Resolution-PC 90-271'~~y ti ~~~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. PC90-271 A HESULUTION O1? T1HF' ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CAMMISSION 1:iAT PETIT?'ON FOR CUNUI?IUNAL USE PE~SIT NO. :i359 BE GI`~11NTED, IN PART WH~REAS, ~he Anaheim •,^.ity F~lanning Commise.ion clid receiv~: a verifi~d PeL•i.t~c~n for ~~ondition.;. U~e P~rmit f.or cert~;~n real proparty situat~d in the Cit}~ nf Anaheim, c;ovnty of Orange, State af California, deacribod ae: PARCEL A: PARCEL' 4, IN THr: CITY O~' ,A,NAHEI'M, Ct3~1NT~ L~F ORANGL~', STATE ~?b' CAiLP'URNI,A,, AS SH04?I~! ON A F~ARCEL NiAP FILf'D IN BOOK 91, PRGE: 30 AND 31 OF PARCEI~ MAPSr ?;N THE OI'FICE OF THt. COi7N7~: REC:7RD~R OF SAID COUNTY, TOGETHER WIT1H THAT YORTTON OF ~ ARCEi 4 UP' RE~OLUTIV;? NO. gg-~41 FiECORD~;D FEBRUARY ]., 1989 AS INSTRUMENT N0. f39-u5570Y, OF'FICIAL P.ECORDS, VA~ATING 1NE ::TF2EET KNOWN yS H1,UE GUM WAY; LYING NOR'"fiERLY OF THF F~A:~TER1:.Y PRp ~UNGATION OI' TI3E SOUTHERLY LtNE OF F'ARCEL 9 1~ND WEtiTEkI~.I' OF THE NO}~THERLY YROLONGATZON O~ THF~ CENTERLIItiF OF PAQCFT~ 1 01 SAID FtESULUTTON. PAF.CEL ~3: PARCEL 5, IN THE C1'TY OF ANAHE:i!~i; CG~OIV'rX OF GRANGE, SZ'ATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~1S SHOWN ON A L.'1~tCEL MAP FILED IDl BOOK 91, PAGES :~0 AND 31 OF PARCEL M1~1P•°., zN THF. ' O~'FICE OF THE COUNTX RECOP.DFR OF SAID COUNTY. PARCEL C: F.ARCEL~ C-1: PARCEL 6, Ih 'PHE CITY OF ANHHETI!, COUNTY OF ORIINGE, STATE OI' CALIF'ORNIA~ AS SHOWN ON A PARCEi, Mil~ FILEq SN E300K 91, PAGES 30 A.ND 31 OT.~' PARCEL ~~P~, TN THE OFFICE OF THE COC~PdTY RECORD~R UF SAID COUNTY. PARCLL D: ~ARCJEL A, I~I THE GITY OF ANAHEIM, COiJNTY Ol' OR2INGE, STAT.; OF CP.LrrOP.NIA, AS SHGWN ON A PARCEL MAP FILEll IN BUOK B]., PAGE ~'•6 OF PARC~L MAPS, IN 'PHE OP`FICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDFI2 QF SAIL7 COUNTY, 7UGETHF:R IdITH 'TI3AT P~RTJON OF PARCEL 1 OF RESOLUTION NO. 8f3R-441 R~CORDEn B'~BRCJARY 1., 1989 AS INSTRUt3~NT NO. 89-056701, OF'FIC'IAL RECORDS, VACATTNG TFiE STREFTS KIVOWN AS IiLUE GUN, WAy AND WHIT~ STAR AVENUE; I,YING NORTHERLY Or^ THE ~ASTERLX Pf:OLQNGATION OF THE SOUTEiEAS'rERLY LIhE OF SAID PARCEL A; SOUTHEFtLY OF THE FAS7.'FRL' Y FROLOI9GATTUN OI' THE NORTHLR~,Y LII'IE 1F SAID PARCEL A; ANA W~uTEFtT,X Or TFIE CENTERLINE ON .^•.AID PARC~L 1, E3EIN'C TIi~lT PCRTION OF SAID VACATED 3LUF. GUM 47AY; AND AiSO TOGETH~;R ~;ITH THAT PORTZGN QF' PARCEL 2 OF SAID RESOLUR'IOfJr LYING AORTHFRLY OF TH~ CENT~RLTNE Q~' SAID PARCEL ?., BETWEEid THE SOUT.-I~ASTERLY PI20LONGATION OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE G~F SAID PARCEL A AND THE SOUTfiE~tLY PROLUNGATION UF THE SZ~UTHFT~S'PERLY I~iNF OI' SATD ~ARCEL A 2~ND Z'HE aOUTHERLX PROLQN~ATIUM OF THE CENTERLI:VE UF SATD PARCEL 1; k3EING THA7' PORTIODI QF SAID VACATED FTHIT~ STAR AVENUE. CR1052MP -1- PC9Q-271 ;i ~ ~ :,.s ~~; ~.r ~ ,. .~ _ ~ ~~,,:: ti, ~~e~~`~BI ~~ r{ • ~~`~Gc~ . ,~- . , ~~~~h , ~,• PARCF.L ~'! E: THAT ppRTI~N OF LOT 10, BLpCK 11 OF THE ~~~ VOLUEN STATE 'PRACT, AS SHOWN ON A 2~P RECORD$D TN Bf~UK 4, PAG~g 66 1~f1D 67, Ml'S~`EI~~,ANEOUS MAP3, RECORDS OP ORANGE COTJNTY~ SxAT'~ OF (;1ALIL'012NIA- llI:SCRTBEll A8 ~t FOLLOWS: HEGINhING AT A Fd~NT ON 'THE SOUTHEAS~'i12Z,7C LTNE Ol~ SA,ID LOT 10, ~ sAZD SUUTHEASTERLY I~INE gp;ING TfiE CLNTERLINE OF F~~ P~-T•MA AVENU~, (NOw1 KNOWN AS WHTTE STAR AVkINUE) AATD 5~'I~~''~1`~ AS AN UNNAM~D STREET ON ~AID MAPr ~0•00 FEti;T WIDE~ SnUTH 51° 21' 54" ~r~ST, 155.p0 FE.FT FROM THE MOST E~LSTEF2LY CORNEA ~~' SAID LOT ;~p, 5AID CORNEF2 AEING ~'FiE CE,N~ERLTNE INTERS~'CTION OF SAID LA PALl2~ .Fi~~~UE WITH BI~UE GUM STRFET 40 g~~;T ~,,~IDE, SHOWN AS AN UNNAMED S~'RE~T nD1 SAT~ MAP; TH1:NC~ NOR'!'H 54° 53 ~ QO" WEST~ 387. 31 FEET. TFIEI~CE NORTEI 16° 22 ~(~9" ~ST 185.94 F'EET TO A PQiNT IN TFiE N~RTH~RLY LINE Og SAID LOT; rH~NCE SOUT~I ?3° 37' S7" W~ST ALUNG SATD NORTHERLY LINE 275.00 F~ET TO T~IE NORTFiWEST CORNGR OF SAID LOT 10; '!'HENCF SOUTH 16° 19' 43" EAST ALONG THE iVES'lERLY LINE OF SAID LOT A DISTANCE OF 35~r,22 FEkT TO THE SOUTHWESTE'RL't CORNER UB' SAID LOT, BEING A POINT TN THE rENT.ERLINE; O~ STATE STRk~ET, 40 FEE~ WIDE, SHOWN AS ?~N UNN,AMED S'r~4ET OIv :~AID MAp; THENCE SCIUTH 61° 00' 00" ~AST P,L,ONG TFTk: SOLTHWESTERLy .LTNE OF SAID LOT 10 AIJ17 THF CENTERLTNE AF SAID STATE STREET 347 . 47 k'E~T TO TH~ NTOST SOUTHERr Y CORNER OF SAID LOT 10; THENCE NORTH 51° 21' S4" EAST AZ,ONG THE $EFORE SAID SOUTHEASi~~~;,y LINE OF LO'1' 10 Ai~Ip ~ENTERLINE OF LA ~LM}1 AVENU.E 294.27 ~~rr ~O THE POTNT OF PE~I,~NING, TOGr.THER WITH THAT .pORTTON OF ppRCEL Q pF gESOLUTIOt4 NQ. 88R-441 RECORDED rEBRUARY 1, ~989 AS INSTRUMEN~' NO. £39-056701, OFFICI.~L RPCGRbS, V~CATING THF STREET KNOWN AS GJH2TE 5TAR .AVENUE, LY.IN J NORTHET2L.Y OF TFI~ CENTERL' TNE OF SATD PARCEL 2 AND SOUTEl~STERLY OF TEiE SOUTH.EA5TERLY PROLONGA7'ION TEIP SQUTHG~IE~TERLY I,I~E OF PARCEI~ 4 AS SHOWN ON A PARCEL 1.yAp rIL$D IN pppK 91, p~~~S 30 ANb 31. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF SAIp LOT 10, DESCRIBED IN~ T.EIAT CERTAIN DFED TO TH~ STATE OF CAL7FORt7Tp RFCORIIED APRTL 20, 1954 IN 800I( 2;12 ~ PAGE 354 OF OFFI(;IAL, fik;CpRpS. ALSO EXCEp•pING THEREFROM THAr ppg~TON OF SAID LOT 10, D~SCRIBED IN TFtAT CER'PAIN DEFD TO THE STATE O~ CALIFORNZA RECOROED MARCH 3, ~.965 IN IIOOK 7431, PAGE 693 ' OF OFFICTAL RECORllS, y~rCH DOES P70T LIE WITHIN SAID PARCEL 2 Or SATD ItESOLUTION. ~ARCEL F: TFiAT POI2xI0N OF ~.O'P 22 IN BLOCI~ K OF THE KRH~MER TRACT, AS ~HQWN ON A Ml1p FtECORDED IN BOOK 12, p~~~S $~ AND $fl OF MIg~ELLAN~OUS RF.CORDS, Itd 1'H~; OFFICE ~F THE COUPITY RE~CURD~R pr LOS 11NGEL'ES CQUNT~'; DESCRIBGD AS FOLLOWS, -2- Pr90-?.71 ! ~ ~ ~ , - i ' i ~~ t ~ , t:'~',.'..~., . . ~ ____ .-_ . . . , ~ ~~,,.~~ ~'~:~ t; :;tir, ~~'°:-~, FIEGINNIN3 AT '1'HF INTERSECTJON t~F TE1L~ CENTER I~INE OF BLUE a[1M S'r~~rm, SAIA 5TREET, NUW KNOWN AS BLUE GUM WAY, 40 FEUT WID~, AS SF{~" V ON A MAP OF TCiE EUCALXPTtJS I'OREST Z'RACT, Rb;CURDED .iN '~K 5, PAGES 29 AND 30 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, :N THE OE'k .~ OF' TH~ COUNTY RE;COItDER OF Ol2ANf~~ COUNTY, WI'rFl THE 50UTHCAS'~ERLY LINE OF AN UNNAM~;D STRE~ET 20.00 FEET WTD~, AS SHQWN ON A SAID LAST MENTION~D MAP, SAID SOUTHEASTF.RLY ~IN~ DEING TH~ CENTLRLINF UF A STRL~GT NOW KNOWN AS WHITE STAR AVENUE, 4U.00 FFET WIn~; THENCE ALONG SAID CENTLRLINE OF WFIITE ~T11R AVENU~, SOUTH 51° Q7.' 58" WE:ST 234.92 FEET; Tf1ENCE AT RIGFIT ANGLES TO SRID I.AST MENT20NE~ CENTERLINF, SOUTH 38° 18' 02" F.A5T, 20.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHERSI`ERJ.Y LINL~ OF SATD WFIYTE 5TAK AV~NUE, uAID FOINT BEING AN ANG1L~ POINT IN 'PHE ^70RTHWESTERLY F30UNDARY LINE OF THE LANU DESCRIBED IN FARC~L' 2'tN TH~ FINAL ORD.ER Ot~ CONDEMNA9`ION, CASE NO. 12~804, R~CORDED OCTOBER 8, 1965 TN BOOK 7697, PAGE 466, ~JEFICIAL RECORDS OF OR}1NGL~ COUP'TX; THFNCE ALONG SAID C~E30UNDF.ItY THE FQLLOWING CJURSES A~1D DISTANGES: SOUTH 37° 38' 21" WEST, 79.21 FLET NORTH 79° 46' 17" EA~T 25~3.?.0 F~ETt THF.NCE t70RTH 75° 53' 31" FAS'P, 25~I.23 FEETj THENCE NORTHEkLY, ALOF~G A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVF. WESTF,RLY AND fiAVING A W~.~IUS (.c 32.00 FEET; TEiROUGH A~4 ANGL~E OE' 91° 45' 41" AN ARC D.:STANCE ~F 51.25 FEET;, 1'HENC~ TANGENT TO SAID CURI~E, NnI:TH 45° 52' 10" WEST, 9.98 FEET; THENCF. NURTrlWFSTERLY AI,ONG A xANGENT CURVE COIJCAV^ SI~UTHWESTERT.X ANA HAVTItiG A RADIUS Q'~' S70 FEET, THRVUGH AN ANGLE OF 24° 34' 57" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 244.55 FEET TU A POINT AN A SAID CENTERLINE OF Wti:I'fE STAR AVENUE; TH~I~TCE LF.AV2NG SAYD BODUDARY, ALONG SAIn CENTERLINC SOUTH 51° 41' 58" WEF,'C, 23fi.24 FEET TO THE FOIfiT OE' AEGINNING, TOGFTHER WI'rH THAT PO}2TIdN OF' PARCEL 2 OF RRSOLUTION NO. 88R-4aI It~COROCD FEBRUARY l, 1989 AS INSTRUMENT. NU. 89~-0567U1 OFiiCIAS, ItECORDS, VACATTNG THE STREET KNOWN AS WHITE; STAR AVEhUE, LYING SOUTNEItLY OF TIiE CENT~RLINI; OF SAID PARCE~. 2. PARCEL G: THGSF. POftT70*J5 OF LOTS 159 AND 260 QF' HE EUCALY:>TUS FOREST TRACT A5 SHGWlI ON R MAP RECOF2DEU IN SOOK 5, PAGES 29 AND 30 OF MISCELLIINEOUS MAPi, RECUTtDS OF' ORANGE CqUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, 'TOGETfiF.It WITH T}iE SOUTBEASTERLY 20 rEET AF SANTA ANA STRERT ADJOINING SAIO J~OT3 ON THE NORTFIW~~T, AS ACTED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ORAN3E C7UliTY ON JANUARY 16, 1917, AS S~IUWN IN MINUTE HOOK 12, PAGE 3 i2, ALSO TGGETHER WITH TtfOSE: POR1`IONS OE PARCEI.S 1, 2 AND 4 UF RESOLUTION NO. 88R-441 RECURDED FEBRUARY l, 19~9 AS Zl~STRUMENT NO. ti9-056701, 7CFICII~i. RF.CORDS VACATING TH~ STREE'C KNOWN AS 6I.Ufi CUH WAY AND WHITE STAR AVENUE; I..YING NORTHFRLY rJF THE CEN'PERLI1iE OF SAID PARCEL 2, AND tJORTNBAST8RI,Y OF THE 5nUTFiER :Y PROLUNGATION OF' 7.'HE CEl~TA.RiIrJR OF SAID PARC:EL l, E3EING iHAT F~ORTZON OF 5AZ!) VACATEU` t1I1'F, ~R'AR AVENUE; AND LYING ~AST~RLY OF THE CENTERLTNE O~ SAID PARCL~.S 1 AND 4; SEINC TN03E PORTIONS OF 5AxU VACAT~D UL-.lE GUM WAY. -?- PC:90-271 ~~ ~Y''?'+~ j~bt'°~~+V . Y 3. '1'hat tho roqueoted waivexo (B) and (U) aLg h~reby granted on the aaeis that thare are apocial circumatan.ot~ applicable to the property ~u~h as eize, ~hA~e, topography, locati.on and surroundings which ~to not apply to othor iaenr.icaiiy zonc~d praperty in the ~ame vici.nityj and that etrtct application of tl~e Zoning Cada~ de~rivee ~hA p.:operty of privi.lagoe an~oyed by other properti~s in tho tdent.ic~al zon~ and clasa!.fication in tha vici.nitX. ~l. That the requQSted waivor (C) !.e hereby denied and th+~t the oxlsting 5-~00~: f.~nce around thc- parking area aha11 bo removed. 5. That the propaoed uee, as grantecl, wi.ll not adveraely affec+t the adjoini~g land uees and thg growth and d~volopm~tn~ of the ar9a in which it ~a proposed to b~a l.ocated. 6. That: the dize and Qhape o£ the site propaEed for thA use, ae gzanted, ie adequate t~ allaw the Eull development of the proposed u9e in a manner not dotr.tmental to the particular aroa nor to ths pe~ce, health~ eafety and g~nezal welfare o~: thd Citizeno of the City of Anahein-. '7. 'chat the grantiny of the Conditional Ube Per.mit under ~hs conditiona irtipooed, if any, will not bR detrime~~tal to the peace, health, eafPty and qeneral wolFnrc of the Citizena of the City of Anaheim. 8. T}~at the traffic ganPrated by t;~c~ propoeed uoe will not impose an unduQ burden ~ipan Che atreets and highwaye deaignc~d and improvRd to carry the traffic in the area. 9. That onQ peroon indi~ated his presence at said public hearing in c+ppoRitiun; and that no correapondc~nce wa.s received in eppoeiCion to the eubject gc~titfon. CF~I~I~RNIA ENV~RONt~EhT~L OUALITY AC~P FINDII~C-c Tl~at the Anatieim City Plannir.g Commission l:aa revic~wed the propoxal to perroit the expaneion of a r~cyc:ling/reeource rerov~ry t.ran~fer facility with waivers of minimum number of parking space~a, minimum landecaped ar~a adj~;,ent to freeway, maximum ~ence helyht, and r~qu.ired improvemQnt of parking areaa on an irregularly-ehaped parcel u: lsnd con~fating of approximately 11.5 acres, I~avinq frontaqea of approximately f320 feet on the west n.ide of Blue Gum St.reet, 165 f.~~t on the eouth eide ~f Gretta Lane and 610 feot on the north ~ide of La kalma Avenue, And further deacribed aa 2751-7.781 Eant White Star Avenue; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaratfon upon finding that it ha9 con~idared the N~gativc~ Decl~ration 2ngether with Rny commentn recesvod durf.nq the publf~ cAVlew procQag and fur.ther finding on thp haeie that thQ initial etudy and any commenL•e r9ceived that tliere ie no oubgtantial evidence tt~at tbe project will havQ a ei.~nifi.cant effect on the environment. -5- PC94y2~1 ~ 4' . . ~ ~~~ . - . _ , ~ ... 'i ..~'~' .~.i. ... .. .. .~+. , ~. z~ l:~ EXCFPTIlJG THF;R~FROM THAP POR'1'XON THEREOF LYING NOFtTHE1~STERL,Y OF THE SOU~HWESTEEtI,y L~NE AF THE LRND DESCRIBED IN THAT CERTAZN F'xNAL ORDER OF CONDEAiNATTAN, BUPL~RTO:t COUF2T CA~E NA. 12b804, A Ca,RT.IFICA7'ED COpY dF WHICFi WAS RL~CORDED JULY 2, 19E5 IN BOOK 7605, PAGE 6G5, OFk'ICIAL I2ECORDS. WHER~AS, the City Planning Commioei.an did hold a public h~+aring at the Civic Cant~x in tho City of Anaheim on Navembe.r 5, 1990, aL- 1:30 p.m,, notice of r~aid public heari.ng havinc~ b~en duly given se required by law and in accor~anco with the proviaiana of the Anatieim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and coneider evid~nce for and againat eaid proposed conditionul uae pQrmit And to i.nveetlqata and n~ake findinge und racommendatione in connection therewitht anfl WHEREAS, aai~ rammie~ion, after duo inapection, inveetigatton and study made hy iteelf and in ite bAhalf, and after due cunsideration of all evidence and repor~e o~Eered at esid r.earing, dhee find ~nd detorm3.r:e th~ fallowing f~cte: 1. That the propooed uae is properly une for which a conditionul use permi.t ie authorized by Anaheim Munici.~+$L (;oa~ Section ]• to fiermit the expPnaiun nf a recycliny/xoeource recovery tzansf~r facility with wnivQZ o: L•hc: following: (~? : CTIOyS 18 06.US0.0 ~1 - *finimum numbez of parkina 1~3.60,08p and 1E3.61.066~~p spaces. (323 required; 119 exi.eting) ~B) SEGTI~~V 1~_, ti1.Ob3 :O1?, - Minimum landecan~d arQa ~~acent to freewa,y, «~ i~L_.:_. ~ullv landocaped requirc ci; no landecanina propused or existing) (Cy SECTIUN ~F3 61 Ot4.020 - Maximum fenco hei~ht. (3 aet permitted S~i roquired eetback acljacent ~o Bl ue Gum St.r.~et; ~0 12 fep* axieting) ~D) ~~TI._.~N 18.61.U63.011 - itQquirf_d~m~ovement of narki~a areae. (Parking spACes n~t nQrmitted in required 10-font ;,anr~ycapsd ~etback xdjac~nt to Blue Gum Stzaet; 4 eDac~ exieting} 2. That tlie r~qu thaL the parkiag waiver wi]1 eeted waivor (A) ie herQby gzanted on the banie tho invnediatg vicini.ty noz a not cause an inr,reaAS in traffic congestion in dvereely affecL granting of the parking waiver be detzimental t any adjoininq land uees and undQr the conditione impoeed, if any will t o the peace, citize„e of the City ~f Anaheim. , no hQe-lth, saEQtJ and qeneral welfaro o~E the -4- PC90-271 ~ 6 .. ~'~- . , ,~ - . ~~ . ~ . . . . ..., ..•1} ._.. ~t ~ i,t~. r tl ;~J~ , ,',,° "'~ ~AfG>. ~ 1 NOW, THEREFO~tE, f3E iT RESO~,V~D that the Anaheim CJ.ty Planning Commiso.ton doeo heroby grant Aubj~cL Fatttion ~ar Cos~dit.ional t)ea Pei:mit, upon tl~e tollowing ao~iditions which are hereby found to ba a neaeosary ~re~requ!aito ta ~he pro~,osad ufle o:E the nubjer.t proporty in ardPi to preeerve t:he t~afety and general wel.£are af the Citi.zens ~f the Ci~y oi ~lnahoim: 1. * That a prior to inouar,co of a bul].din~ ~ormi~, the appropriate tiraffic ei.gnal aaneesment £ee ehall be paid to the City of Anaheim i.n an amount se establiah~d by ~i.ty Counci.l reeolution. 2. * That planu shall be eubmitted to the City Traf.fic Enginaer far hio revtew and app.roval dhowing conformance with the lateai: revision oE Engineering Standard Plarz Noo. 436, 602 and 605 pertaintng to parking etandardo. Subject propQrty shall tliAreupon be developod and maintained in conform~nce with eaid plane. 3. That ~7.1 drivewaye sliall bQ recans~ructed witF- £ifteon (15) foot radtua curb roturna ae required by ~he City Engi.neer in cac:formance with Fnginooring SCandarde. a• That no requi.r.ad parking are~H ehall be f.~nced-in t~ accommodato ;natezial storage, 5. That the legaJ_ property own~r./d~velc~per sha.ll comply wit}: Council Polic,y No. 526 pertaining to ~:onstructian oE metal bnildingo. 6• Th~xt a11 plurnbi.ng Gr other eimilar pipes and fixtures located on the exterior oP tiie b~iilcifng Rhall be fully ecrQened by architectural devicos and/or appropriatQ buildizg materials; and, ~urther, that euch infarmation shall be epecifically ~ho~vn on the pla~ie euhmikted fr~r build.ing permits. 7• * That the Nropoeal ahal.l comp.ly with all aigning requirements of the ML ".Indudtrial, T.imited" 7,une unlec~s a variance allowing eign o~aiver•o is approved by the City Coui~cil, Planning Commiaeion or 2oniny AdmiriistraL•or. ~. That plans for a coniprehenei.ve algn proyram shall be aubmitted to the Zoninq Diviefon for rev:tew and a~proval by th~ Planninq Cnmmiesfon ae a ' "Repart und Recommenciation" agenda item. 9• * That all outdcar usea ahall be acr~ened fro-n a11 public a~reete and highwafs by a eolid block wull or chainlink fr~nce inter~oovan with redwood or cedar nlate, and that the exieting metal #encing eh~ll be raiaed from h 6 feat t~ 8 feet uL•iliz.inq the same L-ype o[ Aolid ocreentng; and further that a fence ahall he installed along the freeway. 10. Tl~at any automobile parking aroa adjacent ta any artor.i.al highway or freaway eha.ll be eCreened from view in r,ompliance wlth Section ~~;tequired improvement of Pa+:kinq Araae". ~ ;i~ '6' F~C90-271 ~,r,? +v ~ ~! '1].. 'rhat this condition~l uoe permi.t ie gra~tecl aubject to aclop~ion o£ an ordinanc~ rez~ning thr~ ~outt-erly por~tion o£ aub3ect prnpnrty, aouth of abanc~oned White Star Avenue) in conn~ction witti Recln~oificat.idn No. 69-7q-57, now ~~nding. 12. Tt~at the nwner of ~rubjeet proper~y ehatl aubmit a letter to the Zoning Diviaic~n requeetix~q tarmination af Conditional Uae Parmit Nae. 2617 and 3200. 13. That thi.s conditionui uee Permit i~ contingent up~n upproval of the o£f-site loca~i.on for. tr~ack parking nnd employsr parking. 14. Thxt the 1eqa1. prop~3rty owner eha11 contfnue ~o prrv~de a four. (4) man i:raeh collection tearn and etreet eweeping aporation daily. 15. 'Pnat eubjact proper~y at~a11 be devel.aped ~ubatantially in accordeince with plann ancl spocificationo eubmitted to the City of Anahoim by the pe~tltiGner ancl which plans are on fi1Q with the Planning Oapartment marked Exhibit N~s. 1, 2 and 3, provided, 1~owever, that the 5-foot fenc~ arou~;d the parking area shdll be removQd. 16. That prior to commencemont of ~hc~ activity authortzed by this resalutior-, or pr?.or to isauar-ce of a buildi~ig permit;, or within a period of one (1) ye~r from the date ~f thi~ r~aolu~iun, whichever accur~ first, Conditi.on Noe. 1, 2, 5, 6, J.2 and 13, above-mentloned, ahall be complied w.ith. Extensfone for furthor. time to complete eaid conditions may be granted in accordance wlth Section 18.03.090 ef the Anaheim Munici.pal Coc~e. 1'1. Ttiat prior to aommencement o= the activity aui:horized by this resolutian or prior to f.i.nal building and zoning inapecti.ona, whichever ucc~irs firat, Cor.dition Nos. 3, £3, 9, 10, 11 and 15, ~bove-montioned, shall be cnmplied with. .18. * That approval c.£ t:hie appli~ation con.sti;;utes approval of the proposeci requeat only to the ex~ent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Z~ni.ng Cod~s and any other applicablQ City, Statg and Federal regulations. Approval does nr,t include any action ~r findings ae to compltance or approvul ~f the requeet regarding any other applfcable ozainar~ce, regulation or requirement. C~nditi.onA marked with an asteri~k (*) are requfred by ~stabliehed ;aws, radee, reyulatione and aqreementd and nre, thc~refdre~, no1: sub ject to r~egotfation. BE IT FUYtTHER RESOI,VEA that the Anahaim CLty Pl~nning Commi$aion daos her.eby fi;~d a.nd cietermine that adaption of thls Reeolixtion ie expras~sly predicatQd upon applicant' a cc,mpl.iance with eacti and all ot the coriditi.ons her.einabovr~ eet fo.rth. Shauld any eucti condition, or any part thereof, b~ declared invalitl or i~nenforceable by the final jur3gment of any court af competen~ jurisdicti.on, lhen thia Res~lution, and any app~ovals heLein containod, shall be deamed null and void. -7- YC90-271 ~;!'i ~ .~. . ~ ..... ..~. ~,. .. , , ~ . °~1l9;i a ~~t~~r,~+~lt ~ .t~h :Ii..: ~ ~ r,(~ : ~ - .. . .. . ~ . ~ . . ~ .. . • . '~YI'~ ',~~ i„ '~:!i' ~~+"~~~YN'~'~IF'~~~ r ~:.~, ~4 f r~'y~ + ~'~~'~ fJ+1~' ~'i'~l: ' ' ,' :~' fly~ TH~ HOREGOING 2~~SOLUTION wae adaptc~d a~ ~l~e Planning r,ommi~~sion maeting of. Decembar 3, ].990. ~-, fl ' /_ r , - .(,'•a.. ~'. ; ,., ~ " :.~-.r:--~ ..._:_.~ .. .. ~ ..r .. '~ , ,-: CHAIRWOFfAN, I~NAFiFIbi CI~'Y PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ l /.. ~ i ~ S TARY PRO TEMP Fl~~ CJ AHEIM CITY YLAN G COMMISSION STATE OF CFI:GIFURNIA '3 •. ~i,~~, COUNTY UF ORANGE ) ag, CITY O~ ANAHEIM ) I, .,7anet L. Jensen, Secretary Pro 'rempore of *he Anaheim City P.lanning Commiasion, do hPreby coxtify that the foregoing reeol~.ition was passad and adopted ~it a meetiiig of the Anaheim City Plannirig Commis~ion held on ~ecemk,er 3, 1990, by the following vote c~f the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: r30UA~u', TibYDS'i'UN, HELLYER, HENN2NUER, MF.SSE, pERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONFRS: NON~; ABSEN'i`: COMN.IS5IUNERS: P'~LbH?1US IN WlTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sel my hand thin ~~~ day v~--~~~.s~~, 1990. C ~/( !' ~ . 2C.~_~ , ~~ / ECRETARY 1'RO TEM~ C5~ ~..%'" ANAHEIM CITX PLANAf~G COMMISSION r -$- PC~0-271