Resolution-PC 90-259~ ~ ~ RESf~LUTION NO. PC90-259 'T'-'•T ~~~~ ~, ~ ~ t.~ n ~+~~u~ ti~, ,: : ;,'~ '~i' ;~ ,: A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHFIM CITY PLAIJNING CGMMISSION THAT PETITTON EOFt CONDITIONAL U5E PERMZT N0. 335Z BE GRANT~D, IN PART WHEREAS, thp Anak~eim City Planning Commiseion did rec.eive a varified Potition for Condi~ion~~ Uas Permit for. cartain xoal proporty aituat~d 1;~ the City of Anaheim, Cnunty of Oxange, Sta~e of California, ~, describec~ as: THE NORTHERLX 128 FEET OF THE SOU'1'HEI2T~Y 378.44 FEET QF LOT 4, BLOCK B, TF2AC'P J.3, IN '.CHE CIiY 4F' ANAHEIM, ~OUNTY QF ORANGF, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHQWN ON A MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK 9 Pd1GE 12 MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF SATD ORANGE CdUNTY; EXCLPT TH~R~FRQM THE EA5TERLY 100 F~ET TI3~REOF. WHGRLAS, the City Planning Commission di,d hold a public hearS.ng at. the Civic Center in the Cfty o£ Anaheim on November 5, 1990, at 1:3U p.m., notic~e of r~aid public 1•~earing having been duly gi.ven aa rc~qtiiired by law and .in accordance wikh the pr.avi~ior.~n of the AnahQim Municipal Code, Chapter 1t3,03, to heaz and conaider evidence for and against said propoaed conditional use p~rmit and to inv~stigate and make findinga and recc~r~mendationa in connection therewith; artid WIiEREA~, eaid Comrnission, after d~.~e inepection, itiveatigati.an ar~d study made by ~.tself and in its bQhalf, and after due consideration of all ~vidence and repoztc~ offered at eaid hsaring, does L-ind and deter.mines the f.ollowing facts: 1. That the proposed usQ is properly onE for which a conditional uo~ pezmit ls duthorized by Anaheim Municlpal Code Section ]. tc permit a drive--through reataurant with waiver of: SECTION - Reguired setback abuttin~ a einule-famiiv rnsidential zone. (10 foot fully landecaped aetback required; 1~ parking spaces with no land~capir,g propoAed) a,, 2. That the requested waiver ie hereby deniecl ~n the ba~tis that thpre arp no epecial ctr.cumstances xpplia3ble to 1:he ~roperty such ae size, sha~p, topagraphy, locai.ion and surroundinga which do not apply to other L, identicctlly zonad pru~arty in the eame vicinity; and that strict application of tt~e Zoning Code doee not deprive ~he property of privileges ~njoye.i by other propertieo in the identical ~one and classi.fica~ton i.n th~ vicinity. Furthgr, t.hat a 10-foot wide fully landecaped eetback ~hall t~o pravided along the entire cabterlv property line and, minimall.y, shall be landacaped with 15-~allon, broad-headed trees on 15-foot centers. CR1035MP -1 FC90-259 i ;}',~ .II i 1, ~.' i ~t~ '~ `~ ~«'~ ."•,1 ~ ~ ~ ~~ 3• ~'~at the proposad uoe will not adveraely agfeqt the ~~; ~ adjoining land usea and the growtti and davelopment oP thQ aroa i.n w:~ich it ia propoeed to he located. ~ 4. 't'hat the oize arid ahapr~ oF tha si~e pr,apoaed for the ua~ is a~equai:e to allow the full deve.lopment of the prnpaoed use in a mannez not detrimen~al to the par~:icular aroa nor to the peace, hedlth, aafety and gei~gra~ welfare of ~he Citizene of the City of Anaheim. ''` 5• ~:-ak the prupased use, a~ ,, affect tha ad~oining land ua~a and the grow~h ~nd~d~volnpmentlof~thedare~~~y which it ip propae~d to be locatecl, a in 6• That ~he size snd ahape of the site proposed .for the uee, ae grantQd, ie adc~qaate tu ullow the ~ull davelopment of the proposod use in a manner not detrimental to the particular arQa nor to the peaeQ~ her~lth, sa.fety ~ and general welfar~ of the ~itizens oF the rity of I~nah~im. ~ ~ ~ • TY,at ~h~ grant:i.ng of the Conditional Use Periait t~,,der the conditiona imposed, zf any~ Wi1L not be detrimpntal to the pe,ace, health, , ~aFety and general wel.f-are of the Citizens of the City af Anaheim. ! ; 1 8• That the traffic generated by the ,propoee3 u~e will not impose an undue burden upon tho s~reets snd t~ighways desigped and improved to carry the traffic in the ar.~a, 9• That two (2) peo~le indicated their pre~enc~ at said hear.ing in oppaeition; and th~t r,o correspon~enCe was roceived in o Public the subject petition. ppoeit.ion tco ~ALIF~RNI`ENVIR~JrIME~TTAL OUAI~ixY AC4' FINDIIJG: Tha~ the Anaheim C~tY ~'lanning 4ommiseion has reviewed the rest~3urant with waiver of r~quired setback abutti~ng~a sing2emfamtlyrresidelntial xone on a r.ectangularl.y-shappa parcel of land coneieting of approximateYy 0.81 acre having a frontagQ of approxfmately 128 feet an the east side of 9raokhurst Strc~et, having a maximum dep~h of. approximately 2 7 4 FeQt, bexng located e p pro x ima te ly 320 feet south of ~he ~enterline of Brnadw~y and furthez deer,ribed aA 324 South Brookhuret St.reet; and doeH hereby ap~rava the Negative Declaration u~{~n finding that it t~ae conaidered the Negati.ve Declaration t-ogether with any commen~s rpc~ived during thr~ public .review proaese and fuzther finding on the basis that the initial atudy and any comments receiver~ tha+.t theze ie no subatantial evidence that the gr~jQCi: will have a significant eff~ct on the c~nvironm~nt. ~~W. THEREFURF;, BE I~P RESOLVED t}iat the Anaheim City planning Comr,iisaion dooA hereby grant nubject Petiti~n for Conditional Use Permit, ,~n part, upcn the f~].lowing condi~inna which are hQreby found to be a nQCessarx ~rerequiaite ~o ~ha proposed u9e of. the eubject property in order to the eafety and general wolfare of the Citizens of ~he City of Anaheim: preaerve 1• '~ '1'hat orior to issuance of a buildin s~.gnal aesessment fe~ ehall 5~ ~~ermit, the appropriate traf'ric amount ao establiahed by City Caun~il~resoluti.onCity of Anah~im in an ; ; 7 +2.- PC90-259 ~~ ;~ 2. ~ ~ ~~~, ~ y~ ~~~ , ~ ~'','~ ._, ± * Tha~ plana ehall be ~ubm~.~ted to th~ Ctty Tr~aFfin Engin~er foz hiA review and approval sk~owing aonEormanc~ wit-,h the latest reviei~n of Engineering Standard Plan Nos. 436 and 602 ~ertaining to parking etandarde. 5ubject propr~r~ty ehall thereupon b~ devdloped ana maintiaii~ed in conformance with eaid ~lana. 3• That the driveway on Brookhurat StreQt eha.11 be canatructed with fifteen (15) foot radius curb returna as required by the Cit,y ~ngineer in conformance with Engineering Standarda. 4. '"hat a miniraum twenty (20} foat rad,iue shall k~e providod for thc~ driv~-L•hrough turn ar~a. Said ar~a ohall be a,peci.fically shown on plans eubmitted for vuilding permits. 5. * That atreet lightiny facilitiea alnng Hrookhuret StrQet sha11 be instalZed ae required by the UtilitioE Generdl Manager in accordanc~e with speoificati.one on file in 'r,hc~ Of~ice of the Utilities GAneral Manag~rs or that security in the form of a bond, csrtificate ar doposit, letter of cred!t:, or cash, in an amount and form satiofactory to the City oF Anaheim, sha11. be p~eted wii:h the r~ty to guarantQe the satiefactary completion of the abuve-met~tioned improvam~nta. Gaid security sha].1 bg postecl with tr~e City of Anaheim prior to ie iance o~ a building permit. Tl•ie abova•-raquirr~d irnprovcmen~ta ehall be ins~alled priur to occupnncX. 6. * That subjeci: property sha.ll be served by underground utilitiee. 7. * Treat the legal owner af eubjec~ property ehall de~icatP ta the City of Anaheim an easement five (5) teet in width centered on the ex,feting power lines (in a north-aouth direciion) for public util.ity purpose~. 8. * That firo ,_+prinkleiE~ shall be innta].led a~t required by the F'ire Ae~artm~snt . 9• * That a Lot Lina Adju~3tme;rt Plat shal:. be su~mi.t~ed to the Subdivision Sectio» And appro~~ed by the City Engineer and then recorded in the ~ffi.ce of the Orang~ Coun~y Recnrder ~:o combine the two (2) existing lota inL•o one (1). 10. * That trash otorage areas ehall be prov.idcd anc~ maintained i.n a loc~tion accQptable to the StreQt 2Saintenance and Sanitati.on Diviefan and in accordance w.ith approved plans on file with aai.d divS.sion. Such informaticn r~hal'1 b~ apecif.ically sbo~m on the plans eubmitted for building permita. ~ 11. That any existina or ~OpOBPCl fzeec~tanding oign on eubject prn~erty ahall ~ be a monument-type not exceeding eight (81 feet .tn height and shall bp ~~~ aubject to the review an3 appr~val ~i tha City Tr~ffia Engineer to '~ determine appr4priate lines-of-Ri.qht. ~ ;, '~'; ~ 12. * That the nn-site land~caping and iriigatiun syetem shall be refurbiahed F and maintained in compllance with City etandards. 13. That ~he ownor of aubject pXO~erty shall aubmit a letter zequasting terminatinn of variance Ivo. 3491 (waiv~r of minimum number of parking spac~~ to expar~d a reetac~rari~) and Conditional Use Permi.t No. 848 (permitting a walk-up reetaurant to the Zoning Diviai~n. -3r FC90-259 Ai , , .... ~.,:.~ . ...~... ,r,,, . , i~.i , ., .. . ~ . . . . . ... ,... .,. .. _,... .i.~, . ..~.. ,Y.,~ ' ~ ,,.,: ~ .',`~'~ .•;;; ~°~ s. 14. That tt~e wacer backfl.ow equipment and any othar Iarge wateac eyetem equipment shall be inetatled to the autiefaction of the Water Ut,tlity [~i.viuion in Rither (a} underground v~ults or (b) above ground hehind the dtr.eet setback ar~-a in a mannor fully ecreenHd fram all public Atraets and elleye. 15. That the order dpinker ~hal.l be oquipped with an operable voliarce coh~rol. 16. * Thnt all air condi.tioning facl.litieo and other roo~ and yroand mounted ~qut~ment ahall b~ pr~p~ar.ly ehielded from vicw and the eound bufferod Yzom adjacen~ rosidential properr_iae. 5uch information nhall be gpecifically eh~wn on the plans ~ubmittc~d for buildi.ng permito. 17. ThaL• all plumbing or othor eimi].ar pipQS nnd fixtures l~rated on the exterSor of the b~~ilding ohall be fully ecraenod by architectura' de~icee and/or appr~priate b~:ilding materials; and, further, that• euch information dhall t~e epecifir.ally ehown ~n the plane 3ubmitted for buildiny permite. i~. ~~rhat a eix IG) toot high maeonry bS_cck wall ehall be maintained alonq the Qa~t proper~y :ine. Said block wall shall be planted and mair_tainod with cli.rtging vinas to eliminat~ graffitf oppc~rtunitie~. 19. 7'hat any pr~posed parkfng aa^ea lightinq fixtures loc:ated adjRCent to any residontial prope~ty shall bo down••light~d with a maximum height of twelve (12} feeC. Said lighting :ixturca nhall bc~ dirQCted away from nd•Iacent reeidential property l.tnes to protect the reoidential. integr.tty of tha aro~ and ~hall t~R i.ndicated on the plana subrr~itted ~~r building pQrmir.o. 20. • That c.he propoRnl Rhall comply wi~t~ all si.gning requiremente of th~ CL "Commercial, LimitEd^ Zone, unless a variance allowing s~gr~ wt~ivere is approvsd by the City Council, Planni~ig Commiesian or Zoninq AdminiceCr.ator, and except as otherwicse r~etricted by C~nditi~n No. 11, above. 21. Thnt ~ubjACt prupEirty sshall be developed eubarnnri.pi~~ ~;; accar3Nnce wlth plans and specificatione ~ubmitted tc the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plan~ are on tile with ~ho Planning Oca~artmanC marked Exhibit Noe. 1 througt~ 4; provided, haw~avc~r, thak a minimum ten (1~) foot widQ landc~caped sQr.back ei:al). be provided alang the eaat~rly pr.~p3rty line, and eha11, mi.nim~lly, incl~de :ifteen (15) galior., broac3-h~,:,ded treee, p2anted on maxlmum fifte~n (15) Eoot centieroj and that t•evtaed plans ehall bP eubmitted ehowing aaid landncap«~d eetbock ar~ tha related reducti~~n in parking to a minimum of forty-eix (46) apac9s, .ln cr.,mpliance wi~h ~ode etandardn foi~ a drive-Chrou~h reataurent. 22. That: prior to ioouanca of a b~~ilding pprmit or wikhin e perS.od ~f ons (1) year from the date of thie reeolution, whichevor occura ~iret, Con~ition Noe. l, 2, S, 7, 9, la, 13, 16, 17 and 19, above-menL•ioned, Ahell ba camplted wi~h. Lxteneion~ fnr further time to complet~i naid c~nditione may be granted in nr,cordance with Sec~ion 18.03.090 of thA Anahefm Hun:cipa2 rcxfe. ~a~ pc9~-259 ~~ ~ T 23. That ~rior ~o final build~.nq and zoning inapeotions, C~ndition Noe. 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, ~2, 14, .1~~ .l8 and 21, abov~-mentionerl, ehall be compllod with. 24. * That approval of ~hia applir,ati~n conet~.tutos appro~~al of c1~o pru~ae~d requent anly 4.o tt~e yx~ent that it complida with the A~~aheim Municipal 'Loning Code and nny othor appli.cablo City, State and ~'uderal x~egulatiune. Approval r]oee not include any actio:~ or findiny~ aB to complianc~ or approval c-f tha requeot reyard!.ng any other. appliaable , ordinance, :egula~ion or roquiroment. Condition~+ mar3;Qd with an aetariek (*) are required by establiehed lawe, andee, regulaliona and agr~emente ancl aro, thorefor~s~ not suby~cr, to negotiation. BE 2T FURTHER RESOLVED that the At~aheim Ci~:y Pl,~nni.ng Commiseion doeo t~ereby find and determina th~t adoption of thia Reeoluti~n ia expre~,a~y prodtcated upon mpplicant'g compliance wi.th aach and a.ll of thQ conditiona hereir~above oot fo:rh. Shovld any such cortdition, ~r any part ther~of, ba declarod invalid or unenforceabla by the final judgmont of any court o~ cc~mpesrnnt juri.saiction, then thio Rean.lutlon, and ~ny approva.lo herein ~ontainod, ~hall bQ daemed nul.l and void. ::;u F~T.?F~nrrr~ RESOLUTZON was adopted ~.t tte Planning Commission ,neeting of NovemL•er 5, 1?90. - ''~ r."'';~ f~~~~ ,• _ i,:.~_ ~.r''r ~`: :";.. -=~= CElAIRWOMAN, ANILYEIM CITY /PLANNING COMMI5SION ATTESTs '' ~ - C ~-%~ ,u SECR~TARii, ACIAHEIM ~'TTY PLANNING COMMIS:iION STATE OF ~ALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) se. C,TTX OF I+NAHEIM ) Z, Editl- L. HarriA, Socroe~ry of the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commtseion, do hereby certi.fy that the fQr~goi.ng reeoiutfon. wan p~ased and ' c~dopted at a m~etinc~ of tho Anaheim City Planniny Commieeion held on Novembr~r . 5, 1990, by the followi:~g vot~a of the membero ttiereof: AYE;S: CQM.MISSZONk;RS: BOUAS, f3UYDSTUN, FELDHAUS, HELtYER, fiENNItiGER, T.dESSE, PERA%A ltOESs COMMISSIONF.f25: tiONF. AaCENTs COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN wITNES5 W}iEREJF, I have hereunto srr my hand thte ~_~ day o f ~_~,~,~(l . 19 ~I O . . . ~ ~ + • r SECRF.TARY, T1NA}IEIM CITY YLANNINC COMMISSION -5- PC90-259 ~ ~ .r,a,~., ,.;~ :> - - -- -- _ :~