Resolution-PC 90-261~~?! RESOLU'PION NO. PC90-261 ~ A R~SOLUTTON OF 'THE 11NAHI:JM CZTY !~T_.ANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USF. F'ERMIT NA. 3355 8E GRAIvTE~ WFIEREAS, the Anahe.im City Planning Commineion ciid recoive a verified Petition for C~nditional Uoe Permit; for c:ertain real ~raporty e~tuated ir. the City oE Anaha+m, c:oun~y of Orange, S~a~e of California, c1Fe ~ribed ~~ : THE NQRTH 185.00 F~hT OF THE EAST 203.00 ~~ET OE' THE NORTH EIALF OF THE ~IOR1'HEA52' QUARxER OF LOT 14 IN BLOCK "K" OI' THE KRAEMER TRACT, .LN THF C~TY C~F ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF OR11P7G~, ~TA'PE GI' CALII'UF2NIA, AS PER Mt~p RFCORDED TN B~~OK 12, PAGES 87 AND 88, OF MISCELLAN~OUS RECORbS, IN THE OFFICE OE THL COUNTY RECOftDER OF LOS ANG~;LES t:OUNTY, CALIE'OkNIA. WHEREAS, the City Planning Cominiasinn dic~ t~~ld a public hesring at tho Civic C~enter in the City nf Anaheim on November 5, 1990, at 1:J0 g.m., notice of said public Y~earir.y having been duly given ar~ requireci by law and in accordance with the provisions of t:ie Anahei.m 24unicip~l Code, Chapter lS.p3~ to !iear and con5ider evidence fo,: and against said praposed condi.tional use permit and t~ investigate and malce finding~ and recum~nsendatton~ in connection thorewitli; a~~u that ~~sid public }iearing wae continued to the P7ovember 19, 1990, Pl.anning Comr,iission moeti.rig; and WHEREA:,, said Commzgaion, aft~r due .tnspec~ion, invFStigstion and 3tudy madw by itself. and in .its brhalf, and aftzr du~ considerat.ton of ell ~vidence and reporta o.ffer~d at said hearinc~, ~oec find rynd d~rormine tl:e following £acta: 1• Thst the propo~ed uae is properly one for which a conditional 4se per.mit ia autl~orized by Anahei.m Municipal Code Gectinn :8.61.p50.605 to permit a retail and wholesale carpet businesa wittt waiver of ttie fol.lcwing unr.ler authori.ty of Code Section 18.06.080: SFCTIONS 18_,06.050.??.2 - ;di,ii.m~m numbez _nE oar.kinv.~_ice~. 1~3.06.050~031 ( ~9 requi.red;~ 7_.2 existing) and 2. That the req~~e~tc~d ~~aiver. ia her~by yranted on thQ basls that the parking wai+~er wfll nut caus~ an inr_roaae in traLfic conges;,ion in the immedia:.e vicinity nor adve_sely affact any adjoi .~~ig land use~ and grantf.r~c~ ~f the pnrking waiver, u-ider the cc.idttl.ons imposed, i.f any, will not bQ detrimental to the pe~r.e, hea1L•h, safety ar~d general wel£ara of the cttiLens af tr,~ City of Anaheim. CR104UtdP -i- PC90-261 ~ ~~ ..,;;, ,.~;ti .,.~;n~i ~~~y~~. 3. Th~i. Li~e p~~o~o~3ed uae will not adversely affec~ the acljoininc~ ~.and uaar~ and the g.rc~;~th and development of. the ~rQa in which i.~ i~ propoaeci to be located. 4. That thcj eize~ and shapa of the site proposed for the use is adequ~te to a.llow the fu11. devolopment oE the proposed use in a m~nne~' not: de~rimenta7. to the particul.ar arez nor to i:hA peacE, health, aafety and g.~neral welfa~:e of ~hE Ca.tizen~ o:`' the Ci.ty of' Anaheim. 5, Th~t the gran~ing of ~:.ho Conditional Uas Permit under the: aonditionfl imposed, if a~ly, wi_11 not be detrimental to the peace, heal.t.h, ~afety and yr~~ezal. wel.fare of the Giti:.ens ot L-he Gity of Anaheim, 6. 'Phat the traffic ge~eratad by the proposed uae wi.:ll noi: impoHe an undue burderi upon the streets and highwaya designea and improved to c.~:~rry the t.raffic in the area. ~, That no one indi~~aLed their pre~senc~: aL said public hearing in opposition; and that no correl~pondence was r.eeeived in oppooition to tl~e subj~ct petition. CALIFORNIA ENVIRGNMECIT~4I, QUAI,ITY ACT FIP~DING: 'Phat the Anah~im Cii.y Planning Commiasion has review~d the proposal to permit a retai.? an whole~alc carpet busine~s with wziiver of minimum number of parlcing apacea on a rectangularly-otiaped parr.el o£ land consisting of apprexima.tely 0.48 acre located at the c~outhweat corner af Miraloma Avenue and Kraemer Baulev~rd, having approximate frontages of 150 feet on the nouth ~ic9e cf Miraloma Avenu~ and 140 feet on the coeat side of Kraemer Boulevard, and further da3cribed 3~ 1295 North Kracmer F3oul~vard; ~nd does hereby approve thE~ Neqative Declar~t.ton upon findin7 that it tias acnsiciered the Negative Declarat:.or, together with any comm~nts r.oceived during the p~.alic revfew proceso and fu:-ther_ finding on the basia that ttie iriitial k~~udy and any coirunenLa roceiv~d th~t there ia no aubetantial evidence that the project will have a a'_gnificant ef.fect on the environment, NOW, ~HEREFORF., BE I'f RESOLV~D that the Anahexm c;.ity Planning Commiesion doe3 hereby gran~ aubject kotition fc,r Conditional Ue~e P~rmit, upon the Eollooring conditions which are hereby fai~nd. to be. a necessary prerequisi.t~ to the praposed uae of the aubjQC~ property in order to pc~serve the ~saf~ty and g~neral welfare af tho CiLizeny of the City o£ Anaheim: 1. * That a tra£fic aignal aoseasment fee equaling thE di£ference betwPCn th~ ind~ietrial and commercial a~a~ssment fe~s rhall be pa±d to thc: City of Anaheim in an amount as Established by City Council :eaolution. ?, * That plarin ahall be submitted to rhe City Traffic Engineer for hia review ~.nd approval ehowing conformance ~ai.th the lateat revision of Enginse~•ii~g ~; Standar~ Pl~n Noa. 43G and 601 pertaini.ng to par.king standsrd~. Subject property ohall thc:rQUpon be devQloped aad inaintained in conEormance wi~h eai.d plano. _2- YC90-2o1 : . . .. . .i:, u '1~ , . ~ . . ~,i, ~ v. . . , . . . i , . . . . . ~~ . , I ~ ~ 3. Thai. al.l dxiveways ehall be zeconstructed L•a AccommuclatQ fifteen (15) foot r~diua cur-a ret~axne in c~nformance wi•th Engineer.a.nq Department Standardo. Fxieting brok~n or crackod drivewaya ur~all '~~e removad and z~placed aa requirod by the City Engineer. 4. * That etreet ligtiting facilitiea along Miraloma Avenue and. XraPmer Boulevard ahal.l be installed aA required hy the Uti:li.tiss Gc~nerril ManageL in accordance with epacifications on file i.n the Officc•~ of the Utiliti~3 Goneral Managerj oe t;hat aecurity in t:he form of a bonc:, certificate of depoeit, letter of credit, Ar caah, in an amount anci forr~~ aatlsfacC~ry to itic~ City of Anaheim, ehall b~ poated w..th the City ta guarantee the eati.sf.act~ry completion of the above•-mentioned improv~mertt.a. S~id securi.ty eha11 b~ poated wi~h tha Cit} of Anaheim prior to issuance of a building per.mit. The Abov~-roquirQd i.mprovements ahall be inetalled ~rior to occupancy. 5.* 7`hat fire aprinkiers shall be ir-stalleci ae required by the Fire Departmant. 6. That any exi~ting oz broposed f:zeestanding hign on subject pro~erty shall be a monument-type not exceeding ei.ght (~3) L•eet in height and sl'~all be 'i' subject to the review and approval of the Clty Traffic Engineer. 7. * That tha on-site landscaping and irrigation system shall be refu.rbi:fiisd ~' and maintained in c~m~liance wiL-h City etandards. a. 'Pnat thE owner of subjPCt prap~z•ty ahall submi~. a letter xequestinc~ tQrmination of Conditional Uae Permit No. 1507 (permitting a servic~ stati.on with waiver of m'_nimum landscaping actjacen~ to interiar boundarie:~) L•o the 7.oning~ Diviflion. 9. That no flag~s, b~znners or other temporar.y adverti~ing devLc~s ahall he ~acmit`cd to attract. cuatomers to subject prc~perry• 10. * That the propooal shall comply with all si~ning requiremente of the t4L ".T.nduetrial, Limited" Z~ne, unless a variance allowing s.ign waivazs ig spprove~ by the City Council, Planning Cainmiasion or Zor.ing Adminiatrator, except aR ct;herwiee restric•.r.~:;; by Condita.on No. 6, abov~. 11. That subject pr.opert;• shall be dc~velopod uubata.nti~lly in accordance witlY plans anc' ~pecificatlo~is submittE~d to th~~ Citl oi Anah~im by the r petitionez. and which plana azP or. filQ with thE~ Planni~ig nepar.tment marked Sxhib~L• Nos. 1 and ~. r, ~. 12.. That prior to commencement: of the activity authortzed by this resol~ation, or prior. to i.afluance of a buildi.ng permit, or within a period of one (1) ,. year from the date af t:hia zasoiution, whichever occurs first, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 4 and E3, ebovo-mentioned, ahall be compJ.ied wi.th. ~xtensions for further time to com~lete aaid r.onditionrt ma~ be granted in ar.cordance wlth Section 18.03.~9Q of th~ Anaheim Municip~~l cocle. i1 ~3_ YC9C-261 , t~r` , , , 'i ~ ..~.~ ~ 7.3. That priar to the commencement of the repolutton ~r prior to final bufldJ.ng and ocaui~a firet, Condition Nos. 3, 4, ~, 6, 7 be compli.ed with. ~~ ac~~lv.ity author.ized b,y t•hia zoninq ins~~sctiona, whic:hevor and 11, above-mentioned, ehall 1~1. * That approval of this application conatitutQa approval of the proposed requeet oc21y to the exten~ that it com~lies with the Anaheim Muni~ipal Zoning CodE and any ather applicabLe City, S~ate and Federal regulatiuns. Approval does ».ot include any action or ~Eindings ae to compliance or approval of th~ requaat regaxding any other a~plicable ordii~~3nce, regulation or. requirement. Conclitiat~s marked with an asterisk (*) are required by establisht~d lawa, r_odee, r~gulatians and agt•eemen'ta and are, therefor~, c~ot subject to negottation. B~ IT FURTI3C't R~SOLVED that the Anahc~im City Planning Commiasion d~es hereby find and det:ermine that adopt:on of this Reaolution i.s expresely pradicatecl upon applicant's compliartce with each and all of the co:~ditiona hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, nr.• any part ther~af, be dec.tared invalid or iinenfar~~able by the final judgment of any caurt of cnmp~tent jurieciiction, then this Res~lution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be depmed null acic~. void. THE FOR~GOING RFSOLUTION waa ado_:~ted at the Pl~r,n.j.ng Commiasion meeting of November 19, 199p, j ?, , " ; , _, z...~ ~ ~~ ;, .L'r l.,,l ~ ~ , '/~--^'~'~ ~-;1..~-C.I.L..,.c_~~ CFiAIRW MAN, ArlAHEIM CZTY pLAt~NZIVG COMMTS~ION A'rTEST : , .' - , ~ i ` ~. 1. - ~ L.f''~:~,-~ -. :---~- 'k ~,i_.-•• - "/ ~, C5 ~ CRETARY PRO ~~FIMPORE ~- ~~ ~ ANAHE:tM CI~TY•~P~ANNING COMMTSSION ~ S'PATR OF CA*,IFORP7TA ) COIJNTY OF OFtANG~ ) a~, CITY OF AtdfiHEIM ) T, Janet L, JFnsen, Secxetary pro Tzmpore of the Anahe.tm City Planninq Cocnmissi.an, do h~ieby certi.£y ~hat t,-e foregoing resolu~~ion was pa~sed an@ a~3rpted at a meeting of the Anaiieim City Plar.ning Commission helci on November 19, 1990, by th~ foll.oc~ring vote of th~ m~mbera thezpof: AYLS: GOMMISSIONF.RS: BOTJA:i, IIOYDSTUry, T'ELDHA[!S, HE7LYEit, "^NPIINGER, ME;SSE, PERAZA NOES: COMI~ITSSIqNERS: NONE '16SFsNT: COMMT3 ;.iONF.RS: NONE `~ IN WITNESS WEIEREOF, I have tiereunt~ Bet m;~ hand thi3 ".•~': ~~z o f L~/..,, ••~t:=/'-...,:::.~ c~:_'~ i 19 9 0. y - ._s:~:-'~~'.~.~~~~~~J~ ~ ~ . - ~ .. ~-^==~-~---J-r:..~..~.. - Sc~CR~TARY PRO TEMEdRE ~ ~ •.. -ANAHETM CITY PL~NING ,~~ Kt4ISST.O.J -4~ PC90-261