Resolution-PC 90-265~~ '; 'K RESQLUTION NU. PC9U-265 A RES~OLUTION OF THE ANAiiEIM CITY PLANN7NG CAMMISSION THAT PETITTON FOR VARIRNCE NO. 4~96 F3L GRANTED WH~REAS, tne Anaheim City Planning Commi~sian did rece3.ve a v~rifled Petition for Var.ianco fox certain re~l p.r~perty situatod in the City of Anahsim, Coun~y of Orange, state of Califarnia clESCZibed as: `THAT pa12'PION QF THE EAS:I' HALF OF THE FRACTIONA~ HCIRTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHTP 4 SOUTH, R.ANGE 1Q WEST, IN TH~ FtANCHO SA21 JUAN CA:TUN DE SAIVTA RNA, PARTLY TN THE CITX AF FULLERTAN, AND PARTL] II3 THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY nF ORAt7GF, STATE GF C}1rTFORNIA, AS PER MAF R~CORDEI7 IN BOOK 51, PAGE 10 OF MTSCELLANEnUS M7~PS, IN TIiE OFI'ICE OF THE CUUNTY REG!'?RDER OF' SAID COUN'P'l', DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: HEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH 'LINE OF ~AID NORTH47ES'P QUARTElt SOUT~S 89 A~GREES 42 MINUTES 00 S~COI3DS WEST 722.00 FEET FROM THE NURTE3EAS'P CARNEF. OF SAID NORTHW~ST QUARTLR; THENCE SpU'PH QO UEG22EES 20 MINUTES 55 SECONDS EAST PARALLEL WITI9 TiiE EAST LSNE OF ~ SAiD NORTHWEST QUART~R 905.00 FEET TO A POIN7' ON TEiE CF.NTER LINF. C~F DURST STRFrT; T~IENCE SOUTFi 89 D~GR~ES 42 'TNUT~S 00 SECONllS WEST PARIII.LEL WIT:i THE NORTH I~INE u:' SAID NORTHW~ST (~UAR'T.ER 2q0.66 FEET; THENCE SOUTH QU ~:~1?~REES 26 MINUTES 55 SECONDS ~AST PARALLET~ FiZTH SAIA EAS'1' T,TNE 8.00 FFFT; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES ~12 MTNUTFS 00 SLC~ND5 WEST P}1RALLEL Wl:TH SAID I~'ORTH LINE 367.10 F~;ET TO THE WErT LINE Of THE EA5T HALT' OF SAID NQIt'rHWEST QUAR'PER, BEINC THG CEN2'ER LINE CiF LEMON STE2EET; THEP7CE NORTH 00 D~:GR~~S 23 MINUTES 25 SECC~NDS WEST :4I,UNG SAII) WEST LINE 660.OC F~ET TO A POZN'.C WKICH IS DTSTANT SOUTH 00 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 25 SECONDS WEST 253.00 FEET FROM TIiE NOR"i'HWEST CORNER C1F THE EAST HALF UF SAID NORTEIWEST QUARTER; 'I'HENCE NORTH 89 nEGREES 42 MTNi7TES OQ S~COPIDS EAS; PARAI.LEL TO THE NOI2TH L'!NE OF SAID NURTHWEST QUART~R 228.00 FEE:T; 7.'EIEP~CE NORTH 00 `' DECP.EES 23 MINUTES 25 SLCONDS WES`P PARALLEL WITEI THE WEST LINE OF THL EA`~7.' EiALP' OF SAIU NORTHWEEST QUARTER 253.00 FEF.'r 'f0 TEIE NOR'i'H LTNE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER; }3ETNG THE CENTER L:LNE nr Of2ANGETHURPE AVENUE; a, THENCE NOR'TFI $9 DEGREES 42 MTNUTES QO SLCONUS EAST ALOi'JG SATD NURTH LIN~ 37$.75 FEET TO T.HF POINT OF , BEGINNING. SAID iAND IS INCLUDED WITHIN THE FkEA SHOWf7 ON A MHP F:LLED IN DOOK 5, PAGC 9 Of RECOI2D OF SURVFYS, IN TFiE c)FF:LCF. OF T[~E: COUNTY I2ECORDEF OF SATD COUPITY. c~ioaaza~ ^,. ~- -~- PC90-265 r ,,~F~ .. , .. . !,,'1 ~~ O ~~ ;:: ~•~.~..~~~.. ~ '~~ ,,,r~;i:~,q ~ ~ ~ ~~~ WHEREA3, the C:ity Planning Cammiseion dic~ ;~ol,~ a publ.ic hearing ~t the Civic ConL•er in the Ci~;.y of Anaheim on Novamb~r 19, :19~0, a~ 1:30 p~m., notire of said public hearing having been dul.y g3.ven ae zequire.d b,y law and in ~ccordance wi~:Y~ the ~roviaione of the Anatzeim Muciicipa.l ~.~de, Chapter ~.8.03, to hea: and considpr evidence for ai~d againat said pr~~~+oBed vaL•ir.nca and to investigate and make fi-~di.ngs anct rQCOmm~nd~tionc~ in r,~nncac~tian therewith; ar~d WHER~AS, said CammiESion, ~fter due inapQCti~ci, investigati.r~a and studX made by itaolf and in its behalf., and af.tez duo consideraLion of all evidenae and repc~rts affQred at eaid hearing, dooA find and detc:rmine the foll~wing fac..e: 1. ':ha1: the p~titioner p.r~pas~s waiver~ of thQ fo2lowing to 3dd a G8 sq.ft, cabinet to an ~x.isting 34G sq.ft, pule ei,qn: Sectiana 18.05.Oy;~.022 - Maximum ar.ea of freestandi.ng ~iqn. and 18.45.067 (350 ect•ft. permitted; 408 sc~.ft. prnp~a~fl) 2. That the abov~-mentioned waiver i.s Yiereby granted on i:he I.iasic that there are special circum~~ancee applicable to the property such as aize, ehapa, topography, lacation and surroundings whlch do not: ~pply to ather iden~ically zonPd property in tlie samr3 vic.inity; and that atric~ application of the 'Loni~ig Code depr.iv~as th~ property af priv.ilegee enjoyed by other properti.es in the identical zone and claseiflcation in the ~vicinit,y. 3. That the~e are exception~~' or extraordinary circumstances or concli.tions ~ipplicable to tt~~ pr~perry ~.~olved or to the intended uae of th~ prop~rty t.hat do nat apply qenerally to *.he property or cla~s of us~ in the same vicinity and zone. 4. That the requeated variance ia n~cessar,y ~or the pres~rvatiran and enjoyment of a~ubgtani:ial prop~rty r.i.qht possess~d by other property in the Esame vicinity and zor~e, and den:~.ed to the propert,y in questioti. 5. That the requeei:~d variance wil.l not be materi~tlly detrimental to tl~e public o~elfax~ or injur.ioue to th~ propQr*.y ~r improvomenta in euch vi.cinity and zone in which ttie pronertX is locai:o3. 6. Tha~ no ono indicate~ their F~resence at said public h~ari.ng in oppoaition; arid that n~ correspondenca waR received ~.ri oppoeiticn to subject pet.ition. CALTF'ORNJA ENVIRONMENTAL_QUAI~I~rY AC`1' FINDING: The Planning Director oi hi~ authorized representa~ive ha~ determ.ined that tho propaeed groject fa11s within tho defi:~ition of Cateyorical ExQmp~ione, Cla~s il, as detined in thQ State EIR c3uidelinQS and io, therefore, CStfBCJ0l-ically exempt from th.e requirement ±o prc:pare a.n ExR. -2- PC90-265 .. . ... . /~GI _ , ~, ~ ~; ,; ,~~-~~ ~~ ~ ~' ~ ~ r '; i NOW, THEREr^ORE, f3E IT FtFSOLVED that L-he Anaheim City Planning Commiaeion does her.eby grant subject Petition for Variance, upcn the following aonciitionr~ whien are h~ereby .faund to be ~ necea~ary prerequisit~ to the proposed uee of thQ Hubject pioperty in ordor to prQeerve ~the safety and gen~ral we].far.e oP the Ci.tizene of the City of Anaheim: 1. * That thQ conetruction ~uthoriz~cl by thia resolation sh~].1 b~ sexved by undeiground utilities. 2. 'rhat the ].egal owner af aub~ect pr~perty shall maintain a minirnum twe].ve (12) foat eeparation betwean all portiond of the structure and high v~ltage power lines thaY are adjac~nt to or aoross sub~ect praperty. Any egutpmQn~ used in thca construct:ior~ an~ ~aintenancg of ft~cilities loaated a~i subject groperty shail not be rat~ed within ten (10) feet af overhead high voltaqe powEr liries, de required bX the Electrical Engineering Divieion. 3. * That i;.rash etarage areas ~hall bp refurbished tn the oatiafaction ~f the Street Naintenanc~ and San.'.tation Division ta c~:mply with appraveci plany on file with said divisi~n. 4. Thnt sub3ect property ahall be develcped aubstantially in accordanr,a with plans and spe~ificationo ~ubmitted tr~ th~ City c~f Anaheim 'py the p~titioner arid which plans are an fi1~ with the Planning Departmen~ mar}cQd of Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 5. '~hat prior to fin3i ~uilcli.ng and zoriing i.nspec~ion~ or within a~'~eriod of on~ (1) year from the date ~f this reDOlution, whichever or.cur4 first. Cnnditian Nos. 1, 2, 3 arcl 4, aoove-mentioned, nhall bp comFlied with. 6. * Tiiat. approval of thie application r,ansLituL•es approval of the propased requeat only to the extent that i~ complies with ttip Anahe.im Munici.pal Zoning Code and any other appl.icable City, State and Federal regulations. Approval does nat in~lude any actian or findings as to compliancQ or ~pproval of th~ request regarding any ~~her applicable ordir.anco, regulatlon or requirement. Conditiona mark~a with an aster:is3c (*) sre required by establiehc~d lo.wa, code~s, Y~gulationa and agreementa and are, theref.ol:e, not subject to negotiation. B~ IT F[1RTHER R~,SOLVEU that the Anaheim Ci~y Planning Conuni+~sion does hereby f.ind anci determinp that ~doption of thi.e R~solution ia expressly predicated upon zpplicant's compl.iance with each and all of. the canditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such cor.dit.iona, or any part there~P, be declared invalid or unenforcoab3.e by tho fina.l judymant oE any court of rompatent jurisdi~:tion, kt~er~ tt~i-g Reaoltition, and any approvala herein cnntained, c~ha11 b~ deemed nu11 and void. _3_ PC90-265 ;, ;; , 's,'~; r - - --.. . . ~-...+~.v.. . _ -, ~ ~ a ~ ~ ±:~~ ~`~~ N . ' ;~;~Y`~?~ 4, . % x, . ~ . ~ i J ~,f THE FOREG~ING R~SOLUTION wae adopted at the Planning Commis9ion mesting '<; of ~lovember lg, 199~. - ~/ / "' ~" /,/ '~f /~;~ :~«~ %~ , ~ ` 1`"_" ; -:C J~~ . J ~ . ~ ~. ,_.~~.. ~HATRWOMr~N, ANAHEIM CITY P'LAN~ NING COMMTSSTCIN ATTEST: ; /y/~ .~',~ . '~ ~ / ' ~ 'i ~ / / "//` i)~ : ~~/~i ~ ! SEC RX pR0 T~M~E r AN~FiEItQ CTTY P.LANNING COMM:LSSIO~I , c_ ; - STATi OF C1~',zFOR1~YIA ) COf)NTY OF OP'.NGE j as. CITY OF AN1~FiEIM ) T. ~7anet L. Jensen, secretary fro Tempore a£ ~he Anaheim City Planning Commiseion, do hereby cPrtify that the foreg~ir~g resalution was gassed ana adopted at a meeting of the Ariaheim City Planning Cortuliisafon held on N~vember 19, 19y0, by the foll~winq vote of. the members thereof: AXES: r,r~MMI5STONERS: BOYDSTUN, BOUAS, FET,pHAUS, P~RAZA NOES: COMMIuSIONERS: HELLYF:•2, HENIVING~R, MESSE ?1BSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE rN 'WITNE~S WFiEREOF, I nave here~anto seC my hand this '~ .:~''~' day of ~i. ; • ~; ~- _. 1990. ~ i~' :~`~ ~ G~t ~ J,~ ) 7F ' ~ _~ ~G~, ...~_.. C;~~._~ ~,.,_, -~ x-: , S~CR~TARX PRU '~EM~~ORE ~ " AI~'AHFI2~ CITY 1?Z;ANNTNC COMMTSSION -4- ,; ; 'I :, ~.. : PC90-265