Resolution-PC 90-258~ ,~~~, ;`;, .~ RFSOLU~ION NQ. PC9A-25ti A RESOLUTION OF THE AN,'~,HETM CITY PLANN:LNG GqMMISSION 7'HAT PETITTON F'OR VARIANCE NO. 4086 BE GRANTED WHEItEAS, the Anaheim Ci~y F~lanning Comrniesion did receive a verified Yetition for Varianco for certain real property eituated in the City of Anaheim, County of Urange, State af California described ae: THAT PORTTON OF TF1E NORTHFIEST QUAR'P~R OF TFIE NORTHEA~T QUARTEF OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RXINGE lA WEST, ~N TH~ RANCHO LOS COYAT~S, AS SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER 1S INDZCATED ON A MAP OF TRACT NO. 647, RECORDED IN BOOK 20, PAGE 34 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS UF ORANGE COUN'P, CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLI,OWS: EEGTNNING AT A PQINT ON THE NORxH LINE OP' uA:xD SECTiON, Ei1ST 3~0.00 FEET FROM THE NOFtTE~WEST CORNER OF THE LANp DESCRIBED IN PARCEL 1 OF THE DEED 'PO TFIE GRECO CONSTRUCTTUN CURPORIITTON, RFCORDEA OCTUBER 6, 1955 TN BOpK 3235 PAGE 147 OF OFFICIAL 1tECORDS; TE~ENCE SOUTH 300.00 FEET, PARALLE.~ ~AST 120.80 FEET, MORE OR LF.SS, PARAT.,LEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION TO TFTE WES LINE OF THE L'AND DESCRIAED TN DEED TO PATRICK G. O'K~G:FE ' ANIS WIF~, RECORDED NQVEMBER 10, 1955 IN BOOTC 3278 PAGE 385, O'c'I'IC~AL RECORUS; THENGE NOF2TFi 300.00 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE QI' SAIC O'KEEFE LAND TQ TNE NORTH LIN~ OF SATD uECT:JN; THEI3CE WES9' 120.75 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE PUZNT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT THE NdRTH 66.0~ FEET THEREOF. WHF;RF,AS, the City Planning Commi~sion d.id h~lci a public hearing at ~he Civic Centor in the C;ity of AnahQim on Oct~bc~r 8, 1990, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public he~iinc~ having been auly af.v9n ae required by law and in accordance ~vith the provi9iona of tho Anaheim Mnnir,ipal Cade, Ct~apter 18.03, to hoar and conoider evSdence for and againet r~aid propuaed variancs and to investigate and make findinge ~.nd recom~nendnti~nA in r.onnection therowithj and that eaid public hearing was c~ntinued to thc Planning Comm.ission mAeting of Novert~ber 5, ,1990; and WHEREAS, eaid Com.misai4n, ~f.tc~r due inepection, inveoti.gation and study a~sde by ii:eelf and in its Lehalf, and aL•ter due consldoratiori of all evidence and reports offered at sai.~ hearii~g, dose fi.nd and determine the fqllowing facte: 1• Thdt the petiti~ner propoees waivere of L•he followiny to con~truct .~ 2,788 sq.ft., 1 a,nd 2 story a~dition ta an exieting modical building: S~TIOhfi 18.04.045 ~ ~i,n+snum structural petbacY.. ar. 8.44.U63 (10 fest required; 4 feet 9 inch„g~ existing) CR1034MP ~. -1- PC9Q-258 9. 1'. +.~ i n i , . . . , . ~ ~ '. ~ 1~1 ~ ~ ,,., ~ ^~ . ~ / r~4 ` 1~' f `" ,, baeie that 2. That tha above-mentior~~cY waiver ie there r~re epeci l t r~ h ~y v±~ ' $~-z° ~hgPQ~ a ed on the circumst;ances applicable tn ~ g the topogrnphy, location a d ' pr~p~rtY such •, s :Ldentically of the 2o i n as surr~undtnge whi.ch do no zaned propor.L•y in th~ dame via~ tP y to other nit ~ n propertiee in ~ , Ys and that atric ng Code dapriv~e the PPlic~tion ilegee enjo th~ identical zo ed b i y y other ~ ne t~nd claseification pn he vicinity. conditions a 3• That i:hero are ex~ePtinn~l or. Qxtraordinary c.trcumetance ppli4able to tho r ; ' p s property that d~ or operty invo.lve~ or to t11n intoncir~d not apply gc~nerally to th ean~e i ; ; : v cinity and xone. e propRrty or clase of uee in the ~ pxenervati.~n 4. That th~ rt~ u~ated ~ ~~riance ia necessary f and enjoyment oF property in ~ or the the eame vicin.tt ~ubstani;ial property right posaeseed by other y an~ quet~tion. zone, an~ dE+nfed to the ~roperty in s• That the requeeted va.riance wtll nnt be mxi:erially detrimental to the pubJ.ic walfare or injurioue to th~ prop~rty or impL•ovements in euch vicinity and zone in whi.ch the property is locatPd. 6' ~`h~~ nn one indicated their pre~ence at said publi,c he~ring in oppo~ition; fln~ thah no r.orrec~pondence was received tn oppoyitior. to eubj~~t potition. CALTFORtJIA ENVIRONMEIVTAL~~_L~TY ACT F2NpING: City Plannin "-"-""'-- g Commi~saion hae reviewed the '----- That the P.naheim propazty f~om ~he R~-p_43~OA0 Propoeal to reclr~eeify subject jCommercial~ pfficP ~Re~~-~ential/Agricult~aral) Lone to foot and Profeer~ional) Zone and to conatruct a 2,788tsquare ' 1 a~~ 2~torY addition to an existi.ng m~dical bu.t.ld.ing wi.th waiver of minimum arructuzal aotback on a rectangularl ~~ approximately O.ol acre, 1~avic~g a frontage ~fAaed pa.rcel of land cansieting east sidc~ of E~rookhurst Str.eet PProximatQly 128 .feet qn the ~~e~' bein9 2oC~tad a ~ having a maximum depth oF apFrUxi.matel and furt:her describQdpagr324~gauth26rcokhurgt~Streothedndndoeelhe °f~Broadway ~hQ Negative Aec;laration upon f.tndin xeb s I~eclaration toqc~ther with an g that it hao r_onsidered the,Negativ~ proceae and further finding Yon~ then~baaieCethat theiinitial etud aor~~urents ~acQivod thAt there i.e no sub~rtantial evid~nce that thepuroic revl.eW have a aignificant eff.e~t nr~ rhe env;.ronment. Y"'nd ~ny P jeci: wi11 NOW, TH~REFORE, BE IT ktEgpLVED that ~ho Anahe.tm Cit ~0~~°gl°n doe~ hereby grxnt eubject petitton for Variance, u~on tho followin conditi~na which Y Plana~ing are h~reb3~ found to bQ r~ neceesarv 9 propoaed u~e of the aubjR~~t proper.ty tn arder ~fl ~rerequi_site to t:he ~eneral welfaro ~f ~he Citlzens of the (:ity of Anaheim: Pr~~erve the safpty a.nd 1• ~ That a fee fnr strRet lightiny purpoxe,~ shall be Anahoim uased on t;he length of otr~er. frontagN alung Lincoln~Avenueiin a1 amount gs est•ablfehed by Ci.ty Council reeoluti.on. 2. * That pr.tor to i.esuance of ;~ .g.ignai se~esement tee ehall b4 paidd~n~ parmit, L-he apprupriata traffic ae establ.i.Ahed by City Council resolution,~h~ City of Anaheim in ar. amaunt -z- PC90-•25$ ~ :;; ~s - ~;,~:: I . . . . . . ~ . ..,, ~: ~. . ,,.. : i` / I ~~,udiN,, , ~ ~~ ~ ;~ ~ i } f ~ ~1 ~ ~~ .' ~'' ~ `f, i . . ._' ','~ ~ 3. * That sidewalke, curbs and guttars eha11 be romoved and/o.r reconstructed ~~~ along L3.n~oln Avenuo se required by the Gity ~nginoer anci in accordance with star~dard plane and s~ecification,e on file in the Of~ice of the Cii:y Lnginaer. 4. ~'Ph~~ pl~ns shall be aubrtiitt~ad L•o the ~ity Txaffic Engineer ~or hi.s revlew ' , and approval ahowing confozmance with the latost revieic~n of Enqineering ~ &tandard Plan Nos. 436 and G02 pertaininc~ tn ~arking stand~rde, and Standara Detail No. 137 pertaining to eite visibi.lity. subject property ~hall thc~reu~on be developed and maintained in cnnf~rmance with eaid „ plane. 5. TP~at the drxvaway along Lincoln Avenue, shall be rc~conatructed ta accommodat~ fif~een ('15} foot radiug curb re~urns in conformance with Engineerinc~ Department Standardg. ~. *'Phat eubject c~netruction Authorized b}~ thi.~ r~solution ehall be gerved by underground uti.litie~. 7. *'Phat the lgyal owrier oi suhjoc~ prapQrty aha11 dedicate ~o the City ~f Anaheim an eaoement five (5) feet in w9.d'ch along the south prop~rty linQ for public utility pur~oses. 8. * Th~t traah etarage areas c~hall be provir~ed ancl maintained in a location acceptable to the Stzeet MaintQnar.ce and S~nitai:ion Division and in accardance 4J~tf'1 approved plana oi~ f.ile witr. said divieion. 5uch infarmati~n aFall br~ spacific:xlly nhawn on the ~I.ans eubmitte~ for build~ng permits. 9. * Tnat thie Variance id g.r.anted eubject tA th~ adoption of a zaning ordinance in connectian with Iteclassificai:ion No. 90-91-13, now pen~ing. 10. That any propoeed f.reestanding eign on eubject property shall be a monument-type no~ er^~oding Hiyht (8) feet in height and ehatl be subject to the rovi.ew and ag~roval of th~ City TrafEic Engineer. il. * That thQ on-eitQ landscaping and irrigation eys~em sha11 be refu.rbiehed ancl maintained in complf~nce with City atz-r:dards. 12. That conetxuction of any on-ei~te free-standing si~~nag~ or block walls or fence» ahall bQ eubject to the prior review snd approval of the Ci~y 'Pra~fic EnginRer, in accordance with Engineering 5tan~ard Det~il No. 137 pertaining to aite vinibility. 7.3. That dubjsct praperty aha.ll be developed substantially in accordance with plaris and r3pecif icationo sui~mi.tted to the City of Anaheim by th~ petitioner and which plans are on file with thQ Planning Department marked Exhibit Noe. 1 through ~. 14. 'That prior to ieeuance ef a building perm±t or withf.n a period of one (1) year frflm the date of thi~ r~golution, wh.ichevPr occure ~irst, Condi•tion Noe. 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 and 9, abave-•mentioned, ahail b~ c~mpl.ied with. Extension.e for further time to complete said conditiane may be grantad in accurdance with Sactiun 18.03.09Q of the Anaheim Municipal Code. ~~ -3- PC90-2 :8 ~' r 15. ~~"~1 ~''~'r~ + `~~~':: n r -~ $~~~Iy ~ . '.!l,.~S'U~:A~~ ~., ,_:,/ •. •er; '~"`r !v That prS.or to f.inal building and zanir~g inepecttons, Condition Nora. ;i ~. 6- 10, lI and 13, above-mentianed, shal?, be complted wi~th. ~~~ 16. *~hat approva~ of thi.s application conetitutea a requeet onZy to the ~;~~ent that it comp].iee withp~he~Anaheim4Municipal 7.oning Codo and any othez applieable Cit rogulatiuns. Anproval doee uat inalude a~y actis~ntar~findazy~eSer~o compliance or approvAl ~f the request regardin7 any other applicable ordinance, regulatl.an or requirem~nt. Conditione marked with an aeteziek (*) are r.Qquirad by e.etabliehed laws, cadee, regulatione and agreemQnts and are, tharefore, not subject to n~goti.ation, BE IT FURTHER RE80LVED that i:he Anaheim City Planning Commiseion does t~ereby iinr3 and determine tha~ adoption of this Resolution ig e~xpreesly predicated upon ap~licant's complianco with saah and all of the r,onditiona hereiiiabove set forth, Shruld any such con~3ition~, or an declared invalid or un~nforceable by the final judgmen~ ~oE~anyerourt of compatent jurisdir.tian, then this Resolutian, and any a.pprovals herein contained, ehall be deemed nii].1 ~nd voirl. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted ~~t the Planning Comn;iasion ;'~ meQting of Novem~er 5, 1990. . -> . -^=-.::._. f , r' :~~ : ~ ;-.^.,., ;(~ ~~''~`_" • ~ c.. , . . .:' - ~; c_.K..-'' CHAIRF70MAN, ANAHEIDi' CITY' I'I,ANN DI CI pG' MMj- gS1pN ATTEST; ~ ~ r~.i ~( ~ . _~_L_ S~CRETARY~ A3VAHFIM CITY FLANNI G CAldMISg:LpN STRTE OF CALIFORNIp ) COUNT'1 OP' ORANGE ~ qQ, CTTY OF ANAHEZM ~ T. Edith L. Harris, Secr~tary of tho An~heim Cit Commieeian, do hQreby certify that th~ foregoing resolution ~~aeY ~l~nr~ing adopted at a mec~ting of the Anaheim City Planning Gommiesion held onaNov~mber B, 1990, by the~ following vote o£ the mernbe;:s tl~er.~of: AYE:S: COMMi3STOIvERSt HOYDSTUN , BUUAS, FELDHAUS, H~LLYER, ;?ENNIhGE.R, NOES: MESSE, PERA2A CO.~IMISSTONERS: NONE ABSENTi COMMISSTO[JGRSs NON~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ha~.~e heieUnto oet my hand thia ~~ of -~~,.~e~.~li'-' ~ 1990. _~...._,_.~ da. Y ~ ~ ~I . •--=---~ ~ /~.~.t. uGCRET~~Y, ~NAHEIM CI~`Y PLANNTNG COMMISSTON -4- PG90-258