Resolution-PC 90-251~,.~. T2RSOiLiTION NO. P~90,____251 ...r .i:'jYrr ;~~Y ~ ~ ~~ .`''? ~ ' A FtESOI,UTION Ok' THE ANAHEIM GITY PLANNING CObiMISS70N THAT PE'SIT7UN FOR VARIANCE NO. 4091 BE I~ENIED WH~~2EAS, the Ar~aheim City Planning Commiaeion dic~ receivE a verified Petition for 'Variance for certain real property situated in the Ci~y of Anahaim, Gaunty of. Orange, State of Cxlifornia doscriber~ as: TIiE EAST ONE-HALF 0~ 'PHA'P PORTION OF TH~ SOUTH HAT,F OF THE SOUTIik:AST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUART~R UF S~CTION THIItTEEN, TQWNSfiTP FC1UR SOUTH, RANGE ELE'VEN W~:ST, SAN BERNARDTNO F~ASG ADID MERID7:AN, IN 'PHE RANCHO LOS COYATE~, TN TF1E GITY OF ANFIHFIM, COUNTY OF' ORANGE, STATc^. OF CALIFORNIA, AS SAID SECT~QN IS SHOWN UN A MAP RECORDED IN BOOfC 51, PAGE 11 OF 23ISCELLANEQUS r1APS, R~CORDS UF ORANGE COUNTY., CALTFORNTFI, DLSCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A p0IN7.' ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER FJEST i10.00 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWEST CGRN~.R OF THE EA5T 5 ACR~S Or SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE NORTFi PARALLEL WTTEi THE EAST LINE OF SATD EAST 5 ACRES TO TfIE SOJTH LINE OF T:~C'r 2228, AS SHOWN ON A MAP F2ECORDED IN BOUIC b9, PAGES ~4 'SHROUGY. 37 INCLUSIVE, OF MISCELLANEOUS MX1F'S, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFr?RP~IA; TIiENCE WEST 217.00 FEET AI,ONG THF SOUTH LINE OF SAIll TRACT 222a; THENCE SOUTH PARALI,EL WITH SAID WES~ LINE OF THL EAST 5 FEFT ACRF.S TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID a0U'THWEST QUAR'1'ER~ TFiENCE EAST 217.00 F~ET TO TH~ POINT OF BEC.INNING. WHEREAS, the City p.lanning Commi.a~ion did hold a piiblic hearing at the Civic Center in the C.i.ty of Anaheim on Oc:tobor 22, 1990, at 1:30 p.m,, I101:.LG4 of• gaid public heari.nq having beon duLy given as required by law and in a.acordancc~ with th~a proviaione of th~ Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, ~o hear and consstder evide~~c~ f~r and ayainc~~ said propoeed variance and to investi~at•e and mak~ fir~dingfl and recommendati~ns in connection tY~erFwith; and WHEREAS, saicl Comm;.s~flion, after due inspection, i~.ivsatigation and atudy made by it~elf and ~.n ita beh~lf, and after due conaidc:rat.ion of all evidence and reports oftered ~t ec~i.cl heari.ng, does find an~l determine the folJ.owinc~ fact~: 1. That *he pet' :~n~r proposes watvers of tlie fallowing L•o re'tain an ill~ag~1 dwellin~ un (J.3th ur.it) 4•ithin sn exi.sting 12-unit apartment complex: (A) SECTIONS 18.06.c~50.0121 - Mi.nimum numb~r of narking enaces. 19;06.080 (32. E~paces requfred; 13 y,p3C1 E`'8 and 16.34.q66.05~ exi.ating) 1023RS ~; i ~ r ~rrdn:i ,. ,:_. -1- PC90-251 ~; ,~~ ~ N~, ~S 1 (B) SFCTIO'N 18.34.OG2.03L - Minimum fJ.oor area~, (550 EeF~t rc~quirQ~: for bachelor unit; 530 feEt exiet+.ng) (C) SECTION _ - Minimum distance b3twesn bui.ldinq wa11s. (10 fee~ required; ,5 foet exiating) 2, That the above-mentior-ed waiver9 are hereby denied on the ~asis that there ar~ r.o wxceptional or extraordinary circurnstancao or condltiona applicable to the proper~y involved or to the intendod uer_ of the pzoperty that dn n~t ~pply geriarally t~ the property or claae of use in the aame vf.c~.nity and zone. ~. That the requ~eted varianco ia not neceeaary for the ~reservat.ion anc~ ~iijoyment of a subst:antizl property rfght possedsed by other property in tho ~ame vic:Lniey and zone, and denied to the propQrty in queation. 4, Tha~ the x•eguested vari.ance wil]. be materially detrimEnt~1 to the public wel£are or in7urious to the ~roperry o.r impro•~emen~a in sur.h vicinity and zone ixi which th~ ~r.operty is locateci. 5. That no c~ne indicatec~ thei.r presence at eaid public hearing i,n oppoeitic~n; and that no c:orre~spondence waa recelVP.Ci in opposition to subjoct petition. CALIFORNTA ENVIRONtdENTAL UT7ALITY ACT FINAIN~: Thati the Anaheim City Planniny ` Commission hae review~d the proposa.l for waivere of mi.nimum n~ambor of parking eX~ace~, m.inimum floor a:ea and minimum di~stance betweon building wal].e to reta.in an i??.egal dwelling unit (l~th unitij wi.~thin an exiating 12-unit apartment complex or. a rectangularly-atiaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.48 acre having a frantage of appr~ximately 109 feet on the nortli side of Ball Roacl, having a maximum depth of approxim~toly 192 fent, being located ap7Proximately 440 fe~t waet of the cent~rline Dale Avenue ~nd further deNCri.bed as 2831 West Ball Rnttd; and doea hezeby approve tho Negati.ve Decl~ration upon fl.ndicig that it ha~ coneidered the Negative A~c:.aration together with any comments recaived dtizing the public .rRView process ~'~n~ Eurther finding on the basis that the ini.tial study and any commente recEived thut th~re is no suhsL•antial evid~nce that the pr~ject will have d eignificant ef.fect an the environment. NqW, THEI2EFORE, B~ IZ' Rr,SOLV~D th~lt ths AnahPim City Planning Commiasion doea hereby deny sub~ecr. P~titian for 'Vari.ance on thP bagis of the aforernentinned findfngo. _2_ PC90-251 ..~1y il'~~ M11'~ IS , . . ::r;~~^ ~3~ ~ ' ~ ~ . ~ . . , i ~ .1 ~:~+rX },'e' ~:y1 ~~ 'J' ~.~ Q . ~ ~ .. . . . , . . .,~~~~{ THE FOREGOING RESOI,UTION wae aao~tea at tnc~ Nlanna.ng cumma.esion mee~ing of Octob~r 22, 1590. ~ ~j:.G.l /•~/u ,~'ff ~~~ ~" (/ ,"~d''~~'L%~"'/~ CHAIRWQ N, ANFIHEIM CITY PL NNING COMMT5STON ATTFST: 7 ~ ~. - j ~ ;'•;~CRETA Y, ANAHETM CITY FI~A NING CnMMTSSIUN STA~E OF CALSF()RN'A ) COUNTY OF O1tALIGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harri~, Secre~ary of the Anaheim City Planning Commi.seion, do hereby certi.fy that the f.oragoing resolu~i.on waa passed and adopta~ at ~ meeting of the AnahPim City Planning Commiseion hFld on or.tobPr 22, 1990, by the ~ollowing ~ote of the members there~f: AYES: CQMMISSSON~;RS: HF:LLYER, HENNING~:R, MCSSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMIuSIONERS: BOL'AS, BOXnSTU~1 A$5EN'~: COM,.tiiTSSIONER~: FELDHAt1S II3 WT.TNESS WHEREOF, I havp }iereun~o ~Pt my hand thi~ ~K ~ @ay oE '~~ ~-~/ts+~ d.c~-- ,._.~ 199Q. ~ _ ~-~ ..%I /•~ _ ~ ,~, _ /4~ SECRETAZt , ANAHEIM PL}1NNIIvG CQMMISSIAN -3- PC90-251 ; :, y. ' l .1 : -,1 ~.~'' ~/#~ ' ..'.•.~~1