Q. U:i . 09U of Ch~ Anahoim Munic iF,al Code. 7• That approva? af this a~~pl.icaC.ion con3titures ~~ppraval ot L•he propo~Qd requ~st only ~~ thQ Pxt.enl th~i~, it comp;ies wi~h the Anaheim Munir.ipai 'Loning Codo az~d any okher applicab.le City, Stat~ and F'odert~l r~9-ilat.ions . Approval doHS nat includo any action or f i nri i,,.,~ comy~li~inco or a~prov~il of the request reyardir.g ,any other applicak~lo orci.in~nc.e, re~~ulaL•ion or rQquirnr~en; . 8~: IT FURTHE:R R~SOLV£D t}~at the An~hoim i;i~y Planning Commi.ssior. dues hereby Cind and determina thal ac:opc.ion of this FQaolut:iai~ is expr~ssly Predi.catec~ upon appliaant's compliance ~i th each nnd all oE ~hQ c.on~'.itions hc~re.nabovQ s~t forth. Shoul.d any such conclitioris, or any p~rt ~}~~reof, be ~ieclared Snvalid or uner,tOL'Cf'1vIP by tho final judgmNnt of ~ny couzC of competent jur.isc~icGion, t4Qn this Resolut:ion, ind any approvals herein contained, shall ~e cleemed null and void. Tffr ~OR£GOIl7G RF SUI.Ur. iorr meeting of ~Tanuary 2g, ,~r~~0. CHi1i Rt~AN, ~as adopked at tn~ I~l~nning Gonvnissio:: /`. . . ; .--~1.• -2~_1___•• L--.- ,+_.._~,,"'_ AP7AtIEIM CI1'Y PLA21N7DiG COhL~tISSION ATTEST: i' _ ~. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 1 . _--_ _c~-.~~-~=~~-.~ t- -~~-~u..~. .~'iECKETIIRY. AtdAHEiM C,Iry PI :,r;IN(; rObq,dlSS;n.: STATG OE' CT~I,IFORNTA ) COUNTY OF OR1.27GE ) S3. CITX OF ANANEIM ) j. Fdilh L. li~r.ri,^,. ~ecretac• of Com.mission, du hcr-lby ce.tify that the orf~ ointhe +•Anahoim City Planniny adopteci at a meetinc~ t~f the AnahF•im City Planninq t;~mmf ion held ons J nuary 29• 19`~~. by the f.~llowinq ~ote of the r~embers l•hr.reUf.: AYFS; CON1vtISSIONEiFtS; A~SYDST-1lT, E3UUAS, MC F~URFTF.;Y, I~'iESaE: NOES: CO?~R~tISS10~tF,t1S; lfGKE AB~EhT: ~.OMMISSIONERS: N4t7F. ~'~r.~~Z1~US, fiF:i LYER, }iERFi5T, IL1 WIT2JF.5S W'i{EREOF, Z havr, her~~unr~ s~tt ml' ~dnd th.is o~ :~~ =~~-u-!~~_ . 1990. ?~~,day --~ ~ ) ~ ~ ~{,/ __ ._ -- . ~-t.~ =-" ._. - 1~ _~~.. ~ _y. ... •-.-. --~Y.~_.-"4~t, _..__. 5ECREThR7, A2IAHETM CTT.Y p[,`~~7;JINC Ca.+?dISSIOtJ •- 3 - PC 90-25